Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 21, 1979, p. 6

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The Acton Frog Press Wednesday 1979 Met Founded 187B Don McDonald Publisher every Wednesday by In Lai 1 Telophono Subs noil count mother I Publishing Co Limited si S copies each land Publishing Co group suburban Newt Ativan tor The Brampton own The Bud ngton Post The IndoporMJont I Economist and Sun Too lion Canadian Champ on Tho Era Oakvaio Boavof This Thfa Weekend and Tho lo Tibuno Advertising is accepted pod On paid for at at a sell and may l n tho on thai In the event of thai by torn togothor ih gnnturo II not bo god lor but Balance of the advert I bo rate In a event a ivponaph error advents goods or goods or cos may not be sold Is merely on off or Member of eau of Creator Tho Canadian Common ty Newspaper Woekh Newspaper Association EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Editor Ha Editor Ho on ray Report a alone Sports Editor ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT BUSINESSACCOUNTING OFFICE Offico Manager F G I son PHONE Business and Editorial Office CIRCULATION Shopping ball in merchants court It is too bad all Acton shoppers could not have been at the annual meeting of the Business Improve ment Area last Wednesday where architect Lloyd Sankey outlined plans for revitalizing Actons downtown He used two large illustrations to show what could be done with the downtown core to make it attractive for shoppers and avoid the mistakes in other municipalities where border plazas left downtowns desolate Mr Sankey has long held an interest in preserving Acton s downtown since his firm has been actively involved in revitalizing others in places such as Colling wood Ottawa and Lindsay He outlined ideas of how Actons downtown could be anchored with development beside the CN railway tracks and also at the bottom area around the Dominion Hotel and store utilizing available space and constructing adequate parking lots adjacent to shopping areas His message to merchants at the meeting was clear get going and do something because the threat of a plaza has not been obliterated merely postponed He also told them that Jerry man the developer who wants to build a plaza at the corner of Churchill Road and Highway 7 could find a favorable reception at the Ontario municipal board if he takes his case there as he has threatened He told merchants they were fortunate to have another kick at the cat and they had better do something about the downtown quickly while the ball is in their court He suggested they obtain public support for their efforts and involve people in their plans for the downtown Mr Sankeys ideas made sense and it is up to merchants now to show shoppers they mean business Need assessment Home owners in Acton can expect a increase in taxes on an average home assessed at approximately Education taxes are going up by while the town share of the bite will in crease by just over The Region has yet to be heard from and there s no doubt the levy there will also increase Analyzing the figures taxpayers should be concerned by the im balance the levy presented by Board of Education Last year there was little difference between the increase from the town and the board This year education s extra bite is almost double the levy from Halton Hills Tax figures point out how perative it is for the town to obtain more industrial commercial and housing assessment to achieve some sort of tax balance In many cases people who are buying homes find their tax bill is more than their mortgage payment a situation which would have been thought ludicrous years ago Council and boards of education are caught in a squeeze supplying services and education on a never ending treadmill Schools arc emptying but education taxes keep rising The answer of course is to even out tax increases with more assessment more industry more commercial and more housing to fill up empty schoolrooms Notes and quotes Those who thought the choice or Hills as a name for Ihe Georgetown smacked of cemeteries or golf clubs have been vindicated One Acton couple reported spotting Hills Memorial Gardens a cemetery for all faiths on the Line half mile north of High way IDundas St They took a picture to prove it Perhaps those who approve of the name Hills say People arc just dying to live here Visitors are welcome both here and in the cemetery According lo the calendar Spring is here and the weather has corresponded with the season Icelocked Fairy Lake is tossing off its frozen manacles and the wildfowl ducks and Canada Geese are rejoicing as new pools of water appear The sudden freeze the previous week froze over the only water the fowl kept open with the help of residents such as Louis Bonnette who used garden tools to smash ice in sub zero weather The most patient men you II ever see are the ones who get paid by the hour Richard J Nccdham I can muddle around with a metaphor search for a simile fool with a phrase or wait Tor the very right word to come by the hour without expressing any emotion other than But the small inanimate things that besiege our daily life drive me into a fury that knows no bounds It not the big things I ve mastered them I can stand behind a mechanic or a lumber and nod with the est of them Any knows that the is connected lo the main brake cylinder or the hot pipe is not connected to the coal pipe or whatever they re trying to tell you It the little things the things you are loo ashamed to get an expert for but haven t a clue how to do yourself that make me break things take the name of the Lord in vain accuse my wife and A McMasler University professor has discovered the brains of men and women function differenUy and Indicates the two sexes ARE different What new MP Dr Frank think much of colleague lona Cam pagnola plans to earmark to million to provide for professional hockey clubs He thinks the money could be better used to offer permanent jobs for full door postal service in rapidly growing parts of the county including Halton thinks more letter carriers would be than more NHL teams In Canada Maybe he has a point Especially after the Russians By the middle of the century assuming an average annual wage In crease of per cent and a 4 per cent rise in prices wages will be times today levels and a cent loaf of bread would cost SO Your Retirement salary in would be between and A car would cost and a house would sell for 4 million The figures were by US investment counsellor James Sinclair Co It aint my fault its genes going to call up a typewriter repairman for example to change the ribbon on his typewriter Or a carpenter to come and screw a couple of tiny nuts into a doorknob thai keeps foiling off My wife has just been through one of my experiences with the little things and after ten minutes of it she ran into another room white and trembling and locked the door She bought me a typewriter ribbon at Christmas We don t usually buy presents for each other the last few years The children and take us for such a ride that we ve declared a moratorium But her love for me was too deep She bought me a typewriter ribbon Mainly because you could only read the type of the old ribbon with a magnifying glass It made an Impression on the paper but you couldn t sec it It was more like Braille than typing But was hanged if I was going to spend a weekend changing the ribbon so I Just went on Finally she typed out some addresses broke the ribbon and practically ruined the whole blasted machine as I pointed out In a few ill chosen words Well I had to get Ihis column written and it II be late you can depend on it So I tore into the bloody thing Hair an I our later Ihe air was blue I was black to the waist with Ink and the fool thing was typing red Couldn t you just sort of switch the spools around and turn it upside down or something she queried in a very small voice SHUT UP YOU DUMMY or words lo that effect Anyway there you are It not one of myfewadmirablequalitics I admit it But 1 wllh it And the people who are me are also stuck with it I can start screwing a couple of one- eighth inch screws into a doorknob and wind up with somebody locked in the bathroom week I can put an average standard stapler on the blink in seconds with staples all over the room and wire irreparably bound around the thing you punch It all rather hard to understand I am not particularly inept or stupid Nor I particularly clumsy I was a pretty fair athlete with bags of coordination 1 drive a car reosombly well I learned to fly air craft with thousands of parts and thousands of horsepower Yet I go berserk when confronted by a typewriter ribbon On second thought maybe I can derstandit I get it from my Dad He was a gentleman and yet I seen him fly into a fury over nolhing first car he ever had but I ve heard he The dealer showed him how operate it drove around the block a couple of times picked up his down payment and turned my Dad loose He In turn picked up my Continued on Page Back issues 10 years ago Taken the Issue or the rec Press March 19G9 Acton Council heard plea from several councillors and the mayor to get the in dustnal park property in Ihe north end of town developed as soon as possible Two local concerns are seeking lo expand on the property Enthusiastic was given to the decision of Acton curling club to provide curling facilities on the building site on Churchill ltd N for the season al the annual meeting Saturday night Building committee chairman Ted Tyler told members their dream can be completed Elected la direct the operations of the club were past president Ken Marchment president Andrew McKcnzie first vice John Goy second vice Harry secretary Ray Evelan treasurer Bob Drink waiter chairmen Ted Tyler Sr Bill Toth Walter Dubois Peter Bowman Mel Jordan Blow Allan and George Williams Strumming songs of love and protest the unnamed folk trio of Victor Funk George and Lynda Gage made their stage debut Cancer Family Night Over attended years ago Taken from the issue of The tree Press of Thursday March 19 1953 attempt by Aclon Legion Minor Sports to raise money for Ihe Disaster Fund felt short of ex Saturday when a very small crowd attended Alec Johnson president said other attempts will be made On Sunday March winds recalled their reputation and to bio i bringing swirling snow At the high school a newly laid cement block partition gave way followed the S who has lived all his lift on a farm and still lends stock every day observed his Mth large number of children participated in the Guelph figure skating carnival Linda and Peter Gibbons played lead roles Others taking part were Jane Force Elizabeth Riley Susan Patrick Karen Townsley Sharon Bradley Ann Elizabeth Force and Joan Cook Heather Aherne and Sally Wilson 50 years ago Taken from Ihe of The free Press March 1929 Athletic recreation in was given a new lease of life when a good sized body of keen sports attended a meeting of Ihe Aclon Amateur Athletic Club the town hall A sanction to hold an athletic meet on Dominion Day was received Proceeds will be used to aid every branch of amateur sport in Acton Mr was elected president D E J Nelson first vicepresident Mr E J second vice Mr J secretary Mr E Knapp treasurer At Ihe meeting of Acton Free Library Board Father McRcavy presided Mrs Isabel Walson the librarian reported an increasing interest in the library 104 new readers registered The number of books was Increased by Mr Frank proprietor of the Glove Co has decided to enlarge his present factory care for Ihe in creasing demand for gloves and mills Too funny for is he play Too Much Married In cast are Mr Joe Hurst Mr J J Stewart Mr Roy Johnston M Hurst and Mrs J J Stewart 100 years ago Taken from the Issue of the Free Press Aprils Several good jokes were perpetrated on Tuesday Ail Fool Day by some practical jokers of this town Among other pieces of fun were the tying up of brick making a parcel and placing it on the sidewalk a parcel resembling a pound of tea was made of ashes and sawdust etc and unsuspecting citizens would pick these up and Ihen the shrill words April Fool sounded clear and loud Some firstclass lunatic In Aclon sent a postcard lo a firm in Guelph ordering four of leyc essence of nine patent whingwhangs for grinding smoke and an alderman that won t steal Mr 11 has commended Ihe manufacture or a new spring glove fastener There arc four hands constantly employed in Ihe manufacture of these springs and Mr Storey deserves thanks for the numbers of people whom he keeps in his employment Still another of our old pioneers has been called away in the person of Mr Robert Barber who bom in England in

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