Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 1, 1978, B8

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Th Acton Pross Wednesday Nov ACTON MEWS OFFICE OR BUSINESS I it II in Dun ill miss Will N A Morrow steps down as regional chairman required Construct Lid or even el or no BEDROOM house Ado Possession December I Please call 416 BEDROOM house Acre alter BEDROOM plus ELK S Hall lor rem Harold at or ti I27J anil arc two qualities Hie Morrow takes away with turn as retiring in of In ihe space of two short years lit saw five major mo us made by regional council Hit est of b as a I ill location building of a reRloml nation of a business dcpirtment in ml phn and uniform are of his tenure I ikmj each in turn Site I is and continues to be the most controversial Morrow said when he was elected chairman he wanted tin region to make decision locating regional site for its be saw three years of lion voir region settled on Sit I Although the liter is scheduled to go before the irl in the new Morrow said lit is confident repin seise is will pre The homework is been done he said pproiniiteli the of in tin southwestern section if w is the best of tin mm the reinn inside red b or Ibe problem of garbage is a provincewide When wis formed five years ago there were seven landfill sites one lor each municipality Morrow said Milton was full now ships its garbage to the site in Georgetown Three other have since been closed This places i on the existing ones Hie landfill site in nexunple ltu city said five years ago the site be ex panded Now because Site has been delayed the life of the location appears it will be extended Morrow siid he t den is No one likes it lie said it isn I going said Ilalton generates OCX tons recycling in t handle it he said not unless tin ire ling to shell out million For i spec pi imlfill is the only fusible I is the best loc the Council i the best decision on tin best nail he Nobody likes I but likes I motions bivc run hit during ili ill it one meet inc he things wen to icl Hid and because of the building the reason he allowed his condition and on account of name to stand for election as the fott it is too far from chairman shopping eating government was tits the province a answer to Morrow said are handling the mushrooming going be problems moving into any new building these tend lo get Ironed out over a period tune he said Commenting on the bright green exterior he said it was the architects decision What would you rather it he Moving into its own build ig the will b Minis for of Hi sue I ind nidi i the ill In t 87 REAL ESTATE PRIVATE MUST SELL 1 III ilia on 1 I walkout aid US BUYER Warns isi I II III sale CITYAPARFMENI HAVE FOR Jick Holmes 1 Est He Broker 1650 37 of Morrow sunt he id no iojis iboul the of Governments Hi things wl leh an not lion iblt ht Ibis else dttisuii lie mult nude it lint follows in seeunnj provinci ippn Dm tin exciting things itxut is ernuh people to mike sponsible decision i d for Morrow w is council s deci mi to build lis own he roughly a month in rent And the strue tun is paid will be no debenture lymenls Morrow third ac w is ere i tmn of i business department with its own director to at tract new industries busuusses to the region lie tint is import in fourth adopt in off mil in During his first three on council is a Hills leprtsent line Morrow Mid tin pi in bid stymied One his urns upon being elected is in vi is to stc i plan approved lhis last It I found ition for tin region will influence its for tilt five leeomplish s he saw wsn intilsaelop- lion in principle of uniform population in the Golden Horseshoe Looking at Metro Toronto which was created years ago Morrow said it has become a showpiece of successful government providing the greatest number of benefits to the greatest number of people Considering con tains a quarter of million people Morrow said regional government was the only effective system capable of meeting the needs of these people as well as looking to the future Morrow stepping down bctnusc he wants to devote more time to Ins family In two years I have been homo only three weekends nd and his wife Sandra have two daughters linya Alain Morrow is an Air undo pilot who flies DC icross the country his lion further situation which kepi him scpanted from his Family Morrow is years old been born Sept 5 1JJ0 He induiled from the College in Kingston i2 I of Arts Degree His major subjects were Com mtree and t He served ihree years with tin has been with inieli for 13 His rank is OUTGOING CHAIRMAN Morrow looks up as he decamps from his office Region moved from its Burlington office into its new build at the corner of Highway and the Queen Elizabeth Way on the weekend Morrow is stepping down at the end of this council term after a municipal career which a decade Morrow stresses regional assets posed of Milton Hills Ken of lie REAL ESTATE Distress Sale Ih sil of building in Milton Hit lo k roxini lick ibis ii s projieled One of the things region eh in learns is to look Ibe region is in entity rather linn its individual parts This has been one of tht experiences for retiring II ton Morrow His two ear term brought this home he said No longer did his former riding of Hilton Hills driw his first loyally He said the region came first Although five years of re giounl government in II r J UK JKisiliiin from I 197J nil I com regional and for Ihree I in Morrow became interested in munieipil politics when his eouncillor to do any thing about the street on Until lit lived Mi rrow rin him is elected Strung is for two in 1J JU Ik had i falling out with the reeve in the suecieiiing election been THREE YEARS tl n EPHfrMT CHOWNLHYHEALTY ID flllm fi4i ptI It he Kill ion to rent Iwo I build mi in is ip prove i tin is mo lis time Ihtrc liftiimiiij building In fort running for region il eh He was Jan 1977 Morrow s hobbies an squish skiing and his 10ear iner in politics he said it is the only arena where Kit mm in the street elected and represent the first five ye irs ire rt If tin riLiii is I i progress things si iildhe doni lint is sent ind future it is people fighting for their own beliefs he slid Duly it he mumtipal level can a person get involved in without having to up Ins job themselves informed They read re ports he said lit ml he be the regional system of government is the best method of Ihe mush rooming rcsiikntnl com mercial and induslrnl growth m am A rcijoml has lie necessary supporl sl iff handle his kind of grow to the region form lion each of the seven com munlties Burlington Acton Milton Georgetown and had heir InndbnL new eminent is icen skill for current pi mil plan the Dure n of trill here Mori I often 1 ml people sit things d which Tike for met Most see bigs picktd up but don I give tond thought lo where it It is the first site that has been planned is i landfill site lie said Police water arc other responsibilities by regional govern men lice of the growth in the i single community is no lonLjtr able lo cope with the tost of providing these w debentunng To provide efficient ser region government Ins provided to tax sale w here ing r is whv Morrow mi While critics I said costs from regional govern ire higher than what they under the county system of government Morrow snd Ihey ire less Regional policing Is more effective than its he said River Run uncertain with the REM ESTATE Church Services i Hun REDUCED MUST SELL Acton fl 1 1 pond lake sue I Minyuin 714 acies inn fern I I lor sale J irk Holmes Broker 1650 ii j tilli3 THE IS RIGHT AMES HUME I Pond i SOLAR HIJMEFEAlUnES Mo I his Ho root homo Rmdyt ey ACRE BUILDING EOT Good high land This bod 10 ACRES HOME n Pol- lily full ACTON Brick old a i I Own in ACRES Brick no glow fan ion i It RENT METRO FEATURE HOME WEEK REDUCED RELAXED LIVING PUIS I METRO I TREMENDOUS BUY I I J in lot I id i a I pill Ire Ask I A GORGEOUS VIEW Ton il Lol coo I Only IXX IK VIEW OF GEORGIAN RAY i til tot d or IOSjIvt alio Pin 1 Fan ml IilOKJJIiOO or Herb Neumann Estate Ltd Realtor CHURCHILL PRESBYTERIAN THE CHURCH OF COMMUNITY CHURCH ST CHURCH IN CANADA MARTYR KNOX CHURCH J A and Mm ACTON Rev AndrcwH BAUD Mniilor Mi A B A 0 Mrs FrinkOnkci November 1978 1 1 r W 1 Stindtiy November November CI School TRINITY K iito J 1 jil in Hoy Fid in PuIIl Sfrvcn 10 30m ChnruElLh 1 Tl CI 1 R IIFli tot Acton ir ACTON BAPTIST CHURCH In Ni EVANGEL Pallor Rev my PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE Chi IRd Paaroi Rev ck 1615 Ch UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Sunday November TRINITY CHURCH Ed it V I ACTON a Mm I 1 BO 1010 I M E1I billy E on TUESDAY ii il MA PhD Fill DAY of hi 10 Lad ft Sunday 1978 Sunday November 1973 ni MAPLE AVENUE in Mo in i School BAPTIST CHURCH MONDAY Fold a id Cnio 177MaplaAvn Wo lor Pro Sunday November 1978 am imor Ml The family that SALVATION ARMY prays together II bo hold in tod Church Sun i and stays together day veiling out fall Tho of Evangel Churchei n Canada level Incited lit bulk of lie John ins first irs Inspector Thomas Mac of fraud said in telephone interview jesterdav I rucsdiijl tint force is looking lodged about development the principals on Rind in Scar borough The aid the in ii i HI f tins i ground In ten id the the r the No were up sites irnlir hid lie Mill Ins been I ite in September Some wen sell for Assisted Iteiltu dm pi ship III but eomplt 11 tin is out of force s junsdiclion but liter is still under in into ireis of the principals Die two partners in I immunities Lid are I ibero and Denis of Toronto It is also believed that Murray of t Id is in w itli the company but whether he is a partner is unclear completion fin ill ipproud Hilton Mills eouncil e Ibis the ekvtlopnnnt Attempts to get In touch it the have I mil Proved fruitless slopes of However spokesman for trustee in said tint in assignment of for is filed October tiled lo eh ron k Hie proposed it units in J Ihe project wis welcome addition stock in which ti of low cost said tint personally us his com J w is origin illy 1 til of md ittir whs pnivid w i t over a lot onto e died ltd winch has One Iwo three and Iln fin difficultly of Abodi dm I til taint to light in the of winknieii the site hid difficult then Ik pie ficiillles Fin ii I I be spoke wa I ltd He has some slnres In tint company hut is Far wc know the slnres ire worthless Mel a credit with the Bank of Monti said bank holds i first mortgage on Hie property has id problems Mamlelbaum said liulnpartfrnmtliatwe can comment further According one of the of One I lei the Bank of Montreal will be putting up the development for sate to the highest bidder Just when or how the problems of the development will be overcome Is uncertain but is believed hat live ligation into the activities of Hie partners of the company was launched Itibl month by Hie fraud squad Investments of the Metro Toronto police Is a rescue operation

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