Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 18, 1978, p. 10

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Thn Acton Free Press Wednesday Oct 18 1978 RAGGEDY ANDY one of the many stuffed toys made by Nellie drew lots of attention from the little folks at Saturdays Arts and Crafts show in Georgetown Mrs Beatty is an Acton member of the group ETHEL shows pendant of polished encased in gold wire Her work was on display at the Arts and Crafts show George town Saturday The former Acton resident now lives in Town favors auto plant Hills planning board paid little heed objections from the Town of Milton regional planners and ihe Ministry of Agriculture and this week whin the approved in principle in lutomobilc reconditioning on Steele Avenue mar the fourth line I he backs on lo Highway The Ministry of Agriculture objected to the further loss of prime agricultural land while Milton claimed ihe zoning would be an intrusion into a rural area and would negative impact on both Milton and Hills The Milton resolution termed sour by Hoy Booth went on to say Hie would conflict with the control on industrially designated land across boundary in Milton and claimed it could endanger approval of 1390 acre industrial park nearby is seeking the of the teres for the and recondi honing of leased for squire foot plant employing JO people start will be built and a large outside storage will be maintained When the leased nearly new cars are reconditioned they ire lo dealers In his report planner Brian said the proposal Ins merit and warrants favorable consideration He said is fir as he knew it would be a and would be developed to a hith standard is pristine use He im plasizid have to endorse these two si ttcments before final approval is The report also called for extensive landscape buffer inc from any adjacent pcrlies and from Steele Avenue and Highway More detailed studies will be required and land for road w idenlng ill be required by the Ministry of Transportation and Com Regional Health Unit is doubtful if wells in the would supply the volume of water required since the Arndt Pilmer in Scar borough where 10 to 15 cars are processed per clay lias used ITU j00 gallons in the last four months The is for w ishing The Health Unit siid the car wash water will present difficult disposal problem and would come under the Ministry of Environment Johnston Regional Planner questioned the need for further removal of prime agricultural land in view of the proximity of Milton industrial land said it con the draft plan for the region report from bar thief Inspector itor li si iteil volume of iffie n 11ilIiu 401 wculd Ilssiii of reside tit Lrnwlh Ihe ire i Ik the of industrial design itioi would be logic il the south side of ii Milton is proposed He pennted out tin fit industrial as slid it would while fori old iter Acton Hydro is in excellent financial condition compared to some municipalities to in Ontario Hydro book of statistics At the commission s monthly meeting lost day office manager Audrey told the they m profits with no debentures and invested in vinous bank counts This is another commission in the district Si r not i red with in d lures MOO just is pink she sud pcrsued the k memhers pli iscd with their situ Earle C Calder shops losing dies October 4 of died in St Joseph Hospital on October Born in Manitoba on December 18 1904 Mr and his wife Iaunnt moved to the area in Their two children Bessie Mrs and Don both still live m the area Rock wood res Mr Calder is also survived by a brother Hay in I a sister in law Offices safe are ransacked Three offices in unlocked safe were ran sacked at Blow Press some lime during the night of October 13 October 14 Regional report A worker at the factory at Perth SI notified Ihe police that someone had entered the building by breaking a window on the north side Mrs ind four grandchildren He wis predeceased by his parents his wife and brothers Albert and I funeral service was held October Shoemaker I home Acton with the Rev Andrew con dueling the service Inter ment was at Hock wood cemetery Pallbearers were Ivin Harold Jack John Black burn Hanson and Bill Furniture is stolen Toronto resident reports the Ihcfl of worth of goods from his Acton town recently police say Apparently the man had rented bis to another person but left some of his furniture on the premises with consent Hie renter moved out the end of August taking the furniture wild her according to police Her whereabouts are unknown downtown arc i study in Inn showed that businesses are Iomul mtre than so per cent of the residents dollar on average of per cent if arci residents dollar Representatives from 17 businesses attended i spec nil meeting lo hear the results of the report The study was Ask notice of pit licences The town of Hills should know when a pit or quarry licence Is issued within its boundaries Hills planning board decided tins week Chairman Roy Booth said frequently the town knows nolhfne about it until an application comes before Com mission or is notified by Ministry of Resources To ensure council knows of future ipphcalions planning passed a resolution asking to put the town on the list of agencies where cations are inducted pi Re of consulting tin in in Mr ud the of the marketable dollar which could told nulla dollars type store soles more than in silts Surveyed wen li use holds in mil round the village of I people polled with it ii types of facilities lb often not in li larger On the pjxrs favored I lor its in veinenct friendliness and person il service Mr lUnitrs felt im provements could Inst be implemented by a Business Improvement Area is such pi Utilities must restore disturbed areas staff Continue River Run if creditors agree Public utilities that disturb areas of the town by installing or replacing equipment must restore the affected area at least the equivalent or original conditions after the work is done the town works committee was lold last Tuesday In Ihe urban areas dis turned grassed areas are nor mally sodded while in the rural they are normally seeded Robert Austin tor of public works explained to the committee The location and manner of Ihe work must be satisfactory to the town engineer or his Austin wild In situ where it Is not possible or practical to or seed upon completion of the work the has make the final restoration In the spring Over the past two years the town has witnesses utility installations particularly by Bell Canada Austin said Indications are that thb situation will prevail for at least another year He said there Is Insufficient stuff to inspect the works full time and restoration not always as prompt or Initially as neat as Is preferred Nevertheless endeavor to ensure that all works are satisfactorily restored He noted that frequent utility Installations are made on regional roads over which the town has no control respecting utilities but added that in future the town may have tighter control over the utilities by means of a Road Permit system lhat will be proposed for adoption by council with backing of a by law The report was requested by council on the matter of rcsodding or of road cuts on ways or road allowances by public utilities Committee received filed the report After attending three meetings of Abode One creditors Sandy Mackenzie of Mackenzie James St Georgetown said he Is sure the River Run project Mountalnvlew and John Streets in Georgetown will go ahead It just a matter of who will build He said Murray Gruson of Developments original owner of the land and second mortgagee proposed the building be completed if the major suppliers agree The were not released The first phase of the town house development consisting of units Is well underway and the sales office manned by a Polder Real Estate representative is open seven units have been sold and the down pay held in trust in a special fund demanded by law Rob Parker wins seat New Member of Parlia Doris Anderson for ment for part of James of Monday Tory victories is former Aclonian Rob nod considered In J in He made his first bid for being candidate for the election in the Toronto riding ProgressiveConservatives in and polled votes but decided anainst for I Charges laid in fatal accident din Donaldson of John St Georgetown Ins been charged with dangerous driving and folk wing a iccidenl October i Georgetown wis on il ifter being thrown from t car driven by Mr just of Aelon Georgetown in hid pulled ti pass i car and crashed he id in with in east bound cor His vehicle con tmurd down Ihe shoulder of the road until mailbox which lime it wiled Iwoor three times was thrown from the car onto the road ind died of held injuries shortly after to investigating officer fmsliblc Barker of Milton Mr will appear in Milton on Local commission is looking good financially 103 donors at clinic Thurs ill Id is nils the clinic runs in Ihe tin n if it moon with supper it the met then at tin in Itje people were hippy mill Hie new I this time On iliursdiy the and stop until fi p itrginicrs iund no one i from p m to tithe were pleased with he new hours Hit is sponsored by md the George town I Iks club who also ponsorcd the recent George town Hit ntxl will be March 13 it the Legion Dons former editor of magazine mounted a quick campaign in three weeks but sold she found former Liberals determined to vote against the government this time Parker s decisive victory was pari of an anli govern ment trend which crushed the Liberals in speaking literals lost all speaking by elect Die son of Mr and Mrs Parker Rob ittended public school here before Andrew college He worked for some years in Newfoundland and mimed there He and Jus wife have two sons Robbie who is six and Jonathan two He returned to where he was often Acton friends on television as news broadcaster Friends spot him mcrcials which he does for fun he has appeared for Colgate tooth paste batons I Motor Company and the Royal Bank Ik Is also in in TV programs As well for the past year he has been vicepresident and general for Canada of Canada limited which itnporls ind sells photocopying equipment from Denmark His moved from Aelon o I- after Mr Parker retirement from and Co Mr Parker continued consulting 8783272 8783208 20 21 22 23 Saturday Matinee llMil Oct 21 2 pm GENERAL ADMISSION 28 vTlmaa Sun to and Sat 7 Thurs ACTON ARTS and CRAFTS EXHIBITION AND SALE Saturday October to m ST PARISH HALL ACTON FREE DRAW 8 Councillors THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF HILLS 1978 MUNICIPAL ELECTION NOTICE TO ELECTORS TAKE NOTICE THAT Nominations on proper form will bo by Officer at the Municipal Admin Building on the Seventh Line Halton Road No for the following Fleeted Offices or two vnr terms 1978 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF HALTON HILLS Mayor To be elected at largo serve as a member on both The Regional Mun of Halton and Town of H lis Councils Councillors To serve on both The Regional Municipality of Halton and Town of Hills Councils one such Councillor to be elected f torn each of the Four Wards To serve on tho Town of Halton Hills Council only two such Councillors to be elected from each of the Four Wards THE BOARD OF EDUCATION Trustees One such Trusiee to be elected by Publ School Electors from the comb ned Wards fo Town of Acton 2 former Township of One such Trustee to be elected by School Electors from the combined Wards former Town of Georgetown THE ROMAN CATHOLIC SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD 1 Trustee To bo elected at I by Rom in ithol Separate School Electors Tho period nn which Nominations for the offices II be received is between the hours of a ind pm from Monday October 16th Ihrough to Friday October 20 hours am and October 1978 Nominations on the proper form will be received by the Returning Officer for the Town of Milton it the Town of Milton Municipal Bo 251 Main Street Milton for the follow nq elected office THE HALTON BOARD OF EDUCATION Trustee To bo elected it large by the Roman Catholic Separate School Electors from the comb politics of the Town of Hills and tin Town of Milton Tho period during which Nominations for the above office will be received is the hours of a and A 30 m from Monday October 16th 1978 through to Friday Octobor 20th and the hours of 30 am and 00 on Monday October Candidates required to submit Nominations on the prescribed form only Information to Nomination forms and Municipal Wards may bo obtained from Office of tho Returning Officer for Town of Halton Hills Municipal Bu Iding Sevonth Lint Halton Road No 3 botwoen hours of 8 30 a and m Monday to Friday Tho namo and olfico for candidates nominated will bo posted at Municipal Administration Bu Iding Sevonth Lino I Halton Road No 3 K R Richardson Returning TownofHaftonHHIs DATED THIS 10TH DAY OF OCTOBER 1978

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