Esquesing Historical group weaves past with memories The Acton Free Press Wcdnesdiy 1979 3 Remember me salt lank But if remembrance prove a talk Why then forge I me Many people were remembered during Ihe Esquesing Society informal gathering in Trinity United Church Monday evening Reminiscences of the radial railway a Willow Street home the hardware business and the old town hall linked names with events and places Long time Ac ton inns Marguerite Taylor Laura Dennis and Gob Mac Arthur and George used books newspapers and slides to spark memories and draw more notions from the nearly member audience By holding such meetings we hope to encourage interest in the past Historical Society ehafrman Richard ftugglc told the audience Notes were taken and a private tape recording was made to preserve he evening The verst at the beginning of this Is from a selection made by Mrs Dennis from her mother book Here another sample This world full or care and trouble Whether you go It single or double But single people a greatest trouble Is how and when Ihey can be double Mrs Dennis offered for view her home s log a collection of papers and drawings of her Willow Street domicile During years the home has had five owners and one mortgage for ft said Mrs Dennis Recording the changes in a home is fascinating work The log is a project sparked by the Women Institute Mrs Dennis said The book will remain with the house There is room left on pages for new owners Here another example of verse from the auto graph book dates from the 1880s I slip my pen Into the Ink And grasp your Album tight Out Tor My Hie I cannot think One single word to write Mrs Dennis neighbor up the street Marguerite Taylor was also nearly slumped for something to say to the gathering until conversation turned to the subject of the radial railway Mrs Taylor related how her father the owner of a hardware store In town cornered all the business for construction of the rail line because he knew what was required for the railway The electric powered radial railway joined Toronto to and started during the closing years of First World War It went out of business In the Depression The rail line passed through Georgetown and Acton stumps of a trestle remain in Fairy Lake and through such legendary places as Dolly Varden Blue Springs and Lamb Ion plus surviving com mumties such as Huttonville and Names tugged and pulled the threads of re collection in Bob mind He remem bored the radial cars would stop at any road If you flagged them down Travel time from Acton to Toronto was about two hours hcsald The MacArlhursSabra and Bobemployed a copy of the book Acton Early Days and the edition of The Acton Free Press as stimulants for recollection Many in the audience were from old and Georgetown for whom such in formation was fresh The tennis courts near where A Food and is today the athletic club across the pond and quaint CNR station were described When you think of these places well they re gone now Mrs Mac Arthur observed The couple turned its attention to the Pioneer Cemetery where many of Aeton first citizens are laid to rest The burial ground was In use for 56 years starting In Mr Mac Arthur observed During the early years of this century the grounds fell Into disrepair However in 1933 a trustee committee was appointed Soon the grounds were cleaned up and the monuments put In a cairn Historical society secretary Shirley Cleave prompted Mrs to describe her grand father s saw mill There were apparently two of one at the end of Scene Street and later a second one across the pond from the arena And where the senior citizens apartments ore being built on Elizabeth Drive used lobe a plane mill for smoothing wood and a horse stable Town Hall Restoration Committee chairman George Elliott enlightened the gathering on details of the group struggle to hove the century hall saved from the wrecker hammer The committee goes to council in May ask for funds With color slides Mr Elliott illustrated his con tcntion that the soft red brick used in the two storey hall construction is suitable for hundred Marguerite Taylor years or so He discovered examples of irh Ik same in a yearold English The Acton hall took about two years to creel starting in The cost was According to Mr Elliotts towns folk were split by arguments concerning the cost should it be or SO Upstairs the dance floor has nnnj windows Very few of the vc seen iuit observed Mr Holding the bottom line seemed a method of making decisions the 18aos Council debates voted against hiring someone to ruif hall bell m Someone would have to he to perform the chore There were some town s folk who wanted the early ring to w workmen Instead council decided the bell would be i the seven noon one and six Laura Dennis Most topic lint not ill in tin in hum wire illy sled in the sic The s oil ii in in ju of Hi I ltorjL towns in the rih ioi the rthlui s I ii mi durmt old rush in r 1 Ins h in slid lonl Us it Ik menus Ii is llnl Mr Tin mil ikulm Kilsii Bum tin lllll Iluildill Police investigating shooting incident A rifle shot caused a The man was working or years old fired a rural man to out on his front lawn rifle nearby The Rock boll into action last week when a suspect about wood man chased he Jelinek takes aim at Gun Control law hour area youngsters recently discovered a balloon which had been blown up from attached note explained the balloon had been set lose as a class project for a Jacksonville school Boys find balloon sent from USA It a bird It a plant No it a balloon tor five excited young boys it might jusl well have been superman found hanging in he Eas Sunday would have had the same Jim McLean brothers John and Dirk Glen and Hubert Jones were going for x walk through the bushes near the McLeans Fourth Line home when spotted something blue taught in a tree investigation revealed it to be a balloon An attached note ex plained it was from Arkansas The four boys ran the McLean home show heir parents The note was written discovered at home Tom who ex plained his grade math students of Jacksonville Junior High School in Arkansas released the helium filled balloon as pari of a pro ject He asked hat finder let him know how far the balloon had iravelled The McLeans dug map and Threugh rough estimation they calculated ihe balloon had travelled over 1700 miles Unfortunately there was no dale on the note so there was no way of knowing how long it had token he make its trip Mrs McLean feels it could no have been in he lung as shrunk within a few days once it was taken in he house The youngsters plan o answer note and ask Mr what dale he set ihc balloon free None of the boys involved had ever found i balloon before nor had taken part in a project of setting School border shifts Milton high schools will surrender some students to while Acton loses few to George town under proposed boundary changes from the llnlton Board of Education Director of Education Lavender told truslees Thursday at Burlington Ihc proposals will be aired at public meetings before the board takes any final action Under the proposed changes with Acton Milton would give up a slip of land the southern boundary of which is about two miles south of 15 Sideroad from High way in the east lo near the Line in the west Today two buses work road which runs off One bus which goes to Milton picks up one student The second bus takes about six stud to Anyone registered In the area for Milton may still go there but parents ore res for trans portatlon to a pick up point Georgetown High School stands o pick up some students from Ihe Terra Co I la area who would go to Aclon The opening of the Milton high school will also mean some changes Halton Progressive Conservative candidate Otto Jelinek spoke out against Bill C gun control at a meeting of the Guclph Rod and Gun Club in Eden Mills day evening I oppose it said Jel inek as he talked with some 100 interested list I speak from my he said not as a politician Jelinek spoke of Ihe civil righls and freedoms of Canadians and their righls o own guns Bill C going to keep the gun away from he criminal seated People are inn until proven guilty but under the gun owner is guilty and must prove himself innocent spoke against Orders of Council which had brought Dill C Parliament Under such an order the govern has power lo act on a bill without going to parliament first re turns lo Parliament for radificotion There were of these orders passed since 1974 stated and Bill is just one of group of many Ihni have infringed on people s rights Freedom built this counlry lu whal is to day said Jelinek We cannot afford to have Trudcau He showed the ators a news clipping and informed them thai this was not jusl his own feel thai of party leader Joe Clark Turning politics inek added that had lost control of ional unity He has the federal government against Provincial EXTRA SAVINGS at The Fabric Shoppe 75 Mill St Acton FABRIC PA TTERNSAND CERTAIN TRIMS ARE NOW S TAX EXEMP SEERSUCKER 20 against east and rich against poor staled he foci hat whether or not he were elected in the May election he would always feel the same way the gun control taws I believe in rights and freedoms and a strong and united Canada said Jelinek I for one will fight for our country the best way 1 ended his by saying the best way to rid Bill was elect a Progress Conservotive govern ment Mr Jelinek answered a few questions on iss of he election before leaving for another appointment Bill Jones of Firearms Assoc spoke next claim Bill C was bad law He explained how was necessary for police to enforce the law even If didn agree with it causing people to loose respect for their law enforcement agents Jones slated that the loss of respect would res ult in a which would be increased with each passing law on gun control until there was a total lawlessness resulting in anarchy Jones asked how many people present owned hand loaders Under Bill C all hand loaders are criminals said Jones Hand loading is a social Ihreal He used this as an example of how law is Jones feels if every thing remains the same in the government Ihe final outcome would be anarchy The gun con issue is the second largest campaign issue in this campaign slated How many other issues involve the lives of everyone in Canada asked Jones Twenty per of vote are gun owners or close relatives God help you if you walk away from what you ire fighting for snld Jones He Tell that if the gun owners pressured individual candidates on the gun issue they would get I heir answers Mr Jones also an related questions following his dlscuiiinn The suspect is driving a while colored Gremlin There was a man and a woman in the car The man who fired he rifle is six feet two inches tail and about pounds He has brown neck length hair He may also sport a moustache A ten speed man bike was reported from Ihc high school Monday On ihe weekend van dais snipped he ignition wires of ear which was parked on Sometime between middle of the month until Sunday thieves broke inlonKinghamRd home stole three silver and three half dollar Regional Police are continuing an in into in alleged assault winch look place in front of the Dominion Hotel Police stale the resulted Frontier Florist Garden Centre 8222361 Floral Designs Weddings Funeral Tropical Plants Now Available PEAT MOSS SEEDS FERTILIZERS ETC PERENNIALS Usually available SWEETHEART ROSES twm ACTON iff RESTAURANT and Tavem Introduces the LUNCH SPECIAL INCLUDES MAIN COURSE SOUP OR JUICE AND BEVERAGE Monday to Friday 1 30 to 2 30 Drop In Say Hello And Have A Quiet Dnnk In A Warm Atmosphere WE TRULY BELIEVE WE SERVtCETHE BEST STEAKS AND FISH CHIPS Main St S 8532990 ANY ITEM am COMMUNITY CALENDAR TAKENOTEOFTHISI Fund Raising by Comr tor Boiler ITolnphona Soivico May 11 Li Bat Door Music Tocher and In Tickou ova in Erin Coop Simpson in Sauls Variety Store Ball General CBS executive The Acton Bond conjunction will Choral to pro on Saturday May 15 m at Smth Middle School welcome YARD SALE MAY 14pm 14 Campbell Court Acton Baking Cralta Thorn Phi Back to planning mooting Wednesday May Station Hots dining room 30 m Any Ideas for Jury weekend All welcome 111 arose in tin hotel Various pieees Miehelle equipment from 107 the lot million with of I and I lord stolen last week due of l et the equipment was placed at Police art in vestifiidnf the St whlili rth radio liquor One of tings is wedding ruif Injuries suffered in crash Hit IhlIls tr isht minim il jurn it Mim Mutt mil Mill point dm i II i Mi No and Ii suffered THE ACTON FREE PRESS Authorized Second Class Malt Registrar on Number 0515 SANDALS in MEAT OPENING SPECIALS Free Carnation for the Ladies Loin Cerwo Cut A PORK CHOPS 1 00 Loin of Pork lb RIB or TENDERLOIN END ROAST FREEZER SPECIAL GROUND BEEF 1795 Canada Packers Lnf BACON For The B RIB STEAKS 229 FROM THE DELI POLISH SAUSAGE Sliced To Your COOKED HAM FRESH PRODUCE BROUGHT IN DAILY Ontario No Idaho Styl POTATOES 10 lb TRY US FOR YOUR NEXT FREEZER ORDER FULLY GUARANTEED A 1 SIDES HINDS PORK 77 Mill St East Acton 853