Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 7, 1979, p. 1

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Wood says Donate demolition cost to Acton town hall fund The cost or tearing down the old Acton town hail which would have to be paid by the town if no rcn ovations are done might as well be contributed by the town to the Restoration Fund Councillor Ed Woods suggested Wednesday at Hills general committee meeting He put forward a motion lo have the costs of tear down the old town hall relocating fire refimshing the wall of the abutting and paving the parking lot estimated by town staff and have the executive of the Restoration Committee and the Acton Chamber of Commerce attend a council meeting to try lo resolve the question of the old town hall Woods said the people of Acton are anxious to sec something happen but admitted everything corner down to money He suggested the town donate the cost mvolvid in tearing down the building to the restont ion fund Councillor said the whole matter had been badly handled since the beginning He said the Restoration Committee has been working in limbo and really needed an indication of support from council so they can enlist the support of the res He said the committee had been doing every thing in power to raise money but whit hey have raised is a far cry from the estimate Councillor George sud he hid been roasted for saying he could not sic giving town money until the can prove tin raise money He said the money should be collected the same way the fund to restore the Georgetown was raised through public subscription and Win grants There was no cost lo the laxpiyers at all Mayor Pete pointed out this motion was simply to find out costs There s no nay anything is going to be done this year even demolishing the building we can afford it Woods contended he Town Hill Restoration Committee had been waiting lo be told when to appear at council He said the cost of demolition will have to be done a some time ay Councillor Miller opposed the motion said he had isked for a report which has not yet appeared He said it the Restoration Committee obhgilion to approach council and reminded the members an extension until the end of last year had been given t see If money could be raised If there no interest from the people of Acton why are we doing thing Councillor Ross Knechtcl said some money has been raised Woods replied only has been raised but chimed the mam issue is simply noone has ever ited definitely hall will He said money is ivailable from the Heritage provided tbe town contributed financially If the people of Acton knew the town hall was going to be saved clubs would go out and collect money He said Chamber of Commerce has agreed to act as i board of management to operate and maintain the building if it is restored The motion passed by a slim majority Once the reeommendation reached council Mon day evening however a few snarls were hit Councillor Roy Booth announced he could not sup port the second half of the motion for the council to ask the Chamber of Commerce to attend a council meeting to discuss the situation He said he was in favor of the first half of the recommendation re questing that town staff find out the costs of though He suggested the motion be split in two parts This was supported by Councillor Ross Knechtel Councillor Duby said Wood was making on fort to get council to take a stand oneway or another on the matter something which should have been done in the first place He pointed out his colleague was just trying things Ironed out Councillor Miller favored the split in recom mendation but also wanted an addition He Bug gested the clerk be instructed to send a report to the Acton town hall committee He was against inviting the Chamber to a meeting on the premise they can make an appointment to get on the agendo them selves Police news Man assaulted when car stops One Hundred and fourth Year- No 36 ACTON ONTARIO WEDNESDAY MARCH 7 Twenty PagesTwenty Cents An 1 Acton man will think twice before allowing anyone to slop his vehicle again According to Regional Police the man reports he was driving in Acton when persons un known stopped his car When he got out of his car the suspect struck him the face and about ihe head causing cuts and bruises Police arc looking for a man bet ween and years old foot one inch tall pounds black hair and sideburns below his ears He was wearing a black jacket blue jeans and work boots An Acton woman found out nothing is fact any more after she tried to getaway with nol paying a taxi cab bill from to town The meter was at police say and she refused to pay the bill When police were coiled in it was discovered the same Town continues legal fight over hydro corridor Ha Hon Hills council Monday decided lo continue the legal batik to prevent Ontario Hydro from building a trans mission corridor through town despite charges thai it was a waste of money and complete folly to do so By an eight to four re corded vole voted to the lawyers launch an appeal to the court of Appeal on a question of law and to make an application lo Ontario Municipal Board OMB for a new hearing regarding in earlier decision by the in a recent Hydro hearing Councillor Roy Booth said legal expenses to Ihe town are in excess of ind he tan support spending any more public funds to fight construction of the line This point was disputed by Councillor Pit Patterson who told council the sums mentioned by the solicitor Roy Steele were in the order if Si and Booth said NEC has approved a development permit which has also been upheld by a hearing officer for of the transmission lowers on Ihe escarp ment in Hills Booth said thai in a meeting that morning with chairman Ivor NEC staff and staff from Ontario Hydro and Ministry of Natural Resources there was discussion on how to get gravel out from under where three towers numbers are be erected in the Duff gravel pit which is near road Highway In spring they go Booth said but there be a line in Million Hills from nowhere lo nowhere Council Waiter supported Booth The town is in he budget and cutting and at the sam time talking of thousands of dollars a hopeless law a said Its complete folly to go ahead he Council has done more than enough to support the ICG Interested Group which op poses the line Patterson said the town lias got protect the people along the pro posed route of he line We should help them out to the degree Councillor Miller also supported the m decision He said lie was impressed with the way council has upheld whit Hills has done to its citizens If I lo direct the la dots pass We re letting our n when people nth support Miller Booth Les and Harry Levy opposed the molion In support were John McDonald Miller Ross Knelchtel George Wood ind Major Meanwhile court on Monday granted leave lo appeal number o questions of I id been brought up According town solicitor Icive to was granted an dcci which appeired to there had been no submissions regarding routes al evidence in die However Ihe date of Ihe ippeil has been jour until ifler Ihe of the OMB he which irises out in in in which Ihey directed council to re write the old to permit con struction of transmission rs said if the refuses lo reopen hearing will be moved Board turns down houses Goldfan Holdings Limited again had their lot plan for Acton East termed premature by Hills Planning Board Tuesday night Planning board did however agree to study the concept of type development as single family homes on large lots serviced by town water individual septic tanks and located on the outskirts of town The proposal covering only the southerly acres of Ihe total holdings of 167 2 acres is on Churchill south of Highway claimed the sandy soil is Ideally suited for septic tanks He said in the past ell indicated they wanted growth in Acton but due to the limitations of the sewage plant it had been impossible He contended that septic tanks de velopment seemed a reasonable alternative The solicitor admitted plan called for policy changes and suggested a classification in Ihe Of ficinl Plan such as surburban develop ment or another term covering the same gory He asked planning board to Instruct the staff to report on the concept and draw up require ments for such a tion He said such nations arc now included In the official plans for the region of Durham and Mono township To avoid concern of setting a precedent suggested the area adjacent to Acton be pinpointed I know you don want to open a Pandora box here Councillor Russell Miller commented 132 lots scare countered with a of a cut and the number desired should be part of the requirement for su burban type develop ment Either my client meets the criteria or it a no- growth situation Murray Goldman of Holdings Limited explained the land was purchased in 1373 when Acton was foreseeing development cast of town He claimed there Goldman said there is a demand for houses in Acton He pointed out the soil tests showed the southerly third of Ihe land Ideal for SO septic systems due to the foot strata of sand If this council wishes to provide housing next to the urban area this is the only way it can be done If merchants wont more customers this is the way to get them Goldman concluded Councillor George Mallby mule the motion Food stores mum on ownership talks Talk of changes in ownership Involving A B Supermarket and f Stores are more substantial than rumor Both sides how ever are keeping pretty mum about any deal You re a little Food and Store business owner George Lumsdcn said in a telephone inter view yesterday All you can say is there have been tions or a takeover Don Lindsay part owner in the A B Supermarket business said Mr say confirmed manage ments of the two food out lets have been talking for about five months He was however reluctant to disclose details for feir of jeopardizing negotiations Mr too said has been finalized Don Malheson and Mr Lindsay look over A Supermarktt business last year The A Super market Ins been in bus mess 1j years Business Improvement Arei spokesman Paul Nielsen made an oblique reference the deal at last weeks Hills board meeting on Ihe plaza He said there arc plans for the amalgamation of two downtown grocery stores Y expansion plan for 1980 The Acton members are planning an expansion onto their existing building to hope fully be completed by December 1980 The idea germinated last fall according to program committee chairperson Carol Clark Since then a committee or president Keith Chapman Owens and Ken has been considering a fund raising Mrs Clark explained that cons I rue I ion would not commence until the entire had been raised so that the would not find themselves in Members hope a Week could kick off the J campaign Mrs Clark suggested having the week officially designated by Hills council in hopes of making it an annual event Hopefully the campaign would last from one year to months Mr told members I at the regular meeting of the board last week Local architect Doug Freed estimated would take four months for the actual construction The two storey expansion would be built onto he back of the building extending some lit fee Upstairs would be two squash courts which I could also double as handball ind racquet ball courts Downstairs would be a a boxing room games room and maybe shower stalls There would be entrances from the exist inggym the Mug in the basement outside The fund raising committee plans to look into the possibility of a substantial grant but Mrs Clark said they are not going to budget I for this to avoid possible disappointment later It Is expected an expansion like this will help I boast membership at the local Members feel Ihe rental fees of the squash courts alone help pay for it describing the plan as premature and was backed by councillor Ed Wood who pointed out the lots are down by the sew ate across from a quarry near i railroad track and beside Beard mores lagoon If we put homes there the pocplc will be down here all the lime There are belter areas in Acton to develop This motion passed and another to study the concept also passed after a clause to have Ihe staff list he standards for type homes was deleted Maltby contended the same concept could apply in other areas so a report should be made with no particular pro posal in mind Councillor Ross pointed out the and easiest way lo the informitlon would be from muni who have such i designation in heir of ficial plans Arnold Wise planning director for Holdings Limited met with council Monday evening in an attempt to secure a reversal in plan mng board s recom He wanted council to reconsider the motion ruling the proposal premature Wise asked the men lo hold off heir decision Id town staff had a chance lo examine he when Ihe report is completed The dir emphasized to council would in no wiy think his was implying any type of ap proval Councillor Roy Booth corrected Wise on the term premature saying planning board had flatly refused the proposal on the other hand told Wise thai the proposal he was offering was Council passed plan board s recom mendation Teddy bears lions dogs elephants dinosaurs and of course rabbits populated Acton library children room Saturday morning when he color stuffed beastles were judged by writer Jennifer The most Interesting category was won by twin five year olds left and Bradley Widish of Place Their rabbits are named Wilfred the and he Second respectively They were flown here from England where the boys great grandmother knitted the rabbi Is Michael 31 yearold eddy bear was determined to be the oldest entry Michael sister Katie brought the largest contestant a Hon The on George Street The smallest entry came from Ben of Duby Road Ten Warren Elmore Drive entered Ihe hairiest of the menagerie The most original name category was also won by Warren Ills elephant is named All of the children who placed their stuffed animals Into the library too for the day received a More than meets the eye shirt transfer from he Ontario Public Libraries Runners up like the winners received ribbons person had warrants totalling She was arrested and re leased when the money was paid Two business men were with rubber cheques last week according to police Acton Automotive was a cheque worth SHU b mm Viman Arts and notified police of a 8 cheque she was tiven Car sic re were favored by thieves last week when two local residents reported thefts of their radios One was stolen from a van parked in a St parking lot Also taken were one power booster one Pioneer deck and assorted mechanics tools The other cur radio stolen was taken from the vehicle of an It Acton woman while it was parked in ihe Dominion Hotel parking lot A cheek of vehicles and persons at the rear of Ihe Hole produced the stolen irticle according to police A man iias been urged An IB year old Acton youth pul up fight when police responded a call at a home Police Constable Michalski was struck and kicked durmt the in The man was in in intoxicated state police say He was sub dued and man wis held by local police until Metro police could come and him Police report Hie man was resled on in outstanding warrinl for a Weapons Dinger Jffence held by he Metro squad Regional Police arrested i Milton man il Plaza The charge is possession of a dollars in cash was he ike from a weekend entry at Superior Glove on Vnny I was gained by breaking a window Sunday ifternoon a thief took bout from mens room it Ihe pool TV taken in breakin made off with a color television a dig ital clock and a mans diamond ring from on ft 1 home reports the de tachment of he Ontario Provincial Police Hie residence of Frank was broken sometime February between am and J pm according to police was gained by forcing a rear door causing damage Value of the goods stolen was estimated to be The are still in vestigatint Clinic in danger of closure Acton Red Cross blood donor clinics are in danger of closing their doors if more people do not get out and give blood Organizers according lo Henry Kroes are dis with the lack of interest shown the clinics in the past few events At the last clinic in October only pints clinic is a timely and of blood were donated costly procedure Mr which is not nearly said but if no one enough for a town the size wants to give blood why of Acton Mr Kroes said bother The setting up of a The next clime is Citizen of year ballots in paper that time of year again when Acton residents arc asked for their choice of Citizen of the Year The annual award is sponsored by the local Chamber of Commerce done through ballots In the Acton Free Press Ballots will ap pear in today paper next week and March with the deadline being March A winner will be chosen by the Chamber March The award is given to person or persons con most to the community Last years winners were fire chief Mick Holmes and the fire department Other winners have been former librarian Isabel Watson the Acton detachment of Ontario Provincial Police Duby Frank M Z Bennett David Dills Steven Papillnn and Arlof Dills Shot stops harassment Halton Regional Police jurcd according to charged a rural Acton police man in connection with a Charged with attempt weekend shooting in to cause bodily harm No one was in with intent to endanger Inside Board to spend million Page 3 Editorials Page Unique log house Pages Our Readers Write Pages Bantams seek title PageBl Figure skaters still busy Page Bl life Is Cosimo Mr Mercuri was released on a promise to appear March 19 in provincial court a I Milton Meanwhile police inue investigation Mr Mercuri is alleged to have fired a calibre bullet at the husband of a woman who with her children took refuge in a house near her home Police have not released other names in con nection with the incident Harassment of the neighboring couple went on until about 3 30 Sunday morning when a rifle shot was fired according lo a police press release The bullet broke the husband truck wind shield The woman fled her home with the children following a domestic quarrel After she found safety with neighbors the husband by several times March 13 in the legion hall Various hours are set to convenience every one working hours Most people are eligible to give blood excepting those who have had blood disc is such as jaundice anyone taking medication within hours of donating and those less than pounds All ire encouraged to come out to next week clinic If there is enough support another clinic could be held later In the year First robin is sighted Spring must be closing Mrs Waller R Acton called the Aclon free Press Friday with news of a robin sighting near her home She explained the bird was through the air Singing It just mode my day she said Others report seeing a Dock of Canada Geese flying north the week before Mrs confirmed this

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