shod every Wodnoiday by Inland Co Lim led at low To Subsc S each Canada ha n Canada Tho Acton I of inn Inland Publishing Co tod of ban papers The A ox News luor The dan Incjion Tho Goo got own Indgpondonl Ma Thornh II Econortul and Sun lion Canadian Champion Tho M sauna i News a Do I a Beaver This Woo Weekend and The Sloulfv Founded In 1876 Dan McDonald accepted on i on It f Ihn sing by la owl nol bo I appl cable In it a wrong P goods sol hdawnntanyt a event of ror hat leou of iho advert bo A ca advert goods an offer EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Edltoi Colas Editor Ho on roy Sporti Editor Rabnlnscoo ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT Manager I Cook Claitlrlod Ad tiling Maryl BUSINESSACCOUNTING OFFICE Office Manager I Sh Duval CIRCULATION Moryl PHONE Business and Office 6 Tho Acion Free Press Wednesday Feb 7 Congratulations Kevin Congratulations to Kevin Parker the 17 yearold Acton High School student who skated to a silver medal in his third try for the Canadian junior men figure skating crown last week Kevin would have wrapped up the coveted gold medal except for a once in a lifetime performance by Brian Orser of Penetan who trailed the Acton skater after the figures and short programs Kevin has been really training hard for the junior championships spending five to six hours a day on the ice and he accomplished what he set out- to do bring home a medal as he told sports writer Robin who interviewed him two weeks ago No one really knows the dedication and hard work that goes into winning a medal in Canadian figure skating com petitions except the competitors and their families who emo tionally and spiritually are with their sons and daughters during year round training It is a gruelling task to even place in the competitions Bringing home a medal is mount to scaling the Mount Everest of the figure skating world Brian an athletic skater struck gold when he sue cessf ully completed two triple lutz jumps as well as a triple axel and triple toe loop the triple axels and the first ever successfully accomplished in junior compe tition Kevin finished just behind in the free skating It was an astounding week for skaters from Halton Hills Kris Barber of Glen Williams and Kelly Johnson of Toronto teamed up to win the junior dance cham at Thunder Bay They served notice they were going to be tough by taking a silver medal at the junior world championships in France last year They ve been skating together for only about a year and a half To Kevin Parker Kris Barber and all successful young atheletes who strive to bring excellence to a sport in which they excel we extend the best wishes and congratulations of the many who watched and cheered them on television sets knowing they were from small town Ontario and this particular corner of it We 11 be hearing more from them as they advance into the senior competitions and one day could represent Canada against the best the globe can produce Whoa there Mr Mayor Mayor Peter is ful filling an election promise with his vow to give Beardmore the sewage capacity they need at the expense of no growth in Acton The mayor told Nerval rate payers last week that Acton can only grow from between 1 000 and people and he would sacrifice this in the best interests of Halton Hills largest industry The company has been experiencing problems with their own sewage plant and the mayor wants to make sure industry already located here has first chance at using the increased sewage capacity It a commendable stand but unfortunately it does little for business and people who feel Acton needs some growth to obtain some of the amenities other communities enjoy such as more and larger places of bus iness and movie theatres among others He is suggesting in effect that the town subsidize the com pany by providing sewage treatment for their waste The mayor has done much study of the problems has been experiencing with waste since the Ministry of the Environ applied stringent environ mental regulations The company has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars in an attempt to find a solution to their waste problems but continually run into further trouble because technology is not Other opinions at the advanced state required to handle them The company has made enquiries to Halton Hills and its predecessor the Town of Acton for many years asking that the town sewage plant be utilized to carry tannery waste Ministry of the Environment officials in the past have turned the company s requests down because they have said the plant is not equipped to handle the waste generated by tannery effleunt However we understand region officials who specialize in sewage ment foresee no problems with tannery effluent and are amen able to the request Mayor feels bound by his election promise to carry out his mandate but we think he is going a little too far Perhaps may justifiably claim part of the expanded sewage tern but to suggest it must all be used by the company is hardly fair to those taxpayers who do not rely on the company for their livelihood There must be room for other provisions as well We feel council and the region must do their homework very carefully before charting such an extreme course Lets do all we can to help the company out of their problems but committing all the expanded resources of the sewage plant to one company is further than we think most tax payers would care to go Whos sick anyway mere arc those who claim ours is a sick society and our country Is sick Ithal vc are sick Welt maybe hey re right I submit that 1 m sick and maybe arc too I am sick of commentators and newspaper writers canonizing anarchists revolutionaries and criminals and con law enforcement when criminals are brought to justice I am sick of being told that policemen should not have guns or listening devices when criminals who use guns and all sorts devices to rob maim and murder should be understood and helped find their way back into the main stream of society I am sick of paying more and more taxes to build schools public buildings and fancy jails while more and more of them are being deliberately burned down or vandalized I am sick of entertainers del ing me with their condemnation of my moral standards on latenight television and of Fighting the metric hordes After about 10 days of solid blizzards and bad driving low temperatures and a lower temperament my social intellectual and emotional life hovering around zero Fahrenheit I wondered what to write about this week Came home from work picked up the mail and there was a fat package from something called Ottawa turned it over a couple of times wondering whether the initials meant Ancient Military Cur mudgeons from some veterans or All Men Cowards from some rabid women lib crowd Not to worry Democracy is still rearing its bruised and head here and there in this our native land The package was from Metric Canada lis single and avowed purpose the stamping out of the metrication of our fair white country It contained an honorary membership card a bumper slicker which shouts Pound Out Metric a newsletter with a number of spelling and grammar errors a personal letter from the president a petit ion to send lo my M page of metric propaganda and a quiz or survey loaded with questions along the line of When did you stop beiting your wife Sample question Do you realize that under the metric system that sic the farmers will loose sic money and the dairy cartel win Answer yes no How can you answer a question like that With a or no Personally I think it high time Hit farmers were pried loose from some of their money and the whole thing is putting the cartel before the cow Another sample Do you believe that people come before computers Well yes and no We were here before computers but when it comes to arguing wilh one over a on your it obvious that they come before us And I have a secret hunch that they II be here long after the human race has disappeared chat and giggling away among them selves about how they so finally and so easily got rid of us Just one more sample Do you want the Canadian public to pay a gallon for Answer depends on whether you think a gallon of gas is more important that a pound of beef If he Ay robs can get a gallon for it and you don t have any that what you 11 pay If he beef farmer can get a pound for sirloin and you don happen lo have a steer tied up in the garage that what you pay Elemental Thescquestionsarebcingsent to 1 hereby resign my honorary membership In the Metric Canada organization Growth parking Beardmore and a peek at the Sun Residing in Acton is getting tougher every day First we are told that a shop ping plaza is not conceivable because will take customers away from the downtown core and then we art told that there will be no increase m parking downtown This really makes sense Well I guess those who shop out of town will continue to do so and the rest of us will keep driving around looking for a place to park Boy When Mayor there would it t be much growth in Acton in the near future he kidding I wonder if Beardmore sewage problem has anything to do with the parking problem Oh by the way did you see our fall Fair Queen in Hie Toronto Sun Maybe Aclon s growth isn limited after all Doug Griffin Acton I am sick of being cm harassed when my son takes me to a movie and we find the most popular movies feature nudity homosexuality and the glorification of narcotics and liquor I am sick of cynical attitudes toward patriotism of politicians with no back bone or code of ethics I am sick of the decline of personal honesty personal integrity and human sincerity Most of all I am sick of being told I am sick And sick of being told my country is sick Fully percent of the people in this world would willingly trade places with the most deprived and most underprivileged among If I am sick others are sick but perhaps together we can get well and help our country to get welt Dominion Its that time again first federal Income tax but was allowed to expire in because of pro tests and vat Ions Til AGAIN Our Johnny quite a fellow While he s making out his sheet He thinks awhile and then he smile As he makes the figures meet Our BUI made a little money He was happy with the facts Till the lucky dog wrote the And figured out the Tax He was only trying to moke a buck With overtime and such But all he got to improve his lot Did not amount to much So now he not too happy About his extra toils He must carry on his incentive gone To make some extra spoils The more he Earns Ihe more he pays For all his earthly treasures With all his ravings they take his savings And lax him for his pleasures Then when he leaves this mortal shore They send out the legal mind To grab the Spoils from all his tolls Of what he leaves behind I am much sympathetic With their aims than their means But 1 wonder where they were when I was carrying on a lonely single handed but valiant fight a a year or so ago I detest metrication and all it stands for conformity unification anonymity and confusion for everyone over thirty years of age Ask any shopping housewife what she thinks of it She will probably if she has thought about it reply hat it a lovely opportunity for the food barons to rip everybody off except those equipped with pocket calculator and endless lime on their hands A gram here and a there add up to millions over a year And now let s hear from industry According to it changing lo the metric system was going to make Canada much more competitive In the world market We are about as competitive as Greenland and single biggest customer the has not gone metric though it is toying with the madness When I want lo know how cold It is I tune in to an American TV weather report get it in Fahrenheit subtract ten de grees for the difference in latitude and say to my wife Holy Moses no won der the pipes froze It was 12 below last night And she knows I don mean Cenli irade Math and science teachers to the contrary the world got along very well when every nation hnd its own turns of currency mcasurments and weights In days when the sun never set on the British Empire the British pound had a solid ring it anywhere in the world They didn I give a diddle about changing It to annas or yen or marks Same with the American dollar for a century or so It wis worth a dollar not whatever the Swiss and Germans ind Japanese decided it was worth There was a and a difference and an individuality about currencies and measures and weights Is being lost in these days of international conformity If a British horse slood hands high and weighted or stone in a British novel that was good enough for me He was cither a big horse or a little horse I didn have to get out my calculator If wintcd to borrow three ducats from I knew that was no and was satisfied I know I have no more chance of re versing the metric thing than I had of an other of my lost causes the pale pink leaf on a dirty grey background that is Canada national flag But I wish the AMC luck And I m going to use my bumper sticker if only to annoy my neighbour a math teacher who has been flaunting a Think Metric sticker for several years My sticker is bigger white printing on red with a big hammer pounding down on the slogan POUND OUT METRIC The organization also has a stubborn little warcry I rather like We won t move our feet an inch Back issues 10 years ago Taken from the Issue of the Acton Free Press of Thursday February rhe onus is now on the C to show that closing the Acton and Rockwood stations will result in no inconvenience or hardship to the area Nassagaweya township deputy reeve Anne Mac Arthur has purchased an ad in today s paper that urges township residents to protest in writing over the proposals for regional govern Aclon new illuminated crosswalks signs arc making highway crossing easier Acton high school Phreeze winter carnival was a success from Wednesday torchlight parade to Saturday s formal dance First prize float was Mrs Reeds 11A class entry Anita was crowned Snow Queen in the auditorium before a crowd of about spectators The grade 13 entry von the chariot race contest winners were Bob Andrews Rod McEachern Paul Cooper Bob Waller Jim Shaven Spikedriving winners were Harry Oehlnch Copper Alex Musehus Bob Andrews Steve won the dog sled race Mr Skerrclt won for full beard Bob Bonnette for sideburns Mr Holmes who claims he never entered the contest for Van Dyke The snow sculpture contest was one of the most successful aspects A detailed motorcycle and rider entered by Paul and Phil D up was awarded first prize Second was a lifesize copy of The Thinker done by Cam 20 years ago Taken from the issue of the Free Press of Thursday Februarys IBS9 No fire sale at Ledger IGA this week thanks to the speedy action of the Acton I ire Department Our supplies last week were ruined but our prices are better than ever Turkey broilers cents lb oranges cents celery for jam 49 cents pork ribs 39 lb for 31 niblets corn J cans for Certificate awards were presented by Superintendent S Hart of the St John Ambulance Brigade to Scouts R Currle R Smith and troop leader P Newton Tenders were opened for the construction of Halton Centennial Manor Roads north of in Erin were finall opened traffic being blocked off for six days The snow in the Erin arei is the worst in many Gerald placed in a of entries in cornet solo competition at the Toronto Kiwinis Festival Harold Denny has joined Denny In coming from the Head Office 50 years ago Taken from the issue of the Acton Free Press of Thursday Thenei hardwood floor footlights plugs panelling are improvements to the stage of the town hall a credit to the Junior I the council and Mr J Bell who did the work Another Prince in has fallen The news of the sudden death of Mr W II Stewart Superintendent of the Children Aid Societies of the counties of and Peel and former principal of Acton schools came lo Acton with heart rending suddenness With unexpected and pathetic denness the passing of A Nicklin J look place it the family residence on Bower Ave Acton Continuation School Literary Society meeting began with addresses by Ivan Kirkness and Isabel Smith A horn or piny was given by Katharine Stewart Jack and Herbert Hinton Lillian Perry favored with a piano solo Four talks on Comparisons of Artists were given by Oral Chalmers Molozzie Isabel Bruce and Barbara Guthrie The critic Rev A C Stewart gave a very helpful address Mrs Adamson was elected regent of the Jr I O Other officers ore Mrs VB Miss Jessie Anderson Miss Vera Hurst Miss Pearl Wallace Mrs Jas Dobbie Mrs Watson Mrs M Ovcrholt Mrs Geo Miss E Robinson Mrs W 100 years ago Taken from the lisue of Ihe Acton Free of Thursday January 1879 There died at his residence in St Marys this week one of Ihe oldest Gospel in the Dominion the Rev Joseph He was years of age and entered the ministry of the Methodist church in The following village officials were appointed Constable G Forbes Assessor Kennedy and auditors McDonald and W Ten dollars was granted to the reeve to be dis pensed for charitable purposes Three dollars a month was granted to James Campbell an aged and infirm person Farmers give those lads a sharp cut on the shoulders with whip when they try to hang on to your sleighs Several minor casualties have occurred