Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 20, 1978, B10

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Eramosa 4H award winners honored at special banquet Barb Snow and slippery roods prevented the speaker from attending the H Awards Night Dec 13 However the Bock wood Cen School Music Room was crowded family and friends saw hardworking elub members presented with awards Shirley Osborne won Dairy Calf Club Top Showman Trophy Brenl took home the George Leslie Trophy awarded to the Junior member who lias the highest aggregate score for their first two consecutive in Terry Mathews trailed by his brother Brad by just two points was presented with the Junior Farmer Trophy for the highest stand member the Eramosa Dairy Coif Club The highest standing member in the Eramosa Beef Calf Club was Brian Motor won trophy for the highest standing member in the Wellington County Swine Club Sharon Leslie look home Int award for Ihe highest standing member in Ihe Wellington County Sheep Club Three members Eric Brian and Jim Stewart entered high quality into the Queens Guineas competition at the Royal Winter I- air They were presented wilh medallions honoring the Royal and will be able to use these medallions as free entry to the 100th Royal Celebration Larr of the Beef Calf re ceived a certificate his ten years of leader ship in the club Christine and Rick MeNabb completed six projects and were presented with Cer of Achievement by the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food Wellington County Holslein Club awards a pen to first year members who completed their project using a calf Alex Weir David Allan and Natalie Wheeler took home awards Ontario Hereford Assoi lotion awarded Here ford crests to first year members Kevin Petty and Todd Wllims Gordon Free man Freeman Hudson Merrill Pom Joe Smellier and Terry were awarded pens and sub scription to the Hereford Digest Ontario Simmenlol Association awarded a crest to Sandra Leslie and Graham Leslie who completed their project with Slmmentol calf Ontario Limousin Association awarded a crest to all members Stephen Jennifer Sharon Leslie Mark Llllie Brian Jamie Mac dougall Mo Ira MaeDougall Michael Brent Beauchamp Mike Southwell Jim Stewart Ken Tlmmings and Kevin McRae prize winners Brian and Jim Stewart also received a Limousin belt Ontario Jersey Club awarded a hat a cer tiflcatc to Brad Mathews Terry Mathews and Scott Petty who completed Iheir project wilh a Jersey calf Hard working Eramoa 4 II Club members reworded Sharon It flan McJkikII Jim for their at Ihe Club Award Night Trophy winner Shirley arc pictured here left lo right Terry Brent Rockwood and district B10 Tho Acton Press Wednesday Doc 20 1978 Council vetoes plan circulation by Barb A delegation from Rich cress Ltd came seeking the blessing of Council to circulate a plan sion for their Rockwood pro perty to the Ministry of Council denied their request Tomtngland Planner principal owner Richard son a Kitchener dentist Council briefs by Barb Date for the Ontario Municipal Board Hearing re garding the Newman has been stt for Jan 10 to 30 a m at the Township Office council passed a resolutiompprovmg the lighting grants for the Tennis Courts Clerk Lloyd in formed council that changes in the Ministry of Culture and Recrcition Grants will not the development of the Hock Playing fields or the tennis court funding Council accepted Planning Board decision that Dunbar Bros subdivision proposal not be accepted at this lime The proposal in the development of subdivision lots ranging in size from 1 acre one acre on heir property the former Vincent Price estate Planning Board included that target population is 1770 by 1990 and the development of village in fill lots is pre ferredsome estate type lots may be considered in the future At Ihe present a secondary plan is being developed for presented Lid explained that he his wife and Mrs Wendy Cressman are the company owners The late George Cressman had been a founding member of the firm proposal for the properl located to the extension of I- reder is the subdivision be developed in two lot stages Mr elaborated lhat when the lands were acquired about I there had been no indication of a secondary plan for Hock wood The area was zoned residential According lo Mr he firm had positive response from the GHCA ihe Ministry of Natural Re sources the Board of lion the Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of Transportation and Communications for subdivision development then Councillor John McLeod pointed out to Ihc delegation lhat is now going through secondary planning There are infill for sale and no rush buyers Council has a target population of 1770 by and Councillors are working with planners to find means to commodate this population In his opinion he say go ahead with this subdivision proposal Deputy Reeve David questioned if Rich tress had previously come to council with a subdivision plan He said that council response had been negative but the plan had been toted anyway Dr Richard son responded there were comments around the council table at that time but no decision Council decision at this meeting is no the subdivision plan should not be circulated Sunshiners elect a new executive The Sunshine club held their Christmas din in Ihe town hall last Thursday evening Mrs Vera Black and Mrs Mary Milne were at Ihe door lo welcome members friends and entertainers dinner was prepared and served by Ihe United Church ladies of Alter the dinner Mrs Black the executive of and then birthday greetings were Ming to Albert Mrs Lena Mann Mrs Hose and Mrs Margaret McCulchcon The little bundled Rockwood people had the warmest round the bonfire They gathered with villager ti Johns creche on Sunday evening The president read a letter from George Day to say he has only of his father books left and the letter a donation of from the sale of Henry Lcachman the pro gram eonvener announced Acion legion Chora 11 era will giving a concert in the town hall January and then he introduced Mrs Marianne Tnifunnvlch who provided the entertain men with some of Ihe her friends Mrs sang accompanied by Marie Louise on the piano and they had everyone Join In singing or carols Nine year old Cherie sang I saw Mommy kissing Sanla Clans Mrs Vasberg played a medley of Christmas music on Ihe piano and Mrs Vivian Brian of did some country and western songs with the help of George Day Alter the entertainment Bert Davidson then installed the ex ccutive for President Mrs Rob I no Peacock vicepresident Mrs Mary Milne secretary Mrs Isabelle Nell to assis tant secretary MrB Jean treasurer Mrs El assistant surer Mrs Anna be lie Leach man pianist Mrs Vera Black assistant pianist Lena Mann program con vener Henry assistant conveners Mrs Black and Mrs Lena Mann euchre Mr and Mrs Max Milne croklnole Mr and Mrs Sheldon Trousdale Mr Hoyden to open hall and see to tables Sheep killed Mrs will be paid for loss of two sheep killed by wolves Hills council ap proved the payment which will be reimbursed by provincial government They did not dispute whether the animals were wolves coyotes or coy dogs Many vIllagrrK gulhi around HI John separate school in Wellington boards plans No objections to hotel opening by Barb Eramosa Council has no objections to the immediate opening of the Hotel with a downstairs lounge persons and a main floor dining lounge with 102 seals Deputy Rece pointed out to Liquor Control Board of Ontario representative Mr Cooper at Monday council meeting that due to a lack of com we council have hindered a local from 20 davs of operation and I feel badly about that The LCBO Rockwood Hotel Hearing was for Dec in Kitchener Eromosa inaugural meeting con flicted with lhat date Clerk informed lhat council wished to attend the meeting to know what facilities were planned for the hotel In the past changes have occurred in lictnced township premises and has not been informed The Dec kitchener meet Piano recital enjoyed at Centennial school father and daughter duet and Beth delighted the audience A afternoon piano recital was held Dec 1 at Centennial Loeal students of Mrs Bookbinder participating in Ihe program were Daidand Jeff Brown Mike and Janet Lee Laura and Brown Carol lircg and and Hilary Springer About family members and friends gathered to listen lo the young musician Special guest performer was Formulation program given for ing was cancelled held Dec j but r was not nude aware of the change of council questions and request that on 1 represcnniivc attend their next meeting the Rock wood Motel s opening was delayed lo Mr Cooper will be no structure changes to the present lounge or dining room The main floor dining room will operate under a dining lounge licence and tan admit Minors will not lie per milled in the downstairs lounge Disc jockey enter will be provided ihere Mondays lo and and western perform in lo Saturday lounge hours allowed the LCBO are 12 noon to 1 m bowling landings at the end John How bowling an points hour Corners larne 51 irk Jerks I npredic tables lloersi liood Timers Postus 10 Comers Men dairy feed Dee IIT8 Garner Uriel Nellie Stockman J Ann Parkinson Ja Halliburton Ml Joanne Dawes Ml Sommenillc Linda Wilson Ritchit Mil Nightingale Muriel Butlriiham A new school In Rockwood tin i St 1 and three lilnm In future plant lor tin Wellington Siparatt school Board lop building priorities of he board arc a In and to In Hit In Hit hat lequistul hi lid tin school anil i AMMO for the I iluliiilding Iloth an lo radi l trustees imlicl Ministry of approval of fundi has ban limited in Ihe past few of tight mono and declining enrolment They noted llun was no eertointy the ministry would tin fund Mark J 1 Dairy farms about meeting the requirements of their milking rd should lake antagc of Ihe Dairy This in sponsored the Out trio Mlnistn of Agriculture I The program is designed to provide a feeding ration while Utilizing o best advantage homegrown feeds heed samples an laken at farm and to the University or to be analyzed for nutrient content The analysis information is fed into computer along with i list of available concentrate feeds A balanced ration is produced There are three types of feed analysis avail Mm our COO for IMisda Dei Dune Bert Gould Paul 1J8 Dennis Death timer Sam KB of tarn Be w led eir a bowlers i ckman to inni Timers ll rk Jerks I ervx Jim I irnev punts 1 I- it Imm l ix JWui Pel WW i mis Urn linv I Mb inur i i Kins J m Post its pi mis Jim 1U a points Sam Law It r Rockwood Roundup Federation annua Present scholarship By Henry Stanley Close to 150 members of Ihe Federation of lure and friends met at United Church Georgetown Monday evening Dec Following a beef dinner served by the ladles of he church everyone enjoyed the songs and entertainment of Davidson The guest speaker Rev Cliff had car trouble and was unable to get to the meeting However there were plenty of interesting talks from MPP Julian Reed Prank and the various committee chairmen of tho Federation of Agriculture Richard Kuntca Chairman of the Education lominitlei resulted Nancy McKiimon Milton with Ihe Scholarship for Ihe Dtgru for Ihc University of Handy Inn wan the recipient of n similar scholarship for Diploma Program an excellent historical report of Ihe of Ontario Hydro over tho past number of years Norman is retiring after years of service as a Director of the Federation of tie was presented with a pen set by Dob Merry for his out landing work in the preparallun of briefs on such Line tencet Ontario Hydro Niagara Commission Property Tax Reform Land Use Planning etc Keith Anderson of Cnmp- Director of the llalton Safety Council told of Ihe many safety ac tivities- in over the past year and recommended a safety film which features farm children who liavo lost their limbs through farm accidents It is hoped that this film con be shown in schools throughout Ed worth Chairman of the Land Use Committee stated that the Federation happy with some of the sections of the new official plan for by Christmas can service will be held Type I provides Ihc Dry pm at Mailer and Crude Protein Church is Content of sample for a Invited losing familiar carols fee and listen to the rending of Type II includes Tjpe the Christmas Story by analysis plus the mincrils members of the phosphorus magnesium and Hon potasslumforafeeoflll Analysis Type HI includes Type plus manganese St John Anglican Church copper and zinc content The will hold its regular Sunday dairy farmer will receive Eucharist Dec breakdown of the feeds tested a m followed by coffee for plus a groin mix mineral mix the parishioners Anyone Interested in A Christmas Candle- program may contact the light service will begin Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food Office lBlMalnStrcct Milton United Church ffnlHltm will hold its Christmas ser vjcc Sunday Dec 15 anniversary will begin J followed by a procession and a second Christmas Mass at m Christmas Day Services begin a m At St Peters Church Oustic carol singing gels underway at 11 pm Christmas Eve Midnight Mass Christmas Day services begin at 1 1 a Centennial School Junior Christmas Concert will be held Dec and Ihc Intermediate Concert on Dec Ecryonc Is welcome to attend these activities which gel underway at a m and will continue lo approximately 10 a m Mrs Joe of Evcrton Sacred Heart Calhollc merchants will who celebrate years of Church will hold a Christmas stay open till each married life on Eve Family Mass at night until Christmas or your rv Christmas carol singing shopping convenience

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