Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 1, 1978, p. 5

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OUR READERS WRITE Made voice heard In last week Acton Free Press Eva described Bert Hinton 1977 Member Halton Board of Education a handsome man who has cultivated a high profile I agree As a responsible citizen parent taxpayer and Board member continue to be interested in returns for both short and long term as education is so very portent to development and format of our Society Unfortunately many taxpayers are not aware that considerably more than of our lax dollars arc being used for Education In my experience I am quite familiar with practices and procedures used by high priced massive administration and teachers organizations to influence and brain wash the Board and the public in the adoption of policies and programmes to extract more dollars from the public purse Management therefore is of prime In this the organizational chart should be complied with Therefore it takes strong characters who arc not discouraged to face the storm From Mrs Sansom letter there is no doubt that Bert as a Board Mem bcr has made his voice heard Unlike some others he has not sat silently by and while not all issues have been won viable seeds have been planted In this regard I have watched Bert in action He is sin cere and objective His initiative has stimulated discussion There has been a change in attitude One would conclude therefore that continuation of s service would be desirable and helpful particularly as he has now become more familiar with the many problems and issues hopefully with possible solutions ft E Oct 30 1978 Blood donors clinic The Acton Red Cross Committee wants to hank all who came out to help and to donate blood at their last blood donor clinic on October 13 A special thanks to Elks Lodge of Georgetown and the Acton IGA who sponsored the clinic Our next donor will be held in Acton on March 1979 in the Acton Legion Hall Those who donated at the last clime were Mr Kilpatnck Mrs M Garton Mr J Mr D McClean Miss Mrs M Rouse Miss P A Irving Mr Thompson Mrs M J Robinson Mr J Mr C Coles Mrs Baxter Mr M Mr Goodwin Mrs McLean Mrs E Wright Mr Price Mr Bennett Mr Kroezcn Mrs D Gibson Mrs C Mr S Mrs Thatcher Miss D Lehn Mr K Titus Mrs Jones Miss Pataky Mrs M Hepburn Mrs V J Johnston Mr V Vonexem Mr J A Gordon Mr K Forty Mr C II Mr M Harrison Mr Mr P J Martin Mrs J Cunningham Mrs E Grammick Mr M Mattocks Mrs S Herman Mrs Price Mrs J Price Mr Mr J J Mrs E Mr B W Mr Mr Verbeek Mr P Schrelber Mr J H Solowoniuk Mrs Halt Mrs A Connolly Mr J Graham Mr A Gorjup Mr Miss J Schreiber Mr B VanderLaan Mr A McEachem Mr G Hargrave Mrs D Koprowskl Mr Schmidt Miss Rollinson Mr Mrs K P Smith Mr M J Walton MissR MissC Pickles Mr Mrs M E Barnstable Mr D Fleet Mrs M Mr G A Robinson Mr II KUene Deters Mrs G Smith Mr VanArragon Mrs E Mathews Mrs L Mr R VanDerWal Mrs Gamer Mr Coats Mrs G Coats Mr Mr Miss C A Mrs J Noble Mr Amphlett Mr R G Hams Mr VanWyck Mr C J Foster Mr Lee Mr T Lee Mrs D Cockburn Mr C O Price Mr A Robinson Mr I Mrs M Colbeck Mrs A Arnold Mr G Mrs V Caissie Mr J H Higgle Mr Mr Mclsaac Mrs A Mrs J Biliington Mr J Schreiber Mr M R Mr Mr A Hall Mrs J Hardie Mr J Marsh Mr Van Dam Mr A J Silcock Mrs C VanDerWal Mr M Baglnski Mrs Mr Mrs G Beer man Mrs Mrs L McEachcrn Mrs Kulpery Yours truly The committee A rusty mess Dilemma The bath tub a mesa the toilet bowl too The tea kettle so bad I can make a good brew A nice rusty drinking glass sits by the sink What in the world is a person to think Blame the town fathers who crammed down our throats The rusty new well now fluoride and no chance to vote Even the falsies I wear in my mouth Are getting so brown you would think they been south No toothpaste on earth will remove that brown stain And fluoride won I help that rust just remains My poor stomach revolts every time I get thirsty And I wonder how long I can live with old Rusty To eliminate rust they will add something else And what will the new chemicals do to my pulse Today we all live but how often sigh Good Water to drink Ha Those days have gone by Help Help cries the town please end our woes Where we will end up the Devil only Before we went Regional we weren in this mess Please ask the Good Lord this poor town to bless The Matriarch Concerned about committee Acton Ontario October 1078 Dear Editor I wonder what candidates for council have to say about the regional land division committee A number of area residents are concerned about It Here are some of the problems 1 Lack of objective equitable criteria 2 Focus on prohibit iveness rather than on inspection of logical alternatives Inequitable application of precedent Members exercise license to make subjective personal appraisals of motives Bias against free enterprise G Lack of clarity about which by laws govern land severance Bias In favour of long term residents Lack of credibility of members as experts in areas of concern Reliance on references to the draft regional plan which is not yet legal 10 Bias against farm rural residents Problems like this force members into untenable positions and cause them to form decision making habits that they must continually have to rationalize The fact that a local member of the L C is run ning for regional council poses a thorny problem Caught between the devil and Ihc deep blue sea voters will have to decide whether to leave this candidate where he is or to reinforce the inclusion of L C type behaviour in an even wider sphere of in fluence What we need to aim for in all phases of government is decision making that is based upon criteria and processes that are just and logical and show concern for the sensitivities of people Yours truly Roger J Wear a seat belt Aunt Edna says Arc your seat belts done up properly per cent of people who do wear belts could do a better job in adjusting them for a proper fit Injuries from seat belts usually result from incorrect adjustment eg lo loose too high or twisted However these injuries are minor when compared to the Injuries which occur when vehicle cupanls are not belted Children over the age live years or so lbs must wear a seal belt since children are inclined Try and make it a fun thing to do by placing her or him firmly against the back of the scat Belt the lap snug and ask him or her to try and slide a hand behind If here is a space tighten the belt a little more and ask her or him to try and squish your hand behind A small cushion is excellent In helping to fit the belt lower and enables the child to see out of the windows thus being amused Children who arc less than 55 inches loll should not wear the shoulder bell since rides too high on the neck The back seal of a car is the safest place for a child particularly If there is a centre lap belt The shoulder belt should be worn by all persons over Inches since lap and shoulder belts used together arc a winning combinollon Children from birth to five years should use an approved car seat restraint at all times Always wear your seat bell even around the block Most accidents occur at moderate speeds close to home and In good weather No one can control all the factors involved in a traffic collision Good drivers have accidents too so a simple and way of cutting your personal Injury risk by more than half is to WEAR YOUR SEAT BELT For comments or questions on this article or Information on child and infant restraints please call Gail Larimer 7651 Yours truly Aunl Edna for Region Safety Council Burlington No personal remarks No letters concerning the election with comments of a personal nature will be published next week since It Is too late for the politician concerned to reply publicly Dear God Albert Lee a fifty six year old dear friend of mine Is blind diabetic and suffers from a heart and blood condition Although he has shared the love and com of a wife Albert never ex pcrieneed the joy of having children of his I first met Albert in 1970 at the opening of Participation House a home for young people afflicted with cerebral palsy Little did he realize at the time of his first few visits to these people that his lift would be changed Albert coring for these young adults progressed from occasional visits lo volunteer kitchen work As grew into a deep and very rich love Albert spent mon time with them He adds to the happiness and love he gives by joyfully pi ivinf Santa at Christmas party These young people love Albert deeply smiling screeching completely overwhelmed with Joy whenever they see him Albert has been adopted Forty two young people have Albert is heir father Albert now ex penences richness of loving fort two children as if were his very own Only You jr such nh You for giving Albert this love for lei ting me witness this gift for I am tin two of his forty two children Lord through this letter I In pi let others see Ihil Your world is filled with experience it Russell Burling In I found in i compressor for our sjum greenhouse thai I wis The was in the of eerehr palsy for m two sons The greenhouse is my only reereition in an other use busy life giving me joy to Ik to pick fresh rose to gie m wifi Di The possibility of in explosion never entered my mind However one deafening noise iwikened mt fr im sleep The house shook window shattered Even the disintegrated to powder the garden to l wooden handles vanished Tie eom pressor inches from my neighbors The effect of the ixplosirn wis as if transport truck hid rammed into the r home all four wills to trick compressor created have Think You My immediate reaction was to downstairs where mv sons were is quickly as possible lose if were After checking on boys I re I is standing in a pool of blood blood foot was cut so deeply hi nearly severed I had stepped on pi even know it because I was trying so to reach my sons Hid lhc bun danger they could not hive est aped or their Think lnl forproleetmgm sons Thank You for being there when my wife needed You Shi had In with a destroyed house in who were upset As well bid to look after Brute Duncan our who were not of looking iftcr themselves in top of she visited me fnquentK in hospital My foot cut very deeply heal Gangrene developed and had to be scraped away every two hours If the fool heal amputation was the only alternative When it finally healed numerous skin grafts were attempted fill a large hole In the sole of my fool However You realized how important it wis to the welfare or my fimlly that I get well Imagine my wife having cope with three invalids A wise and gentle nurse realized that my skin for grafting stored in the refrigerator wis viable for only a limited time One evening she said we had a at tempt a or waste the stored skin I mi What have we got to lose So the nurse went to work she placed Skin on my toot With and gentle hands she worked feverishly manipulating the skin working for two hours to make sure all pockets were removed filled the deep hole Tint time the drifting was a success I ink You Lord with all my he wlitniver she came to my room on her or with doctors ifter thai grafting I e illed her Doctor To think You using id lecomphshed something which the hid attempted several times and filled think You that my stay in the hospital is filled with The of tin nurses staff ind the love shown by me such strength Think You i for seeing us through this trying time whuh lift us with few scars a of in trie ind greitcr love for You neighbors hid i terrible fright on the if the explosion As You rocall itter mv ry I supplies to build compressor Arriving home with ipme I wis confronted by a couple of our neighbors Russell hit are you doing I 111 those pipes I replied I dm building i i is my i They just turned ind leross the I When ire you Hit selling Hi letter is written to share with rv them know Your lovt Mi he lime i sense of humor eh You tome each day There are so t know You yet or Russell During Markham Ontario these letters me with for Hurt ire si who don know that love ts an evtrydiy experience I ist short with us others what God is done for you Write of experience it In ID Box j7 ton tint ino I Coho program to avoid Credit River If a Ministry of Natural Resource fisheries proves successful there will be fewer salmon in the Credit River next year but more in Ontario Natural Resources Minister James A C Auld reports Twenty four thousand chemically pro grammed at the ministry s Chatsworth hatchery had a safe non toxic chemical dripped continuously into their water supply from early April to mid May Maple District biologist Howard Smith said these fish were stocked this spring in Lake Ontario off Clarkson as the second step ir the experiment He said hat when the spawning urge brings them back to the TorontoHamilton area in the fall of 1979 as adults a small stream a short distance from the Credit will be treated and the salmon will home in on the chemical We will block the stream leaving milling about offshore where they will be available to trolling said Mr Smith Commenting on the project Mr Auld said that keeping salmon in Lake Ontario should relieve angling pressure on the busy Credit River and help rainbow trout to become established there The experiment being attempted by our fisheries staff has been in both Wisconsin and Michigan and we hope to have positive results when he fiml phase is rcathid next yeir the minister added The illness you II never see coming Get in shape and don give the enemy a big target Fitness is fun Try some NEW LOCATION Maids NOW AT HAIR PLUS BEAUTY SALON GUELPHVIEW SQUARE GEORGETOWN PERMANENT NAILS EAR PIERCING PHONE BARBARA PRESSW00D 8775376 Tho Acton Press Wednesday Nov WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 6 00 Omar Oi idoo a 30 Phoiofjrupl Corneal W nMP 30 00 THURSDAY NOVEMBER 2 Tom H Polo 6 30 Goo Hotown A da a NOTICE TO ALL MEMBERS Oktoberfest Party Your Committee have scheduled the following groups for November Nov Country Rock Nov 1 1 Men Woods s Music Nov 18 BJ Wright Rock Nov Pub Night Come Out and Jom The fun -iiimwr- SB Roturnablo Bottle fit PEPSI COLA J CAKE MIX Pkg COUNTRY RECIPE Maxwell House 10 Jar INSTANT COFFEE Bright Tin TOMATO JUICE Tin SavoS HALVES or SLICES PEACHES 69 Green Giant CUT WAX or BEANS KIDNEY BEANS 289 PBWUT BUTTER Savo20 79 Savo20 Save 13 Save 64 Jug LIQUID BLEACH Proctor Lit Pkg Save5ff TIDE DETERGENT 9 A FARM FRESH EGGS 83 FROZEN FOOD Savann 8oz Save38 BEEF CHICKEN TURKEY POT PIES McCains Save FANCY PEAS MIXED VEGETABLES PEAS CARROTS Of Weston Pkg of 12 BROWN SERVE BROWN SERVE umt r Villi Firm Bag nit DINNER ROLLS FRENCH FRIES IIIIYS INOMrlltOIHICEIWT FRESH PRODUCE ARRIVES DAILY AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICESI CHICKEN PARTS Legs Breasts Wings Canada No Fresh SIDE SPARE RIBS Canada No 1 STORE SLICED SIDE BACON SWEET SOUR RIBS Swift STORE SLICED I COOKED HAM PRICES EFFECTIVE NOVEMBER 3 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES AB SUPERMARKET 9 Mill Street East Acton 853

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