Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 18, 1978, p. 4

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Acton Press Wednesday Oct 18 Heres your chance Since a couple of people feel strongly that Actomans should have a chance to express their personal opinion on fluoridation of our water supply a ballot appears in todays paper for that purpose The ballots may be brought or mailed if possible to the Free Press office The results will of course be apparent to our regional councillor G He has pointed out the decision to fluoride Acton water can of course be changed Lack of completely believable information again bedevils the question Two of our readers add to the confusion this week One reader brought us two copies of Consumer Reports which report on fluoride in two long detailed parts The magazine said the charge that fluoride causes cancer proved baseless It also disproves other claims such as the popular one that fluoride is a poison Youd have to drink several hundred gallons at one sitting to get a lethal dose Fluoride does not produce birth defects or mongolism or cause allergic reactions or heart disease Of all the numerous ills that have been attributed to fluoridation from cancer in humans to constipation in dogs none has ever been shown to be valid One city which dis continued fluoride in the water found a remarkable increase tooth problems four years later The article concludes The simple truth is that there no scientific No place for houses controversy over the safety of fluoridation The practice is safe economical and beneficial The survival of this fake controversy represents In Consumer Unions opinion one of the major triumphs of quackery over science in our generation And now for the bad news The very next day we received a note from Lulu Wade of Guelph who wrote a long Letter to the Editor opposing fluoride She sends along a copy of a letter from The National Health Federation of the US and the Coalition for Pure Water which reports on a sue cessful lawsuit of citizens against their water authority in the Allegheny Court of Common Pleas The letter says This decision will culminate the most extensive hearing on the issue of water in history The pro fluoridation establishment called in its top experts from around the world but were unable to refute the evidence Simultaneously we are a lawsuit related to a series of two libelous articles in Consumer Reports which pro moted the party pro line with distortions mis representations and deplorable attempts of character assassin ation We must not allow such libel to stand unchallenged So what do we make of all that Anyway the ballot appears today OK you asked for it What are you going to do about if It doesnt seem reasonable to allow housing close to Beardmore and Co as company officials have argued Perhaps a commercial or industrial use would be better on property where houses will go before long In Toronto houses are to be allowed near airport despite the knowledge there will be complaints of noise Beardmores has a product that produces an odor at times and des pile the fact they have installed a Safety spirit Ghosts witches goblins and other Trick or Treaters are getting ready for the big haunt The On tano Safety League has some suggestions to help you recognize safetyconscious spooks when you see them Look for Glowing Ghosts That Halloween spook with the eerie glow is probably a wise young ghost sporting reflective tape or material If youre driving youll be sure to spot this even on the blackest night One Sider A Trick or who glides up one side of the street at a time They never crisscross the street Marauder This one knows it doesnt take a lot of make up to put on a scary face Its safer than a mask that could interfere with vision and hearing Even masked maurauders can increase their safety by making sure eye holes are large enough and hearing new disposal system odor there will likely be In a letter to council questioned the wisdom of building homes so close to the industry having regard to noise odor and other factors If council wishes our company to progress our government and planning bodies should exercise more concern regarding existing industry the letter said Acton s largest and oldest in dustry after the usual mill should have consideration is not blocked Burner This one never carries a candle and the costume is made of flame resistant material Night Lighter A flashlight in the hand is worth more than a candle in the pumpkin it s safer too Ghastly Grouper A group of frightening Halloween haunters is much more scary to look at then a single spook And young children should be sure to go out with an adult Boundary Booer Parents set boundaries for their children and the little spooks stick to them They also know what time to come home and are never late Now you know what to look for on en If you want to haunt your neighbourhood or if you re a parent with children who are planning to take up the tradition think of safety first and get into the real spirit of the occasion Of this and that Start saving your pennies and your nickels too The youngsters out for goodies on Halloween will be collecting for too Its a very worthwhile cause and one that many of the children seem only too happy to add to their evenings happy program on Oc Our neighbor Arthur Maloney wont be easy to replace He is retiring after three years as the provincial Om budsman and is returning to his criminal law practice He initiated the post with flair and has certainly made the office and its new task well known The Ombudsmans office acts as a watchdog for us all and Mr deserves our thanks Acton friends followed Rob Parkers election campaign with special interest in parliament too The former Acton resident looks like a winner all right The tiny booth that replaced our station at the railway tracks disappeared one day but to add in suit to injury the platform was torn up this summer And the last freight shed was lost to fire Theres no hint left there now of the good old days when tram travel was important Good news A couple of out of town Free Press subscribers report receiving their papers on lately Ones in one in Hamilton Humanity is fortunate because no man is unhappy except by his own fault Seneca CROSS COUNTRY runners paced through the autumn splendor of the Conservation Area last week The beauty of the changing colors had some of the athletes gasping in awe as others panted for that extra breath Sugar and spice byBmsmiiey if tin deepest sitisfatdons in writing inliimn this kind is the know kill lit in gelling into print the infers fruslnttnns of lot of oilier Mi who id recourse for their minimis Hum out in Id mm or tin old it 1 this Well jh mill letters el you on I further other people come up Hi perfect hands md Ok Hill illy Hie mil on the It id little disconcerting in unci sun which lint hey ire referring If li is a mnn I and change the subject iusi is guns though vomit of nobltmtn iss Hilt n null lust week sin II urn like a snake when slit lumcrrows paper with lilt column ixposinj ft chauvinism ikmgrcccntlv to of polsnlial writ ting course I 1 iss inc rs- d satisfaction om gets this 1 journ I Hit personal satis faction there lot more of hot involved than there is of the other kind fin mud iction Columnists freelance writers have no union working for m nor any profc ssioml association is hive doctors teachers lluv In only Hit own and md with which to pent Irak I hinds and thicker skins of editors publishers its i in it when you vent your wrath say tin rapaciousness mcch are button holed six turns in the next three days by people with horror stories ihoui mittimus can believe I rouble is tiny all want you to write column about mechanics and put meat into it Tlui mews in effect that would happily stand in the wing ipplaudwhcn you for libel would like you to be mocking it is that they don friends are IT WAS GREAT weather to enjoy paddling through the autumn colors on the Eramosa River in the Conservation area aghast when you refuse to launch an assault on capital gains taxes Welfares friends think you are a traitor and a fink when you won attack the government for not providing color TV for everyone on the take am not by nature an attacker I think there is nothing more boring than a writer of any kind who tries to make a career of being a hard hitting journal Once in a while my gently bubbling nature boils over Throwing caution and syntax to the winds I let my spleen have a field day and try to throw some sand in the grease with which many aspects of society are trying to give us a snow job And that one of the finest paragraphs ever written if mixed metaphors are your bag game for the hard hitter are garage mechanics plumbers postal workers supermarkets civil servants and politicians Most of them can hit back and everybody hates them except garage mechanics and their wives plumbers and their wives etc etc Smaller fry are doctors lawyers teachers used car salesmen They all squeal like dying rabbits when attacked but nobody pays much attention to them except doctors and their wives etc etc There are a few areas that even the hardest hitters avoid When have you lately read a savage attack on greedy farmers callous nurses or unloving mother And yet there are lots of them around One of these days perhaps one of the hard hitting writers will muster enough I guts after about five brandies to launch an all out attack on the audacity of women thinking they re as good as men Hoy that fellow will learn what real hard hitting is all about Personally I can stay mad at anybody long enough to ben voice of the people public watchdog or any of those ob noxious creatures who try to tell other people how they should feel The only constant In my rage Is the manipulation of self seeking clans who will wist and warp and wriggle and squirm and bribe for self perpetuation in office Otherwise I get a great deal more joy from touching the individual life than inflaming the masses When I get a letter from an old lady in hospital crippled with arthritis who has managed to get a chuckle out of my column It makes me feel good Recently I got a letter from a young Scot who has immigrated to Canada He says I have learned more about Canada and Canadians through reading your column than all the accumulated wisdom from the Canadian newsmagazines novels and TV programs I have absorbed Now there is a man with his head screwed on right If I as a newcomer tried to get my impressions of this country from newsmagazines and TV programs I catch the first boat or plane home So I guess 1 Just try to go on talking to people getting sore having some fun looking for sympathy in the war between the sexes That b what Ufa Is all about not plumbers and politicians and other horrors of that ilk I The Free Press Back Issues 100 years ago Tultrii from the litue of The Free of October annual rail Show of the Eramosa Agricultural Society was held on their rounds In Rockwood Wednesday the light shower and the dullness of the weather during the forepart of the show a large crowd attended to see as good an as the Society has ever hod The horse show was as usual first and spoke well for the township Mr Job Ryder of Acton showed a number of excellent carriages manufactured by himself and succeeded as usual in taking first for all ho exhibited Mr C W Hill Acton had some specimens of his on exhibition and all agreed second to none fin annual exhibition of the Ha I ton Agricultural Society was held on ihor grounds in Milton on Thursday and last society appears to be fortunate in having fine weather lor thiir show days and no better days been chosen than Thursday and last week To be sure it rained a little about dark on evening hut this was too late in the day to prevent any number from attending show and therefore an exceedingly large crowd was present farmers mer chants other artisans with their wives sweethearts sons and daughter jostled each other all day long and all appeared satisfied that the ex hibilion was a good one in every respect 50 years ago Taken from the issue he Free Press October 18 Mr Wilson superintendent of Public suffered a broken rib and a badly sprained ankle while rimming trees to clear the hydro wires on Monday The ladder Mr Wilson was working on slipped and he fell to the ground a distance of about ten feet The new Acton branch of Carroll Cash and Carry Cham Store will open for business afternoon A staff of busy clerks and supervisors have been occupied since Saturday last In arranging the stock on shelves and gettmg the store in readiness for the opening on that day On Monday Mr Viilham Stalker was felling a tree m the bush on one of his farms when he happened with a rather serious accident The tree in fulling hit on the branch of another tree and was deflected from its course and fell in the direction of Mr Stalker struck him on the left hip and fractured the thigh The leg is also badly bruised by the weight of the tree on it Mr Stalker was removed to hospital where an ray was taken of the fracture LATER Reports from the hospital state that Mr Stalker is suffering much from his injuries and his back has also been found to be injured 20 years ago Taken from the issue of the Free Press of Thursdav October 195fl hour Acton rural mail carriers joined in celebrating of years of rural mail delivery in Canida Longest with rural mail deliverv here is Harold Webster of who has delivered mail for over years Many times he walked with a bag of mail over his shoulder when the snow was too high Jack Locker has been with the depart ment years Starting the same year as Mr Locker wis Bntton whose route is now delivered by his Betty For the past 12 years Joe has been the carrier on J Acton v in December w ill vote on the dissolution of the Acton Public Utilities Commission and the awarding of half mill grant for Acton Citizens Band 10 years ago Token from the issue of the Free Press of October IB 1968 Keep the tannery whistle blowing That the open message to and Co management this week after half a week without the old familiar sound Never before when the Free Press asked for comments have we had such prompt and numerous calls Phone calls coming in and messages given on the streets prompted us to put out lists on Friday both the plant office and stationery store for people to sign In just two days minus Sunday and Thanksgiving there were nearly names A petition in the MZ Bennett school started by Sharon Ellcrby amassed names THE ACTON FREE PRESS PHONE Business and Editorial Office Copyright

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