Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 31, 1979, p. 3

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Recreation Com dead The Acton Free Press Wednesday Jan 31 1979 3 Hills council stuck to its guns Monday night and refused to re vive the Georgetown Re creation Advisory Com miltee They abolished the committee at the beginning of this year despite a strong by John Day a former member of the now defunct committee Mayor Pete Pomeroy and Councillor Mike Armstrong squared off on the subject with Arm strong contending we look a gift horse in the mouth turning down an offer by leers to give their time Tor nothing to the town The mayor charged the reinstatement of the committee would be a complete about face of a decision made behind closed doors simply be cause someone appears personally He said the vote to abolish the com mittee was only one short of being unanimous Day speaking on be half of two other former members of the A C Claudette Smith and Claire Rlepma longed the statement by council made at the time of the decision that there are many groups who can speak for themselves directly to council He maintained a lay committee repre senting no particular interest could relay their collective opinions to council with no axe to grind Nephew killed in ski trip tragedy The tragedy which killed four Weston high school students and in many others when a bus collided with a truck near Thursday struck here too Michael Hurley who was killed in the crash on Highway was the nephew of Lou and Tony Hurley of Martin had also gone on the ski trip and were frantically trying to find word about him Martin had changed his mind and did not go returning home No one was were the par were at the school then travelled to Barrie Ho did not know of the crash until later in the evening Michael burled Tuesday after a service at SI Johns Roman Catholic Church Weston Toyota pickup owned by Paul Arthur St was totally demolished after It erupted Into flames last Tuesday at according to tire Chief Mick Holmes The after the vehicle backfired Caroline Numerics on brother Sweatbox trial Police deny accusations Complaints made by 12 prisoners about heat and tight handcuffs have been denied by the two constables charged with neglect of duty and creditable conduct Constables Arnold Vancllef and Raj Swaminalhan of he Milton Detachment of Halton Regional Police gave their testimony Wednesday Jan at a hearing into the charges Cat Vanelief said he made no note of grie vances from the prisoners concerning excessive heat and sore wrists as the result of handcuffs during a paddy wagon trip to Toronto Aug Prisoners had said earlier they had it templed to kick the back door of the van open to get fresh air into the van during the mile trip between the Milton court house and the Metro West Detention Centre Several prisoners lesti fled they screamed and yelled profanities at the two officers In protest of the heat One of them Griff Branch was dis covered unconscious from heat exhaustion upon arrival at the Cst told the court he himself was sweating and had opened van door at the centre in rdtr to let some air in He dcmul he put on the handcuffs tightly them on loosely to allow them slide around the wrist without injury He he heard one of tht prisoners tightening the cuffs by squeezing them together during Hie trip When prosecutor Douglas why did not double lock the cuffs to prevent prisoners from closing them Cst Van said he chose not to because the veniencc of unlocking them liter Several prisoners test I tied they suffered swollen wrists which required medical attention be cause of the cuffs Charges of dangerous and erratic driving made by prisoners were denied by Cst Vanelief During the trip to Tor onto wis twice obliged to brake abruptly to avoid collision with a bus and a construction worker who stepped Into the path of the van I had no choice but to slam on the brakes he said A combination of construction work in Mil ton and on Highway 401 necessitated him stop ping on numerous He also said the trip was made during rush hour traffic Cst Vancllef said he heard one prisoner threaten to tip the van on Highway 401 The threat tame several minutes after the prisoners had been rocking the wagon at the court house in Mil ton before departure to Toronto Complaints from prisoner Reginald Harris his jacket had been stomped at the centre were denied by Cst Van chef He said he was carry ing an armload of jackets when two fell to the ground Instead of pick ing them up he moved them with his foot a couple of feet Hydros own forecasts may scuttle expansion Ontario Hydros own forecast of its energy needs should put the nail In the coffin as fir as its expansion plans are concerned says Julian Heed Reed a member of the legislature select com miltee on Hydro said the committee is currently examining population forecasts which demo graphers have been declining because of the birthrate since about 10o0 Fundamentally Ontario population has remained static since Reed said noting that any increase in the past decade Is due mostly to immigration and in migraliun The demographers have been criticized by peers making forecasts of the decline too low but in inch else was high he said The most damaging thing to Hydro is their own load forecast he The sited committee is expected to receive the Hydro forecasts Feb 8th at the latest he said He said the govern mint figures indicate per cent reserve over the annual peak load although other figures to lltcd that How the figures arc arrived at is by a com plex formula involving the reserve in each of the methods Hydro uses to generate electricity and the corporation Is in eluding a one third margin on its water generated power which traditionally has never had a reserve margin Reed said No damage was done to the denim jackets he said They were placed with the rest of the coals in a corner of the room He said there were no hooks or hangers A 12 year veteran Cst Vancllef said he was not disturbed by the events of the day which Included foul language yelling and obscenities from the prisoners He said he did not think of calling for help when prisoners made threats to rock the van when underway Cst Vanelief said he heard a commotion in the back of the van during the trip but did not stop to check it The prisoners were frequently noisy and silent during the trip Swamlnathan said during his testimony the prisoners hooted and yelled and banged the side of the van during the trip It seemed to me they were having fun he said They would make a lot of noise and then they would quiet down like a bunch of on a bandwagon In answer to prisoners complaints about heat Cst said to find out what they were yelling about but every time I tried to open the sliding window to they Just started yelling and spat in my face The constable said the ride to the centre was rough because of poor road conditions In Milton and on 401 Cst Swaminathan denied prisoners tions the van was driven erratically with frequent slops He said the two officers did not stop for coffee Not until the van reached the centre and the rear door opened did Cst Swaminathan say he noticed Branch uncon on the floor Both officers said the prisoners were hostile to them at the centre Vancllef said the prisoners defied them to go into the van and bring out Branch Branch was later carried out by several prisoners with the help of the centre staff The condition of the police van was described in earlier testimony Regional Police Cst Thomas Nicholson said Any speeds higher than miles per hour and the van would shake Fellow officer Cst Raymond Hendry tied he was riding shot gun In the von one lime He emphasized the C in order to make itself more effectual drew up new terms of reference and agreed to expand to cover the whole of Halton Hills He said council concurred with this He explained tho committee was to re port directly to general committee of council on all matters of recreation not necessarily only those matt era represent by organized groups Council based their decision to abolish the committee partly on the fact there were few applicants from Ward One and Two Acton and Day con tended they had been too optimistic in expecting answers since the committee broke up more than two years ago He suggested Instead a committee with only one rcpresenta live from each ward be established and council appoint a member to the committee which should be reinstated Councillor Miller said he had gone to great lengths to find people interested In sitting on the A C from Esques area and had no luck He suited people already involved in activities contended the type of input to council by the R A was no benefit to them The mayor said he would not support the reactivating of the com mittee but would con reviewing It at the end of the year Armstrong asked Day If he could find people from Ward One and Two to sit on the committee Day replied he was sure he could Armstrong said he vot to abolish the commit tee because there were few applicants do no thing the end of this year would be saying goodbye to the RAX He suggested the matter be deferred until 12 to give Day a chance to come up with names from each ward Councillor Roy Booth pointed out the Wards was unsuccessful and the Georgetown one Wards Three and Four had only limited success for the amount of energy put in by the members He said by their own admission they felt ineffectual He contended the new terms of reference made the committee more inef Councillor Marilyn Serjcantson agreed with Armstrong and said the committee should be given the chance to work under the new terms of reference Councillor Ed Wood said he was the last chairman of the Acton and Esquesing A C and found it very frustrating He said he felt the committee was set up to smooth the traransition to regional government and saw no use for It now a citizen of Ward One I cer tainly have felt no loss since it was dissolved said defer ring the matter and look for people would lead the committee members down the garden path Voting for this motion means we will the A C back whether you want It or not it Is not a matter of deferring for two weeks said He said all authority has been taken away from the A C leaving the group running around in circles and unable to do anything The motion to defer the decision while Day comes up with names lost with only coun cillors Armstrong Mc Donald and Serjcantson in favor then put for ward a motion to have the possibility of setting up an advisory commit tee considered at the end of the year if the recrea director feels it Is necessary Armstrong immediate ly termed it an Insult after just voting to mayor said any citizen can come to at any time and any matter can be at any time This motion passed Inventory Reductions Continue up to 75 ALL WINTER BOOTS PLUS SELECTED LINES OF SHOES Theres Still Time To Pledge And Save The Town Hall LAST WEEK OF OUR January Clearance No go for buses Rural school buses in North were not operating last Thursday after Wednesday freezing rain and several inches of snow Driving was hazardous on several roads throughout the Buses picking up in town students were run that day though and for several hundred Acton students It was school as usual Compare Your Home Auto Business INSURANCE Phone 8531121 Daly McGregor 93 Mill St East Acton SPECIAL PLANS FOR NONSMOKERS ABSTAINERS SMOKE ALARM DISCOUNTS CANADA CLASS Vicuna Vancouvor Edmonton CHARTER FARES Fredencton Moncton Haifa St Johns 169 Airport Included Soots told on a list corns basis Above prices to is of April A RAVEL Call Rick UP 8533580 56 Mill St E UnitC L7J PO Box 102 BEYOND AND BACK STARRING BRAD SHOW TIMES SUN 3pm TUE 8pm SAVINGS UP TO WIN PER MONTH FOR LIFE Cash for life Lottery Tickets WITH PURCHASE YOU RECEIVE 1 TICKET WITH 175 PURCHASE YOU RECEIVE TICKETS WITH PURCHASE YOU RECEIVE TICKETS WITH OR MORE PURCHASE YOU RECEIVE TICKETS You save and win when you visit HILLS 352 STREET EAST ACTON Wad 7 Via 8fd 9 Sat 10 ANNEARCHER JOESPINELL ARMANDASSANTE lE TERRY FUNK FRAMK JOKE More sex appeal than Charlies Angels We would never go so far 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