Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 21, 1979, B, B1

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ACTON CENTENNIAL ATOM HOCKEY TOURNAMENT SCHEDULE FIRST NAMED TEAM lf THE HOME TEAM TIME TEAM TEAM Fri 30 Cambridge Fn Stouffville 40 p Stoney Creek Kitchener Sat 7 Acton Milton Sat 800am Orangeville Beamsville Sat 9 Barrio Sat Thorold Sat 11 10am Hanover The Lake Sat 12 lop m Loser No 1 Loser No 10 Sat l 15pm Winner No 2 Sat 15pm Loser No Loser No 12 Sat Winner No Sat Loser No 5 Loser No 14 Sat Winner No 15 Sat Loser No Loser No 16 Sat 730pm Winner No WlnnerNo 17 Sun 15a m Winner No 18 Sun 10 Winner No 10 WinnerNo 12 Sun 11 20a Winner No 13 WlnnerNo 15 Sun Winner No 14 WinnerNo 1G CONSOLATION CHAMPIONSHIP 21 Sun nop m 117 19 TOURNAMFNT CHAMPIONSHIP 22 Sun 18 20 Centennial tourney slated for weekend This weekend Ihe Acton Community Centre will be the site of the Acton Cen Atom Tournament Teams from to will compete for the crown in the three day tournament with the finals running on Sunday at 1 and 40pm Acton will meet rival Milton in Saturday Depend ing on whether they win or lose the will meet Creek or Kitchener in second round notion at 15 or 20 Saturday All players who compete in the tournament will be eligible for a draw with the winner getting a week at the Hockey Camp Hockey Moms nipped by Orangeville atoms Acton Minor Atom Hockey Moms dropped a close 1 decision to that them from con tent ion for the Waterloo- Wellington league honors and selling them up against New Hamburg in consolation play where they lopped the burg In the opening game The only Acton goal of game two in the series came off the stick of Scon Fitzgerald with only 13 seconds remaining Jason O Nell earned an assist on the play The win gave the best of three scries in straight games but Acton man Richard Kilpatnck was pleased with his team performance They beat us the last time we met in league play said Kilpatrick In consolation play the Moms got goals from Taillefer Paul Kilpatrick Mike Baker and John Van Dam as they dominated New Hamburg The second game of the consolation semi final series Is scheduled for New Hamburg tomorrow night Thursday Plan June road race by Gord Murray Acton and area joggers dust off your runners Theres a big race com up Running season for all but the most devoted Is just around the corner with the approach of spring Spring Is an Important conditioning period for the long summer jaunts to come But this year early conditioning Is more important than ever be cause the Mayors First Annual Road Race Is set for June The event is being sponsored by the Hal ton Hills recreation depart and Operation Action Actions Heather Leslie says the event is design ed to further active living and the kilometre race is open to Hal ton Hills residents of all ages The emphasis will be on participation rather than com petition The race will begin at 30 a at Gordon Al Memorial Complex on Guelph Street Georgetown Awards will be presented at noon must be Hal ton Hills residents and only the first registr ants will be allowed lo enter There are six categor boys and girls under 12 boys and girls age 13 to 18 men and womens open men womens age 19 to for the gals and 19 to for the guys masters for men over women older than 35 and father- son or motherdaughter The entry fee is cheap SI and entries will be ac by mail up to day June 22 or can be delivered to the tion office at No telephone entries will be accepted Forms will be available after April 15 and are to be mailed to Recreation Department Town or Halton Hills Main Street South Georgetown Cheques should be made payable to Town of Hills Medals go to the first second and third male and female fin ishers In each category Also the youngest competitor to complete the race the oldest race- completing competitor and the first female and male to complete the race regardless of cate gory will receive awards Every entrant who completes the race will receive a certificate as well as finishing time and position details The course runs from Alcott down Guelph to Sinclair Avenue over to Armstrong Avenue Then it goes along Armstrong to a drinking station near Mountainview and across some property to Maple Avenue The route lows Maple to River Road and over to Moun la in view North Runners go up Mountain view to and along Guelph back to the rink A few years ago the recreation department planned a road race for running mad Halton Hills which would have been through the Dclrex area but police wouldnt ap prove the route and the event was cancelled This route has been approved by the police Lucky winners of Ihe bon spiel Acton Curling Club on Saturday was a rink skipped by Del Rink members front row I lo Pat Near Chapman Del and back row Karen Archibald accept championship trophy from IGA owner Dave Manes Sports Recreation WEDNESDAY MARCH 21 One Hundred Year No 38 Second Section Firefighters even semifinal series with 82 victory over Petrolia Acton Bantam Firefighters hopes for an Ontario Hockey Championship got a huge boost at the Community Centre on Monday night After dropping the first game of best of five semi final series in on the weekend the locals rebounded with a convincing 82 win on home Ice to even the count at one game each Acton got on the board first in the game in as Tim Evans found the range from Mark Duval on a power- play Petrolia which is much larger man for man fought back in the second period Acton goal tender Tim Baker three times to en able them a two goal lead heading into the final 15 minute period Acton lulled to within one early in the final as Mark Duval found the net unassisted counted two over the remaining time as they recorded the win and series lead Acton coach Steve Marshall was not pleased with his teams perfor ma nee in game one feeling that they had taken too many silly penalties Acton took minutes in the game 16 of those minutes in the second frame while Petrolia was scoring three goals Different Game two of the semi final scries was an en tlrely different story Acton came out flying in the match and had con trol of a 70 lead before could beat Tim Baker in the Acton goal Gord Mc Arthur got things started far Firefighters at of the opening frame as ho scored from Hick and Tim Evans The Firefighters tallied for a second time late in the second period as Rob Vermeulen blasted one home from Mark Duval had a chance lo pull close before the second frame ended With Rick Smith in the penalty box for Acton a goal would have produced a 1 score after two periods and given the visitors time to regroup between periods The penalty to Smith worked the reverse for the Firefighters Two goals before the frame had ended gave the locals a lead they would extend over the final Andy Vaivods was credited with the first goal for Acton as he poked in a loose puck in front of the net A defensive miscue took a defender and the team out of the play as Vaivods slid the puck into the open net The second short handed effort came off an individual effort from Mark Duval Duval pick up a loose puck out muscled the two defense men and beat Jeff Simpson with a well placed shot to the glove side Firefighters seemed determined to show Pet roll a that the lead they had obtained was no fluke At only seconds of the final frame Acton struck again Duval was credited with the marker as Vermeulen and drew assists McArthur added his second goal of the game a short time later from Tim Evans and and Ver made from Duval and Andy Vaivods before got the restored Acton seven goal lead the midway point of final frame from red Kappert and Vermeulen before the I- sat back to a defensive style added one to produce an final score for Acton and even the series at one game each Coach Marshall was pleased with the per feeling that there were no standouts for Ins side They all played well he said Acton stayed away from the penally box for most of Ihe second game picking up only min utes in penalties com pared to Game three of the bents is scheduled for tonight Wed- nebday with game four being slated for Thomp son Road arena in Milton on rid ay night at p The game had be shifted away from the Community Centre due to the Centennial Atom Tournament The Firefighters are hoping many local fans will make the trip to Milton lo provide their moral support Minors near crown Acton Beard more Union Minor Peewees arc only one paint away from the Waterloo- Wellington league title The club is currently leading a six point series with Fergus by virtue of and wins and a tic Game one of the series was a seesaw affair with Acton scoring the first two goals Fergus fighting back to tie things up Acton regaining a two goal margin and Fergus again tying the score Acton tallied one last time with 10 remaining to grab a 54 win Terry fired the first Acton goal of the game with Sandy extending the lead to two from Qavld Thomas be fore Fergus counted a pair from Ron Goodall to even the count Mike Hudson replied with a pair for Acton with Jamie assisting on the first again went to work notching a pair to tie the score before Hudsons third of the game from gave Acton he game and series lead In the second game of Iher series a tie the outline was much the same only with less scoring Fergus jumped to a lead in this contest and Acton was forced to tie the count with two goals in the last two minutes of the contest Mike Hudson and Jamie Lawson fired the Acton goals with Hudson Les Berry Tony Van Dam and David Thomas drawing assists In game three a Acton win the locals came out firing as they scored three times early before allowing Fergus on the board with three of their own Acton came back with a pair to record the win Jamie Bruce and Berry gave Acton the early lead in the contest with Berry Lawson and Mike Hudson earning assists Fergus fought back over the middle part of the game even the score only to have Berry and Mike Hudson add Acton goals to give them the win and a commanding series lead There wasnt much room in front of the net during game two of the Ontario Minor Hockey BR bantam playoil but McArthur arms ex tended found enough daylight to slip the puck through for his third goal of Ihe game as the Fire fighters won an decision to even the semi final series at one game each won the first con test in Petrolia Game three of the series Is sche duled for tonight Wednesday In with game four in at Thompson Road arena on Friday night at Summer 79 is just around the corner by Robin Inscoe The Toronto and Toronto Blizzards are making preparations for their up and coming season and so are many of the Acton sports groups Summer is just around the corner and all systems seem to be go for another season of good fun and exercise on the sports and recreation front Along with baseball and soccer there are many other things of lo the people of Acton including lacrosse swimming the Hills recreation programs basketball and roller skating Acton Minor Soccer has started early in preparation for They began a preseason training session at McKenzieSmith Middle School and M Bennett Public School on Feb ruary in hopes lhat their players would be In a better condition thai any others in the area when it came time for their reasons lo begin Any boys who ore in in playing soccer this year have been invited attend the workouts and register for year Each Wednesday from 15 the seven and eight olds will meet at the Bennett gym The nine and ten year olds will gel in shape at the gymnasium on Thursday evenings from 15 till 45 p m At 15 on Tuesday nights the 11 lo year olds go through training procedures at Z Bennett followed by the 15 years through seniors m Aclon Minor Baseball has also begun pre para tions for the new year earlier than in the past With lwo registration dates already past the ball group has another such event slated for Saturday March Baseball will provide fun for young from the ages to 19 provided there is interest regis Minor ball executive member Bill Shannon said lhat there is a pos sibility of two bantam teams being entered in leagues this year At the end of last season there was speculation that the strong bantam team may enter a northern league to draw tough com petition and prepare them for Ontario If this hap pens it Is apparent they will enter another team in the Rural League Minor Lacrosse organizer Bob Turkosz said that registration would determine how many teams there are in Acton but he feels that there will be at least pee- and bantams At present doesnt know what league the Acton teams would play In but speculates they will try to gain permission to compete In a league with Fergus and The Golden Horseshoe League the Ramblers competed in last season has made no move to operate again said Arthur which played In league with Acton is also expected to apply to the other leaaue Last year for the first time Acton High School teacher Rick McArlhur offered a recreational basketball season to the high school students and other Interested parlies The event was a huge success with over 100 people taking part This year McArthur has had enquiries from many other people both from Acton and other areas asking if they could pos sibly get into the league McArthur feels that if all register who have shown Interest the program may have to be expanded to two nights Anybody interested in participating In league need not be about their ability The league is divided into three divisions according to ability not age The Halton Hills recreation program is another popular item on the list of summer activ Ities The playground idea has vanished and in its place appears that in dividual centres will be offered Acton will have three centres open to the kids A Sports Centre which will house all different kinds of recreational and interesting games or a MAD Centre in which children can go and get involved in programs of Music Art and Drama Neither of the two activl ties have been assigned a definite location as of yet according to Acton recreation Jennifer Linton but a Camp and Outdoor Education Centre will be offered at Prospect Park The course will offer camping canoeing and nature trips and is open to all ages The three centres combined make up what used to be playground but the dividing of the sub jects give Ihe children a choice as to what they would like to do Registration for the recreation departments summer activities will not take place until June but the search for in and staff has already begun The summer swim ming program at Lions Pool will be much the same as last year 3 according lo pool supervisor Glen Camp bell Swimming lessons diving synchronized swimming and public and free swimming Is all on Ihe summer agenda In industrial baseball there are three leagues in town The Acton Indus trial League is made up of six local teams with sponsorship of local businesses The league plays three games each Sunday and another on Monday evenings Regis ration for the league is scheduled for April and with last years players getting preference over newcomers The opening weekend of play will by May with the usual Sunday after noon tnpleheader Only change in the league this season wilt be Acton umpires working the games They replace the Georgetown Umpires Association The second industrial league with a representative in town is the Acton Merchants The Merchants tangle in the Georgetown Industrial league with nine other area teams The Merchants begin their season with indoor workouts before taking to the field for league encounters beginning May weekend Team coach Ray Graham is hoping to moke some lineup changes for this season and use mainly Acton players on team Last year Ihe Merchants went out of town looking for talent The only position that we may need outside help with said Graham is the pitching Anyone who feels they are solid ball players and wish a chance to play with the Merchants can contact Ray Graham at J and T Sports Home games are expected lo be Thursday nights Third league of Industrial stature is what is known as the Condom inium league Tins is purely a recreational league where the players get together and have a good time There were six men teams six women teams in this league last year with the umpires coming from cams lhat werenl playing In ladies fastball Ac ton will have an entry in the Ladies fast ball league competing with teams from George town Milton Glen Wll hams and Surrounding areas The team is hoping to its home games at Prospect Park on Tuesday nights but is at present in desperate need of a coach Any ladies who are interested in playing competitive ball or coaching can call Susan Poulson at One other recreational activity that will be of to the public this summer is roller skating at Community Centre Arena manager Harold said that roller skating will definitely be on the summer agenda but may be offered on Tuesday and Thursdays instead of Tuesdays and Fridays Along with all the organized activities there arc stilt recreation areas lhat are open to the public Tennis and golf both give one an unity to play by mem bcrship or on a a while basis Another summer tivity becoming more and more popular is jog With all the activities offered to Ihe people of Acton young and old alike it is hard to believe when people say there is nothing to do in this town The Sports and Recreation sure has a full slate for the Summer of 79 Lets gel rid of the rest of the snow and play ball lacrosse golf basketball soccer etc

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