Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 11, 1979, p. 4

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TheActan Free Press Wednesday April 11 1979 Attorn Pub shod by Inland Pub I ng Co m tod I St cot Acton 2010 no cop CO year Tho Acton Freo Prow In and Co Lm tod group papers when ncludo ThB AiWhlbyPhBi no Now Tho Gun dm Tho Post Goiolto Indopondonl Ma kham I Economist and Sun ThoM Iton Canadian Champion Tho Nnw Eio Oakv la Th Wook and Tl Stoutly Tr Founded in Don McDonald Publisher I on It lion that n tho optical that ho 1 by torn I not bo lot but balance advert cabin into In tor wrong pile floods or not bo sold Adverts moiety an offer of Bureau C at on end Tho a Weekly Newspaper Second class ma I on Number Thq Canadian ty EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Editor Hartley Coles Editor Hoi on Murray R oporto Photograph or El Sport Editor Hob Inscoo ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT BUSINESSACCOUNTING OFFICE Fran I PHONE Business and Editorial Office CIRCULATION Mary I Arthur Easter time of hope Although Christmas is the holiday which spawns joyous celebration Good Friday and Easter Sunday are the most significant days in the Christian calendar They commemorate events which have been a land mark for western civilization almost centuries and present a mystery Without Good Friday there couldn be an Easter Sunday Without suffering there can never be a lesuircction Easier comes at a particularly time for Canadians as the earth is reawakening from the of winter Just when we begin to think that our days it a pi of dreary black A Job well done and white landscapes the earth re news itself with Spring It brings renewed confidence and hope Similarly Easter with its sage of hope and resurrection is a time when we should all cele not with the joy of Christmas but with reverence and awe at the message of hope which began in a grave and was fulfilled in an empty tomb In this spirit we hope your Easter may be filled with joy and you may appreciate more fully the message which comes out loud and clear in the Easter greeting of Russian peasants Christ is Risen is the Easter greeting Christ is Risen Indeed is the affirmative reply A season of learning and hard work was on display Saturday when the Acton Figure Skating Club held a Pop Concert Enthusiasm was high for the youngsters involved the show If there was any disorganization it certainly did not show on the ice There was the usual number of spills but most were due mainly to nervousness and not their actual skating Much talent was shown during the show already developed some just getting started And what better place to get started than with the local club Dedicated professionals strive to make their students another Karen or Dorothy They know most will not but there is always the hope they will turn out one great success A few weeks ago the club was on the verge of closure when be cause of lack of interest a board of directors could not be mustered Everyone is willing to send their children skating but no one is willing to help them during their lessons It is the same old story Everyone is willing to volunteer to help but when it comes time to do the work only a handful of the same people show up A meeting was held last week to the executive to decide whether the club should continue Surpris ingly enough many people came out of the woodwork to help Let hope their interest does not wane as soon as they find out it takes work to run such a large lion and is not always fun There are many people who owe a lot to the Acton Figure Skating Some have left town and gone on to other things Some still live in Acton and their children are now learning how to skate through the same ranks they did Hopefully the club can keep going so that today s youngster s children will star in carnivals or pop concerts To all the organizers coaches and professionals of this season and all past seasons a salute for a job well done The youngsters of Acton need you more than they think H J Well miss Dr Oakes Acton has lost another prominent and popular citizen with the sudden death Sunday of Or Frank at his home on Ave had a long of en service to the torn munitv and in both in his duties and in the mam voluntary potations he asbumed during his active years He had a cheerful disposition that made him popular not only as a veterinarian but as a politician and member of many community organizations A con he served responsibly on town councils for the former town of Acton where know ledge of finances inevitanly chose him as chairman of finance com was also a sports fan who enjoyed hockey and baseball when his busy practice allowed him the time to attend games His interest in all facets of community life made him many friends and acquaintances who were shocked to hear of his sudden death Sun day at years of age He II be missed not only by his Frank family and friends but by all of us who knew respected and liked Frank Oakes when he was among us Whoever wins Halton carries the country When the polls lose on Hie evening marking Hie end Can list election Hal ton voters will probably hive elected i Conservative date to represent them In Ottawa However that is only provided they follow tht pattern their voting has in the three pre elections during years A surface analysts of the election re suits for lJCH and voters lend to elect either liberal or Progressive who has been untried in the riding ratherthmrc their incumbent MP As a result l ilttin wis represented by a after i PC 1J72 In the 10 tiansdatinbotk from a in during one lion almost seemed to forecast a eh inee in Ottawa the next But Pierre emergence as leader of the Lllieral party put a stoplolhul On July 1374 Frank was elected lo office In his first attempt dc feating the Incumbent Progressive live candidate Connor captured votes- in Itnlton compared with by Connor in one of riding closest lilies in recent ycirs Archie Brown ram distant third It is interesting to note and O Connor each polled 1 in the advance Connor ran for MP in the election of July 1J72 in his first attempt His total topped votes polled by the incumbent Hud Whiting by some Carolyn of third Connor marked the first tun Hilton was represented by Progressive Con at both the ind the pruvinci levels MPP Jim Snow wis Minister of merit Services Robert Stanfield PC leidtr at the gi Connors impugn a boost when he kicked off his own Ontario campaign before an overflow crowd it the Arena Present at the were notable PC person Premier William former Ontario Justict Minister Alan and current Hilton PC Otto Jeltnek time Jeli nek represented Toronto High Pirk eight month mi per cent of Hilton s eligible voters to to the polls In the election of June 1JM in Ins first wis elected MP ruble margin in Oakville and over PC candidate Peter McWilhams and Ker Whiting led the I in ifter the incumbent Libera MP Dr Harry retired after successive successful he I ibenl nomui i lion Whiting edged M le Anderson former miyor of on the fourth billot McWillt ins miking his first only attempt to be elected Hilton MP In the elections of and 1HJ elected Liber date Hughes Cleaver of Burlington as the Grits swept the At ham Lyon Mackenzie king led the party to vie lory over the Conserva tivesandR Bennett in 1935 and held the leader ship through 1W0 ind 1945 until he wis rephced Louis St Laurent before election of While went in 19a3 elected Sybil Bennett of Georgetown a member of Drev PC nth of O6Q0 billots east Four vears liter with iSandj Bcsl son of ihe late Best the co discoverer of insulin leading the PC partv the continued with the Conserv The country too voted PC ind John became Prime Mimsler for the firsl of his three Red Cross still short fiee of April 19J I he On behalf of the Georgetown and District Heel Cross Branch I like extend idons and thanks to all who were concerned with Ihe lied Cross Campaign for last mouth Special thanks to Hit rural and organizers who helped make his years bouse use cam paign more successful To those who v irmest hanks on be assured lh ilwh il you gave will go help with the many services offered in this including rcparediicss response courses with national and international ind oilier emergency aid this in Georgetown and district we received approxi matcly llarget on an still c ime in from various industries business and and some residential donors further contributions to Post Office Georgetown Online L7G4T1 ensure reith our We would like like this pporlutuly think the various news for informing public of the cam paifn and ind Georgetown public libraries for of the Red Cross John Get and District Branch The Unit ross Society Toss bouquets to Region town works crews A In must be tossed ihe direction of the Hilton Hills and Halton Regional departments crews who work clock clearing streets and high during the winter crews are fighting losing battle as the roads are covered as quickly is thev ean lie plowed Still Ihe plow op- push on times up lo24 straight riiese men must put up with parked or abandoned vehicles on side of the road or In some cases in the middle long Inurs the inevitable complaints and bad At turns when everyone else safe in their homes letting old man winter blow furiously outside the operator is out in subzero trying to keep the plow on the road in spite of zero vis If there is snow on Christmas day or any other special holiday it is work as usual Many limes dunng the winter the op erator stops lo offer aid a stranded mutonsl or using ihe plow operators have saved many people from a long cold night in a ear Some people slop and thank the driver others just drive on S me felt this week clearance snow w is slow but hockey fans returning from Pi Igln Sunday night actually breathed of relief is they reached roads fool of snow covered the in counties Ice in other areas made driving jusl as treacherous Some minor hills needed a second and third run at be fore could reach top Snowdrifts completely filled in some lanes and rarely did ihe get past milts in had Ihe plow lwcn out but sindtrs is well welcome sight it i m ifler a three ind i Inlf hour There arc tunes when wonders why streets I been plowed as quickly as they fell they should been Or plugged with snow alter Ihe wen past Bui in spile of he com we should appreciate the fact we be mobile during a snowfall and not cooped up it home roads arc Thanks works departments reillj dm good job J Best took 17 votes of the cast on June 10 to his Liberal opponent by more than votes He wis reelected MP on Mir 1959 with OjGof votes cist as and PC were returned lo office Gut on June IB 1J62 Best was defeated by by only JB votes foreshadowing the fall of Ihe PC government in the following election Less than one year later on April was returned to office with 482 votes of the cost and Lester Pearson and Liberals formed the government The Independent Con candidate in picked up votes in On Nov 1965 was reelected to i third term as MP and Pearson returned as Prime Minister topped the PC candidate Mayor Allan of Ihe and Independent Con representative Harry Timmins For marked the beginning of a disap pointing six week period On Dec 13 was defeated by Mac Ander son In his bid for reelee to Ihe office of Miy or Back issues 10 years ago Taken from lh Issue of the Free Press or Thursday April 1W3 Organized bedlam was the school ice carnival at Hit community centre as two Acton schools and Speyside contended for winners Arena manager Townsley arranged the final ear splitting event and helping were assistant manager Don Price Ron Don Ford Norm Price Ed and recreation and parks board members Brendan Bob Laughlen Wilf Duval and Phil Mctnstall Among the winners were Kevin Marcoux as a headless hockey player Brian David Colleen Spiel Ron Moore David Bernlce Sylvia and Gordon Scott Denis and Leslie and Judy and Jim Pink township council will to oppose the removal of service from Guelph Junction Smith Griffin celebrated his birthday Sunday Mr and Mrs Ballentme cele brated their wedding anniversary The mill rate has soared to mills The eight mill increase was blamed on There were 14 grass fires on the weekend mosi of them in 20 years ago Taken from the The Free Press of Thursday Aprils 19S9 New Calumet Mines purchased acres in near Dolly Thev will establish a quarry to produce crushed stone Land was purchased from at R Harvey ihe Scott place Force Acton and Bronwvn Brothers Stratford of Figure Skaling Club have moved into the Gold igure and Gold Dance divisions of the Canadian This is a first in the of club Gail pupil at the Robert Little school on recent bus trip Toronto judged first Andrew Smith won for the Bennell school Over 110 members of Men clubs from across the region gathered at the Ac tin weekend for the annual spring conference Arbic was conference chair mm officers were installed by G Mckenzie International Director for On 50 years ago Taken from the Issue of The Free Press IKS Tilt Duke of Devonshire I E had an and well attended bridge party and dance in the Town Hall last week Prizes were won Mrs Watson Messrs William Arnold and fc J The mghl decreased Hit at the Lodge 1 Home Artists entertained for the even and music for dancing was supplied by Mrs Byrne and Messrs Rudolph Spiel and King Mr Wright is in Toronto this week writing his examinations under the pices of The Institute of Chartered Life writer of Canada Reeve and Mrs Mason with Mr and Mrs James motored flower show in Buffalo Mrs is president of the Dale Estate at Brampton which swept he boards with their exhibits of roses Is your house all upset loo with spring cleaning The river at attained flood pruptrtions on Sunday Mr Fred Hamilton highway overseer and his men had I heir hands full repairing washouts After only a week of illness from Mrs Rachel widow of late Alexander passed away on Monday at the home of her daughter Mrs Mullin 100 years ago Taken from Ihe Issue of The Free Press The alarm of the fire bell was sounded this morning when it was lhat Ihewuodpileof Adams was on fire The destructive conflagration consumed seven hundred cords of wood and buildings In vicinity were only saved by the efforts of our citizens A Guelph engine was for which arrived after danger was over A gang of notorious They had been and were seen running from he fire saying they did not give a if the whole burned Later Six suspicious looking characters were arrested in and Messrs It Wallace and Thomas Cimpbel have been sent up to identify I hem The new Presbyterian congregation have on average attendance of about 250 On Sunday last two barns were burned at Campbcllvlllc which caused quite an ex Passenger traffic on the railroad Is It is not unusual to have nine or coaches going west

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