Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 7, 1979, p. 8

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CBS sees light in bid for better phone service An Hilisburgh citizens group pushing for improved telephone service is getting fewer busy signals from company owners sub scribers learned Monday night at Brisbane School About BO subscribers to the Community Telephone Company heard representatives of the Committee for Better Services CBS report on a meeting between the committee company and the Ontario Telephone Service Commission the provincial governing body which took place last week CBS members told the meeting they managed to convince Community Telephone to make some Ospringe commitments to the proving service It a start a plus for the committee CBS re search director Robin said concerning changes in billing meth used by Community Telephone The Erin exchange is grouped with run by the private pt company CBS popped into existence in Dec mber after trust rated telephone sub scribers decided to op pose Community Tele phone application to the provincial commission for a nine per cent rate CBS main complaint Is that the Hilisburgh Erin area Is surrounded by communities like Acton and Georgetown which pay more for tele phones but receive better service CBS chairman Jeanctte Cox indicated moat Erin subscribers are willing to pay within reason for the service enjoyed by others CBS information of Ian Barrett said that unless telephone bills are less than they are too high I hope they Com Telephone come back with realistic rates We re asking to get what people have In Acton I know there 11 be an add itlonal charge Mrs Cox said Mr Groundhog would surely get the sun in his eyes last Friday and the air was nippy enough I bet he scurried right back to his warm little den but I doubt the furry animal even woke up let alone dig his way out through two or three feet of snow What creature in his right senses would uncurl himself out of a snug warm bed and thrust his nose out in mid winter temperature to see his shadow was out there So snore on peace fully for six weeks more spring will come in due time George Lang has re turned home after spend a week in General Hospital Mrs Jack Wheeler of Erin stayed with her daughter Mrs Lang un til George came home John of the Canadian Forces Base in Cold Lake Alberta flew his to Toronto on business and visited a couple of days with his parents Mr and Mrs Gordon It isn t everyone that has two birthdays in one year Well I thought I did After the last snow storm Frank Leslie came over with his tractor and plowed out my driveway Rockwood Srs find sponsor Tic Senior Fastball team will tout new uniforms as open their season Construction of has taken over sponsorship and will supply the team with new Eden Mills uniforms warm up Jackets and bags A sponsorship of this size is very difficult to find said coach and very much appreciated by all New trustees appointed by Mrs Mac Mrs Jeff of Parry Sound has been a tuest of Mr and Mrs Harvey Link Mrs riven of Acton and Mr and Mrs Bagnell of Miss issauga were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Roger MacDougall Get well wishes go out to Mr Clarence Ramsay who has returned from hospital and Mrs Fran who is pre sently a patient In Pte Grant who is stationed is home on a short leave Mr and Mrs Mansell Lowrie entertained several of their snow mob Her friends and wives at their Lake Bel wood cottage on Sunday Mr and Mrs Jack Chamberlain and Mr and Mrs Aitken of Guelph spent he week end at Orr Lake The annual meeting of the Presbyterian church was held on Monday evening wilh an attend of IB members Rev Carrie was and Ralph the secret Everything remains much the same as last year Mr offered to let his name stand as a new manager The secretary for the Second Century Advance for Christ is Mrs New trust for the church are Mrs Ted Burden and Mr MocDonold Mrs G thanked all those responsible for running the church and all the different organizations The meeting concluded with a social hour The Group of the Presbyterian Church spent a happy weekend retreat at Crieff Hills der loving watchful eye of Rev C and her husband and a few minutes later Margaret Howes came to the door with a hot cos dish to put in the oven for our supper So with the aid of my neighbors not only was I able to drive to work but also to have a steaming supper prepared when I got home Birthday or no it was appreciated all the same Good neighbors are worth their weight in gold Members of Knox Presbyterian Church have begun a bible study group The first meeting last Tuesday was at the home of Mr and Mrs Ward Bruce On Sunday the sermon was on Responsible Liberation Rev Noble Dean said that In mar each partner has something to offer and Mrs Dean delivered the sermon In these days of women lib she said responsibility goes with liberation and she gave her own opinion and ideas that she felt about it She spoke of their own situation saying when they have a difference of opinion they think of this plaque which reads Christ is the Head of This House So in real neither is superior They each have their own responsibilities The grade seven dents of Ospringe school enjoyed a ballet pre sentation at Hall in Guelph It was perform by the Ballet Company The dancers were very talented and played their parts super Parent teacher inter views are being held Feb 7 and at the school Twelve girls have join the 4 11 Ho mem a king Club with Needlepoint as the theme The first meeting was held at Ihe home of the assistant leader Mrs Glen Jackson Mrs Donna Sandy is leader The club name chosen is Knotty The executive was elected president is Jennie Flinders and vice presi dent Is Margie Johnston Secretary treasurer is Debbie Clark and press reporter is Karen MeKin nan It sounds like go ing to be an enjoyable club and everyone will have a good background In needlework at its close areas where many Hills burgh Erin calls go to are serviced by Bell Canada Some of the people in Bell territory arc neighbors school chums friends of those people over the border in Community Telephone country To telephone from one to the other means a long distance Much of the discussion between the company committee and com mission said Barred focused on extended area service that is a lower ing of he long distance charge barrier There is a commitment from Community Telephone to tabic the cost of such service plus oil he information used to calculate it to the provincial commission By mid May CBS will be permitted to examine the study according to Barrett There is also a commit ment from the company to allow a vote by sub scribers on the direction of expanded service once the cost is known Then subscribers will be able to know how much Ihe extra service will Other steps taken by CBS include a commit by the company to lengthen the grace period before late payment of bill charges ire levied Slarling about June the period will be 44 day in stead of 14 Also the bills are to show the duration of long d stance calls Community Telephone is also according to CBS changing equipment so that pay phones can be used to contact the operator free The switch is to take place in days according CBS surer Bob Trimble CBS officials also asked the to think of ways of proving the telephone book far next year This year edition Is printed directory will jo n and in one section in stead of splitting them Community Telephone appears to have ant icipatcd some of the CBS JfranettcCoi requests such as for a clear listing for weekend repairs However cording to Mr Trimble the number in the book is assigned to a new doc or It a repair service of sort he commented CBS also asked the company and there was some sympathy for the publishing of a card to carry emergency numbers We need an indication from the peo ple that would use the card said If the card published CBS indicated it would include a new weekend repair number In a bid to spur the group CBS public relations officer Mann suggested sub scribers bug the com pany for better service For example sometimes there is a hum on the line He suggested users asked the phone operator to dial for them so that they get a clear line then call the company and complain about the hum You got to keep calling them We re in lined to say it s Community he said He urged them to call the Zenith number for repairs and also to write newspapers Another CBS member suggested subscribers write MPP Jim Snow der whose communic ations and transportation post he telephone vice operates The subscribers learned from Barrett that Community Telephone Company president Lester Bey den Jr New York New York informed the committee that if satis faction was not coming from local represent s he should be called collect number is Erin Township council Monday joined and Erin council In supporting CBS subscribers learned from township councillor Jo Schneider Mrs Schneider read a letter passed by which states area resid are distressed and an increase in rates is not justified Erin Township council supports the thrust of complaints and also be lieves a rate increase should be conditional on improvement of vice Some other local representatives also attended the meciing Groundhog got Old Sol in eyes District 8 The Acton Free Press Wednesday Fob 7 1979 Snowmobilers rally in subzero weather Sub zero temperatures and swirling blowing snow did not stop determined entrants from competing the 100 Snow mobile Rally Sunday The machines zoomed past the scenery on two trails this year one north of Highway and the new southern route via Crewson Corners and Eden Mills and District Lions Club established the second trail to offer more variety and lenge to Ihe hearty drivers Community Centre was the pit stop where contestants fired up with hot chill and coffee before tackling the second trail The industrious Lion ettes spent their day cooking up dishes for evening buffet The crowd of hungry pants and their families enjoyed he meal before the awards ceremony Trophy winners for he blustery event were Least penalty points Mr and Mrs Gordon Thomson tied for this trophy dollars pledged Lcona Kingsbury a total of to her credit Least penalty points per family on one machine the father and daughter team of Fred and Susan Hawkins was he winner male driver completing the course Bob Logan retains this trophy again in Oldest female driver completing course Mrs John Thomson look home Ihis newly insli award Boys under with sponsored dollars brothers Sleven Brent lush lied for the Second boy under 16 with sponsored dollars was Kevin Kit chic and Ihe girl under 1G with est srxnsnred dollars Susan Hide for communis improvement was liiei theme of ihis years isplcdgcdf r Die 19 event in crease of over 1978 s total Twenty three prizes were onerously donated by local mer chants Don Martin led organizers for this years successful event were pleased with enthusiasm and support shown entrants workers New books for Eramosa library Trophy winners at the Snowmobile Rally were from to front row Thomson Susan Hawkins Stephen 1 rent Kevin Root elected elder New arrivals a Eramosa Community Library include Adult Fiction books The lost ones by Lofts The house next door by Anne Siddons The wind brings up the rain by Eric Paloverde by J Bnskin and Boarding party by James Lcasor Under Juvenile Primary fiction The latest books are Aldo s doghouse Lee Savage The Little black white cat and Flop meet the toy bandit by Tony Ross There hippopotamus under nn bed by Mike Thaler Fantastic Mr Fox by fiction include families Richard Gordon Men f the saddle b Ted Grant Wings across time Collins hobbies Jack Kramer Grow jour own Chinese vegetables Harrington The annual meeting of the United Church was held after the morn service on Sunday January The ladies of the church served lunch prior to the business meeting Rev wis chairman and Sandy MePhedrnn was sec retary The session report showed a total of resident members an increase of ten over lost year Members of the session are Keith Black Helen Bay no Fnnk John ivid Cun Wilbur Patter son Dyer Harvey Gordon and Dr Ben Alvin Root was elected us a honorary elder after many years of devoted service along with Albert Maltby Members of committee of arc Raj on Gladys MtPhcdran John Came Gordon Cox Chester Meek Bert Walter Stephens is Hall Arthur Brown Auditors Walter Stephens John Buchanan Ushers Sandy Robert Osl r Chester Meek John Buchanan Trustees Alex Day Lloyd Dyer Albert Harvey Reports were received from Stewards Rock woodStone Manse Fund Sunday School Canadian Bible Society Friendship Guild Contributions lo the work of the church were encouraging Installation of water and sewer conn from the municipal was authorized as well as re pairs to windows Sincere thanks were expressed to Rev for his untiring service and guidance during the past year World Development observed at Churchill by Joanne Turner Churchill Community Church is joining the Acton Churches in vance of the Ten Days for World Development Events have been planned in each church focus attention on the needs of the hungry In Third World Countries and Sunday February will be recognized as a Day of Witness and Solid with the Third World At Churchill regular morning service Mrs E McFadden will explain why our food aid pro gram and world develop ment organizations re sult only in increased hunger and miser amongst the poor There Is a special program planned for Sunday evening at p a Churchill Rev Jim will speak on what the Christian stand should be In a world where we seem power less to combat the social injustices hit lit poor to go the midst of plenty will be a film prese it Give followed J simulation tame Who Ones All are urged to attend Valentines ruary is the date of the next regular mceling The ladies are at fl in at the home of Mrs Frank Thompson Poplar St continued on page Erin joins neighbors to stem blowing snow b Doris Erin Township council endorsed a motion from townships of and Guelph re questing that the Grand River Conservation Authority meet the Mln istry of Transportation to rectify a blowing cond ition on Highway at Guelph Lake The snow blows a lot on this section of highway since the dam was built causing white- outs making a danger situation A meeting will be held on Tuesday February at m at the Township of Municipal offices on Highway The policy on Errors and Om miss ions Insurance for munic ipalities was agreed on In which annual premium is and provides protection for a lotal of million for all claims In a year The in pays the first This is a new form of coverage not well understood it is claimed It insures any member of council employees slat utory officers firemen or ambulance attendants performing his as such The Wellington County Plowmen Association issued an Invitation to the Ontario Plowmen s Association to host the 1984 Ontario Plowing Match and Farm Much incryShow in Wellington County A letter or supp ort will be sent froip Erin Township endorsing the invitation The Wellington County Mutual Aid people gated a meeting yest They wish to raise the tax exemption from for firemen to The town of Lincoln council drew up a resol ution petitioning the Ont government to have the Municipal Act amended to allow Ipalities to charge inter est at the rate of one per cent per month on over due accounts The Town ship of Erin endorsed the motion Under the provisions of the Munic ipal Act municipalities are restricted to a mum charge of per cent per annum on tax arrears It is now in difficult for municipalities to collect taxes and cheaper for the individual lo borrow from he municipality by allowing taxes to fall into arrears than to borrow from bank Membership was re newed in the Rural Municipal Assoc for 1979 for 100 Any council member wishing o attend the con vention is authorized to do so with all expenses paid A request from Mrs Marian Walker the secretary of the Com munity Association in for a grant in order lo carry on was re ferred to Ihe recreation board Orton now has an outdoor skating rink The clerk conveyed council regret to Mrs Isabel on her resignation from the lib rary board and thanked her for her service Through Hit office of the Minister of Solicitor General the Ontario I ire College is sponsoring courses One of these is for councillors clerks and administrators to held in in September A discussion was held concerning the post office parking lot a small lr of land next to the post office which is all land owned by Public Works and leased lo the post office The In angle is to be leased to the municipality of Township for a parking lot The question is should the municipality upgrade and maintain it and pay a year renl or pay a year straight Council signed an agreement with the f for fire pr service provided by 1 ire Department for certain portions lie township remuncr ilion o Philip Hyde had one ewe killed and injured John Abel had ewes injured and one dog was shot caught molesting Don Robertson spoke to council on speculators evading transfer taxes by bringing up bid titles Council was instructed proceed an en roach and partial road closing on portion of land on the corner of York and Main street in in order to gel a clear title on the lot A report by Ed Harden road superintendent re vealed tint the township has two plow trucks and attachments three two pick up trucks and a 1969 sand truck They are also renting a stand by plow Council agreed a new heavy duty tandem truck with snow plow and wing should be speculated on for future use Total road accounts for January were 111 Recent appointments made were John and George Root to Ihe Guelph and Suburban Planning Board of which Is now chairman Allan to the Comm of Adjustment for a three year term John to the Land fill Site Committee Part lime township road employees will be paid per hour The reeve s salary to be deputy reeve 3 and councillors For all day meet out of the township will be paid or for a half day plus cents per mile for out of township mileage Councillor Schneider reported on Balllnafad Recreation Board The members on the board are chairman Dan O Connor treasurer- Peter Brown secret B Shorlill public relations Sandra Henderson booking- Viola ShortUl members at large Doris Fueller and Ivan Bird Hal ton Hills representative Russ Miller and Erin Township Jo Schneider All appointments are for one year except the chairman and treasurer which are for two years Council voted a don of to the township Recreation Larry Mason and Dennis Hollands of and ap peared before council lo introduce themselves and to acquaint council with their planning firm Their main office Is in Toronto with a planner in Kitchener and they have been in business years and have had a con suiting service for the town of Fergus for years They give advice to municipalities on sub division development engineering environ mental work and lands cape design John Salmon reported that he issued one build ing permit in January A resident wishes to build house back of one he is living in and event tear down the old one Councils advice was for him get his solicitor to draw up an agreement with a certain lime for removal then get it approved by the lownship lawyer Regarding the cation for rale increase by Community Telephone Councillor Schneider had drawn up a letter from the council to be brought before the meeting of the supporting the thrust of the complaints from the residents that they feel rate Increases should be conditional on approval of service Council will meet again on Thursday March 1

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