Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 4, 1978, p. 4

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The Acton Free Press Wednesday Oct 1978 Be thankful Monday is Thanksgiving Take a minute or two think of what you have to be thankful for Think of what you have to be happy about Think of things that give you no complaints at all There are plenty of them arent there Start out with those trees the magnificent maples leading the glorious list And we dont need to drive down into the States or up north to see them They are right in our own back yard as the old saying goes along with that trad ltional Bluebird of happiness If you pass the Free Press office be sure to admire our own personal favorite tree a stupendous maple Consider a seat along the banks of the school creek Doras tree we call it since Dora Ryder happily faced it each fall as she sat at her linotype machine Then think about our town and how it is improving Its new people new appearances Then our pro vince Then our country Then the growing consciousness that we are all responsible in part for the intelligent use of the whole world At the Beaver investiture Monday night we heard nine earnest young lads promise to help look after the world And they will Its not that long until election time Surely there are more people who will make the considerable effort to represent There are so many issues that are important to Aeton With only three people to speak for Acton on councils and one on school board it is obviously not an easy task For so few people to represent so many takes dedication and effort We all appreciate the work of our representatives over the years past Still there must be more people who could do an excellent job There are two newcomers so far who have announced their candidacy Roj Goodwin and Bill Coats both for the joint regional and area seat Duby will again run for area council Present coun Pat will run again For board of education only present member Bert Hinton has indicated his intention to try to retain his position Since this writing Betty Fisher of Georgetown has decided run for the seat as well No one from here has talked officially of running for mayor of Hills It is conceivable some of the seats could be filled by acclama tion with not enough contenders to warrant a vote Peter who is leaving council just for a while we hope says he will be glad to talk to anyone interested So would any other councillor or school board member past or present Please consider it Goodbye good luck We say good bye and good luck this week to sports writer Denis Gibbons He has been a good friend as well as a most capable and dedicated sports writer and general reporter and photographer He covered the Acton scene admirably before moving five years ago to George town to face the challenge of brand new paper Now he is doing the same thing again going to a new newspaper in Kitchener It is planned to be a weekly to begin with and a daily later We know his new associates will find him as fine and talented a person as we have found him Year of the Child The Youth Services network wants to assume a role in the region for the ordination facilitation and promotion of the programs and projects undertaken during the International Year of the Child next year The United Nations has passed a resolution declaring the International Year of the Child and their encourage all countries rich and poor to review their program for the promotion of the well being of children and to mobilize support for national and local action programs according to each countrys conditions needs and priorities heighten awareness of October notes There seems general agreement that we have had a lovely summer and a fall as sunny and warm as could be expected People in the tourist business are happy with their season Highway signs indicating Acton are much wanted Another town in a similar position was in the Muskoka area The highway policy did not permit highway signs indicating the name of their town and residents objected What was their solution Their member of parliament came into the picture and intervened The signs will be allowed despite the policy Their Member is the Honourable Frank Miller The Lions are a grand bunch and theyre not recognized enough says Janet Booth owner of Acton Seniors Residence Shes referring to the regular happy birthday parties which the Lions stage for all the residents of all four area homes celebrating everyones birthday They bring children special needs among decision makers and the public to promote recognition of the vital link between programs for children on the one hand and economic and social progress on the other spur specific practical measures with achievable goals to benefit children in both the short and long term on the national level The Youth Services Network wants to hear of anything special being planned for this year Their office is in Oakville but the Peter Gillespie is Acton sometimes at the Com munity Services Centre A call there could put you and your group in touch birthday cakes and take pictures of the festivities which they give to the men and women celebrating that month Its a big effort and Mrs Booth thinks all of us should know just what a great job they do and how much they are appreciated Other travellers like ourselves find everywhere we go that towns and cities are restoring and treasuring their old buildings Skagway and Ketchikan Alaska are examples from our own summer experiences The way to overcome the iron content in Acton water would be to add sodium silicate region water works engineer Bob Kong tells us At the same time we read of concern about sodium fluoride How many of these chemicals are we all ingesting every day and what will studies show about them all and their side effects some day Meet you the new Natural Foods store A misty morning photo by Eric Sugar and spice by bhi smie Absolute my last column trips to Europe cross heart spit few finil impressions mil to those who haven done it lx fori I to Europe Ih it is Holland is flat flower d everywhere We lot il ihiisi factor am I wis into rial knife with Dill milk twopound cheese maligned bitterly every mm she li id to restore the ice Went up into rkmj wirdmill f which thin an few ft awesome with tin lie it si grinding and the vast ids something out of the mid Ik tin biggest flower irkct in tin work the lots of flouirs in wheeled in pri flash on computerized bo I buyers sitting m sort of itu button identifies them Holland whs sort of mi i forme ft v milt of inn when I is down pis id the city of win re I sjieni i ral days and tin f scie int minutes durition in in lit it when I id t divs way haikthm irv it interrogation r r anxiously for the whips tin lliuml screws Whin I wis brought in fur questioning there but then wen threats You know of making hiv shook mi a bit by showing mi huee loose if with the numbers of most i rce squadrons including mv own eontaimne pretty good list of the Don I worry I didn I talk know anylhini except how to get Ty phoon off the and on again Innsbruck in I worth Up up through the Tyrolean Alps the down down through them everyone i bit tense on the curves to the beautiful old nestled like a jewel in i mount dl iiniind jumpjust up thin I iki in in evening of yodelling d lining singing good fun nine wen ilwut eighteen different nitionihtiis in the the we win llun Don let vi ur wife with i endit e in I lorinn when mild linthcr in hi worked and just hi inn if I nk hum stinks Or so they me With d up 1 ik 1 i thing llu w ilcrw in by tin In mi id i Then ire so in my in St irk s suu in thai even tin paeons hive room to lor Hon isrim irkohle hit frightening if ff tin Iruk and tin I sjr euidi Alter you seen iiillieoo llu Colosseum inline rehx It would tiki tvvu months to do justici fur somi of that rclux ition is It in I express tram from Home to it 1 wlnri tins was born In is fist looks it the me in ill tin way up liv lui tin famous Coti d to no rulidby a benevolent dm mi Homer Took a look at the il il in too impressed leather it Grace pop out to si Inllo but she was probably ovir daughter marriage to th it old I when i wanted irk of Britain for her was though mm in party all up with stiff from to bathers of the International set wry expend Off Grenoble in inothir Olympics sit Through Hit rimli Alps not so scary In mil the peace hi Chanctcrize that eountry 1 t always so Saw the huge statues f John Knox and protest ant iris birds who got their kicks from turning ithohes at thi to the capital whose symbol is the be fine ancient city small lovely lakeside where you onci to put hash on your because its f minus for gold silver and watches Un lust in the world It s up early for long long to I ins It all lint il is for it We it from four points by bus on tin w ly through blazing with light at ight on our iy home from a party by bus on tool next morning and from a on tin Seine in the afternoon And touched the highlights I could live there for md still have things lo This is to sound like i dull login Its purpose is to suggest that when you do by coach what i the length of your trip you are really on the move If want a relaxing hoh diy slay home or rent a cottage If you want the experience of i lake a tour Don l listen to well meaning friends Loudon need six rolls of paper You don t we look half a dozen lugged them all over the con with tare for something for hot something for wit something for You don women need a new every day ike stuff Arrange your tour through a rihoble ravel It tost any more could you many a We idn t have a single hileh including four teen hotels five boil trips two buses train one hovercraft and two limousines So Just thai second mortgage on your house and away you go foreign dictionaries in hand Don blame mi if you in and have to be shipped back in a bo There probably in air strike and you can raise a real stink even after death What makes leaves turn red in fall You thought he red lei vis iusuI by frost You re wrong J Lever Hi bridge for the Ministry of Let us look deeper into the subject and processes actually id leaved or deciduous trees commence in the spring and continue on until tin beginning of fall season Within short period of time Hie growing period begins to slow down due to a large number of moisture levels stun energy In the roots and genetics of the to name a few Throughout the systems begin shut down as ee pi i for the dormancy lifelines between tin and tin In i become and the of stops The existing in tin slowly disappears as it is destroyed by sunlight Up until now the pit men his dominant blocking out others thus giving the Itieir green I wo of thcsi oilier pigments thit now show up irt e died One pigment is and called the which his carotin as the mini colouring agent The other THE YEARS AGO column a while back told of the Bearmore war team and its victory at the Exhibition In Toronto Here is a picture of the exciting action that day loaned to us by Tom Gibbons Team mem bers were Frank Gibbons Jack Lambert George Sr Garfield Jack Scriven BUI and Andy One name is missing that of the man third from the right pigment is yellow and generally called There still remains another group of pig i tiled the These arc the reds and purples which are formed in tin cell gap On some domestic plants these reds and purples appear during thi season Beets and red an two examples As production reduces the other pigments become more dominant until the turn just before Ihe falling off period whin all the hardwoods on the landscape are ablaze with colour ranging from bright yellow to deep purple and all thi shades in between At this peak in their colour in the leaves Where Ihe leaf stem joins the branch of the trie there is a separation layer This is a layer of cells which gradually breaks down i venlually the leaf to off and fill Cool nights combined with bright days produce the most colourful autumns Early frosts can actually disrupt the colour changing process by killing the leaves the separation layer develops This causes the leaves to turn a dull brown and often cling lo the tree well Into the winter The hardwood trees discard their leaves In thi fall lo reduce the area of transpiring surface during the winter months when thi moislun supply is low If the leaves remained on tree during the they would continue to give off moisture would riplace loss due lo the ground water being frozen The dropping of leaves by hardwood trees provides self pro tection of the tree against water loss as It Is through Ihe that trees give off water Let us give credit to the magnificent way In which a tree prepares itself for winter lit a vast array of bright colours and avoid the old tales of how frost supposedly causes this phenomenon The Free Press Back Issues 100 years ago Taken from the The Press of Thursday October 1B7H A large number of school teachers assembled In Acton to attend the three day meeting of the Association in the School House Grammar geography reading and promotions were discussed and all homi satisfied One full page of Ihi four page paper is filled with reports of the meetings There on five new buildings in the course of in village at the present time three of which are brick A social will be held at home of John Gibbons Proceeds for organ fund of the Church Hill Congregational church Various reasons arc assigned for ihe of pirtrldgc this season one of them thai they are being killed by is fruitful season for the tinsmiths People who have kepi their stoves in the cook house all summer begin to think is time get Ihem in house proper The Presbyterian Church in fad will In dedicated Sunday inst No l s than six trimps passed through villogi Tuesday evening 50 years ago from Ihc Free Press October Mr A J Murray second line had the misfortune last week to lose one of his fine black tiam through a rather accident In Ihc work of budding the dm trig house on this horse had been in hauling material for new building and in manner had a rusty thru inch nail run into her left hind foot w a not noticed for several days and by this time the poison from the nail had gone through her system opening meeting of the year at Knox Young People Society on Monday evening was in charge of the musical committee Miss V McMillan had charge of the meeting in the absence of President Mr Mai Stewart Mr Alex read the Mr ml Mrs Alex the lihsSayers at on and Mrs Stewart children went to Itivcrd ik on Monday to spend a few days there with relatives 20 years ago Taken troni Issue of the Pries of October motion to petition the Online I Control Hoard to place an outlet in Aeton received unanimous support without any discussion ifter the major gave an of a discussion with an official of Ihe board when Acton council met evening Aeton popuhlioii jumped over the s mark this year Clerk J reported this week following the new assessment roll completion To date thi population of the town is persons indicating an upward trend of new resi dents to the town during the past year when Ihe popuhlion was J persons On Mr and Mrs Gamble of Park Ave celebrated their wedding anniversary and attended the wedding of Iheir granddaughter firemen representing eight brigades used eight pumpers and relays pumped water over feet last October in Acton during i Aid prictice 10 years ago Taken from lltclssu of the IrcePreis Octobers 19GK wen among the ten of County ill time gnats honored before 1200 persons at Saturdaj night Nil Gibbons and Charles Sonny were inducted as charter members of the County Hail of Fame a project conceived by Ken of in an effort to honor county sports At special meeting Monday night council decided lo engage Grant Usher for Ihe position of deputy clerk treasurer for the town of Acton Mr Usher is presently deputy clerk of the Bennett school could possibly have 164 too many tight classrooms of children without Working on a projection of enrolment required thi area superintendent Elmer Smith ixplnmed Tuesday to school board he hid had a hard time getting facts and figures about future subdivisions in his end of town THE ACTON FREE PRESS Business and Ed ton il Office Eh Copyrujht 1978

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