Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 18, 1978, p. 13

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The Acton Free Press Wednesday Oct 1978 CLIFFS south of takes in most of land owned by the Credit Valley Conservation Authority and is considered an area of historic and environmental importance WATERFALL PARK situated north east of Limehouse is a large en vironmentally sensitive area through which runs the Bruce Trail Environmentally sensitive areas Woods cliffs shelter rare plants and birds This is the second in a series of reports on environ mentally sensitive areas based on a prepared report from Hal ton region Waterfall Woods is com posed of two torn muni ties situated south of Highway reaching the Fifth Sixth and Seventh Lines and extending as far south as the Consisting of the Niagara Escarpment a deep valley small ponds and woods feature sugar maple white cedar birch ash red maple cistern hemlock and tamarack Rare plants in the Include big and black walnut Significant plants include white mouth beech drops oak fern larch three- leaved false s seal Bird sightings feature northern turkey vulture black billed cuckoo and white- throated sparrow The report recommends that rural estate development in the area should be limited commenting the site seems relatively undisturbed at the moment for some estate development on the Fifth Line an unused quarry east of the Sixth Line and a trailer park near it noons Located south of between the Fifth and Sixth Lines this property partly owned by the Crtdit Ville Conservation Authority is located alone the ravine of the Black Creek The steep valley sides arc forested by sugar maple ash beech pine and hemlock t issurcd rock of the kiln remains and an old mill are located here Ten species of ferns some rare or unusual are sheltered here The Black Creek run nmg through the area is noted for ib brook rout Significant plants include the ran walking fern and maidenhair spleen v or Unusual plants noted are common polypody fragile School hours policy Hilton of education will soon Ik dealing with UK issue of school Currently schools jet their own hours and openings and closings may vary from about a to about tmerson Iavender director of told the board Thursday tint i joint committee of elementary and secondary school teachers would have i report on the matter in the near future Lavender said schools cannot operate lunch hours is schools and that there rational reasons for different lime the parents hive children in three different schools each with hours Lavender Trustee Bert said that instead of a hard lint policy the school pnncl pal Willi tin police traffic officer t radon should resolve the matter Trustee Alexander said the is losing sight of its job of setting policy and stead is dealing with administrative matters A motion by trustee Crosier that the board the hours for both and school tabled fern carrion flower buckthorn and black ash Birds present featured black and white warbler read headed woodpecker and winter wren The report recommends public of remaining lands not owned by the Credit Valley Con Authority to reduce possibility of rural estate development Draw winners A luck draw wis held in connection with s quilting business sale First prize winner is Sallv It 1 Acton who is and attends school She wins a polaroid camera Second prize winner is Terry Acton who is six and attends Ospringc schools He wins a radio In third place is Florence Wagner who wins a watch THE LIQUOR LICENCE ACT THE MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS ACT THE CORPORATION OFTHE TOWN OF IN THE COUNTY OF WELLINGTON BY LAW NO 241978 A by law of Corporation of the Township of in the County of Wellington for the submission to a vote of a question under the provision of The Municipal Elections Act to the qualified electors in the municipality WHEREAS at the time of the coming into force of The Ontario Temperance Act a by law dated 1910 was in forco within the limits of municipality prohibiting the sale of liquor by retail therein AND WHEREAS by Section of Regulation 10075 under The Liquor Licehco Act the issuance of a liquor licence to premises located in a municipality is confined to municipalities where an affirmative vote has been taken on the relevant questions as stated tho Regulations under Liquor Licence Act AND WHEREAS under Section 122 of The Municipal Elections Act Council of a municipality may submit to a vote of persons qualified to be entered on voters list and to vote at elections in the mun any question or questions set forth in The Liquor Licence Act 1975 AND WHEREAS Council considers it expedient and desirable to submit to a vote of persons qualified to vote thereon as aforesaid the following question ARE YOU IN FAVOUR OF THE SALE OF SPIRITS SEER AND WINE UNDER A LOUNGE LICENCE FOR CONSUMPTION ON LICENSED PREMISES AND WHEREAS The Council considers it expedient and desirable that vote on the question shall be taken upon day upon which undor Municipal Elections Acl a poll will be held at tho next election of members to Council AND WHEREAS it is necessary to provide by by law for the submission of tho said question to the persons qualified to thereon and for taking of their votes thereon THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Eramosa in the County of Wellington enacts as follows Under Tho Municipal Elections Act 1977 there is submitted to a vote of the persons qualified to be entered on the voters list and to vote at elections in the municipality the following question pursuant to the Regulations The Liquor Licence Act 1975 ARE YOU IN FAVOUR OF THE SALE OF SPIRITS BEER AND WINE UNDER A LOUNGE LICENCE FOR CONSUMPTION ON LICENSED PREMISES 2 The vote shall bo taken upon the day upon which The Municipal Elections Act 1977 a poll will bo hold at the next of members to Council Jean Gray Deputy Clerk PASSED this 1th day of SEPTEMBER 1978 Adsott Mayor or Reeve I Lloyd T Hindloy Clork of Corporation of Township of Eramosa certify that this is a copy of By law No 1978 by the council of Tho Corporation of the Township of on 11th day of September 1978 Lloyd T Hindloy Township Clerk THURSDAY OCT H Foolba I NEW CHARTER PACKAGE HOLIDAY TO Florida Book up ONLY of lsmJdiliihQitJJCilr In Free Bur Sank Includes I A poison Information on a Campground A WEEK PACKAGES ALSO AVAILABLE TED TYLER TRAVEL SERVICE ACTON TOWNSHIP OF ERAMOSA Clerics Notice of First Posting of Preliminary List Tho Municipal Election Act 1977 Section and Preliminary List 1978 of THETOWNSHIP OF ERAMOSA County of Wellington is hereby given that I have complied with Section of Tho Municipal Election Act and that I postod up at my office Tho Municipal Building R R 1 Ontario on or before the day of October list of all persons entitled to vote in the municipality at municipal elections and that such list remains here for inspection And I hereby call upon all electors to tako immediate proceedings to any errors or omissions corrected according to law The last day for filing complaints is day of October Tho place at which revision will commence is TOWNSHIP CLERK S OFFICE The Municipal Building RR 1 Ontario The at which the revision will commence is 00 a October 1978 DATED this day of October T Hlndlay Clark Township of Eramosa TOWNSHIP OF ERAMOSA Revision and Certification of Assessment Commissioners List Re School Support Entry Notice is hereby givon that I have postod up at my office at Municipal Office R Rockwood Ontario on or boforo day of October Census List prepared by the Assessment Commissioner showing the school support of every inhabitant who is entitled to taxes for school support purposes and that list remains for inspection And I hereby coll upon all persons to immediate proceedings to any or omissions corrected to law last day for filing complaints is 27th day of October placo at which the revision will commenco is tho Township Clerks Office Municipal Building 1 Ontario time at which revision will commenco is 9 a m October 1978 DATED at the Township of this day of October L T Hlndlay Clork Township of Eramosa ROCKWOOD AND DISTRICT RESIDENTS Stay in touch with what is happening in your area through the pages of and inform other readers of your special coming event through the ROCKWOOD and DISTRICT COMING EVENT COLUMN For only per for fines you can have your upcoming dance doner etc announced the and District pages of The Acton Free Press Just Call One Of Our Friendly AdVisors 8532010 and let her know your coming event and that you would like it on the Rockwood pages deadline Monday noon TOWNSHIP OF ERAMOSA NOMINATIONS Notice is hereby given to the Municipal Electors of the Township of Eramosa in the County of Wellington that the period during which nomination papers may be filed In the office of the clerk for the purpose of municipal will commence on Monday October 16 1978 to Monday October dur ing normal office hours 900amto500pm a nomination paper in the proscribed form for the offices s of Reeve Deputy and Councillors for Township of Eramosa Trustees for the Police Village of Eden Mills Trustees for the Village of Rockwood Member to ropresent the Townships of and on Welling ton County Board of Education of which all Electors are hereby required to take notico and govern accordingly and further take that the manner in which said nominations shall be filed is set forth in section 36 of Tho Municipal Elections Act which provide that How nominated 36 A person may be nominated a candidate for an office by filing in the office of clerk during the normal offico hours of clerk within the period in which nominations may be filed a nomination paper in prescribed form which a shall be signed by at least ten electors whose names are entered in poll lists of electors entitled to in on election to such office shall state name occupation and address of person nominated in such manner as will identify him and the office for which he is nominated and c shall state the name and address of each elector signing the nomination papor and office for which person is nominated is a member of school board that such nominator is a public school elector or a school elector as fact is Consent and declaration to be filed 2 No nomination is valid unless there is Med with the nomination paper a consent in writing to the nomination and a declaration of qualification in the prescribed form by the person nominated Public School nominators A nomination paper nominating a person for an offico the holder of which is required to be elected by public school electors shall bo signed by public school electors only 1974 Separato School nominators A nomination paper nominating a person for on holder of which is required to be elected by separate school electors shall be signed by separ ate school only 1974 3 Separato Nomination papers 15 Each candidate for election to on offico shall bo nominated by a separate nomination but an elector may sign nomination papors of different candidates Clark to keep nomination paper 6 After a nomination paper Is filed with the clerk it shall remain in the poss of tho clerk Onus on parson nominated The onus Is on the person nominated for election to an to file a bona fide nomination paper If a greater number of candidates than required to fill the said offices ore i no tod and make required declarations notico of the time for tho holding of the poll including tho advance poll and of tho last diy for making cations for a certificate to vote by proxy will be given forthwith Given under my hand this 10th day of October 1978 Lloyd T Hindloy Returning Of

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