Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 18, 1978, p. 1

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50th anniversary anaging the Royal fulltime job by Jennifer On November annual Royal Winter fair Canada largest agricultural show will open at lie in Toronto The show costs a million and a half attracts visitors from alt over Ihe world takes people to organize it and is Oil highlight of the year for a nation rural exhibitors In tharge of all his is own Johnny Moles General Manager for I toy Hi I try to put it all together and sec that ia cry out doesn shoot each other he loughs background known Mr Molts used to host the Country Citiadn television show for Ihe A of Urn he has been in or related fields all 111 lift John and his wilt Marsha on fourth Line during Mr Molts sold feed showed livestock worked for Ontario Hydro and has been coordinating for the past This year is his last and hi ibouttlbul fresh ficts ire i idea The Moles now live full time on their delightful property on Line Behind the new twoltvel house surroundtd by woods rocks and natural land scaping arc Murray Grey crossed heifers and a pure bred Murray Grey bull ported from Australia pastur inn on Moles But the cattle are taking a second while the Moles up for another frantic season of the Winter I- air round job It s a ytar round Job running a program as large as offers All committees in members from all over Canada at heir wt them lunch Ikrt plans recommendations are dls prtstntcd to an represent from across the have final approval ind Johnny tries to Labour the seven ptrmnntnl staff tut thtir peik preparing prize lists taking entries Hit ixeomt apparent at his mint mill working under pressure After October there are no more program or entry changes allowed because everything goes into the computer for official pro gramming We hold our every year hoping we get the programs before opening day Programs arc not usually complete until early in the week of opening that how close It runs During the show itself Mr and Mrs Moles enjoy them selves it too late to change anything then Mrs Moles makes her husband suit of tails are kept pressed and tries to pop some food into him once in a while duties art social tscorting dignitaries around the grounds and to tht show Mr Moles has some funny about Ihe many who opened tht Itoyal He thoroughly enjoyed I Annt who presided opening ceremonies in 1974 that she was the of professionalism when on display sht an or year old bride out of public Four facets The four purposes of Ihe Itoyal competition education and exchange of ideas entertainment and marketing Competitors from all other continents the British Isles and Australia to com pete in the Royal Entries from Quebec are up every year a fact which delights John Moles We have no language problems with Quebec we talk the language of Last year more than thousand school children attended Ihe fair More are expected this year file show twice daily afternoon and evening is always the gala entertainment but marketing is by far most important part of the fair according to Moles I- our thousand visitors come from off the North American tontintnl with Visitors from Japan Italy South America dtal with big grain hog and pro ducts Although many sales mode at fair most of the and selling goes on long iftcr Going to is the greatest publicity a producer can receive Which is why Maritime and Prairie exhibitors go through long torturous days of travelling with their stock for the ten day show Anniversary year year the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Royal there arc some interesting changes Youth Day will take place on November the first day of Ihc fair A thousand young and junior farmers will be competing in judging com petitions show classes and the Queen Guineas class There II be celebrity milking competition ink tugent Bill Gordon our own John Moles a dairy princess runner up and CI Gordon Sinclair who will Ail junior competitors will be in the ring to cheer the on Six horse draft teams will show their stuff and he youngsters mil be taken Ihe flower arena for i piece of the enormous fiftieth birthday Wt v int to kiek he show off with says Mr show A big country Jamboree with Hill Anderson will take place the last Friday of Royal November 17 Five free shows will be of throughout the day featuring many country artists A fashion show can be seen dally in the flower building models in the centre of the enormous birthday cake In keeping with the massive plans this year a six foot cheese weighing hundred pounds and made from thousand pounds of milk will be on display in dairy lane All the Royal nostalgia old photos Ihcn and now exhibits will remind visitors of the length of time the Royal has been in existence Instead of the Musical Hide nightly a parade of old horse drawn vehicles of all types will delight spectators at the horse show And much much more Its a most interesting job comments Mr Moles It rewarding to stt so many people come together wilh a common interest Johnny Moles well done as the fiftieth Royal Winter Fair will attest when it kicks off November JOHNNY MOLES appears very relaxed in front of a Royal Winter Fair poster Its a wonder because the Royal is only weeks awiy and Mr Moles is General Manager of the entire show CUPW Union orders workers off job Tuesday morning Hund and Fourth No ACTON ONTARIO WEDNESDAY 1978 100 PagesFifteen Cents Inside workers in the post office were ordered off their jobs at a m yesterday Tuesday morning as pari of a nation wide strike Local post master Gord told the Free Press the seven members of CUPW came into work as usual a m only lo return home three hours later on orders from their union Letter carriers stayed on job and delivered what mad there was he said the time of Ihc interview the federal government was meeting to decide whether lo legislate Ihe workers back to their jobs Mr said if this were passed his people would be back lo work today if were honored If the is not honored or not passed hi pointed out there could pickets in front of the post office lit did not exptct letter corners lo cross these pkkct lines noted there would Im no for them anyway Mi supervisor Mrs Chris in ire holding tht fori news ihtv know of the slrike is what they heir radio stc on lie ision or reid in tht post office Mr is of four union letter tamers workers supervisors and sttretary and people are of passed hill to legislate the workers back onto heir jobs ytsltrdav ihe issue still hid lo be presented to Senate at this morning It was not known at press lime whether posllcs would lo work if rdired Pamela Shedon seeks seat Pamela Sheldon has declared her candidacy as Board of Education trustee for wards one and two Acton and Mrs Sheldon will oppose in of Acton and Betty Fisher of Georgetown Mrs Sheldon lives in the former of Es quesing Just west of the Spey side area on Her husband Jim is an airline pilot and they have two children Daughter Taum eight Is in Grade and son Duff six in kindergarten at Speyside public school They have lived in he area for eight years Mrs Sheldon is an ex member of the recreation ad visory committee wards one and two She is secretary a founding member of the Area Ratepayers Association This Association was founded in opposition to a new aggregate industry on Ihe escarpment and surrounding areas It is still highly active She is a director of Acton and District Progressive- Conservative Association She is a founding member of Ihe Speyside Parents Education Group This group was actively involved in the twinning process of school in Hills with Input directly to board and lis administration respect to the specialized needs of the rural and small town schw Is in the north They still actively involved wilhin the school is a parent volunteer forlht is community affairs both political and She has recently spur headed the organization of runl Brownie packs A freelance writer she is presently enrolled in a part time Canadian studies degree program it University She is a r of the Board of meetings Mrs Sheldon says her initial reasons for the of seat are twofold With two children tnrolled in the school in Hills at lecl 1 have a personal commit ment to ensure they recent Iht belt possible tducation She mentions it her in terests in talking to many people about education listening to many points of view research and fact finding arc the attributes she will bring to the role of Trustee Mrs to in dividual strongly th it lint man datt of the individu i should be used onlv hive av tiled themselves of ill the information per lo the question I that visibility at the Board is not syimny with effectiveness sht said Wards 1 and require effective leadership more to day in ever In our past us Hit trends in education seem to be towards bigness as opposed community needs She it In her view is always best went on tint she perceives school as an extension of the community and therefore is to preserving the special and distintt identities of the small town and rural schools within Hills Mrs Sheldon that in order lo imp this point of view to a Board of Education mix is both larjt in centres Burling Continued on Page 11 Clarification sought of Fluoridation Act Clarification of ilion has been by tht Regional Health and Sotial Services Committee The committee will ask Ittgional Council lo seek an amendment to the act which would permit the region hold a plebiscite on fluori datmn only in one pari of region as opposed to the entire region present he act requires question of 241 In 1979 fluoridation to be put to all voters in the region if a plebiscite is held Recently council passed a resolution for a bylaw to fluoridate all parts of the regional water works system he exception of that part of the system serving Ihc Town of Milton The resolu tion further slates hat no action be taken concerning fluoridation in Milton until residents of he town have Project 1777 average tax hike ADMIRING UNIQUE birthday cake is Ruby Clark who turned years of age last week The cake was made by Hd7cl Agnevv of Owen Sound who created the original especially for Miss Clark AniLeddolIcompletewithghsses stands in a fenced garden of detailed icing and lettering Mrs Agnew is a sister of Rhoda Shoemaker the Shoemakers are special friends of Miss Clark s Story on Pitt Enforce bylaws projected lie by Iht rt s department hows an increase of 77 in lit average home next council told 115 13G and that the property line of the road allowance Drive for next between lots 132 and 133 Iht figures ire only basis to work on budget and art guidelines Treasurer Ray hint a J mill hike in Georgetown ind and an 11 mill raise in lit explained ihmimtion of prints Hills finance this week he proposed paper adopted schedule CANDIDATE for Acton and Esquesing board of education seat is Pamela Sheldon She hopes to unseat Bert Hinton Meet candidates A Meet the Candidates night will again be arranges the Chamber of Commerce Plans will be liter this wick for the special public meeting All candidates for the Nov 13 election including those for mayor will be asked to speak and answer questions for the local voters Whaf s inside today Fluoride ballot Page We get letters 90th birthday 8 Areas worth saving Parenting education 14 Group borne nixed IB Sports start Legion hockey renters Fun day Curling starts Classified ads pages B7 11 Unless tht its prohibiting the of motorized mini bikes in the art of Drive and the have no value council was told Monday Girnit Put took council to task for not itself to the of enforcement in iwn resolutions passed regarding the construction of fences gales and erection of signs in following about mini bike operators Upon learning that a recently installed sign in Prospect Park his since landed in the lake said That the next will go Unless the bylaws are enforced they value MeKenzle said Councillor Miller said the town does not have a bylaw enforcement officer only staff to enforce the bylaws Putting gates and fences on property in question would help Miller said Council pissed McKenzie amendment thai address itself to find a melhod to enforce were ACT SCOUTS CUBS AND BEAVERS held mdatKhatpuUiwTrks annual apple day on Saturday Cub Eddte ereci a fence at ihc end of Robinson Beaver Chris Marsh Scout Calvin Drive between lots Robinson and Cubs Jean Paul Cowan and Sean a sniieh zero and then justification of all turts Ik said liking the previous year s figures and idding six or seven per cent is enough He suggested il is time council started thinking there should no Tre King said of thi Hems in the will lie cut tlaimed zero costs a great deal of and money in work and tlaimed it not be done for next year He iht experts rtgird zero not as the but only as a tool In set i budget He Hit town is not big enough to wirranl zero voiced the direction in which they wish to go The amendment being sought would make it possible for Milton residents to deter mine whether or not they wanted fluoridation The bylaw will have the effect of providing for fluoridation of the Acton waler supply since George town and Burling ton already have fluoridation The imendment being sought would also clarify the rtgion s power to pass bylaws to fluoridate only part of its w iter supply During discussion of the issue at last week commit tee meeting Laurie com mented at no time had he heard inyone from a wish for fluori Hills Councillor Pat said allhough Ihc Issue had been raised by Ihe press in he has had no calls on il town staff have had no calls and the only letter written to the paper from a resident of Thai s good enough forme standing lo be affected by tht amendment if granttd is a new subdivision near Campbellvillc which will have a communal waler supply owned and operated by the region If the amend ment is granted only Ihe people serviced that system and not the entire population of Milton would gel a vote on fluoridation McVeigh enjoyed polishing and eating as well as selling the apples About was raised for the

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