Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 21, 1979, p. 3

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The Acton Free Press Wednesday Feb 21 3 NEC moves forward but on reduced front by George The member Niagara Escarpment Com mission has moved a step closer to a master plan for the escarpment but one considerably reduced In size Originally charged with producing a master plan for Ihe miles of escarpment from Tobermory lo Niagara Falls an area of 1 million acres the commission decided at a recent meeting in Toronto to reduce that area by percent It roughly the old development control area saidRoyBoolh Hills councillor and member of the NEC who prepared and presented tilt motion to the commission The original boundary was set down by the government before they knew what and where Was to be planned Booth said He added he is satisfied that the proposed boundary or some small modification of it wilt meet the goals and objectives of Bill 129 which set up the NFC in 1971 The proposed boundary is now flexible and leaves I NEC staff the opportunity work within the boundary Booth said Booth noted that the commission has received briefs from interested groups municipalities individuals advisory com mittees and the NEC staff Groups such as CONE Coalition of the Niagara Escarpment and the advisory com mittees say thai the boundaries ore too narrow while on the other hand which have had removed direct development control on parts of the escarp ment within their own boundaries say it too wide Booth said I think ve got a good saw up Booth said It s not the whole original plan nor a very narrow strip Booth said he was a little upset at criticism of NEC by CONE that the NEC backed off and fighting the people the boundary reduced especially in Grey and Bruce counties But at the meetings in the north we didn hear anything from CONE to back us up Booth said Surely they could have sup ported us in some way Under the provisions of the act the proposed plan will again be presented to the public with a provision allowing a hearing to change the proposed boundaries But the hearing officer will be allowed to hear only applications to take land out of the plan not to put land back into the plan a point that commissioner Lee Symmes of rural Terra Cotta disagrees with It like a one way check valve Symmes said In an interview Monday It means land j can be taken out but no more be brought in If we ve made a mistake and something should be considered then that cannot be considered ever again Symmes added later that it is only with a provincial amendment that a piece of land could be brought into the master plan He would have preferred to sec all the land left in for consideration of development control As we get input and there seem to be sufficient reason for keeping it any parcel of land then it can be considered he said But if we decide we don I need an area then we do not plan for it Symmes said that areas that have been recommended by advisory committees should be left in at this time for consider At this state the only reason things should be dropped out are for planning and technical reasons The political process should come in when the plan is developed He said the alleged flexibility of the proposed plan results from the fact that no municipal politicians will happily give up planning control over an area of his If we do the planning for an area It means we plan it on the basis of a provincial resource hi said The local considerations do not receive the same priority nor have full control over planning in that area Essent ally the municipal politicians want the planning area reduced to the minimum Symmes believes the real benefits of the plan art for the future generations our and grandchildren and planning for the escarpment should be viewed In that light Bui the majority looks at it the other Library bridge hampers elderly The bridge over the creek in front of Acton Library could be disc our igfng some older resi dents from patronizing the library specially in winter Held librarian Cornwell out lo the library board Wed tint the bridge is extremely slippery in and Ray Mueller It I is readying for a trek to Winnipeg to witness the total eclipse of the nun Monday morn in The next total eclipse In North Will be Kay Is an enthusiast and spends almost gating at stars Area youth to watch eclipse people including herself have fallen while at tempting to cross over it She said let forms and then snow With no proper handrails walking is dangerous She says everyone bus trouble on it and she knows some elderly people art afraid of Oil structure and will not lo the library representative Norm suggested hiving i professional look at the bridge and gel his opinion is lo what can be done He thought may be a handrail lo hold on should be installed Ken Riley suggested putting it in the capital budget this year reconstruct it Another Acton rep Jerry said the bridge is pretty and enhances the look of the library He would hate to see it made flat Mr agreed Chairman Dick suggested salt but Mr pointed nut that unless the wood is spec ireated the sail would eat it away Mrs she had been told to throw sand on the bridge after it had been painted but before it dried This way she ex plained would have a rough surface However she pointed out that it is still not going to help with Ice and snow Mr Elliott suggested installing an access from Main St and wondered how much a concrete sidewalk would cost Doug the town engineer lie asked his opinion on what be done Weeds worry board member by Helen Murray A 15 yearold RR youth Is head ing out to Winnipeg Sun day witness the total thesun one for this continent in this century flay Mueller a grade 10 student at Acton high school is heading west with the Royal As Iron Society of Canada for the less than three minute spectacular The group arrives in peg where they will visit a planetarium and then head out for about miles north of the city where they will watch the site Brandon Manitoba Ray explains is the best spot In Canada to watch It but that particular trip cost more money just to watch the eclipse for one second longer or a high school student It I feasible The next time there will be a total eclipse anywhere in North America will be August Any one particu location on Earth experiences a lota I eclipse only about once every years with this area seeing one 15 years ago Ray doesn I that eclipse and did want to wait until to see the next one According to a poster put out by the Royal Ontario Museum an eclipse of the Sun occurs when the Moon in its orbit about the Earth passes between the Earth and the Sun Because nil three bodies are in line the shadow or the Moon falls on the earth Although the Moon Is smaller than the Sun it is much closer to the Earth and as a result it appears from to be the same size is the Sun From inside the Moon shadow the Moon seems to cover the bun and a total is This eclipse the pos continued Is lory noteworthy as It is the last total eclipse visi from North America this century Although the area of the total eclipse docs not include highly populated regions of Ontario the partial eclipse be visible over the entire province as well as virtually all of North America The a location is away from the Path of the smaller the area of the sun that will be covered Ray first became in lerestcd in astronomy when he was nine or ten and he visited the plane tarium in Toronto His interest grew stronger over the next three years hut waned after a while When lie entered high school he bugged the teachers into letting him use the school tele scope After a while he got one of his own which lie uses every cloudless night His interest in the stars motivated him to form an astronomy club which has a membership of four including iwo adults His fascination Ray admitted has af fected his school work in such a way he stays up all night to watch the stars and finds himself falling asleep in classes When he finishes school he would like to become a mechanical draftsman and maybe develop parts for telescopes or mounts This if funds permit Ray would like to build dome in his back yard and purchase a more powerful scope He will he says virtually in the dome on cloudless nights Everything Hay knows about astronomy is self taught He has read numerous books on subject and talked to knowledgeable people in the field He is si rt of mesmerized by the topic Fictional books dealing with such as Lucifer Hammer moke him Lucifer Ihmmer is about a comet on a collision course w earth and how lives are affected before during ind after the strike To people who do not understand astronomy it will appeal to their lastc that their first taste of space Lucifer s Hammer could never happen he concludes In Toronto the partial eclipse will not diminish daylight significantly as only about per cent of the sun is covered by the moon In mid town Toronto the event starts at a m Monday morning and is all over by Thomas Chrke associate cur rut or in charge of the McLaughlin Planetarium cautions that no one should look directly at a partially eclipsed sun since there is a strong risk of permanent eye damage Something should be done now with the weeds in the creek in front the Library according to Hills library board member Norm Mr Elliott said it wis a pet peeve of Ins lhat the creek gels over wilh weeds and Ihen people throw in it Town work men have lo tome and clean up lit mess He said ho fell something should lit done now Willi the Valley Cun Authority rather than wait until summer when il is too hie do something He dredging and reinforcing the hanks Chairman said last year the town crews wanted to use a herbicide bin found they could because it would get into witer which flows into airy Like used by Beard more They have how ever according to Head librarian Cornwell found a herbicide which his been approved by the Mr Elliott suggested out who tliey should with and nuke in ippointment for them to look ihe problem in ihe spring Mrs Cornwell pointed the creek beds are eroding and although the bridge is in no danger of collapsing the Doug said he thought hey should be dealing with the lown engineer and have him assess the problem in the spring Jerry jested the board look into acquiring a work crew from Maplehurst Correctional Centre to clean up the creek He explained that through his job he has set up many such crews Hills head librarian Betsy Co Georgetown facilities lost Wednesday hidden Dick lo leaking ceilings and old furniture tin library board around Jerry IMsnno partially in era I witnessed overcrowding Gzowskis spring tonic Rockwood book launch Library on list for emergencies could be for temporary she ter in case of an gency bul the facility was volunteered with some hesitation Hills I Board received a Idler from the Acton Red Cross explaining they were tint up an emergency service The Red Cross requested permission to use the if needed including their kitchen facilities letter ex plained if was used would inly be for few hours with a chance of overnight ion board to give permission as they did not feel the library was i very logical place lo send people Ruth Wilson pomlcd out cooking facilities were limited She said the I would be i more sensible place for people to go Other board members suggested schools Norm Elhotl pointed ted Cross is Irymg to establish an inventory of places avail able in and al though the Isabel Walson room Is just a carpeted space it is better than nothing I don sec any harm In letting them put us down he said noting would be far down on the list Head librarian Betsy was instructed lo respond to the loiter Peter latest book Spring Tome is to be launched nationally with a special evening in hall this night to which everyone Is Invited Nationally known writer and edited the publication which con tains a collection of writings about spring which he picked from miny Canadian writers such as WO Mitchell and Margaret Also among arc Free Press columnist and author Jennifer Barr and Elmira publisher Carol Verde Jennifer Jennifer Birr is well known locally fi r her a I limn and fei lures she has done for The Acton I rte Press She ha also published a book And the Lord rode a Donkey has the talents of three well known It residents to help him launch his book which he describes as a panacea for winter dot drums large bottle of elixir Hi re s no admission charge for the evening ind no obligation lo buy the page book well with color will be the Green Morris ulcers from local points as far away as and Hoys from Snow removal irks librarian Night lectures are favored feud is developing between town and the Hills Head Betsy lold the board Wednesday evening lint the slaff in both and Georgetown BIA Continued from Pago He acknowledged the only message to be taken from the meeting is that Acton does have a park problem fellow merchants Flo Charlebois and Alma Sjwelman agreed with Mr on parking but they also ledged one of the mam points by shoppers during Hie meeting the gelling fed up with town lo w snow removal She complained members lhat the back pirkmt lot for stiff and deliveries in Aelon has never been plowed by the She pointed out that if the town does clean the lot hey charge Ihem for he service As i result the library is forced lo hire a privale contractor al a fraction of cost lot has been plugged all winter she Mrs said have trouble gelling ihe to clear ihe sno from the parking lot on ind staff is responsible for removing the snow from the sidewalk and bridge In Georgetown she said staff the snow away from leading into the but hire a young boy to clear the snow on municipal sidewalk in of the building Mrs told the board as soon as the boy is finished she comes on the street and pushes the snow bock sidewalk Doug Magwood said he very upset every lime he looks the win The icty for not Rec dept applies for youth grant Three people could be employed by Project Interthink this summer if he Halton Hills Recreation Department receives a Young Canada Works grant Council Monday even gave the recreation department permission to apply for the federal grant which would finance an in depth look at the summer pro grams In order to help ensure that resources Manpower and finan are being wisely allocated In a report from Glen Gray recreation to the town was pointed out thai last April his deportment invited the public lo a day en titled You and Your Community ThL prime objective of the day according to the report was discuss role of the department and that of community groups within the town The recreation depart it was concluded at lhc end of the day should be concentrating their efforts and resources in lhc areas of coordination except in those program areas where other providing agencies are not In a position to offer programs for the com munlty Mr Gray noted in the report other agencies providing pro grams arc the libraries the board of education and the The objective of Project would include review ind analysis of past and pres summer prog ramming in Hills of needs and desires of the residents in relation to summer pro grams analysis of res ulls ind recommend ations for future summer programming in Hills One project manager and two reseirch lech would be required for 17 weeks commencing May to August The report stated that agencies operating within the town will be in a better position to offer services to the residents In term of programs that ore both wanted and needed Ail three merchants expressed the opinion thai most of the people the meeting came with their minds made up Mr the merchants thought hey would have more time than re ceived at meeting but he also said he real public meetings can not be tied up with presentations The film went on too long according to Mrs Bui even if the managed make its presentation she said she thought it would not have been well received by the audience Mr Stachyra how ever said he had no com plaints about the management of the meeting planning board vicechairman Mike Armstrong Just where goes from the meeting is unknown Mr declined comment on the group plans Students raise CanSave funds of the school in which he is principal and sees several town work men working on the out door rink at McKcmie- middle school in day ore out there he said If cannot take ten mm ulcs to plow municipal land hey be working on the rink If we want lobeat the Russians at hockey we have encourage the kids Joked Norm Elliott Mrs Cornwell pointed libraries are owned by library board and not the town according to council thus lhc maintenance res pan he on their shoulders not the The University of Witcrloo Is pleased with the response of a survey they conducted in Hills concerning night classes offered in both Acton and Georgetown A letter sent to the Hills I pointed over responses to the survey in favor evening lectures The popular night for the classes was Tuesday and Wednesday Ihe let said with Monday and Thursday close be hind Some people cording loliead librarian Betsy ex pressed interest in Satur Shcjoked Are ihings hat bad in Hilton Hills Mrs said lhc I ibrarv w is equip I was for he lectures problem every night whenever liev mid be Monday which was scheduled nil preferred day LDC grants bid on Third Line Region Land Division LDC recently granted a severance lo an man the second time around The committee agreed loscvtralolinthe llnrd Line of high school The li with a frontage of feel be longs to Bower made by committee I lie first in vcmber would have both nonconforming ind variances would have been needed cording to LDC member Tom re drawing of the plan mikes one conform to si ind The second must pass examination by Committee of Adjust Valentine Day is i time for love Studcnls it Robert Little school took this opportunity id the love beyond their friends to children never and pro bably never will 6222 repairs Ltd were the contract by Hills council Monday night to carry out renovations at Acton arena the lowest bidder set a price of The second bid was and the third The firm of Morrison Hers field Burgess and who prepared the specifications will supervise the work Keeping In the theme of the United Notions Year the Child each class decorated the room a Save Children Valentine tree In lion to or instead of ex changing Valentines children were asked to help children in countries around the world The money which was carried by the children for chores at home was brought to school to be donated to he fund In exchange for their dona tion the children made and hung a Valentine heart with on the classroom Irec Each heart on the tree signified the child has helped a CanSave Child and has shared their love Acting principal Larry said the school raised for the fund Hearts or Robert Little went out to others who are less fortunate than themselves On Valentine Day the children brought In money to be donated to CanSave and bought a heart Tor a heart tree Linda Wane and Kevin admire Ihe tree In Ihelr classroom

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