Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 10, 1979, p. 1

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Corridor struggle goes on before OMB Another chapter in the struggle between Ontario Hydro and opponents to a major power corridor through Hallon Hills is be ing played out before the Ontario pal Board this week at Gordon Memorial Arena in Georgetown Ontario Hydro wants to rewrite old Esquesing townships official plan and bylaw In order to permit a 250foot wide transmission corridor down the centre of Hills The town has resisted ail ano Hydro bids at persuading the pallly on its own to let the public utility have Its way At stake Is 12 miles of strip down the back lot line of the Fifth Concession farms That dozen miles is all Ontario Hydro needs to complete a 109mile trans mission corridor from the Bruce Nuclear generating station on Lake Huron to Milton Station Facing Ontario Hydro arc lawyers from the town the Interested Citizens Group ICG They arc in a call for an independent study of the cor The ICG in particular has spear headed requests for a study of the Bruce- Milton corridor which would be equal lo Royal Commission study car out on the east west line which also passes by Milton Ontario Hydro last week produced one expert witness a planner to testify con the visual and agricultural impact of line through Hills The ition countered through the week wilhits own experts One such expert Ken Slater criticized Ontario Hydro corridor from a systems planning nt of view He recommended one of the ICG oft mentioned alternate routes Bruce loEssa where it would join an existing 500 line Another expert for the opponents last week was an environmental planner who performed work on the selecting of cor in the area That expert Bruce said it would be worthwhile the proposed path of the towers Another of the main witnesses for the ICG is also no stranger Fred Gilbert a zoologist with the University of Guelph old the board that within Hills there is no adequate environmental assessment and without such a study It impossible o ascertain the routing Wt stand to loose the natural by default Gilbert was also critical of Hydros cutting procedure As an example of the need for detailed studies of environment he presented a series of colored slides of a stand of reasonably rare hardwoods to the north of Halton Hdls which fell to Hydros chain saw The trees were be tween a century and years old Hydro became aware of the inadequacv of such detailed environmental tion when while constructing the east west corridor crews came upon a rare West Virginia butterfly habitat The line was diverted as a result said Gilbert Gilbert testified on similar matters to the Environmental Hearing Board three years ago Gilbert Slater and were he main witnesses which confirmed the need for more study on the line according to the ICG John Schneider Several area farmers have augmented the evidence of the professional experts One resident Dave Moffat R R Georgetown delivered a ten page Contradictory statements by two mini of energy were questioned by Moffat On one he had a from of July when minister assured Moffat the Bradley Georgetown transmission line is definitely not planned for export purposes Nearly wo years later Reuben wrote If there is a ready market and have capacity to sell electric power then 1 sec nothing wrong with selling that power to another province or for thai matter to the United States Moffat told that ratepayers wonder why with the carrying charges and an overbuilt hydro system there has been time for an independent study of the Bruce- Mil ton corridor Moffat lives at the southern point of the BruceMilton corridor where it joins villi the corridor For a length if all the lines envisioned in the Solandt Commission report arc built there wilt be eight immediately to the west of he Moffat properly Moffat hinted he had difficult believing Ontario Hydro will be satisfied with one corridor from the north when three corridors are mentioned in the royal com mission report I am concerned with what will happen later on Moffat told Hit Moffat was one of two residents who before the board as witnesses who had no lawyer at hearing The other man was Douglas tampan Milton 1arrugan who also sympathized with the ICG stand concerning an in dependent study was mainly concerned with what appeared to be efforts to use the railway line in the southwest section of Hills In previous testimony by Hydros hired planner John field and later by president Bruce Howiett it became clear railway alternate was of little value The ICG called one of its witnesses WilterScott Georgetown whoaso standards engineer addressed many of the safety concerns especially from the point view of farm machinery The current hitting of the OMB concern ink the north south line through Hills is expected to end today The board is mainly interested in Ihe planning aspects of the arguments by both sides The began January To date more than CO exhibits have been filed with board The OMB first started hearing debate concerning the north south corridor last July However the bearing was cut because some residents affected by the proposed line were not properly notified the hearing Prior to thai the board decided to ap prove the east west corridor through Hills in the southwestern section of the town because adequate study had been earned out by the Commls The ICG has consistently asked for an independent study of the entire length of the corridor from Ihe Bruce generating station When the Ontario Supreme Courts divisional court starts listening to Ihe jurisdictional case Involving the and Ontario Hydro in March it will be five years since the ICG first asked for a study by someone not connected with Ontario Hydro The ICG maintains there has been flcient study concerning aspects of the north south line Such a study on par with the Solan dl Commission states group would be accepted Afore on Page 2- One Hundred and fourth YearNo 28 ACTON ONTARIO WEDNESDAY JANUARY 1979 Eighteen PagesTwenty Cents Council drops severance appeal Despite planning department recommend a turns Hills council voted to with draw an appeal against a Halton Land Division Committee decision Monday night The land division com mil tee granted a of half an acre from a acre of land owned by Mr and Mrs Paul on he First Line north of Highway Acton Hills plan department con tended it contravened he Esquesing Official Plan and Zoning Bylaw and recommended an appeal which was agreed lo by council in July The hearing had been scheduled for January 22 Councillor Roy Booth claimed at that time council did not have all the information hey now have He said a severance had been granted before the present owner bought he land but it had not been registered on tilk Ho said it was bought at two parcels of land and the town was billing taxes on two lots Councillor Mike Arm strong suggested dls should be deferred until the plan nmg staff are present Councillor Harry Levy contended council must base its decisions on planning staff recom On a recorded vote of six to five the appeal was withdrawn Voting against he dropping of an were Coun Armstrong Levy and McDonald Election costs down Cost of the municipal elections was jus I over while last election In cost This surprising news came from Treasurer Ray King who explained the town saved on printing the voters list This year the staff used their own photocopying equipment rather than having the job done else where In addition fewer lists were printed after it was discovered more than necessary had been printed for the previous election Another savings was in the forms used for voter notification and by the poll clerks This year a standard form was used rather than having one specially drawn up for Hills Police chase ends in crash rank signs up for the Painting ami course at School registration at the high school Thursday Refiislration was down this year according to organizer Dale Sale He blames poor weather result many classes were cancelled Mayor says ma Bylaw invades privacy Saturdays Heading for the lop Jill Morris 1J and Amanda DeForcsl of Acton were selected or he Best of Year show on television Talent Both girls arc students of Jovce Carpenter and performed acrobatic solos on Channel 13 in the fall Acton girls selected best TV entertainers Best of the Year enter tainers that a whit two young Acton girls were named on Talent Show case a Channel tele vision program Jill Morris and Amanda Deforest 7 ap peared on Kitchener tele vision during October and November doing intricate acrobatic solos During the final week of best of the year were and re viewed and both girls found Iheir delight they were among those chosen Jill the daughter of Joan and Vic Morns has been a student of Acton Joyce Carpenter for seven years studying acrobatics jazz and tap dancing She goes to MacKcnzieSmitli Middle School Her acrobatic routine was performed to Mountain Music man da is the of Sandra and George and has studied with Ms Car pen ter for four years learn modern Jazz a nd acrobatics She also studies gymnastics Her performance was done to the song Yesterday She is a student at Z Bennett School Joyce Carpenter a well known performer and dance instructor said she was thrilled with the mances and commented they worked very hard Invasion of privacy is one of the reasons Mayor Don Gordon said he Is against tree law the region is considering Regional ell sent the proposed by law back to the planning committee at Its meeting Wednesday Jan I don think the re gion has a right to tell a properly owner what tree or trees he can cut down Gordon said If a person is going to build a pool in his back yard he should do as he pleases If he has to cut down a tree in the process he t have to seek re gional approval Gordon said the by law would cost the region money because it would have to hire a Irce in To restrict and regu late the destruction of by cutting burning or other means and for the appointment of to enforce the pro visions of any by law passed the by law conflict with any law four municipal ties have Ernie said The executive officer said the by law meets ap proval from he Ministry of Environment The tree by law passed by the former Halton County Council has elapsed Mr said Hills Councillor Roy Booth said the by law omitted species of trees The Acton post office will be closed Saturdays Fcbruiry in an effort to money according postmaster Mr The Acton tree Press there will be no in the office on Saturday sorting mall or manning the wicket so mail will not Ik avail able He pointed out and offices arc also closing their opera tuns following similar action in other centres Acton is actually one of last hit the postmaster said Subs a lions will con remain open Mr MeKeown In the Gltnlca Drug Marl stamps sells oney rders etc A 15mile police chase in the early morning hours of Thursday ended abruptly at Country Inn following a crash between a police cruiser and a stolen van The chase began short ly after when Milton OPP Constable Robert spotted a 1973 GMC gold van travelling on Highway near Highway I was going to pull him over for speeding when he took off onto the ramp Highway said Constable He estimates the van was travelling at 130 kilometres an hour on Highway and 120 kilometres an hour on Highway as it headed north towards Ac Ion The Milton officer pur sued the van to 15 Side- road and down Sixth Line to the Inn A police car roadblock set up on Sixth Line did little lo stop he van said Constable Biscup and the van shot into the en trance of the Inn Both the van and Con stable Biscup cruiser met near head on as van attempted to make a quick exit out of the sin gle entrance Neither driver was injured but the crash gave police time to arrest two Fergus youths riding in the van for theft and dangerous driving The van was stolen a few hours earlier from lis Fergus owner James McLean of St Davids St Police estimated dam age to the van at and to the police cruiser Cantrakon home in Halton Hills Hills will make a bid for the Cantrakon confer centre says Mayor Pete Pomeroy RCMP notice last hope to solve body mystery Halton Regional Police detectives are hoping a notice in the Gazette may them with information leading to the cation body found in a Milton apple farm last November Detectives working on the twomonlhold case earlier ho body to be that of yearold Nudesda Salmi originally from Finland according to Lee Smith of the Regional Pol ice Investigation Unit The Scandinavian native was known to be a transient and moved from lown to town said Miss Salmi was located in Sudbury to police ligation Miss Salmi was seen in June of and was known have spent one night at Fifth Wheel motel She was not seen after that date said Detective Smith and was cons Id as possibly the same woman as that found by hikers at the apple That was our last hope he said Two Bibles found near the body failed to yield a name or address The Bibles were among articles or clothing found at the site and later examined by the police forensic lab in Toronto After following leads police now hope a notice in the Can ada wide publication will generate additional in formation The remains of the Caucasian woman show her to be approximately five feet three inches to five feet four inches tall with greyish blonde or brown hair She was slightly built v ith narrow hips and was unlikely to have had any children unless by Caesarian section police Police do not believe foul play was involved in the woman death Clothing on the body and belongings nearby indicated she was a transient or bundle lady Two plastic bags were found nearby con taining the two badly rot ted Bibles and some puis lie spools No Jewellery or wallet was found Councillor home Friday Hills councillor Lea will be return home Friday follow a two week slay In Guelph hospital Mr entered the hospital on New Year Day following a few days of illness over the holiday week He has a record of good attendance at and other meetings and his absence has been sorely noticed But in an interview yesterday Tuesday the mayor indicated there was only slight hope that Hills would become the home of the proposed 16 million conference centre said the town had received a letter asking for specific sites and would make a sub mission Controversy over the site arose last fall when Claude Bennett Minister of Housing over ruled a decision by a hearing officer for Niagara Escarpment Commission NEC that denied site on acres north of Chelten ham But following public protests Bennett invited and a com mittce of the protesting groups to review alter rate sites They want to locate Ihe building where Bennett gave approval said adding that the provincial cabinet directed otherwise It an exercise Ihe mayor said But we pursue It Thais cold Bruce Lukes checked his thermometer yesterday and discovered why ears were cold Some readings in town as 12 degrees below zero Blow Inn and cold winds tompounded he dirty day sun did peek out for a few minutes Officers approved Hills council Monday evening gave official approval to the Ac Ion volunteer fire fighters 1979 slate of The men held lections December A Bern Van Fleet was elected district fire chief with Duby as deputy district chief Herb Dodds is no 1 captain Wayne Kelley no cap tain and Brent Marshall no captain Phil McCrislall and John McNabb were elected as lieutenants Mick Holmes Is fire chief for all of Halton Hills Speakers stolen Two speakers were taken from a vehicle while It was parked at the Acton arena according to Halton Regional Police Police say the man left his car doors unlocked and when he returned he found the speakers gone An Acton youth has been charged with drink under the legal age limit police report The 17 year old was dis covered when police were checking several youths

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