Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 10, 1979, p. 6

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Tho Acton Press Wodnosday Jan 10 Stroot Acton led ovary Wednesday by Inland Pub no Co To Subscrplons no a cap a I count he It on Canada ton Inland Publish no Co Ln when Tho no Advert an Tho Burl rig on Pool Etob Indopondom I Sun lion Canadian Champion Tho Tho a E a Oakv la Th Ivertw Founded Don McDonald is on on of ono port on tho adverts no space occupied by tfoetonoous lorn tor w II not bo but Mo of II bo paid for at cab a In tho a no or services at co floods so cos may not bo sold s mo on EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Editor Colas Editor Ho Ian Murray Rportrf Photographer Sport Ed ft or Robin ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT Advert ill no Manage I Cook Ctaislflad Advertising BUSINESSACCOUNTING Offlca Fran G bio RhonoThonh I Sh loyjDcnuo Co Duval CIRCULATION Mary PHONE853 2010 Business and Off Why not an independent study It is almost five years since residents along the route of the proposed Bruce to Milton hydro corridor asked for an independent study to determine whether the corridor was necessary and if al ternate route should not be con They asked for the same con sideration as people along the route of the east west corridor who received an independent study conducted by Ormond Solandt appointed a one man commission by Premier Davis As a result of that study by the Solandt Commission the east west corridor was moved Parts of it now ran along Highway in Mead of invading farmland north of Acton and then bisecting into then township Dr Solandt hired Bruce Howlett to do much of the study and Howlett and his company came up with various alternates for con nections to the Bruce nuclear station In his report Dr Solandt recommended that any crossing of the Niagara Escarpment for the north south corridor should take place at agreeing with recommendations from Mr Howlett Ontario Hydro took Dr Solandt s recommenda as gospel and immediately prepared to march towers from the Bruce nuclear station to the proposed new transmission station eastof urban Milton However it is also noteworthy that Hydro did not accept Dr Solandt s recommendations for single shaft towers instead of the lattice type towers being used Solandt said they improved the appearance of the corridor Hydro said it would mean an extra million in costs Meanwhile residents along the corridor from Bruce to Milton kept hammering away for an in dependent study suggesting a Bruce to Essa alternative made more sense and cost much less Their requests were continually rebuffed by the frequently changed ministers of energy with the excuse neither time or money was available That was almost five years ago and still the struggle for an in dependent study goes on The OMB this week and last heard the same story over again that has been repeated in com mittee rooms hearings and any place hydro is mentioned in this neck of the woods The In dependent Citizens Group is iust not going to give up asking for the same consideration people from east to west received Think of how much money and time would have been saved if the Government had only assented to an independent study of the corn dor five years ago No more studies no more meetings and maybe the corridor would now be finished Surely too late At the public trough Back in January Milton businessman Goutouski asked the provincial government to conduct an investigation into the affairs of the County Council in particular overspending on the warden s dinner held in November It was held to honor Warden Anne MacArthur and the final cost exceeded the budgeted figure of by It was the second consecutive year the budget had been overspent Despite good intentions of sub sequent councils retir ing regional council went out of office last year 1978 in grand style with a dinner at the House of Palermo running up a tab of including a 396 55 bar bill which works out to about each for the regional councillors who at tended Guess who got stuck with the bill the taxpayers Things really haven changed much have they Retiring regional chairman Morrow professed shock at the size of the dinner bill He said he thought about getting councillors to contribute but there were no more meetings in the year so his only choice was to pay the bill Dinner meetings where munici pay the tab for an end of the year celebration are a hangover from times when local politicians got paid little or ing for their services They were a reward Those days are long gone but the custom dies hard Regional councillors who receive over a year for regional efforts don t really need the charity They can afford to pay for their own celebration The amount of that dinner bill doesn come to much divided over all Halton s taxpayers but it does not change the principle Councillors were feeding at the public trough and taxpayers expect better things from them Councillors should have paid for bash Dear Mr Coles The lust issue of he Acton Free Press has a news item on the front with a firewcll dinner tendered by the members of Hilton Regional Council Hie Morrow and 12 other members of the council who would no be returning as members of that body You refer to the fact that a few eyebrows were raised at ihe first meeting of the Halton and Administration Committee in December when it came to picking up die lab for dinner I am sure thai mny of your readers with myself among them did something more than raise their eyebrows when hey scanned this particular news item We arc told m his choice of news 20 councillors wen and he over all cost was an average of 45 each I in the bill are for beef for wine charge dp This leaves a not accounted for Arc we assume the drinks at the bar cos amount If so how big was each drink It seems to me that the regional police ought to hive been on the Atrocious waste on dinner Jan 1J7B Dear Sirs I was Incredibly appalled the article which appeared on the front page of your Jan 3 issue titled Dinner Lab is I don object to an dinner being given for Ric Morrow and the regional councillors who were leaving What 1 object is Halton Hills footing the bill thereby passing it on lo the The members of council and other people who attended his dinner should donate heir own funds cheerfully if they truly wish to show their appreciation of he former council mbers Also this was not only a gomt away get together It was roaring drunken as attested by the facts pub in your paper The 20 persons at tending consumed bottles of wine That is almost half a bottle each which in itself Is not excess But when you add lGO drinks from the bar which is an average of eight per person 1 would consider this a booze party What was the room at the hotel for Someone to drive These drank over half of the job with tests for all present at this gathering since I take for granted that each councillor drove home after this festive occasion Tic taxpayers might have recouped some lost money In any cose if the councillors wanted a bash of this nature they are the ones who should have paid for it Is it any wonder that the term politician has as with it so often Iil feeling of rage and disgust yours very truly Walter bury 124TideyAve total evening bill more than hey ale A hotel with a dining lounge licence must get a liquor lounge licence if sell such a ratio of food versus drink which goes to prove my case In time of so called cutbacks of govern spending and when you consider he family budgets adhered o by good number of he taxpayers I consider this not only an atrocious waste but an insult to our intelligence as well Poplar Avenue Acton Citizens afford to feed council while Fairy Lake ducks go hungry Brief comment Januarys 1979 Dear Sirs I am writing concerning the going away party held for outgoing chairman Hie Morrow and twelve regional councillors Last summers drought left region he worst crop yields in the last years according year end statistics from the Milton office of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food While other areas reported cereal crop yields slightly lower than normal ilton crops were by at least a third by the drought which gave ihe area less than three inches of rain in June and July losses can partially be made up for by crop insurance from Ihe federal government but some farmers lost Iheir entire groin corn crop Shows the risk farmers lake with weather The death of Forrest editor of The United Church Observer in Toronto December came as a shock One of the best known officials of Ihe United Church he was never afraid to com menl on current affairs He criticised his own church for supporting liberal abortion policies and promoted recognition of Communist China at a time when such were unpop ular He be missed not only by his many fnends but by hundreds of thousands of Observer readers Sunday January Rev Andy preaches his farewell at Knox Church before going on to a new pastorship at Perth Fond good wishes go with him in his new charge Those who scoff at the institution of marriage should note the number of and one wedding in and in the lasl few weeks They testify tolheact thai if two people really work at marriage it can last a lifetime without break up Of course as one celebrant noted it also takes patience and understanding The Canadian Bankers no lhal Canadians continue to save in record amounts despite the doom Bayers who say the country is going down Ihe drain economically The bankers report that as of mid 1978 there were million personal savings counts at the chartered banks holding 47 billion compared lo million accounts and billion a year earlier The average account held Si against a year earlier and Sale of the bv Dill and Nora to J W Burnett owner of Fergus News Express an nounced last week marks another mile stone in the year history of the rin paper The Hull family sold it to the Charlie Hull being lasl pub lisher The owned it for six years and now II passes into the hands of the Burnett family which amalgamated Fergus and papers into one buying ihem from the Tcmphn and Marston families The creche or manger scene erected in SI Joseph Church has always been the source of much pride for parishioners This Christmas White and helpers excelled themselves in producing another of heir masterpieces with evergreens forming the background The crib as Is called is erected on Christmas eve and taken down at the Feast of Epiphany last Sunday Letters wecome who wouldn I be returning as reported on he first page of January 3rd Free Press According lo your article Ihe consumed a ridiculous amount of beverages more specifically seven of wine not to mention 160 drinks from Ihe bar and ate worth of dinner apiece tipped and booked a room for the night at an additional of Personally I sort of curious as to exactly what room was for In any event this whole thing does not paint a picture This whole incident in ilself is bad enough but what really takes the cake is the unfortunate fact that Region footed the bill If the councillors really felt respect for the departing chairman and councillors one would think that they would have managed to scrape up the funds out of their own pockets to show that the sentiment really was sincere This way it was just a free parly The very least that they could have would have been lo cover the tip on own When one considers the plight of the elderly and disabled who are to fixed and limited Incomes yet who are required to pay taxes Is his what heir tax dollars go towards In this lime of skyrocketing deficits and cutbacks in all areas his certainly does improve he record of Hallon Region Are we going lo stand for this type of decadence and it to con unchecked As a final note how can he citizens of Acton afford to feed Ihe councillors so well when the ducks of Fairy Lake must go hungry Sincerely Miss Laurel Acton Ontario Sandys gone Old Sandy gone and left me now He got an urgent call must have needed him To fill an empty stall I m going lo miss his friendly smile He had while sipping tea Tho he was spent I now resent He didn wait for me But he always said if he went firsf He keep place for me Where we could chat and chew fat And drink a little tea both drink a lot Inside the furnace door We both be warm out of the storm They won t TAX us any more So now he gone I raise by cup To promise El be there Tho I have slay while he s away To dust his vacant chair I m left to pay the For the things he never need For Government boot his death duty Won satisfy their greed Victor Smith Back issues 10 years ago Taken from Ihe Issue of the Free Press January IS Owner Sam estimated his loss at close lo 100 following a disaslrous Sunday morning fire which almost com destroyed a large poultry barn and over young turkeys on the First fcsqucsing reeve George Currie was named Warden of County at the in meeting Tuesday Reeve Currie was beginning his term as Warden having filled the position years earlier council gave approval for senior citizens units and family housing units on Cobblehlll Dredging at Fairy Lake continues despite the severe weather Men from Cummins dredge they have another three weeks dredging and they ire using dynamite to keep IB inch ice away from the dredge County honors presented at the North H achievement day went Nancy Snow Beryl Sheila Jamieson Grace Bird Kathj trench Doris Burl Heather Kirkwood and 20 years ago Taken from the of Ihe ess of Thursday January and Co Ltd was closed all Monday as officials and em ployces revered Ihe memory of the last member of ihe family to be actively associated with the company Col Alfred Owen Torrance He was president of and Co until 1945 joining he firm in 1904 He resided in Acton at Hill Hall presently the home of Mr and Mrs Jack Crelghton until 1920 He raised Shorthorn cattle at Mono Mills He served as a councillor in Acton and was actively instrumental in getting he first waterworks in He was a warden of St Albans church when the first parish hall was erected He was a former officer In the Grenadier Guards and served in World War I J J Stewart was re appointed chairman of the Public Utilities Commission at Ihe r inaugural meeting Following a this year will mark the end of the P C in favor of a Hydro Commission Also on the Com mission are Tyler Sr Dr Oakes Cook clerk treasurer J JB Chalmersdiedmhls9lst year end ing on active life He was one of few living veterans of the Span He was a former reeve of the village Mr Coles is chairman of the North school board and J is vicechairman Mrs Peter celebrated her birthday 50 years ago Taken from the issue Ihe Free I rcss Thursday January 10 The first regular session of the new council had Councillors Harrison ford sen and Nelson present with Reeve Mason in he chair The vote in township gave Leslie a of nearly over his opponent J Councillors are Applebe Geo Currie Wilson Deputy reeve George Cleave was elected Nominations for Township Council look place last Monday Councillors elected by acclamation are Sims McLein Joseph el Nathan Mc Kcrsie and Albert Cox The election for he between Arch I band and Joseph Rutherford resulted in a tie each polling votes Nearly every old has had its share of the flu The quarantine cards for mumps and chicken pox adorn many windows these days years ago Taken from Issue of Acton Free Press of Thursday Litlle or no excitement prevailed in Aclon over the municipal election on Monday The reeve Christie was by acclamation and councillors did not appear to very much whether they were elected or The polls closed at five clock and number of electors assembled Matthews hall about six clock to hear the results The new councillors elected are Ransom Adams Broker David Henderson Merchant Edward Miller and Charles dney Gentleman It is intended to make Mrs Swackhammer whose husband was lately killed by accident the recipient of a don These presents will consist of any thing the friends of the widowed lady wish present The presentation will be made in the Church Hill Congregational church It is our sorrowing duty to report the death of Mr Charles Symon a former resident of Acton who moved to Parry Sound An attack of typhoid fever was the cause of his death The deceased carried on Ihe dry goods and grocery business In Aclon with his brother James at he stand now occupied by Christie Hender son and Co He was years of age and leaves a wife and seven children

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