Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 14, 1979, p. 8

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Varied topics for Centennial speakers Research from wide and varied sources pro vided the content for speeches presented by grade seven and eight students at the recent Centennial School Oral Communlca Festival Active imaginations brought the subjects of the Newfoundland Wubba Cow Horses and the Planet Ork to the school stage The hostile Newfound land Wubba can be dis covered under anyone bed according to David channels a boring Saturday night s enter provided Randy Naples with a speech topic His clever com of interlocking commercials kept the students in stitches Every audience hand was turned for careful examination after Julian Mitchell speaking on the subject Superstitions suggested that the number of on your palm will tell the number of children you will have Speeches are a good idea because if you be come someone like the His humorous me Minister of Can presentation brought you re not nervous forth loud audience reac talking in front of l people explained one Switching television competitor The judge had questioned her about the value of speech tag History buff Bob Phil lips will represent Rock wood with his knowledge able presentation Forts of Canada at the triet finals in Erin Glenn March speaking authoritatively on Marjuana it dead ly will be the other contestant grade seven and eight class picked two festival entrants Judges JackHooghiem Storey and John Morris son chose the winners The competition in oral reading a five minute prepared speech and then qucs lions on the subject pre sented The Intermediate Division Oral Communications Festival was held Feb at Rockwood Centennial School Grade seven and eight students competing in the event were back row left to right Joy Wendy Marie Glenn March Natalie Merrill and Randy Front row Iff to right Julian Mitchell David Bob and Wayne Martin Winners Bob Phillips and Glenn March will represent In the district finals Rockwood and district The Acton Froe Wednesday Fob Block Parents need volunteers Block Parent reports that homes in the com of Eden Mills and are now participating in the program Local school children have been taught to recognize the red and white window sign depicting a child holding an adult hand They know that homes display these signs are places of safe refuge in of trouble More block parents ire needed The organization is holding another Open House Feb 10 in the School Music Room The film Where to Run will he shown by Constable of the 0 Discus will follow and ap plication forms will be available All Interested residents are urged to attend and find out more about this volunteer com m unity support system Ballinafad Local girl gets married by Mrs Smith Mrs Lloyd Marshall was hostess for the Feb ruary meeting of the W I on Wednesday Mrs Jamicson president opened the meeting with a few words about Robert Burns and a quote from one of his many wise saying There were present 12 members and five visitors bach one answering the roll call had to tell one thing they understood about metric It was decided not to send a delegate to of ficers conference this spring Another euchre was planned for later this month Mrs Don Brown offered her home tor the party Members were reminded that Ions for the District Annual were to be brought to the March meeting Eleanor McLean had prepared a motto and it was read by Alma Sin The was entitled snot the Hours you put in but What You Put Into the Hours that Count Betty Koperdraad chose the Jones Girl as the outstanding woman to talk about She was the great Canadian winner in the Edmonton Olympics of To Close the pro gram Lille Given led in some lively discussions regarding topics of the day A wedding of local interest took place at United Church on Saturday when Bonnie Short ill and Gary Murr were mar ried Rev Don Stiles was the officiating clergyman Bonnie sis Donna was her and the groomsman was the groom friend George Mrs Eileen McEncry was the organist for the occasion The reception and wed ding supper took place at the home of the bride a aunt and uncle Anna and Sid Spear There were about The table where the bridal party sat was centred by the lovely cake made and decorated by Mrs of the village Bob Pinkerton also of was respon sible for the bride bouquet and the other beautiful floral arrange ments Apologies arc in order for those coming out to Church on Sunday It was a cool reception for all including the minister Blame can be put on Old Man Winter the furnace had used up all the fuel some time Saturday night and the serviceman could not be located In time to get things war up in time for Sunday School and Church Three members of the First Eden Mills Guide and Michelle Heard Hack row lift to Company recently achieved Guiding highest right Anna Maria guiding assistant I- Hen award the Canada Cord The girls are pictured Thomson District Commissioner and here front raw left to right Margarita Bell Paula company captain Eden Mills Activities planned for young and old by Mrs W lie Doug all Mr and Mrs George Campbell and baby son Corl of Sundndge were recent visitors with Mr and Mrs Tom Mr and Mrs Ron Flick Trevor and Suzanne of Mississaugn were Sunday guests of Mrs J and Mrs Gilbertson Mrs Betty Marshall was hostess for a reunion the old Cardette euchre club Lucky prize winners were Peeling Fran Tolton and Donna Clifford There will be a Drop- in evening at the Sunshiners meet for business games A cold sunny day brought out the Sunshine Club to a meeting in the With the Valentine nub at the local Post Mrs mail delivery are from 1 t Skiers kindergarten at School decided Harrington Nipper et up their office Look log after the Town Halt Community singing was enjoyed thanks to Mrs Lena Mann assistant pianist Happy birthday was extended to John Naismith HughPatereon and Jack Milne for Feb ruary It was stated Meals on Wheels are available for those who wish them by applying to those In charge at For program Mrs Irene Davidson gave a reading humourous Old Age Couling gave two harmonica selections and Mrs Elsie gave an historical read by a friend and a poem Grandpa which much enjoyed Membership is 48 A social afternoon was held playing euchre and Winners were Mrs Isabel and Wesley for euchre for A K Thomas and Mrs Elsie The next meeting will be held February 22 weather permitting at clock Community Hall on February 16 at p so pop in for some con vers at ion and coffee This is for adults only The United Church Wo men served a hot lunch con at the Community Hall on Wednesday The craft club had their wares for sale and they also had two draws with lucky winners Ted Harden a plant and Debbie Marshall lature rocking chair made from clothes pegs Congratulations to Mr and Mrs John Turner who celebrated their wedding anniversary last week The Youth Group is strong They hold their meetings on Monday nights and are planning their first dance On February The Community Club a good meeting on Monday evening If any one has any suggestions for the annual Fun Fair would they please plan to attend the next meeting on March The Cub Group have made plans for a Parent and Son supper at the hall on February 1 On February 25 the Cubs Brownies and Guides arc holding a Winter at the park There was a good at tendance at he triendly Seniors Meeting presided over by president Mrs Anna Wilton The ladles have been doing some quilting and plan to sell tickets on a quilt in the near future They Still have more quilting to keep them busy Several friendly games of euchre were enjoyed followed by refresh Hippy to report there was no serious damage caused by a chimney fire at the home of Mr and Mrs Elwood Snow early Sunday evening Get well wishes go out In Vincc Montgomery who is a patient m General Hospital Mr and Mrs Mansell visited Joan mother Mrh Helen Archibald on the of her birthday on Sunday in Toronto also sister Bee who is recovering from a cur accident Girls earn badges at winter campout by Doris It was cold frosty thcr for camping but girls of the First Os Brownies by three leaders Doris Swackhamer Bobby and Helen and a mother Mrs Robert Brown spent three days at Camp Corwhln near Aberfoyle They were snug and warm at nights though bedded down in a one room school house and the days were sunny and bright for hiking and skiing Friday evening Rose Mane of Fergus arrived and taught the girls some new songs Jim Swackhamer also appeared on the scene and taught them wood working how to take care of tools and safety in their use as not using electric tools without supervision from their The girls all won their woodworking and show badges and Cheryl Brown Shannon Limehouse Salter Nancy and earned their skiers badges Knotty The Knotty picked color schemes for their needlepoint at second meeting at the home of the leader Mrs Donna Sandy Their reporter Karen summed up the meeting thus The leaders began the huge task of teaching us stitches the gobelin and contln stitches Learning to graph our initial on to the canvas rounded out the meeting activities During the week we will be busy fin up these stitches Annual meeting Rev Noble Dean was chairman for the annual meeting of Knox Church Sunday afternoon The reports were quite favorable promising a good year to come in which they hope to make a few improve ments Ralph Sinclair Tony VanManen and Alex Morrison were re elected managers Max Schotsch is secretary treasurer and Mrs Schotsch is organist Social Notes Breuda Bruce was practice teaching for two weeks at Ridge way School in Peel County near Mai ton Bradley Bruce is continuing his studies at Guelph University Tor the winter semester Mrs William son of Mrs Bryan Redman and daughters and Melanie of Mount Forest visited on Sunday with Mrs Thomas Fines and Dons Mrs Wesley Bruce has returned to her home in Sask after spending two months visiting with her sons and daughters and their families The annual rummage sale at school was a big success Excitement ran high and sales ended at This will be used for school projects Scouting is back in full swing again by Mrs Hannah Scouting in was fairly quiet after New Year but is again getting busy as for as outside activities are concerned The Beavers attended the District Winter Carnival held at St John United Church in Georgetown and had a good time The misty rain that day didn have any effect on the events Labi Saturday they look a trip to Blue Springs Scout Reserve to vibit some Beaver Leaders who were taking a training course The purpose is to let the leaders do some of their training with a real live Beaver Colony Only three plus went to the Science Centrre in Toronto for the District Cuboree hut a good time was had by all About boys and leiders left from Norvol by bus for the dav out Firefighters are busy with fires A furnace flash back fire at Bill Wingntcs Dennis St home brought out the I- ire Department in Saturday evening subzero temperatures were back on duty the next evening Sun fob 11 containing chimney fire at Snow home Eden Mills Monday morning the department again rushed to Eden Millsthis time to control a fire in the insulation at Norm Thomas Mr Thomas was using a torch to thaw frozen pipes when the blaze broke out One meeting was cancelled of the weather but last week they made up for it by having hike through the Conservation area for their meeting Last Saturday they went tobogganing and skiing We have one new cub David Scout Tom is now helping the Pack for a few weeks as part of one of his Scout badges Skiers badges have been earned by Ken Field Roger Mulhns Stephen and Stephen Ruggle Ken Field and Stephen Widmont have Ebenezer also earned their skaters badge The scouts decided not to go to the District Winter Cumporce To moke up for It they went on a cross country ski trip The report was that they went about nine miles and had a good time They have had adult help the last three weeks by Dave Shrub- sole We welcome him to the group by Mrs A Benton We are pleased to hear that Wilfred Hording is well enough to be home from hospital Young people have charge of service by Mrs Hon McLean The young people had charge of the service on Sunday with Rev and Mrs Gordon Timbers Diana Green and Tim Davison did the bulletins The topic was Let your light shine Laurie Early Smith Diana Green and Jessie sang two numbers with Mrs Timbers and her guitar Mark Davison and Mike also took part Mr Timbers who is the assistant administrator at Holton Manor told how you can be the light of the world Next Sundcy Rev Bernard Warren of Centre will have charge of the service Sympathy is extended to the Freeman family in he sudden death of Waller freeman of Mil Alan Anderson is home after a stay In hospital Ebenezer held their February meeting in the Sunday School room Pat Chalmers the new president had charge This being the year of the child the topic was the work that the Children Aid is doing for abused child Joss and Anne who work with the Children Aid were the conveners They took a course at Sheridan College Their work largely consists of help ing inexperienced mothers as a mother would showing them how to do a good job Waterloo is to be held on Feb at Kitchener The World Day of Prayer is to be held in Campbellville on Mar 2 Three Eden Mills Guides were recently awarded their All Round The girls are pictured here Front row left to right Ions and Surah Brown Back row left to right Ann Maria Bell guiding Ellen Thornton District ComraUilooer and Ann worth Guide Captain

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