Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 1, 1978, p. 4

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jJhB Acton Free Press Wednesday Nov 1 Meet your candidates There is no better way to recognize the best people for public office than to see them and talk to them personally Everyone will get this op portunity at the Meet the Can didates night Although the Free Press is publishing interviews with all the local candidates you cant beat a personal chat They are trying their best to meet as many people as they can of course But thats just not possible Attendance at public meetings is notoriously low Yet readiness to complain is notoriously apparent If you want to complain later with a clear conscience be sure to attend the Meet the Candidates night being arranged for next Wednesday November What merchants want Shoppers think again The fact that merchants oppose a new plaza on Actons outskirts does not mean that they oppose new stores What they hope to do is keep the down town alive They see other towns nearby where plazas have resulted m a dreary downtown full of vacant stores So they encourage new business to locate downtown Tear down existing buildings if necessary as is already being done here Whole blocks are zoned Com on Mam and Mill and Commercial Holding in their residential sections for this very purpose More parking has been provided too this past year The Business Improvement Area participants have heady plans But don I think they re opposed to more bigger and better for Acton Hydro party line Whenever Ontario Hydro of ficials feel they are not getting their own way the talk to the Globe Mail Canada s national newspaper The Globe listens to Hydros view of matters and after some research delivers a thunderbolt from Mount Ohmptib aimed at bending the Govern s ear and changing the course of human events Last week it was Hills turn to feel the wrath of The Globe over the uncompleted Bruce to Milton hvdro corridor which has been delayed because an old by lav prohibits passage across Halton Hills The Globe also took a swing at the Interested Citizens Group for delaying the corridor charging the delay is increasing the cost of generating power in from to million a month The figures are Hydros The Globe pontificates that the manoeuvres of Hills the and the Government have consumed two and half years and are costing consumers money and are going to cost them a lot more money Such nonsense The Interested Citizens Group has been asking for an independent study of the need for the corridor for six years as all other major transmission corridors have received They have agreed to accept the findings of that in dependent study For vears the Government under a succession of energy ministers has pleaded there is not enough lime to conduct even a six month independent study That and a by law are delaying what may well be an unnecessary corridor which will cost con sumers a lot more money than the etra supposedly will lose from bottling up power at Bruce Far be it from us to question the integrity of Canada s national newspaper but it would help if they knew both sides of the story before thev go off halfcocked about Hills holding up a hydro corridor If we eastern bastards do eventuall freeze m the dark it will not be because of a band of determined citizens who want a fair deal or a by law which bans corridors it will be a bureaucratic bungle by Ontario Hydro The corporation has long known the by law existed and has been upheld by the OMB It obviously trembles at the thought of an independent study which may expose planning practices which should have gone jut with the timber barons If the Globe patience is exhausted and they want the full story on the Bruce to Milton hydro we suggest they talk to the i interested people not the interests The Georgetown Independent Of this and that Dont worry if your Free Press subscription is due The deadline was extended a couple of weeks because of the postal strike Again this week chuckles and special thanks to the group reporter who has given us so much more than the usual devotions minutes Since businessmen are doing their best to promote downtown shopping we have another idea How about a downtown business area map posted in the Chamber of Commerce bulletin board out side the It could list all the stores and indicate You are Here the way the maps in the big shop ping plazas do Sir Freddie Laker would like to start up a Skytram to London from Toronto probably with a straight fare of 135 U S the same as from New York Hes restricted in what he wants to do by treaties which limit him to charter flights for which we must book 30 days in advance But he thinks Toronto is ready for Skytrain service Likely plenty of people around here think so too While we read in the daily papers and watched scenes on television of sinking postal workers not much was made of the fact that in many small towns like Acton the postal staff was at work not out on picket lines Probably these workers knew the feeling of the general public better than their union leaders Canadian hamburger If you read those family magazines that are always near the grocery store check out counters you might have shared with me the recent surprise of an alt Canadian hamburger It was Family Circle that showed round the world toppings to make your hamburgers special Did you notice the Canadian hamburger The recipe listed as a top secret The Huskie Burger lettuce two slices of Canadian bacon canned gus lemon slice mayonnaise Thats a Canadian specialty Asparagus Lemon Lettuce Canadian bacon OKI But how to improve upon the recipe What would make a good typical Canadian topping for a hamburger Baptist church addition is credit to community Sugar and spice byBiiismiiey If you have ever bought or borrowed a copy of Maclean magazine you have probably been subjected In the pas month treatment I have on the Chinese water torture second day I received a card or a phony looking certificate or a sincere letter telling of Ihc fabulous in the subscriptions I can receive if I up right now Heck for only it52 it news can receive issues of Maclean a per cent guaranteed lifetime savings PI US full color calendar It great piece of hucksterism And with a good reason If you don get them subscribers you don I gel ads ads is what a magazine gets rich on nol readers And can understand slight note of desperation in the mail campaign The first few issues of Canada Weekly Newsmagazine were nol exactly swollen with advertising There were six eight full page a da mostly liquor cigarettes a few half ind quarter pages couple or throe self promotional pages all this out of pages enough money there In pay for the coffee of about 40odd editors a guggle of resell correspondents photognphers and editorial assistants It to tremor with fear Not that it would bother me for more than one minute and a half if Maclean s went belly up It a fat rich corporation with many irons in the Ire most of them highly profitable Through a judicious eombinalion f whining and poisonous nationalism Maclean managed lo convince the government of the necessity to kick out of the country its only rcil com petition Time magazine and leaden Digest have I any re to wish new weekly newsmagazine ill I have an old and honorable association with the maga zinc and its sister buxom with rile latter has become from tenuous wispy beginnings about is a magazine as women s micazirie can get My issocinliun with this pur it tender It whin I received contract to go out and hustle up sub scribers to cither or both of these migs I w is a lousy salesman l hen still am and it was Depression years but as I rccill I sold two subscriptions to Chate laine and one to to friends of my I received in com missions and that was end of pot en career in publishing Of course in those days a kid have chance Ihc pro Made in and other publishing chains would send into a small town a highly trained team of hustlers to sell senplions They were personable and fast much like the encyclopedia sales men of a couple of decades later They hit the town like we about Tuesday and depart after noon laughing like open drains with a lot of loot leivmg behind them a host of housewives wondering vaguely why they hud signed up for eight years of IG years of Chatelaine even though it cost them cent ha ha However I willing to let old business lie If leave me done I It do the same for them take an objective look at heir newsmagazine the non pareil according to them It s not bad really There is a strong tendency to be smirtass as in this opening sentence is the oldest whore on the block trying to imitate Time style Hut on the whole the mag bad tribulations of putting out weekly in on age in which everything is instant dead two minutes it s been seen on TV there is a fairly of provincial and federal news adequate coverage of inter news and few good features One of them is interesting enough visually verbally but bears the cliche People as its heading There lot of cutesy business of printing over yellow and purple orange which is juvenile and slightly Hut there is some first class writing like llarbara and Mordccai seldom put a foot wrong Hie last of those is an columnist from Vancouver who recently suggested that the Toronto Argo- and the liberals were ut and that if the were running the country nobody would notice the difference a nice commentary on both I the m igizlnc is happiest so for in its comments on the arts and enter is where Canadians shine we lire nation of critics wheher we know my thing the subject or not It is weak on sports then sports ire awfully dead except for color stones once the burly On whole let the thing a forn two But noway I to sign up for Issues How do f gel money back if I die or they go broke in the eks OUR READERS WRITE Something positive K ft 1 Acton Ontario October 28 1978 Dear Despite the negative revelations of Sansom in her letter to the Acton Free Press October I would like to say some thing positive about Bert effective action brought swift resolution to a school bus problem we had While the as portal ion people priority was only time money was immediately concerned with the children well being The r which unconditionally damns with personally cutting comments about effectiveness grand standing ego tripping ironically ap pears lo be a case of Ihe pot calling the kettle black Yours truly Johnston Supports candidate Ont 30 1078 Dear Mrs Dills I agree with Eva Sansom a letter of last week We do need more effective voice on the Board of Education That voice should come from a resident of our community Betty Fisher of Georgetown Is to bo com mended for her interest but wo do not need two trustees from Georgetown Can you imagine the board being made up of residents from nil of except Acton and Sheldon Is a resident of with children In Speysldc school She ho3 been Involved in the community and the schools Mrs Sheldon Is deeply concerned with the future of education in general and Halton In particular She la and articulate and would represent us well Sincerely Alma Swetman His bike is stolen Last Thursday afternoon my bike was stolen from the bike rack at Robert Little School Last year my dad helped me paint It It was black red and silver I saved and bought black and saddle Its not a very big bike I am years old It was different my very own bike and I it 81 Nelson Court Thanks for column Our lleidcrs Write Column The ditor Dear or Madam I would tike to thank you publicly far using letter Sharing by Nancy Many papers would not use a definitely religious letter at all You used it In full and it was lengthy You gave It top billing You emphasized its importance also by the drawing and title Sharing at the lop was sincere letter However sin would frighten some newspapers are often themselves cynical practical too for some readers could consider the treatment given this letter as an endorsement by you of the Christian religion They fear an attack by the human rights groups might damage the media Image prcsent T announcement we do not necessarily agree or endorse the opinions of the following program This is a typically sit on the fence attitude and all too prevalent today I wish to congratulate you on your courage In printing a letter which was a personal testimony but also a convincing argument for a belief In the love of God May you continue to speak out on all the Issues fearlessly Sincerely Mrs Box Ont The Free Press Back Issues 10 years ago Taken from the Issue of the Free Frets of Wednesday October 1968 I m going to miss the children all right That the thing I hate about quitting admits John Bruce He retires this Thur night after years and two months as guard at the crosswalk on Highway by Glcnlca If Jim Snow has his way Halton County would take on a radically new and different look Snow for Halton East has submitted a plan to Darcy McKeough Minister of Municipal Affairs suggesting County be split into five sections or divisions rather than seven as at present Acton post office will be shut down Saturday beginning February MP Whiting confirmed The lock box lobby will be open and rural route delivery will operate as usual No parcel post service will be available 20 years ago Taken from he issue of the Free Press of Thursday Novembers Organization of a disaster fund was assumed Monday when Acton council recommended formation of such a group and appointed Mayor W Cook as town representative G V Barbeau was returned to office as president of the Acton Chamber of Com at their regular dinner meeting held in the United Church on Wednesday evening Harold Perkins Alice St was engaged for the position of assistant assessor for town of Acton and commenced bis duties Monday November 2 There were three applicants for the position The driver of a stolen automobile which crashed into the side of the home of Mr and Mrs Wilson Acton on Tuesday of last week is buck at the Ontario Reformatory it with nine months added lo his sentence as a result of his short freedom Acton firemen this morning Thursday responded to a fire call at the farm Horace 1 Acton at am ire chief J Newton reported a chimney on fire at the house and said the damage was small 50 years ago J It en from the Issue of the I- rcc Press November 1 IffiH The many friends of Mr I- rank I ly will be pleased to learn of his appointment as postmaster at to succeed the late Col John Mutrie He will be selling the farm The Robert Co of is invading many towns in Ontario up mail depots Where we re all heading for we don know but we re on our way Master William Chisholm in the Halloween last night had tic misfortune to run into the rcir end of a passing motor car and injure his shoulder It was a pretty sane Halloween One home counted 133 callers Mr Hugh has recently had his barn and stables electrified 100 years ago Taken from Ihe Issue of Ihc Press October J I IHTH number of drunken men been seen on the street of late There have been no less than three panne bees at within week and large ones at that These bees consist in paring apples in the part of the evening and pairing people during the latter part of it The Sunday School held in school house has been success with as many as attending A social will be held at the home of Mr in Nov number of teams will be m to take loids Tht Hoys are warned against doinc any mischief In town tonight The constable has been instructed to be on the watch and anyone who does mischief While number of were in the post office Tuesday evening waiting for the mail be distributed they were suddenly surprised by hearing lamp chimney explode The glass fell in thousands of pieces and he affair caused considerable A quoit match between Mr Hugh Cameron of Acton and Geo of Georgetown for a side is arranged for Nov THE ACTON FREE PRESS PHONE 2010 Business and Editorial Office Copyright

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