Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 7, 1979, p. 4

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The Acton Free Press Wednesday March press C nail on Snil one In and Pub I Co panes A Wh by ng I Gua dia Tho Post The Geo go Indepondfl Mo III am Tl I Sun Tho lion Canad an CI amp On Tho si An a Era lo I own Th Week Oshawi and Tho Stouliv loT Founded in Don McDonald Adverts no accepted on the on thai In on ha I by erroneous a or I bo charged for but ha adven II bo pa or at the rale In oven I of a typographical error ng goods or son era am wrong goods or cos may noi bo sold sing is an offer to sell and may bo ihdrown any t mo ly Nowspopo EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Editor Ha tiny Coles Editor ray RsportflrfPhotographor Eric Sporti Editor ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT BUSINESSACCOUNTING OFFICE on I ley Co I CIRCULATION PHONE 2010 Bus and Editorial Office Back at square one Elizabeth Davidson a Toronto architect who has conducted independent research into the proposed shopping plaza in Ac ton east end recently said if people were willing to invest in development in downtown Acton they should come forward with their plans quickly in order to convince planning board and council the plaza development is not needed Mrs Davidson obviously had not counted on planning board being so decisive in its rejection of the plaza at a meeting a week ago Tuesday night The board rejected the proposal by an vote despite overwhelming ap voiced by about people at a public meeting the previous week Planning board s outright rejection of the proposal came as a surprise to people who attended the public meeting and supported the plaza proposal There are two letters this week from disap pointed citizens who point out the board s decision makes it appear the public meeting was simply window dressing that the meeting was called merely to placate the public The letter writers have a point If the board tailed the meeting just so plaza supporters could get their feelings off their chests then they did the people of Acton and area a disservice However if they called a public meeting to find out new evidence for a plaza or a of opinion in favor then they viously were within their rights to have a review Several people who attended the public meeting came away convinced they had made a case for the plaza especially since chairman Mike Armstrong rebuffed an effort by a downtown businessman to show more evidence why a plaza was not needed They surmised that discussion at the next meeting of the board would favor the plaza proposal a feeling evidently shared by the developer However although there is undeniably much public support for the plaza the board could not proceed against the advice of its own planner who said the proposal is premature due to a lack of a planned population base to support the application and due to a possible impact on the Acton urban area s commercial in frastructure The planner also noted there is no provision for the plaza in Acton official plan For the board to have tossed aside planning principles after two previous rejections the proposal would have been prising even with the entire community lined up against them The board passed its recom on to council which undoubtedly will concur with their advice noting it is in the town s best interests Meanwhile developer Jerry Sprackman says he will appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board to have planning board decision overturned Many will wish him luck contending that public opinion has been disregarded Indeed the entire exercise to date has left us back at square one Unless council disregards their own planning board or the OMB reverses the decision a plaza in th east end is still a few years away Meanwhile we wonder if shopping in Acton will improve as downtown merchants anticipate Indeed as architect Elizabeth Davidson points out people willing to invest in downtown Acton should come forward with plans quickly in order to convince the public a plaza is not needed The public does want better shopping facilities and many saw the plaza as a means to that end Deaths sadden many The deaths of two well known citizens last week was a shock to many in this community Both Lena Mann and Charles Land were well known and their passing is mourned by multitudes of friends and acquaintances as well as mem of the family Mrs Mann came from Manitouhn Island as a young girl and lived on Arthur St for years Here she raised a family and took part in many activities of the community She was an active member of Knox Church where she taught Sunday School started the first junior choir was a life member of the Alert Evening Auxiliary and active in the Ladies Aid She was also active in the Acton Golden Agers being both pianist and treasurer She loved baking quilting gardening music and tracing her own family tree Charlie Landsborough a native of Acton was almost a fixture at Acton Baptist church where he was organist treasurer and clerk but he was also well known for his musical activities He played with three bandsthe Lome Scots Guelph Musical Society and the Acton Citizens Band and it was seldom he missed a parade He had an avid interest band festival competitions and loved gardening photography and travelling Charlie was pur chasing agent at until his retirement a few years ago These two figures gave much of their time to make this com munity a better place in which to live We all be poorer for their passing but also richer knowing they left so many fine memories as they passed this way Help give blood The gift of life is the most pre cious gift anyone can give Yet last October only 103 people in a town of over 7 people bothered to give this gift The local Red Cross group is becoming discouraged at the lack of interest shown whenever blood donor clinic time comes around on the calendar Because of this attitude the clinic is in danger of folding forever This is indeed unfortunate An Acton man was scheduled for a major heart operation last fall The operation had to be postponed three times due to lack of blood Three times he was ad into the hospital until finally the doctor got the go ahead If the Acton clinics and others in other small towns die what is to become of these people who must have operations Are they to die because of a few people s selfishness That local man was finally able to have the operation and it was successful But what if no one bothered to give blood What would have happened to him and the thousands before and after him If everyone gave a pint of blood whenever there was a clinic they could be saving their own life not just that of a stranger Please support next week s clinic NEWS ITEM GOVERNMENT HEADQUARTERS WTrTENVRONMENT Back issues 10 years ago from tin Usui or rce if Wednesday March 1969 1 re gulled Hit Nibsifawcj i farm home of Bob Ibis Raving a family of four homeless Junior irmtr s piny Cleaned and Pressed injur of he Hal ton Drama isliv received fine renew but railed Waterloo the zone competition i Kirk wood and Jim Wore were Riven ml It mention for their por i on allured in Trinity church to World Day of Prayer iking were Mrs Vic Mrs Charles Mist Mrs Tlioman Mrs John K Mrs Donna Bell Mrs Garnet McKenrie with gutst Miss Cynlh i Blades Nev dishes for Mills community hail wort presented is the culmination of a project of Hie Community Club accepted dishes from Mills and Crest Institutes Mrs Or ice was speaker the rid Prayer service for and ladies with Mrs Irene key lady Other leaders were Mrs Winter Mrs Isabel Mrs Vermi Stephen Mrs Blue February Monday By the time Ins appears in print the worst of the suffering in Canada will be over And I don l me in that dreadful Feb ruary cold snap which turned us into our annual winter condition a notion of mis Burst water pipes cars so cold you can even put into reverse to back out in the morning and temperatures that would freeze the brain of a brass monkey are bad enough But we re used them We know Hint in four months we 11 be aspmj in a heal wave and beating off mosquitoes No that not the suffering we did llus I- It was being smugly satisfied on Thursday night mildly dismayed on a Saturday aflernoon and utterly hum dialed on a Sunday night that caused the suffering Talk about blue Monday That Monday in after them had kicked the living stuffing out of Canada finest was so blue it was almost purple I m not saying that I personally suffer when Canada primary export hocke players is no longer marketable I not sayinj that I just saying that I bleed a little internally when a bunch of rotten red pinko make a group of fine young liberal capitalists look like a bunch of old age pensioners whose has been tut off after the second game I went to the clinic and had a car just in case 1 must say we took it well as a nation For once there were no alibis How could there be when hundreds of millions of people saw our collective Canadian noses being rubbed in If Sports writers their guts churning praised the play of the Russians and int ma ted that they knew all along what would happen As they always do after the event The Canadian players showed more grace The best of them simply admitted they were beaten soundly by a superior team But they knew in their heart hat they and all their highly paid buddies were facing not a physical Siberia but a Siberia of the soul They were the Best in the West and they had not been just beaten but thoroughly trounced by the Best in Hie East where hockey Is a relatively new sport Not for me to ask How did it happen All the experts have agreed that the Russians skate better pass better and are infinitely superior in physical condition to the pampered Canadian pros who weighed an average of nine pounds more than their opponents Why public meet on plaza Dear Sir In view of the recent action of the local councillors and planning board re the building of a supermarket lo the cast of Acton this letter no doubt will simply be an exercise in futility do however feel that I simply have the dictatorial attitude taken at the meeting held in the Trafalgar Road building last week Anyone with the smallest degree of ESP could sense from the outset of the meeting that the wishes of the people expressed in he local High School building on Feb last would mean nothing to the councillors and planning board officials This raises the question as to why the public meeting was called at all My dcrstanding was that it was held to find out what the feeling of the general public was with regard to the creation of plaza on the abovementioned site That meeting overwhelmingly supported the Idea Most of us arc not so much in favor of a plaza What most of us would like is a good supermarket Surely a compromise could be worked out with representative on hat score When one of our councillors for whom our family and several of our friends voted at the last election was approached by me on this mailer his answer was hat he objected lo Mr Sprackman over aggressive attitude at previous meetings and to the fact that he objected to being treated as though he were the possessor of a lower IQ Some of us feel that we have been made to feel that same way by the recent actions of our councillors and planning board We are not mature enough intellectually Democracy has been defined as government of the people by the people for the people It would appear as though lost it under regional government The recent of council seems to support that view too The upshot of this will of course be more business of a shopping nature going out of town This saddens me Sincerely yours A Walter It is only for me to ask Why do we fer so much when we re licked in hockey And I think I Hit answer to that a century or so Canadians have been hewers of wood and drawers of water Fair enough We had lots of wood and water and have and other people need them But we also had three superior finished products manufactured at home lint no body else in the world could touch when came to quality maple syrup rye whiskey and hockey players Our supremacy in these deparimtnls is virtually ended Our whiskey has been watered more and more our maple has been thinned lo the consistency of gravy and our hotkey play with a few stalwart exceptions are more impressed their hair dos their press clippings and Ihtir financial mentit than they are with their opponents Thtre is a sadness here Rye whiskey is bad for the liver maplt syrup bad for the teeth so perhaps their denigration is not a national disaster But to have a team that is the second or third or fourth best in the world That is unthinkable Every red blooded middleaged male in Canada has hockey in his veins He per knows or his best friend does or he lives in or lives in the next town oris sixth cousin of or grew up with or was by only 10 years by in school a genuine hockey player who made to Junior A or Senior A or even the NHL or one of Its farm teams Two of the quarterbacks on my high school football team Douglas ind Tony made it to the Detroit Red Wings organization My brother in law Jack played Junior and Senior and became a referee My grandson at the age of two wis given a hockey stick and demolished his grandmother hardwood floors In the liv room smashing a puck around the floor with great vigor and a certain lack of control She finally put her fool down when he insisted on scrimmaging around the piano while she was lessons I To add insult to injury this idiotic idea of lorn Campagnola Minister of Jocks has popped up She wants to give million of my money and yours to four Canadian Cities so that hey can build big arenas to accommodate four more losers In an hat is already so watered with mediocre talent hat per cent of them have made a Senior A team 30 years ago What she should do is support an Order which proclaims lha with the emergence of Red China Russia is now a second rale power not worthy to be faced off against Then Allan can organize another Seles of the Century with China where learned to about eight years ago Wed probably win by one goal in 1980 And lose by in HI Hamilton Mr and Mrs John and Mr James were honored by residents the mmunilies of Dublin inn an it hall Mr Mrs Spro I have sold their farm 20 years ago I jkcii from the issue of free I rissof lluirsdav March J rmati fan and Self Help Bureau receive unanimous apprnal by over 100 ytd workers at a mass mtcting in Mil in Monday This action followed recent announcement tl it was being nlinutd and workers were laid off members are Dennis Liwler Johnson Ted Blunn Mm While Jeff Robbins decontions stt the carnival It erne for Hit Amalgam Aelon Home and School Association s second annual I 1 ur Saturday morning and afternoon in lie Robert I I Mrs Monty IK tinventr diet rations displayed great originality Circulating through the rooms tlowns Herb Cook and Sam little Miss Beverly ivint Conveners included Mrs Heller Mrs Lois Mackenzie Mrs J Hurst Mrs Mien Mrs Herman Mrs fc idkca Miss Mice Sidey Mrs tuorfct Mrs J Mrs Mrs fc Jennings wis Mrs The even w is again an outstanding success 50 years ago from the Issue or the Free I rets if Thursday March 1929 The play thai proved so popular with Bill that the crowd could be letommodalcd will be presented in Wednesday evening next The Path Hill has a east often characters plan of the hall opened at Browns store this week On Friday last he regular the Atlondilt 1 was eld in the parish hall Debaters on he subject resolved at school has a greater influence In molding character in home were Miss Violet in ind Mr Leslie Swickhamer for lit affirmative and Miss Velma Murray and Mr Hoy for the negative Judges were Miss Mrs Somer and Dr Johnson Mr James has leased he operatue store building and will remove his slock of hardware to the new stand The present store by Mr Symon will be used by Johnstone and Co who Ihe building for idditional room for their furniture and undertaking business Dublin 1 ilenry S met at the home of Mr Mrs On the program were Dorothy frank Edith Bracken Mrs Somervtlle Bracken Miryiret Waldit and Mr Reg tenner 100 years ago Taken from h issue of he ton free March On the front page advertisements a continued story long poem articles on in Australia The Scientific Mode of Cremation Gigantic Devil Pishes and a few jokes news was the four pagt rial concludes of the male sex are unjust to womankind Every marriage be a complete part for life of heart and purse We know of no moral law which gives the any rights the wife has nol and that family is a badly regulated one in which the husband graciously gives the wife the money she spends

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