Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 25, 1978, p. 4

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The Acton Wodnusitay 100 years ago It toy years ago this week that the Free Press mined to a new location on Milt St where the Old Free building has now been completed What a round figure to celebrate One hundred on the same spot The building we moved into then the old tin shop which had been Stewart and IV were quite a few made for the e Ihe Free Press started out in Matthews hall above what used to be Kitchens that building was torn down this sear to make a parking lot Next Hie Free Press moved to a small frame building on Mill near the Mill Willow tor tier which later became the first post office We were there for just a couple of wars Ihe past offue at that time was hi Matthews store In a new facade was plated on the budding and this is the ante that has been so sue in the sent rebuilding program building will bear the In loll lhe Old Five Cress Building to com the for the that w as made lhe building has a special place our hearts In the Free Press exulted the first of April the home of Actons popular local journal has been in of the builders hi tec masons lcklayers is plasterers metal tin smiths engineers steam titters electricians and turn been in charge of the premises and the it suit is a complete motion The office has been practical rebuilt and every vestige of the building whtie the Free Press was housed lor twenty five veins has Inen tiled lie owing the Km Im is and the new office has more than doubled the capacity of the old building the premises now being on two storeys The exterior now presents a very handsome appearance The design which represents a massive cut stone front with pilaster columns between the three plate glass windows in the main office and cornices and pediment and rock faced sides was prepared by Mr J A Ellis Architect Toronto and worked out by the Metal Shingle and Siding Co of Preston Mr J Mackenzie had the contract for the carpenter work and roofing and the of both exterior and interior reflect credit upon his skill and work manship The fittings for the editorial and business office which are fitted in hardwood are especially handsome The painting was executed by Mr W H Walker and this also adds materially to the general attractiveness The in tenor wails are covered with burlap and with the neatly con trasting colors maroon and terra cotta worked out by Mr Walker and with the chair raifs and mouldings the effect is at once clean cosy and restful The stone cement and brick work were done by Mr N Forbes the thoroughness of whose work is everywhere appreciated The new boiler room and coal room are models of safety and convenience During the progress of improve Messrs Speight and Georgetown installed a new six p steam boiler for heating and one of their splendid gasoline engines of good capacity for motive power The new premises are thoroughly modern in oil and the Free Press is now comfortably housed one of the most attractive and complete printing offices for a journal of its class in the province Wo are now at home to our thousands of patrons and will welcome a call from any of them any time A century on the spot For history buffs Talented local artist Laura Dittnch has a new series of drawings that will delight history buffs Christmas shoppers and just plain people She has drawn sketches of the old original school the Methodist church the new United church and band shell The old school and the Methodist church have been gone from the scene for years and the drawings will bring back memories for Acton old timers Mrs Dittnch already has other town buildings in the series of sketches including the old post office town hall and stone school These pictures and will be for sale at the Arts and Crafts group show and sale this Saturday Of this and that Last weeks Free Press was unusually large and heavy in cluding advertising inserts from Beaver Milton Mall Zellers and Shoppers Drug Mart as well as our usual Real Estate section added up to pages This made the papers a little late getting on the streets and in the stores The flyer is a popular way of advertis ing for large stores and were glad they choose to get their message into local homes right along with the Free Press Dont miss reading the flyers I After all advertising Is news too Dons Anderson Liberal can didate in said she was dismayed at the anger of the people and the way it was turned against the government She lost out to Rob Parker formerly of Acton About doesnt seem much for the Beavers cubs and Scouts to have raised on Apple Day Many seem to forget theyre making a donation not single apple The apple is the boys way of saying Thanks MEMBERS OF THE ENNISCLARE hunt await the masters word Sunday as hounds cast for scent of the Town Line just east of Acton The local hunt is in its second year and is enjoying full fields of enthusiastic equestrians and good weather every Sunday this fail They have not as yet seen a fox but they have cidentaliy treed an amused raccoon A Sugar and spice About this lime of year far community in smiling around town hall trying to drum up hot story about the coming municipal t lit It about as irdmg as loikiiiL r diamonds in tin All they mm up with art pompous clients ivisims mill truths invariably Hit Mayor inliss he been caught his hands in ilu in flagranti tin moli room with hoi tit body will is going to run ag I believe I it tin of our fine town tarry nut lit mj pro program inaugural during my years In office I hiving in in Kit paper wit unci if of councillors would stop arguing wilh miehlbt abh to it row tnough money out of lit to start tint community centre whnli will hi mi Whit leadership it Hit op Hum wi I itindidilt for offitt but I do know in whit l lMlll Infinitum is i In art i I II f ltd his job He Hit ill iif In tot km par tits I him Hurt setmsto a strong found swill among lit voleis fin in blood at tin top i vibrant rslup would nuikt thriving it could Hut I I It lltinltdvil III tin What others sa Haton Hills costing power consumers millions IN lit had din ml ilu ami Mull I luuil is October IU In ml win ti liny win lold Hydro rutin would i hi runt in Not nil In hart im tan lilatmd on Hydro Ilu- milt tin powir on Union is li li completed Into thin mid In Ik of full in it power It tun will In in lid Southern tularin I Improve tlmueturKy of On and lusts tills will not In imillnlili Iriiiiisi tin I own llnllon IIIIIh a if llui rn luii mm mills of tin Urn In Itru It Ihui that thin will tin In by from million tn million a month whoh Mm bus bun i In 1072 win Hit In Into on ilu of i IhIwciii and IlikirlnH I hi tomnilssiun In ahbrt vlatlnn tin ml In furllur but wisely this was Die fltariiiK llmird wns lis reiomintndatlon in cepted to termini In of lhe lint win approvals for expropriation were up plications were made by to In Ontario Divisional to tin approvals detlarttl invalid and were refused The Niagara Commission Issued a permit to allow he line o the The towers to carry ho power lino have been erected for all 14 of the route A transformer been built at Milton on ho other aide of the disputed Hills nine miles Hills bylaw does not permit the It refused to amend its bylaw to grant such permission In March Ontario Hydro requested the Ontario Municipal Board to direct he i town to amend the bylaw The OMB In April 1978 Hydro petitioned ttn inmnl i mpl tin jit Hi I iiijiu id li Hit mi and to town ifiisiil tin mm minimi ami in ijs ilt tilt Hit on in was mil on tin liitnsiul I tioiip has Kin it Imlnltil nunn I and has that Hills ititi mist inm Man in Hit liaisilitlion in tin ist if illut Milts lot Mil I0k Mi in in nipt Hit 1 1 tin units at Hunt mil a put if Ilu fourth win it inn on lliu but il il is all nil Ibis it as as diKiti a tar i spin tin It inakis inin and wbtn him limits must In I nidi tin ssltm iiinot an tin full output of fourth Unit Ilu SOU kV ssm w lilt Hills is do thai so from JMl to will In lucked up Id with no mt mis of it out Hit ixisfniK svstttn will to its limit In in only of the power and w a ho unreliable and I ho existing is needed at a maud by dispart tire for the new system Hit Is if all lie rated at is o be il IKind And when it Is In full opt i allot is to supply per of Ontario a ilectrical Tin Citizens of Hills art to prices for land ex proprlatid to meet a public need hat hah been Judged to take precedence over their Hut is It not possible for Ontario to devise a system lha will allow for con the rights of all parties and the resolution of all disputes within a reasonable period of The problem has been with us for six years and could be for another with monthly losses runnlngfromlmiiliontoM million Ifwc eventually do freeze in tbo dark it will probably be the fault of us eastern bastards J Translation If the Miyor makes a and the succumbs to cirrhosis of liver which he working bird at I go for iht top if I can find two and second me councillor Well as in voters of Ward hour well know I bit n Hit representative best interests wire it heart I know art behind per cent I imprtnement in town unless whs in V our and 1 stiutaked in the last lime four Councillor Wink Well I just don know whether run Hit takts terrible toll of time and to spend more nut with Hut do feel a sense of to keep 1okevillt sitif Translation Jeez misscd three itimmittee nifetms list nth if 1 turfed out I 11 to with Crhdvs host rotten kids tnlit 1 It don t run Hi it wipe tut Kbit I bomNth liiunl pie it Ward or twnts Mar- sin rt of ratt tr I In lint with alt modish thit Until well it lint on 1 1th 1 hid out down to i struct t I brought to Ward Two a hop two parlor- and i tlnikui palm stand on rtvord of thiiM ding are still sore at for down rets Stum of them others is mad nt pop their front lawns If atubod runs I back on baud Hut we mast avoid cynical inusttitwt politiuans in inure to Im pllletl tluin scorned If fail to be i it a serious blow to the i go If succeed thev are stuck with two tars of initid numbing met tings and lit constant of the public Unlike their brethren in provincial and federal politics they cannot put a certain distance between themselves and their masters They are to Ik pilloried in the local paper belli I in a coffee shop or phoned two in morning settle a drunken argument Such is lie lot of the municipal politician Nor can we blame them too much for being shifty when asked whether or not they are going to stand for election They have learned that shifty footwork thai sparring for advantage hat gouging and butting in the clinches from their provin and federal counterparts And they have of course that great master of the ringing phrase the double talk the double think the swift change of course Pierre Elliott Himself the man who was going to wrestle inflation to the ground who abhorred price and wage controls then clasped them to bosom who steered through the end of capital punishment and now might just might hold a referendum on It provided enough people vote for him In the next election which might Just might be held next spring Or next summer Or next fall No wo can our local politicians for Issuing evasive or cowardly statements to the press Theyve been too well trained from the top The Free Press Back Issues 10 years ago Taken Hit he ret Pre of October S3 IMS Deputy reee of A N innounced this he will be seeking election as of Lb township in he December An open letter Dear Sir The of paper and many of the citizens of Acton to our announcement thai had decided to blowing the whistle after more than century was surprising to say the least We fell it no longer served any useful and hat perhaps we were intruding on lhe privacy of many individuals On Viednesdjy morning the whistle will bio again Tannery A large Mill Mure changed hands tins week and pharmacist Bill is Liking over lit location Newton Scents to store New iwmt is Dollar Daddy store Mr will continue o operate Pharmacy With little debate surprising unanimity council moved Tuesday to indicate a for regional Council petitioned lie Ministry of Municipal lo proceed the transition re puna government in tin county years ago Takrn from the the t- ree Tht first cast of poll j is season has occurred the district Mrs Harry J is in I in suffering from Hit disease with paralysis of lhe lower limbs A stolen car from into the home of Mr Mrs Wilson 1akcvjiw subdivision Tut evening following a chase by OFF constable Bob of the local detach An estimated damage was Tht Honourable Cass Minister of Highways for Ontario officially opened the new bridge in I tot wood on Wednesday afternoon during a half hour that saw Mrs Donald McNeil cutting the ribbon Mr and Mrs Freeman received callers on occasion of their i th wedding Aid ouch Church is 120 years old the were the first couple there They were presented with i Bible from the church Hie 50 years ago the 1PH Last Mrs HP Watson and Miss I mm tit tht former s at a towel shower for the booth winch they ire con for the Junior I t izaor Mr and Mrs I Itidinnint who ton ducted i me it shop in few vears ikn Mills to carry to ire now tocittd in 1 Son stout on Mini St Mr 1ortnK Guild office iff vacated the and ire in in building near the formers reidenei Mrs i i iptib aid Miss Bert spent lie weekend with eht-t- irHMrs MlKj Tin- spn weekend On I I years ago jken rum of the iss Hit next if tret Ire- will be tht door to the hurt wis Mew a tin shop Tin- building Ins filled up for us windows been put in a partition pulled down ither Inu been put senUrs win it tin office for their papers will pie Itir mind lo at tin 1irtits who requested us to take wood m pivmtnl of their subscriptions to this paper ire desired to it at mice the roads up Tin season is fist approaching llv pniper t on the part of some of our leading citizens there should be no difficult incettm rtspoctable outside the village limits The dtlapidiled condition of tin present burying tin injurious effects from to inter tin in so close proximity to the centre of the village ire palpable re for watnntinj the council purchasing a site THE ACTON FREE PRESS PHONE Bustmsb and Ed ton Office Copyright

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