Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 13, 1978, p. 4

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The Acton Freo Press Wednesday Sopt 13 Editorial Page Ugly elms With so many government grants for special schemes from book publishing to hockey pads you d think by now there would have been some tax cash for the removal of dead elms on private property The once stately trees the victims of the fatal Dutch elm disease punctuate the southern Ontario countryside They are eyesores in all directions around town As the dead trees stand longer they become grey and bleak and have a certain picturesque effect outlined against the sky or healthy greenery But the dramatic effect any reason to keep them Obviously the task of cutting these trees is difficult for a single farmer or land owner Trees on governmentowned roadsides have been cut but the ones on private property should get the same treatment It requires trained workmen with the proper equip ment Like ugly hydro wires and towers the trees have become so common we seem to ignore them Petition on unity While we were at the Canadian Community Newspapers Assoc convention in Vancouver a speaker urgently asked us to join in circulating a People to People Petition for Canadian Unity We have two sheets here and admittedly don know what to do with them The sheet begins In a spirit of understanding and to better meet the ongoing needs and hopes of all our people we the undersigned from British Columbia to Newfoundland invite Quebecots members of our Canadian family to remain Canadian and to continue building with us this magnificent Canada Honorary chairmen are listed including for Ontario the famed Mr Canada John Fisher Copies many easily be photocopied if anyone is especially interested in carrying out this request There will also be a copy on the front desk at the Free Press for anyone who would like to sign No one is laughing Why is it a few selfish and siderate are allowed to walk off their jobs and create total chaos in a city of more than two million people not to mention the surrounding area The Toronto Transit Commission went on strike Monday morning for among other things more money In doing so hey also forced lates GO Transit and Gray Coach off the highways Hundreds of thousands of people are in convenienced annoyed fed up and in all likelihood late for work if they even made it Thousands of extra cars lined Toronto streets in a tangled mess Hitchhikers bicyclists and pedestrians were out in full force crowding the already too crowded streets Getting to work in the morning in Toronto is hectic enough without extra cars and no buses or subways However Toronto residents are not the only people inconvenienced by the strike Local people on GO to take them from Guelph to Toronto or vice versa and any points in between have also found themselves out in the cold Some unaware of the con between the companies stood at on Highway Monday morning waiting for a bus which never arrived Businesses depend on bus to get parcels delivered to them or others This too has stopped On fluoridation In Milton some townspeople and councillors are furious at the region high handed decision to fluoridate their water They are proud of their pure water and don want chemicals added Back to school Things just the same at the Free Press news office since lively Jennifer has left to study journalism at Sheridan College She started with us as a school pro ject part time and then the past summer continued her part time involvement as she learned more aspects of Her help The drivers want more money Who t This goes for all strikers not just the TTC employees One driver on CI IK radio Monday morning as saying he didn t feel bad going on strike They t care when they went on strike and in him Good grief Let s hope everyone doesn have such a childish at titude If so this country is in worse shape than anyone ever thought Who is they the man was talking about Was it Air Canada The post office Who They mean all people But it was not all people who went on strike so why try and punish all people If the man wants to get back to those who in him let him fly CP or telephone instead of mailing a letter Why should someone with this narrowminded attitude be able to throw an entire city and neighboring towns into chaos t Mr Driver reali7e people will be just as mad at the as he was at Air Canada or whoever he was talking about People are fed up with strikes especially when the strikers who are public servants don care about the public they are serving There are almost one million people unemployed in this country Ask them what they think of strikers In Acton there seems little to the decision made for us Our dentists all feel the decision is wise If you have a comment how about a letter to the editor was invaluable to us and she will be much missed especially in the coverage of young people s events Cartoonist Dennis Blake has also returned to Sheridan to take his second year in cartooning His talents were shared with Free Press readers during the summer as well Of this and that Welcome to the young people who will be writing news of their schools for the Free Press this year We know the parents will find it in teresting too Are we imagining it or are these more iron stains on sinks and por celam fixtures since the iron rich water from the new well is on A community wide event the fall fair will draw hundreds to the park this weekend Months of work and planning are behind the annual show which has entertainment and interest for everyone See you there Unwanted unloved uncut Sugar and spice b mprri it it tin 1 ist stop id distinction f iltt mil tin th is tinkle hi side into routi is t in t ml if mx 1 fisumti mil lln second wis whin h a young pronounced in III the lulus worm tl 1 w is hi by a nil i i i tin mm about tin 1 and h ill in hour unit ling i filthy ro mniiii in i slop dm 11k n he 1 mint whmil is ipt ti In iiLh about surd mw about i respon t somdhmg like m rum ill ore thin OU canni hill i il I got back I in weekend closed ilu It s urn in roki hid I borrow pounds so t in tin ill it hold llur w is one thine Kb It id rtahk sells turn it supirb Hut it re So von s off il i m full if rmng coffee in i tin knowledge thit might hi in it til ir d he words I li llunsu I bad for tin nun but Here ins lineup for Indies d Itenujrledby fierce Id irrtil in v I inded lir or ine p c the ivtn idmitti I i inner from I he in and s iw runted from clean with hot lots of towels dowi I with tissui tin wry pus which win j ist lint holes in ground m which It 1 emerged looking a till stunned down the legs of llieir pint In little more ihnriiooomiles imerginc slops were One is 1irr who hid drunk thru cans of pop Hi re vou vuur trip obtain from or a little I il It slit unit the approxim ito valut Miurowi doll in commits 11 w in mutti but it will In something ding in tin mnilstrnm of or six e urn cities eh dut from I I dollars for three linns in turn ItjObr for dollar trull UK third WW el nil of vnur loose eh lit fore vou border if Inu to i piss it iround the bus I iihuiuntr paptrmonev but hi inters Med in You would wind up wild full of uiierh useless lir marks sehdlliiK I to com Millions if an honey to flits for intt piekpotkeli who infest tin I titles Our txtke in belli in Hi wnrnid us so thoroughly i ill toward Home irnl we iitei sight to behold idler two days there women wen oil from Appreciate support To Citizens of Hills The Hills Community Centre officially closed on September 197B Although the centre was in only since curly we found Unit ihe open door to us by the many community groups in both rrnife our tusk of in awareness of energy resource llh and rewarding Our only regret we will be able to revisit all the schools torn and business groups who welcomed us In spring and we have he chance lo meet with groups ami clubs All research material that was collected over the last seven months has been to the Georgetown Public I ibrnry and will be made available to the com The centre had also donated a number of and slide shows lo in the hopes the schools will to emphasize conservation In order to continue inquiries concerning energy the Oik Committee has I ten set up lo questions advise individuals or groups as to ways to promote energy conservation AH inquiries be dlrcettd to this care of I No Tins will regularly a month answer all Inquiries Hills Community Conser Centre would also like to thank the many people who directly contributed to the of our program through at our seminars interest and their advice businesses also been an in valuable asset the Their turns as guest speakers heir expertise as community resource persons and their support given to our recent ion have nil helped to moke the centre the point in the community for energy conservation The owes a special debt the newspapers in both towns for their support cooperation Given II ml ted financial resources it would have been impossible for us to achieve the high iluieliint ir purses to soms will The men I Irvine their firmly ill their four tight pockets tin lust the d our Home inforrnid us bid hit Ins w did tout in lifted m St filers in tin world We had a nice moments when lnis from distovered her w itch worth from her husband was from her wrist s she felt iversofi sljLhtmoVmenl looked down tin wsteh wis Mini Shi wis I So wire we ill minutes litir she found it in In ring It her pur Si mi i f the ladies win so nervous ink tin luipriiediiiti step of pinning inside bras 1 jl I m more in for the john I kept in tin in m redu i in a third so I In II It is id l visit iiifliluri r imp ml then coffee or kc wdl Si the dollar di Idlmj iround Hit mils the i mtht ind lb it snot he Sum or th It Hut w soul Ihe of at that rip drive the hnp for cant sit in in in old i O irs from now iitltxth intt things like IUnnmber the eb pirt in Hi me the w r sir light faced pinched ich s bum p or p isti Boys girls lattuidid i inn in ill im in ill mi I In lit vc the wire iround to ten old watching tht top of he fifth with tin up to bat I saw the first hitler icon i run Tin next two hitters were put out firil Tht fourth Inner ended the inning As boys donntd jlovts and pre pared to taki field i man in his late forties over lo the young min who had struck out How could you let a girl sinkeyoti out hi i It is such is these whith keep of sexes This person is i upset at be boy being struck out but upset that it w is girl who pitched the fatal balls something must be amiss Everyone knows thai jusl can play a man s game J level of community involvement that we received without their aid Once again it bus been pleasure to serve the Hills community and on behalf of the Office of Energy Conservation and the staff of the Hills Conservation Centre You for your support StnnCollctt Director Hills Community Conservation Centri The Free Press Back Issues j 10 years ago Taken from the of the Press of September 11 1EM8 Professional planners and engineers told municipal officials that Acton could be a city of one day If certain develop goal plans were implemented by the provincial government This and other hypothetical proposals were dangled at an audience of members of council planning board development commission com mlttce of adjustment and the Chamber of Commerce meeting with Central Ontario Regional Development Council representatives in the library Thursday evening Acton will have a three way race for the mayor chair this year from the present council Confirming rumors which have been rife through town over the Inst few weeks both Reeve Bert Hi ton and Councillor Bob indicated at Tuesday night meeting of council they would contest the office of mayor with present imcumbent Mayor Duby said he intended to run Sandra daughter of Mr and Mrs Acton graduated from General Hospital on Wednesday September Miss has accepted a position on the staff of the General Hospital 20 years ago Takrn from the Issue of ihe Press of September IH i9jH Annexation of acres of land from the Esquesrng to the town of Acton and permission lo dispense with a public vote to spend on a paving and storm sewer project for the sub division received approvals from C Rowland of the Ontario Municipal Board subject to by the other board members at public hearing held in the town ball on September 12 Memories of years ago were brought hack to Tomasic Brock St at airport on Tuesday of this week as his son Nick alighted from the three pm plant from Yugoslavia Seeing his t t son for the first time in irs brought tears of happiness to he who emigrated to ibis country a vuting in in in Ihe greatest invention in the jmuscment field since the he hoop has fancy of grownups children dike Micro Plastics Ltd of first manufacturer to produce he piping for use in the hoop are presmt shipping over pounds of the product to Toronto daily 50 years ago r iken the Issue of the r rcr Press Si Public Ho I ist the resignation of Miss Scott assistant librarian was ind icccptcd owing to her removal to Kitchener A complimentary solution rifernng to the keen interest and given by Miss Scott durint the post seven years was passed Miss Chalmers was appointed to fill vacant She wis well recommended for the position who has the past ear been in 1ondon England schools in in exchange with a teacher n turned lo Toronto on Monday in time fur school reopening the next day Miss CI irk riturntri the which docked il on Saturday Miss Holmes who has been spending the sum Europe returned on the Mine 100 years ago i from Issue of the free Press ofThursibiv September 1 in ill next is irtt during political sin of lectors Mr muting Thursdiv Mr ill s tint Much of the news spin is devoted to meetings I units The most visiting e in Indi in moussehne over while s Km is the style for widdmt dresses Birds of nil kinds ill dint plum itt art much used for house dm rations nude of I ind loops of ribbon Jre vcrv I ind mav i in by ladies with expend id time Sleeves in in much than Il would 1 1 wisi for Alton loin vngns with narrow tires from pissing struts and cutting them up th l Ilu children cannot barefoot anv more tin ind shoe dealers are looking for i brisk THE ACTON FREE PRESS PHONE853 2010 Business and Editorial Office Copyright

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