Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 4, 1978, p. 5

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OUR READERS WRITE The Acton Free Press Wednesday Oct 1978 5 Oldtime notables Canyon Ave Apartment Downsvicw Ont Acton Free Press September Acton Ontario Dear Mr Editor On the Editorial page of the Free Press issue of September I was pleased to see the reproduction or the frosted upper window pane of my original business in Acton Men a Wear Tills my wife and I operated together with Ladies Wear commencing in 1931 It brings back pleasant memorici of those limes when the population was around 1800 and there existed industries which have long since disappeared Mason Knitting Shoes Storey Glove Co and some smaller ones I wonder how many are still around who remember Dills owner of the Acton Free Press Magistrate H Moore A Brown druggist Pop Jones who operated a thriving grocery business with horse delivery Teddy druggist just across the from A Bob who had a number of lilies including police thief assessor street etc Bud McDonald and Nelson who ore both took a very active in I rest in our outstanding hockey teams There were many other persons of note including a number of very capable hockey players In those days it was not for At on fans charter a special train to attend some out of town hockey game in which our team look part Milk was id to door by Wilson Dairy and Dairy Prior to retiring in 1976 I had considered as being in retail business longer than anyone in Acton The Free Press of April of May 1931 can attest to that because of our advertisements at the lime So now If occurs lo me that recently you reported in our news columns that a certain gentleman who is now retiring from business in Acton has been so operating since the year I suggest that you made a slight mistake in that ai late 1931 and perhaps later he was still a student in High School and I am quite sure that Bertha Buchanan taught him There should still exist high school records to prove this Even as late as the Village of Acton assessment roll shows his father as being assessed for business tax and the was shown as a tenant in his father s home and his occupation was shown as clerk There Is no record in the assessment roll to indicate that hi was owner and open tor of a business even years after the date in your news column For what It is worth I thought the information would interest readers who may have shown an interest in the news item to which I have referred Among the old time Acton notables I see that I have omitted the young scribe Esther Taylor Thank goodness she is still with us Yours very truly Ben Rachlin Boosts defensive driving To the Editor Dear Sir Visiting friends in the U S A recently brought up the subject of cars and their drivers I was somewhat surprised that under the age of years cannot drive after dark in some states and began to give that particular piece of information further thought I wonder how many young people lives would be saved if we were able to effect the same legislation here in Canada After all these young people have just been that they are not old enough to drink until they ore years of age and yet we allow them lo drive tons of metal around at all times of the day and night from the ageof 16 plus t make sense in retrospect Certainly we have some well trained young drivers those who attend registered driving schools are to be commended since it helps keep Dad insurance rates down but how about making it compulsory for new drivers to take a Defensive Driving Course one year after they have received their licence and all other drivers currently licenced as soon as possible It could then be legislated that every five years all drivers be required to take a D C course Attending one of these courses is quite an eye opener for anyone who has been driving for more than a year particularly when you realize all the stupid silly things you did in traffic the year previous could have killed you or someone else In 1974 the Hal ton Regional Safety Council D C instructors processed people through the course and continue to Instruct a goodly number of men and women each and every year no matter what their occupation how about you Yours Iruly Aunt Edna for Hal ton Regional Safety Council Interested Citizens lay their case Why Is the Interested Citizens Group continuing to carry on their fight against the giant utility Ontario Hydro in the face of enormous odds It amounts simply to a request that citizens along the route of the Bruce to Milton hydro corridor receive the same rights other citizens along similar corridors have received an independent examination of the route and Its alter natives This has never been done In the following article the Independent Citizens lay out their case for the people who have no axes grind or arc motivated by a desire for fair play Inter sled CUireni Group Report During the long struggle carried on by the Interested Citizens Group to defend their rights and properly against the In of a major corridor being construe led by Ontario Hydro a number of deeply disturbing threats to citizens everywhere have emerged People outside the corridor area find it difficult lo believe that this project is being built on a route which was not Hydro first choice Hydro publications make it clear that their engineering plan was to take a direct route from Bruce to ihe Kitchener area where there Is a major need for more power Because of pressure and threats from a small but organized resistance group affected by the route D announced in 1974 that the new route would be across country to Trafalgar near Milton This route reaches no load centre where high voltage power is needed and is a longer distance and more costly A clear case of a political decision displacing a plan developed by qualified planning engineers a change made in spite of the additional cosls and increased damage to a viable farming and rural residential area This corridor If completed will cost many millions dollars primarily from foreign loans whose interest is being paid in depreciated Canadian money and if it goes into operation will waste more than five million dollars per year in unneces line power losses with clear evidence that they were the victims of obvious ation the people affected by the political route as well as many beyond it formed the Interested Citizens Group known usually as the I G The group has never asked for a specific change in the route but have suggested and shown that niter natives do exist They have made only one request to Hydro and Government that an independent examination of the route and its alternatives be done The route then chosen independently would be accepted with no further objection For some five years this requesi has been refused on the basis that there was nol enough tunc Two other groups were given the precise consideration asked for by the I C The people the King area were given the Com east west coke Pickering corridor to he Toronto Parkway Belt The people on the from Pickering List were the in dependent study by Engineering Tin let even reduced their request to a four review of Hydro tint compared with one live unit in independent agent lo result with further resistance was given this was refused Nearly a lias issed since this rrquist wis mndevi rclusil was still the reason Hi it there whs Tint enough to do tin review The Ontario gated the problem whin it w is brought in his Ik expressed mid support for the stand tiken by the I but was unable to I furibi r iciion because of limit itions in his terms of reference llunnf the Iohl struggle the I members have tried to identify the resist once to ir quest which wis i reasonable one appears to have been lovernmtnt position held by and tin fief th it I announced Hie decision m hue il in si i m spile i tin oh Mayor conspicuous atCVCA October 197B To the Editor Outbursts of a sensational nature from any politician tend to elicit negative res ponses from the public they serve And such is the case after the Credit Valley Con Authority unexpected visit last Thursday evening from Thomas Jefferson Hill Hills Mayor Hill has never been quite as visible as he was when he attended the CVCA meeting the first he has at tended In 1978 although he is an appointed member of the Authority He had barely given the other members time lo recognize who he was when he attacked their plan ning and budget in a manner most it ting a public figure Surely there must have been a good reason for his attendance at this meeting and his subsequent out burst Could it be that since a municipal election is scheduled for November and since Mayor Hill has declared his intention to seek a third term that a little bit of political grandstanding was brought into play Although it is a sad reflection of times it is also a reality that Hills must now be considered big business in the political arena Hence a leader must be chosen who is capable of meeting the demands of such an organization Mayor Hill has repeatedly shown he is not thai man as evidenced by his dismal attendance record at the CVCA meetings Radio Pappy He was known on every V set By everyone In Town He stay up late to Modulate They called him Charlie Brown Then he met a little Irishman Who was raised among the heather With unpaid dues and lots of booze They ran around together With this little rogue with the foreign brogue They raised the tower higher With a million dots some kilowatts They set the clouds on fire Now dlts and around the world There friendship at Its best In the little shack out at the back He hobnobs with the rest With his money sunk pile of Junk And his family oil un happy He goes for kicks out In the sticks To visit Radio Pappy Victor Smith The ihLiiicnl it si mini r the made Helton is of note lint during Ins first veir 1J7 Hill two if tight full meetings and of tin four scheduled In formation Board meetings In 197B his ree was n better Ik not attend any of the ft Inform n mil Advisory Board meetings only otn of the five full mutuis tint me was tin li hist evening I Hill mother ell astute hi km v whin idvantagc of Ihe However Ins leadership sense ri spoil sibility lent much to desired I suggest the turn his come fir change i nihil government losses in the last two throughout the route area Since the problem arose a procession of five ministers have appeared in the Energy Ministry surely a somewhat unusual life expectancy At least one told ICG representatives that he was concerned about natural Justice being denied the people yet the refusal continued The Deputy Minister of Energy Malcolm Rowan has repeatedly expressed adamant opposition to the ICG request so thai suspicion has grown that this civil servant has played a major role in continuity in the blocking that request j Another problem that the ICG members have had to cope with is the reluctance of Toronto dally news papers to report the effort being made by a itcned group of Ontario people An columnist in one Toronlo paper made an occasional reference almost inv coupled with Hydros theme of millions lost in power iMitltd up In Bruce all caused by the I Ij Another Toronto paper carried one report the only piece of reporting during all the years of sir ijgl An response w is hn published but following in ihe ICG pointing errors in that w is refused Tins paper lias i rrnd news items in an edition covering a In I iren only nous releise5 and to the editors have been forwarded lit none hive been published that a small group arc Hi king power needed in seems to liivi infected newspapers Hamilton I rt eoverife has been sustained js has of local papers in the area and television media have also Hie fuel thai I d lilies do not report regular on an sin involving thousands of citizens in the 1 1 and millions of dollars of extra i costs lo be paid by Hydro irs Ins for all Ontario r four jears Hydro his main till publicity I effort seems to linvc been I r iled tow ird convincing the public that i mis in immediate risk power I in lie tiled up in limit if corridor s esisteil This imposition based pi i in expected growth in use I iviiperiinipercir Tins growth was I the resull Hydros expensive lo live better ile When eon trillion power lei me pi the growth dropped and I has re ic heel a condition of no lr in the expansion jl developed are rolling for rim spile of the huge cost of foreign I is quired economical plan lo ouu tutof illy now exists present Hydro has new corridor completion where it meets an existing Mi ixmi volt line from Kitchener to 1 Tin line from Kitchener is is Or ilk has been improved to mm in load and Hydro has mi meed connection send Bruce K Kitchener With the rest of no out of Bruce this will take the Dint sour units of A Acton Hydro Electric A system for Emergency Calls for Acton Hydro between 5pm and has changed A paging system has been installed and the number to call is 8215560 Pager No R2202 This is a Guelph Number but there is no charge to the consumer Please leave message for Pager and the lineman on call will be in touch with you Be sure to leave your name and address will produce except on bod days A similar economical improvement on the Orangcville to Essa portion of the line would permit another connection from new line to send power to and Toronto and avoid any bottling up in Bruce A Bruce units years away With zero growth they might be moth balled indefinitely Yet the Citizens con tinue to be blamed for bottling up The preceding information may ex plain why the I C G has maintained a struggle against heavy odds to obtain an independent review of their problem Many arc owners of farm and residential properly by expropriation for the corridor but there are also many who are not directly affected but are concerned about the way the rights of citizens have been overridden They have devoted years of effort and money together with the property owners in the corridor In an effort lo obtain Ihe treatment granted lo other groups of Ontario people but hove met refusal Cosls have been carried by citizens donations often involving real sacrifices Hearings have been held by Environ mental and Municipal Boards Ex pro hearings were held The corridor was dealt with in three sections plying the hearings required In all these the ICG required legal help to present the case for the people Repeated dona tlons not only from I C G members but from other concerned people and have carried the legal until the last associated with exproprl proceedings Here proceedings were drawn oul so debts mounted A major community effort raised several thousand dollars by a white phant sale but the debt remains a major one Still more money will be required to have the I C G represented in the coming municipal board hearing during which Hydro will try to override the Halton Hills municipal plan This plan approved by the Ontario Government does not permit the passage of a bulk transmission corridor Many citizens not all of whom are I C G members are angered at the fact that during the costly expropriation hearings Hydro was represented by a lawyer on loan from the Provincial Attorney General staff while the people paid for theirs Another injustice lay In the allocation by the hearing officer of three limes Ihc amount of expense allowance a witness appearing for Hydro as was granted to those appearing for the I New moneyraising activities and donations are now being planned so the struggle continues People know that errors hove led to unfair and undemo criiic and they are determined not to submit to injustice The Interested Citizens Group Further information may be obtained from Norman Bird Maple Ave Georgetown OCTOBER Save 24 jeLLy POWDERS 3oz ASSORTED York 2 Litre Carton Save 50 ASSORTED FLAVOURS DELUXE ICE CREAM Maxwell House 1 lb NEWVACPAK COFFEE Save80 2M Carnival PEAS 14 oz Tins Save32 Aylmer Tin TOMATO JUICE Maple Leaf lb Tin HAM Bicks 32 Jir SWEET MIXED PICKLES 69 14 Tin Save FRUIT COCKTAIL 2 FANCY PUMPKIN 2M00 Save 99 Proctor Gamble Bottle Save 40 LIQUID DETERGENT IVORY H9 Reynolds 18 Roll HEAVY DUTY FOIL WRAP Blue Bonnet 31b MARGARINE 10 Container Save 20 FRESH WHIPPING CREAM 59 Weston s of 12 BROWN SERVE DINNER ROLLS Save40 289 FROZEN FOOD Old South 12oz Tin Save26 ORANGE JUICE B9 lb Bag Savo7V FRENCH FRIES 3 iiist IKIIYS HOUR MIT Ontario No lb Bog CARROTS Ontario No RUTABAGAS Ontario No 21b Bag Iff COOKING O iiist IIIIYS5 IN OUR MEAT DEPT Grade A lb Average R KEYS FflESH KILLED NOT FROZEN 99 Maple Leaf Fully Cooked SHORT SHANK BONE IN HAM SHANK PORTION BUTT PORTION CENTRE CUT HAM STEAKS lb Pkg Schneiders WIENERS f All Varieties Swift s Premium 1 lb Pkg SIDE BACON Schneiders CHUNK LUNCHEON MEAT PRICES EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 4 5 6 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES SUPERMARKET 9 Mill Street East Acton 853 0650 b WRSERVET AB

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