Real Estate Show Place Feb Report from Queens Park We need the skills of the elderly widespread In the early 1900s because the people years about society To a ex agetoyouth balance of and over made up new North American this subject has be- our populations five per cent if he Cana MORTGAGES OWN YOUR OWN LAND WITH EVERY HOME ONLY 10 MINUTES FROM GEORGETOWN West of Brompton20 minutes from Acton ALL HOMES Access to conservation park Walk out to Patio Choice of throughout Single car garage finished Family Room Childrens Playground 1470 ft of living area 2 Minutes To GO Train Schools ft Shopping FLETCHERS CREEK PARK TOWNHOMES llof Confraction Office hours a 7pm Daily 4535630 population By this figure had risen to nine per cent It will reach per cent the Two decades later it is expected to ex per cent the ear there will be i three working for every person over What is not new phenomenonNorth or otherwise is the concept that older people hive an imporhnt contribution to make society Throughout history we find convincing that menial powers in crease with age Artistic and intellectual powers are intensified in later Michelangelo was still producing master pieces at Goethe com pie ted the second pari of when he was Handel was still compos beautiful music and Longfellow was still writ mortal poetry when they were past Voltaire wrote Candide at In our own lifetime many older people have achieved success and filment in what used to be considered he twilight years Winston Churchill led Britain and the Free World through the Sec Great War when he was past retirement age He probably re garded the yearold deadline as a Gcrmnn conspiracy since it had been originated by Chan cell or Bismarck in the first place At Coco Chanel was head of a Fashion design firm Pablo Picasso pro duced drawings and en There are countless examples in the field of classical music Slokowski Von Karajon Sir Adrian Toscan Horowitz all well pail retirement age BROKERAGE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT CORPORATE MANAGEMENT MORTGAGE ITNANCTNG APPRAISALS COUNTRY LIVING Mayrose Limited WORKSHOP INCLUDED WILSON DRIVE MILTON ONTARIO L9T 117 TELEPHONE 16 TELEX REDUCED TO a very larg am I licit kl wash or It cod for WILSON MILTON ONTARIO Mayrose Limited 8782811 Mayrose Limited The subject of retirement his been much in the ne s of eourse and n his con neetion there has been considerable irizati of opinion We are concerned the pos infringement of in dividual rights which is involved Any attempt which mjy be made remove the rights and alternatives of people over drives them into position where they ire forced 1o seek other rights society is based on he concept of rights and alternatives Let consider first economic situation of our socalled senior citizens Even those people who have all lives been very thrifty and have provided for their futures will have done so at a lime when he dollar was far more valuable than it is today Having made considerable sacrifices throughout their working lives they have found in many cases that their pensions are almost meaningless Obviously something must be done about their financial circumstances their physical well being and their security But over and above those concerns there are others to which we musl address ourselves Merely by reason of having lived a goodly number of years these people have knowledge wisdom and from which we can all benefit They can eon tribute the and stability which our whole society so desper lately needs Hut hey this if are segregated out to pasture or forced to be lalmost totally preoc Icupled with their own basic needs We have complex problems today Enormous pressures arc brought to bear on and on govern Just as we need the talents and abilities of our young people many of whom arc frustrated because of high and lack of op portunity so do we need the talents and abilities of our older citizens Just as we must be careful that we do not turn off our young people so we must be careful that we do not turn off our citizens To Irate this danger would remind you I hat in there was a SEnior Citi Week for which the theme was Reach Out At that time many older people protested that the theme Shut Out was more This whole question of retirement must be We need the skills and experience of the people who are forced out of the labor force because of mandatory retirement policies Early retire provisions also have considerable effect