Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 21, 1979, B6

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ctoh tress Wednesday March 1 979 CAR OF THE WEEK FIDO BANGER Hero the vehicle you boon ting for For haul ing loads or as a second vehicle You I nd it so sol ill you II wonder how you over got along without it w engine standard pood transmission and cargo cap it the port Oct truck for full i ma armor hobby former or just as lor bring homo for i good used trucks rod Toyota Liflback NAD143 Toyota Corolla Wagon to Toyoia Colica Corolla 1600slvarNAO133 Toyota yellow LJX341 Toyoia Corolla Coupo while J JY555 Toyota Corolla 2d ToyotO Corona Granado rod Gremlin NFF397 7B Chov Van bun blue 77 Venture brown Maverick copper 710 Wag yellow red KTM77I Granada ia 4 brown Ford Ranger green A maroon 74 dr brow 73 Sopor Beetle rodAJF618 trailer special Many extras GMC good condition asking Offer miles customized wagon a real jewel Lie LSW637 Bar Motor Ltd Georgetown HONDA Demo Lie Ban Motors Lit Georgetown 77102 HONDA Accord mileage Lie new Lie LSWBa2 Bat Motors Lid Georgetown 877 220l LUXURY Chrysler Car 1970 clock rear defroster famous 310 engine p MAGNUM XL 8 2d many options air conditioning Motors Ltd Georgetown 23098 MERCURY Villager wagon A runlng order one side s body work 9 PASSENGER Volkswagen Bus mat converts to Camper sleeps This is a 4 in one vehicle bus camper car or van Complete ping 1975 condition Lie Dai Motors Lid Georgetown 1979 RABBIT den Lie Bar 077 the buying used cir Dodge Dart door Famous slant 6 engine radio whllewalls Gold 00 Cm be sold for parts I 10966 PARKWAY SALES LUflALINE Tho CADDY of Truck Campers Big dscounls on 79 Ho Travel BOO Wmnabago can S til on Open days to dark Puns Service Rentals 1972 SNOWMOBILE TNT ski doa double trailer everything rebuilt Asking 87S Phone 609 EVIHRUDEIE first BOATS STERNDRIVE ALS MARINE SERVICE CENTRE LTD ACTON DEALERS in an opportunity Our Company is select in ficd poisons bocomi TO QUALIFY YOU MUST po rvisio personal refer average 10 jo on SECURED INVESTMENT association with largest Canadian com dollar products thai I classri and I DIFFICULTY GETTING YOUR MORTGAGE 1ST 2nd 3rd dations Purchase gages Call Grace House or 1 1000 Ci yean Financial Corp write your own pay cheque Coll MR DUNCAN FOR APPOINTMENT SERIOUS ENQUIRIES Smelly O70gtiml2 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY priced at Cull to view E eon John son Carney Lid Realtor or NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER OF til EstaiO of MAUD LAURA lato of tho Town Hills lActonl in Regional Municipal of Hi ton ALL PARTIES having clan against aforesaid Estate of MAUD LAURA SPEAR who d ad on or about day of January ru quired to to proof iho roof th undersigned tars for the Executor on or before the of April itod riving gard only to the Barristers Solicitors Acton Ontario NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER OF late of WILLIAM HAROLD ANDERSON lato of the Town of Fergus in iho County Wo Rotir Welder deceased ALL PARTIES having WIL LIAM HAROLD SON who died on or 7lh day of January requ red to file proof thereof undersigned for on ir before too day of April alter dolo only to claims ihcn DATED at Acton this dayolMarch Ban store Sol Aclon OnlonoL7J Eiecutors Crispin JoanSoddon DAN BAILEY AUCTIONS LTD GUELPH Auction every Tuesday An furniture china etc Comploio households bought or said Retail outlet Monday to Saturday STORE AUCTION CREDIT VALLEY AUCTIONS AUCTION SALE SATURDAY MARCH ARMSTRONG AVENUE GEORGETOWN LARGE offering of antiques and general avocado ldoby 30 Moffat SIOVB Hoover twin tub washing machine Vik bar refilgerotor ro dryer 17 Ico color TV small appliances appro 15 job lots from black smiths shop flat to wall cupboard oak side table other occasional tables from Eastern townships half round Victorian china cabinet chest nut kitchen chests drawors some with swing mirror maple and walnut good Duncan pedestals 4 school desk round neat captain chair piano stool ornate oak carved frame mtior several pmo window frames from form several of or finish Canadian furniture n shod 1920s radio short wave kitchen tables 3 rango hood and several mora consignments by TERMSCesh or cheque with I Good polking Refreshments available Auctioneer not responsible lor donts damage to or loss of property on day of sale Con welcomed or upcoming solo NEXT SALE- Sunday April tat at m on call Mel Smith ANTIQUE AUCTION SALE Sunday March at 12 Noon At Community Centre OFFERING CONSISTS OF APPROXIMATELY ZOO ITEMS REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF HALTON TENDERS 479 Police Cm 479 Shins Boots Oxordsa tendurs dourly marked i by tho Regional Clerk Mr Brown I LocalTimo Tuesday April 1979 lor above lender Tender forma may bo obtained from office Pur chasing Road Oakvillo Omar Tondors will bo at 2 Local limn Tuesday April 3rd in No Committee Room Regional quarters Road Those sub milting tenders ore invited Reg Ch of of Pol REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF Scaled clearly marked as to contents will bo received by io Dork Mr Gordo d Brown 2 LocalTimo Tuesday Aprl3 or above tender Tender forms may bo obtained from lilo fur Road llo Ontario April 3rd 1979 i Local Tuesday No 1 Committee Room Head Road Ontario Thoso sub invited toatlund lor not necessarily accepted R J Erg R A Hlgglns C O Regional Purchasing Agent MJ ARABIAN brooder wishes area preferably with option buy References supplied I 1756 after pm RESPONSIBLE Inlng wants or 3 bedroom house In Rock wood children good references or 705 7460 collect ELK Hall lor Harold 9230 r Larry at 877 after 20117 FARMHOUSE Ashgrove bedrooms suit couple acres stables feed horses month TOWNHOUSE In Acton monthly References required No pets Phone or evenings or 9607 ONE and Two bedroom apartments All Included Adults only No pets One Bachelor apartment monthly or 10923 BEDROOM apartment country location Stove fridge and utilities In eluded per month 4773 10982 BEDROOM apart ment use pool horse stable available suit or pari time In Bit RESIDENCE English riding camp and farm vacation boys and girls 6 years Ranch 7587 Fifth Line R Milton 2XB lots of parking per sq ft net and up 6311 OFFICE space on Main St Acton Carpeted and air conditioned monthly Utilities in eluded Phono days or evenings or 10936 Carpeted throughout washroom master bedroom private driveway fenced backyard Good first mortgage carries lor monthly Phone days 7 0167 056 Priced In mid 30 Carries for principal PRIVATE Sale by owner makes this very well kepi homo real with large master largo baths garage 9 ACTON Newly listed bed mom brick bungalow in subdivision From the fully fenced loi the immauilate interior you will ust love this home Quality shows in every room down to the finished party room plus a large recreation room with stone and marble fire place Full price Plpasc call us we will be proud to show you this one GEORGE GRAY REAL ESTATE LTD ACTON Splash Flashes On Saturday March 10 an Ice safety demon was held the Georgetown outdoor pool This demonstration had Ron and John and Glen Gibb showing the public how to rescue a person who has fallen through thin ice while Anita and Din tine Ritchie of the Red Cross Youth handed out ice safety pamphlets We must also thank Dave Hannah victim Pauline Heaton Vic Stoddart for their help hi well as the Northern Telecom Diving Club for the use of their equip ment In preparing for this demonstration The Hills recreation swim team took part in a swim meet at Pool this past weekend Although there were no team standings the team as a whole must be congratulated on their performance Every member of the team swam to the best of their ability and as a result improved their times Special recognition should be given to Heather Acton Jennifer Don and Karen Pep per who were among the lop swimmers in their age groups The next swim meet will be held April at the Georgetown Pool For spring board diving enthusiasts he recreation department will be offering a Learn to Dive program at Hit Acton Pool for the spring session This program will have the five different in levels offered the Canadian Amateur Diving Assoc lotion with evaluations being held in June If there is interest and support from the participants and their parents it may be I bio to develop into a competitive diving club at a later date With the registration for the spring swim lessons being an Monday April between and m be sure to get a spring brochure to check lesson times and These brochures will be available from such places as local merchants town offices and recreation facilities throughout largo fenced backyard landscaped double paved driveway garage Make an 519 lots or sale area acre In village near Rockwood 900 1 acre Industrial Acton Phone days or evenings or COMFORTABLE com pad country home on j acre in Rock wood area Ideal starter bought URGENTLY NEEDED Listings on houses and LAKEVIEW ON ACTON 3ual a I brick side 1 the en no Spac roon can play softly the fenced in bartyird Ci I Johnson Camay Ltd Reno 2170 or BOG ATTENTION HOME BUYERS Private sale old la go landscaped car paved bedrooms room very comfortable Reasonably meed ilou in fin SGI call BBS Crown City Realty Ltd to your you ro being wo will for Century agent to show you homes in your no location that it wi I bo toady when you arrive charge than o property Please call mo today Winning rink of the Wednesday Afternoon ladles curling laht week Storey Millie Smith Nancy Vidlerand Jean Ten teams apply for Industrial loop A smaller and season are just two of the changes con prepara lions begin for another Georgetown Industrial I League season Commissioner Lewis who is reluming to the post for another year said lo learns applied for membership this coming season on organizational meeting evening Peel Police under the Pari- banner last applied for a team as well as Acton I ime- Towing Plumbing Stationer and Brothers Sports Two other teams applied and llarki Heat will be new for 1 1st champs Members of finalist Motors will play under the Publish limner This je the will star earlier May lo told fall Lames Instead of Rimes the schedule will tie trimmed to mat Other changes being considered Lewis said ire designated runner and designated hitter lo ensure more players get into each game Playing extra innings to break ties is another new feature being reviewed as well as the idea of allow four of 10 teams into the playoff instead of eight of 12 like last year It is felt fewer teams making pla would mean a more regular sea team The entry fee would really be just the other being a bond against defaults a problem last summer would forfeit for each default The third default would mean expulsion from the loop More team lions are and the best will be selected Lewis said He noted Hornby 1 applied bees nnj be would like lo last Thursday night tins season for each double headers BladesDerbys doing battle An win the the Oak Ridges Dynes in game seven of their best of series gac Blades the right to tangle wilh the Streetsville for Ihe Ontario Junior banner currently lead the best of seven final after scoring a a w in in Oakvillo StroeLsvillc had a strong first period in contest building up a 10 lend and then holding off a Blades charge for scheduled for last night Tuesday in Streets die 500 Club Elsie has been a winner of late in cton Minor Hockey Mrs ticket number was pulled from ihe drum for the third lime this week Other winners included Due John do Reg Hicks and V CHURCHILL COMMUNITY CHURCH ClurclIRd N J A ml Mrs Sunday March 2579 EVANGEL PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE CI irrh I N Pastor Sunday March Chrs n Education 11 Mori Worship Evening Se TUESDAY 30pm WEDNESDAY am Ladies Power Hour PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA KNOX CHURCH ACTON Ruv D Interim Moderator Mr E A Hanson A and Choir Ma In Sunday March 2579 AS am Toonogi Confirmation Class am Church School for nuiccry kindergarten an 1 toB a m Divine Worshi id Most Welcome UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA TRINITY CHURCH ACTON Rnv Geo El alt MA rector of Sunday March Baby Fold and Toddler Cara Welcome THE CHURCH OF ST ALBAN THE MARTYR 1978 Corner low St rector o Muse Mrs Sunday March 2579 LENT IV Commonly Mothering Sunday 9O0o m a 1030i Nursi Follow both so rv ices lad A C will serve Those making to Wow in Class SALVATION ARMY- Gospel Service every Sunday at Ton ty United Church Acton The family that prays together stays together

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