Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 24, 1979, p. 1

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Kicks smoking habit after puffing 30 years John Watson smoked Adverse si and was on a bet lo see who kitchen counter and key session He worked advertising or warnings such as quick temper doesn dislike John Watson smoked Adverse si for years before will n deciding to kick the habit son want three months ago Since she that time he has rarely lo had the urge to have a rhis week cigarette Education and pub- was on a bet lo see who kitchen counter and key session He worked have the first announced he wasted in basement a lot and ouit If he or Each man put up with smoking and kept his hands busy really want an envelope and quit His wife Evelyn Evelyn said He was not the person who suggested putting the h Nalional have a cigarette got the pack out of sight but Week of money John preferred them sit His decision to quit Smoking John explains Several months ting out He didn I think came suddenly He was that even with a special passed and John moved of having another all getting into his car at week set aside for away and lost touch with evening work In Toronto when he ing education his friend No one knows Thenextday someone Ihrew his half smoked fctl any happier about who had the first puff was in his office cigarette lo ground quilling than he did the both look up the habit smoking although he He smoked a pack and a coining he decided to net three quit just less than half a day By the time he quit off the weed John hours before he still did gothome he had decided John had one of the doesn know who got the not have the desire to to quit No one had told m is common reasons money It just vanished start puffing again Once him to He had not heard for starting years He also know in a while he thinks of any stories lately on the agoall his friends wen why he lit up a cigarette having a cigarette in the effects of smoking he doing it and he did not kicking the habit for morning when making Just decided he no longer want be left He so long It was Just as coffee but it is a fleeting needed a stick hanging puffed on his first cigar sudden as his latest thought He never lingers out of his mouth got dizzy and decision quit on the idea John of McDonald nauseous but hung in La si October when he Both John and his wife Blvd says his proves if there got home from work that admit that he kept busier a person wants to quit John admits hi did quit fateful day he set the full than usual for the first Ihey and will once for three years It pack of cigarettes on the few weeks of his however grouchy like some people seem be when trying to quit There are only a few differences in his life now that he Is a smoker John claims Now when he brushes his teeth he feels as if he has cleaned them and he seems lo have more loose change in Ills pockets Lunch costs now Instead of Being in a roomful of smokers docs not even bother this strong willed man Hi lias never tested lo others that Ihey quit hi says and even said anything his wife He feels the deeis ion to quit is a personal thing hit no amount of advertising or warnings on packages or prodding from friends will change a habit like smoking As for himself he got tired of life being ruled by a cigarette What Ihe hell is it about if I stay doing something I don t like John explains he had himself convinced he enjoyed smoking once he quit he realized he was lying to himself and that he really didn l like it How can you enjoy bringing a for object smoke into your lungs John has been one of Ihe lucky ones though who have not had rouble kicking the habit Each person has his or her individual problems such as quick temper biting of fingernails over eating etc John and Evelyn feel the of today are much more aware of what cigarette smoke does the body because they learn about it at school When John was a teenager he said he was just told don smoke and not given any rea sons It Is much easier these days not to smoke he said John is not knocking campaigns against smoking in today media he merely feels that in his case he quit anyway He realizes that such commercials stories and warnings are the only way some people will realize they should stop or cut back Hi doesn dislike publicity but also cm he doesn denounce smokers just because he has quit To his own he says In an effort to belter educate both smokers and smokers the Councd of and is suppor ting National Education Week on Smoking January to January The preceding article was written specifically to show all smokers no matter how long they have thai they are able to kick the habit In addition it shows that need not be hard if a person really wanis quit Nineteen year old Roy Marshall looks glad to see the snowbanks Instead of Island plunged him Into weeks of and a lost wallet all contributed to Ihe window of his It 1 home Jamaican sand A recent visit to the sunny horror and pain shooting a kidnap hoax worst lime of his life Hazen Allen dies after short Illness Allen 132 Hex way Dr Georgetown and principal of Robert Little school Acton ind Speysldc died in Peel Memorial Hospital Brampton in turd following a four day ill ness He was j1 years old Several public school principals staffs of Itobcrt Little and Speyside schools and many senior adtninistra lion representatives of the Halion Board of Education attended tin funeral Monday in St John United church Georgetown Extra teachers from various Halton schools supply teachers and parent volunteers came in and took over classes Monday afternoon in that the staff could attend the funeral service Mr Allen was born in Arthur on 1927 He is the son of Mr and Mrs Lea man Allen His family moved around before settling In on a farm near Homings Mills Ontario where hi grew up The well known pnnci pal graduated from Master University Hamilton with Bachelor of on lo Toronto lea Mr Allen first teach post wis in 1948 in i in rej County ere he went in two ferm count schools fore lo Hilton lo tiaih in Chapel St school He wis principal after a few ye and wis liter transferred to the then brand new George Kennedy school and principal He until 1971 whin In was made HAZEN ALLEN principal at Robert Little where he re- until his death past September Mr Mien was also made principal of when it was twinned with Little Mr teaching larcer coincided a great deal with former Robert Little principal Pat and present vice principal Larry Cig of Georgetown All three grew up in the Simcoe area and their teaching in the same area All three eventually heir way to where they taught the students of this area Mr led the path of followed by Mr Allen then Mr Mr Allen was chair man of board of St Johns United Church Georgetown and was secretary and chairman of the Halton Principals Association He enjoyed sports but ill health pre vented him from par licipnting The principal is sur Continued on Page One Hundred and Fourth Year No ACTON ONTARIO WEDNESDAY JANUARY 1979 Pages Twenty Cenlz Jamaican holiday horror for youth started out as a vacation in sunny Jamaica turned into a terrifying nightmare for Raymond Marshall of I formerly the back loss than hours after his arrival Raymond 19 and four friends Glen and Todd Comber of Acton and Mike Kameka and John Webster of Bramp- lon had saved for threi in island Raymond Ind worked at three jobs to save the money and had not had holiday in three All looked forward to he trip and needed it to rest up They arrived in Kings Jury trial Cindra accused in connection with the armed robbery at the Royal Variety Store was committed trial at provincial court in Milton last Thursday Miss Kirby elected trial by judge and jury N dale was set Miss Kirby is to have taken part in he robbery of the store on Queen last A man was sentenced to nine months in jail for his part in the robbery Ste phen William Jones pleaded guilty at his Aug trial at Milton Driver has heart attack Roy Sehlegcl suffered a heart attack and died as he was driving on north of Monday morning according to At first police treated the occurrence involving Mr as a traffic accident How ever investigations proved otherwise The Mr was driving went out of con and came to rest in a dilch ton on December were going stay at Mike s cousin home A party on the outskirts of own had been planned for the visitors and after en ling resting up from the flight down the youths headed out Raymond remembers the house where the was as on top of a hill overlooking lights of Kindlon 1 a m Canadians decided lo for a walk and look at the view They wen not 1 yards away from when the party was still going on when they decided to stop and talk Before they knew what had happened Raymond says they heard shot ring out across the dark He fell to the ground wilh his shirt covered in blood Realizing his friend had been shot Glen pulled him to safety from further shots over a near by stone fence The two waited until they felt safe enough to leave and ran back the party Police were called and Raymond was rushed to the hospital where he was examined by a nurse and after a three hour wait a doctor Raymond says he was shocked at the casual at tltude of the doctor who told him lots of people walk around with bullets In them ind refused to take it out rays back home later showed the bullet lodged only one inch from the vital spinal Raymond was ban daged up and sent away later that day with the lead still lodged in his back To add insult to injury his wallet containing about and all his papers disappeared sometime during the con fusion He suspects it was stolen but has no proof to back up his suspicion On New Year Day the noting over a recent governmental hike in gas prices erupted in the Kingston area This added tension to the ready terrified young men who had been afraid to go out alone or in dark even before the fighting broke out That day the Canadians were to meet another friend the- air port They were a few hours late in arriving and when they reached the airport he was no where to be found Fran lie searches turned up nothing even though his plane had landed safely The youths went back to where they were stay to wail and called the airport regularly to see if there were any mes sages Later that day they received a telephone call from a stranger say mg their fr end had been kidnapped This coupled with thi shooting losl wallet and current not ing was just enough for the vacationers It turned out later the phone call was a hoax from the person who had just arrived and he ex plained whin the on residents show up to pick him up hi left with an airport em ployce They devised this scheme lo scare the tardy ones not knowing what they had already been through Once the pain his back subsided enough to move around Raymond modi a weak effort t play I on the Moving rather mechanically because of his wound and not watching where he was going he stepped In a hole tripped and badly sprained his ankle It Is still swollen The second week of his vacation was a bit than the first Raymond said Only one incident made them wish they had never heard of Jamaica A side trip to Otreeoshus wis in store but their driver was late in picking Ihem up He had been lied up at roadblocks set up by rioters They headed out to the countryside for a few Continued on Page Inside this week Farewell for Rev McKenzie Page 2 Fair loss only Page Friends bid Dills adieu Page McKenzieSmith cop tourney Page Bl Sabres clip PageBi Minister misguided Reed Page Mrs Philbrook there During M Dr absence Mrs Philbrook represented lum in Ottawa at thi installation of Edward Richard as Governor General of Canada The ceremony was held in The Senate Chamber on Monday January at a m and was broadcast live on CBC YMCA floating idea of adding two squash courts Murray Memorial board of directors is thinking of adding squash courts as part of a major expansion the yearold Mill Street building board chairman Keith Robbins mode the disclosure of tentative plans for the addition at annual meeting last Wednesday We have reason to be lieve we can pull it off in two years Mr Robbins old the gathering in the gymnasium Next year or by 1981 there may be a twostorey extension lo the south of the present ding The extension would leave enough room for a driveway to the rear parking lot the chairman indicated Stressing the idea is in the planning stage Mr continued by saying the board is op timistic about adding two squash courts as part of an effort to draw com muni vlou that plans of this magnitude cannot be ought to fruition with out intensified com munity support wrote Mr Robbins in the chair man report Plans however arc for enough along for him to say that In about two weeks the board will seek cost estimates the project It may turn out on professional advice that there is no way lo fund such a project Mr said in a tele phone interview later Once we have drawings Redrawing police zones puts more men in town Regional Police have taken steps to Im prove service to and residents since the new year Citizens with com should be to have a policeman on the scene sooner than before The police lion realigned the zones and created a new zone Halion Hills The change also means Hal ton Hills based officers will no longer patrol into northern Milton police that area instead The addition of one zone in Hills puts one more policeman in Acton and Georgetown according to Staff Ser John Barrett The assigned strength in Hills is one staff sergeant four sergeants four and of Policemen will be seen much more frequently in hopefully will cut down on vandalism and irimcs Staff Serbian Barrett said In in interview with this newspaper Officers will be to and stop crime rather than just doing follow up reports The changes resulted from the police ad ministration examining statistics work loads and response times The changes affect police District I which in eludes Acton George town and and other areas One new wrinkle in police coverage has one officer reporting earlier at shift time so that he will be on duty while later officers are reporting An early shift has been instituted so there will ways be an officer on duty in Acton said the staff sergeant The administration review of figures re vealed Acton and Georgetown based of leers had high work loads while policemen in the countryside had lighter duties bul much more driving Each officer will have a slice of the town and rti ral areas in order to cut the time they spend res ponding to citizens calls He squelched rumors about closing the Acton office saying that lo his knowledge Ihere are no plans to close the police office in Acton this year of for forsecable Even if the officers who work in Acton were to report to Georgetown for duty such a change would not affect Acton citizens he said They would still have coverage because of the overlap ping shifts said Staff Sergeant Barrett He said he believes the changes are the best that can happen for Acton and will increase police ficicncy and the cost we will seek advice on how to under take a capital cam he said Announcement of expansion plans came on the heels of Helen Van Sicklers lhat the highlight of the year was the registering of the building deed with the lownof Hills We own it the building per cent she said Chris and Dave Stanley two high school students announced to the meeting that The Mug in the basement of the is reopening This season the coffee house will offer a variety of music said Mr Stan ley The Mug was of opened in 1978 The kinds of comments one hears from Acton youth about The Mug proves 1 was needed said chairman Many young people pitched in to help with the project Y officials have looked at the Murray Memorial building in another way year An extensive roof repair was carried out August and soon ihe southern part of the roof will also need according to the building report The also entered into a fiveyear lease with Hills for the downstairs front part of the building The town later sublet part of the front to the Halton Hi Police The sub lease received the con sent of the YMCA Total for the last year amounted to W while income figure was 19 The Men again last year conducted their fund raising efforts the annual auction and the firewood sale with the community Their float with which the helped won first prize in the Santa There are 15 Men Reject homes on Highway 25 Re Andrew has preached at Knox Pretbyterlan Church for almost years Sunday fab lait before moving Perth Ontario He and wife Isabel along with son Bill received special parting gifts from the congregation in eluding a framed painting of the church A recep tion followed at the Royal Canadian Legion A plan for 14 estate homes on acres of land on Highway next to Mushroom farm just south of Acton was turned down by Hills planning board Tuesday night The application was made by Michael Mit Properties I Id on behalf of owners Manny Tward and Edward Carroll The plan called for the two acre residential lots and two commercial lots A report from the planning department said the area is poorly drained with half the area unsalable for houses and ihe operation of septic tanks It is designated part rural and pari hazard lands The report termed the location undesirable for this type of develop ment because of the nearness to Acton and of the surrounding uses Planning board the planner recommendation to reject the application with no comment Remove snow from hydrant Now that winter la here the Acton volunteer firefighters find them selves with the yearly problem of snow cover the fire hydrants town Fire Chief Mick Holmes asks lhat resi dents shovel Ihe snow away from these ants lo assure fire fighters can find the standard in case of a fixe Precious moments can be lost while arc locating and digging out a hydrant Mr Holmes stresses

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