Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 25, 1979, p. 4

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The Acton Wednesday April 25 1979 PubfthodfivmvWBdnesday by Inland Pubtahing Co Slrool Suhtctipiions Slngla copies each 00 per Canada In all count than Canada Tha Acton Froo of the Inland Co led group of ban nowo- Include The The The Pott Geonjatcwn Independent Mark ham nhll nd Sun The Mihon Canadian Champion The Mlubaauga The diet Aurora Era This Week This Weekend and The Stouffv lie Tr bono FoundsdlnlBTB Don McDonald Publisher Advertising on the that in the ovum of topograph col thai portion of ihe advert occupied by the Item with tone tils for algnature noi be charged for but the balance of the advertisement will be paid for at the cable rate In the event of a typographical error adverts goods or service a wrong goods or services may Advertising s merely an offer sell me Commun Nawspapo Second class ma I Registration Number EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Editor Hartley Coles New Editor Helen Murray Eric Efctono S porta Editor Robin Inscoe ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT Advertising Manager I Cook Classified Advertising BUSINESSACCOUNTING OFFICE Office Manager Rhone Thomh Carolyn An em CIRCULATION PHONE Business and Editorial Office Stimulating morning Proof Halton is considered a key riding in the current federal election was given by the pearance of finance minister Jean Chretien here last week and suggestions there may be more Government heavies through Halton including the prime minister before the campaign is over Mr Chretien a down to earth speaker had senior high school students as an audience here last Thursday morning with in terested adults and teachers as well His pitch was mainly directed towards the necessity for a unified Canada and the benefits of rather than a straight political message At the urging of French teachers at the school he also gave part of his address in French but provided a translation for those the audience whose French was rusty or nonexistent Mr Chretien also defended his and the government s economic policies the half hour address and in a question period af terwards It was a stimulating morning and the interest the majonty of the students showed in his address and opinions augurs well for the future of Canada We congratulate the teachers and all others responsible for arranging Mr Chretien appearance It is one of the happy ad vantages of this country that even a small town like Acton can be a forum for members of the cabinet to defend their record and paint a picture of the Canada they en vision If there were any weaknesses in the program it would perhaps be in the amount of time allowed for questions and answers However considering the pressure of an election and the time available for each stop perhaps Mr Chretien and his organizers were being generous Now it is up to the high school to ask representatives of the other parties to speak to students so they can have a well rounded view of the issues in this election although indeed it will be difficult to get anyone more colorful than Mr Chretien Full grant needed It hard to disagree with Councillor Ed Wood when he said he was ashamed to sit on Halton Hills council and listen to them trying to make it hard for the Acton Community Services Centre to do a job for the com He pointed out that if Acton had full time health care and other benefits it would cost a lot more money Cause of Mr Woods con sternation of course was council decision to cut the requested 980 grant to just over which is less than anticipated Despite pleas from former councillor Peter Marks who told councillors the cut could have serious repercussions on the centre council stuck by its decision recognizing at the same time that the centre was doing a good job providing services for residents of Acton Councillor Harry Levy noted there were requests for grants totalling 31000 of which only 12 have been approved with seven of them receiving cuts Council can manufacture money and grants only go so far over 30 groups However if you were one of the almost people who took ad vantage of the services the community services centre of fered during the last year then perhaps you can appreciate the usefulness of programs of legal aid health unit Meals on Wheels etc If you had no reason to use its services perhaps you are not disturbed by threatened cutbacks in the program At the same time it isn hard to see the centre is actually saving the region and town money by operating as a clearing house for agencies If full services were offered in Acton then it would cost a heek of a lot more both for town and region Councillor Mike Arm strong admitted this when he told Mr Marks he would support an additional request for a grant at that level of government It is obvious council should rethink their priorities on grants if it means cutbacks on Meals on Wheels for instance which delivered over meals to elderly people through the Acton centre As Mr Marks says these meals help senior citizens keep their independence by staying at home and out of senior residen again saving taxpayers money We heartily agree Tills n by Stephen a I rail Mai on on Apr I r agree Mr Lewis a menu and are proud The PUBLISHER One of Ihe most extraordinary news si odes about a Canadian politician which I have read a very fong time appeared in today Globe Mail Tile headline lella only small part of it Drea Bottling Alcohol Ism Will Quit If Davis Asks Him To Frank essential character after a volcanic career as journalist champion of the underdog sometime Trade Union PR man general roustabout and back bench Tory MPP is now Ontario Minister of Consumer and Commercial Relations He been in the Legislature almost eight years always combative tern unpredictable but with a kind of straight from the shoulder no nonsense candor that can leave Ihe Opposition and on occasion his Govern merit colleagues gasping He is deceptively bright tough and open A nice nose for coverage too always walking that fine line between things which sound innovative and things which arc patently outrageous A hard hat wearing a Will Rogers jacket He also has a drinking problem A serious one It been known around Queen Park for years sometimes darkly hinted at sometimes referred to But earlier this week for a couple of days he apparently fell off the wagon with a reverberating thud He attended a meeting of Condominium Representatives drunk he cancelled a dinner at last minute in the Premier a own riding because he was intoxicated and he failed to appear before a Legislative Committee for the same reason Well clearly armed with this heady whiff of scandal two Globe and Mail reporters confronted Frank Drea he handled It in a fashion so uncharacteristic for many politician that you just hove to have a sneaking or explicit admiration No cover up no excuses no guile no inaccessibility just straight con politics In fact used language to recount and recant his behavior which leaps from the page in Its honesty If you want it straight about I got skunked He knows what he did to the groups Involved He admits to letting down the Premier and he says he will offer Mr Davis his resignation If the Premier wants it Well Bill Davis won t want It He 11 be enormously concerned he had every right to be You can count that kind of thing from Cabinet Minister for very long but Frank Is fighting a courageous with alcoholism He is deeply In volved with Alcoholics Anonymous and It is one of the most wrenching and painful of personal struggles I have never understood Frank Drea very well but he Is a talented and able politician He deserves lime and sup port and he II get it Chamber of Commerce president Jake Kulken presents Rev Andrew McKenzie with leather plaque Mac Sprows address salutes Rev Andy Tonight we are gathered here to honour 1979 Citizen of Year the Reverend Andrew Hugh A B Mr Is the Citizen of Year since the initiation of Hit Citizen of the Year which started back in The Chamber of Commerce selection this year of Mr McKenzic is the first for a man of the cloth in Acton Andrew McKenzic was born and raised on a farm in Huron County in this- province the son of William and Margaret Ho grew up in a arm home with five brothers and two sisters He attended a rural public school School Section Number 14 Stanley Township Huron County After public school he attended High School three years In Hcnsall and two in Clinton From 1S36 to 1939 he attended Toronto Bible College It should be noted that from to 1941 a Miss Isabel Robinson also at tended Toronto Bible College She was later to marry Andrew October 1942 After Andrew attended Toronto Bible College he went to he University of Toronto for two years where he ob tained his Bachelor of Arts In the summer of 1940 Andy was sent to Estevnn Saskatchewan his first mission field as a student was an area that for the previous years had been hit by drought was hen he conducted a funeral of o Scandinavian lady one of the first of several dreds over the years It was the poorest funeral equipment he had ever seen was carried in the bock of an open truck and after he conducted the graveside service he was shocked to see men fill the grave with earth while the people stood around The next two years were spent at the University of Alberta in Edmonton While In the West he had a four point charge at Vermilion Alberta In he had the pulpit of St Andrews in the summer and looked after Vegreville for six months in the winter He had one year at Westmount Church While one of these charges he assisted in the painting of the church and can tell a story about a problem of the color of the paint In he entered the Presbyterian College in Montreal where he graduated with a gold medal He received his Bachelor of Divinity here Andy next did post graduate studies at Yale In the summer of he studied at Mount Allison University at Sack villc New Brunswick Theone year and three months In New Brunswick was his ordained missionary year in which he had a three point charge Dorchester and Port Elgin Mr and Mrs lived in Port Elgin where the population at that time was half French and half English In Andrew received a call to St Andrew Church Islington where he served for nine years until 1956 It should be noted this was his third charge called St Andrew pretty similar to his own name While at Islington a new Church was built and the Congregation in gave him a new cor for his hard work In leading the building of the new Church In 1956 he received a call from Knox Presbyterian Church Acton and in September he was Inducted Minister During the years In Acton he officiated 335 weddings funerals of which were members of Knox were not He did baptisms children and adults and member of his congregation can testify that he could hold a baby better than most MacSprowi Halton sheriff and Elder at Knox Church and longtime friend and helper to Rev Andrew McKenzie wrote and gave the address to Acton s Citizen of the Year at the dinner and dance honoring Mr McKenzie Friday night Mr Sprowl s address is published here in its entirety I maybe the father of seven children had something to do with it During the 2214 years in Acton he received new members into Knox Church In his farewell sermon on January of this year was his of which 333 had been preached at Knox Many here tonight have heard dreds of his sermons While Andrew was preacher teacher and counsellor and the many things a minister is milestones of the years included putting a new roof on the Church drawing the church together by steel tierods renovation of basement naming the large auditorium after the Reverend A Stewart a beautiful new kitchen renovating the choir room and building of the new addition in which included Christian education rooms board room the new minister vestry When Andy was inducted in as the Minister of Knox the church stood in membership of 1000 Presbyterian congregations in Canada With declining memberships not only in the Presbyterian but other when he received his call to SI Andrew Perth Knox stood 48th in membership one of the congregations In Canada In between weddings funerals baptisms church services and all other duties expected from a minister Andy was a member of the Rotary Club of Acton for 22 years serving president in 19601961 Also he served as Club director program and membership chairman and was publicity chairman of the arthritis campaign carried on by the Rotary Club since in which campaigns gone from WOO a year to last years He has also been a director of the Chamber of Commerce and President from 1964 He has held all offices in the Acton Clergy Association Janet Fleming secretory of the C of who has curled years was a member of the Acton Curling Club and eight of his first 12 years he was on the Board of directors and president in 19691B70 the year the new rink was built In regards to curling Andrew name appears on many trophies as skip on winning teams over the years Once at Acton his team got an ender He skipped a rink to the Ontario Cham and in Winnipeg last year skipped a team to the Canadian clergy championship Andy is definitely a competitive curler Since his arrival in Acton he has been the padre of the Royal Canadian Legion Another game he loves besides curling if golf He was often known the Puttin Padre I am not sure whether this means what is often said in golf driving for show and for dough Since coming to Acton Andy has won the Aclon Open four times and been runner up four times In politics Andy is a Conservative and was once the President of the West Progressive Conservative Association but he Is broad minded because in the summer he often goes from his cottage on the French River to play golf with the Honourable James Jerome a Liberol and Speaker of the House of Commons until dissolution In addition to curling and golf Andy likes lo hunt in the north each fall usually comes home without a moose Andrew has been a member of Walker Masonic Lodge ond on the Board of the Georgetown District Hospital And now a word about Isabel who graduated from The Toronto College Graduated m English Literature two years ago with an Honours A from the University of Isabel McKenzie over years has been a member of the choir at Knox member of the Daughters of Knox member of the Knox Alert Group She also assisted In the Bertha Buchanan Group the W M S Afternoon Auxiliary She also assisted Bible Study in the Yoga class Isabel McKenzie is truly indeed a fine minister wife mother and lady of he Manse And now a word about Andy and Isabel family Joanne Anderson is a secretary to a police inspector in she lives in and has a 12 yearold daugher Alan recently graduated with Ins Honors Philosophy and is a well site geologist Alberta working for a Calgary company Marsha Rough is a teacher at the University of Alberta and lives Bonnie is a bonk teller In Inns vale Alberta Glen works in the Canadian National Express in Brampton Carol lives in Kingston Bill who is in grade 10 lives with Clark and Betty Armstrong In Acton completing his year at high school In conclusion on behalf of all the citizens of the Town of Acton a sincere thank you Andrew for the service you gave Acton and Ihe surrounding community which lasted nearly a quarter of a century Two weeks ago the Acton Free Press echoed The Chamber selection suggested per haps we should not only endow htm with the Citizen or he year mantle but present him with a key to the Town in the hope he would visit us and remember us in his prayers Ladies and Gentlemen we salute Andy as he known Back issues 10 years ago Taken from the Issue of the Free of Thursday April 1MB The critical shortage of rental housing may be partly solved this spring when three apartment building complex on Churchill Road South Is opened A communion chalice and Bible markers were dedicated In memory of Rev Ken Griffiths at Ebenezer church What s going to happen to the old post office and the big clock tower which has been keeping time for half a century One of the owners Ben Rachlin says the building has been sold lo a Toronto businessman He and coowner George Robertson repaired the clock this week to leave it In A 1 condition All round athlete Bob Andrews was top point taker In the high school field day Others with high points were Bill Rick Newman and Ray Mainprize Jim Sloven Jim Lee Mike Cooper Dole Fisher Pete Morris George McPhall Lynn Dunn Marg Van Arragon Cathy Smith Donna Moore Judic Evelyn Van Der Brink Irene Sevcrinskl Bev Brunelle A Quaker with a genuine concern for people Richard of Rockwood would have been this Thursday He died almost five years ago but the people of Rockwood still speak of him reverently 20 years ago Taken the issue of Ihe Free Press April Lux Ion Memorial Hall was officially dedicated by the Right Reverend G N Luxton Lord Bishop of Huron The Bishops brother the late Rev Luxton was instrumental in storting the building of the hall nine years ago Mr Luxton was rector here from 1948 until his death In 1S52 The church was filled to overflowing with parishioners many of whom had worked long hours on the hall The rector the Rev Stokreef expressed I hanks to them oil Taking part with the clergy were Sam Snow the chairman of he building committee the two wardens Duby and William Banalt and two former rectors Rev Philip Sawyer Rev Ralph Price Acton Public Utilities commission engaged Frlzzell of Beam lie as linesman Mrs was again elected chairman of Acton Night school committee with Don Bexton vicechairman secretary Mrs Toth treasurer Miss F Wilkin applications secretary Mrs J Creighton Frances and Russell were married April Frank Schneider and Richard Harris have cleaned up the Rockwood cenotaph site for the season 50 years ago Taken from the of Free Press or Thursday April 19Z9 Since taking over the Friends cemetery village trustees have been making improvements Membership cards in the Acton Athletic Club may now be had and a goal of members is aimed at The object is to create recreation of all kinds for old and young Theold house at the south west corner or Acton crossroad and the Seventh Line was destroyed by fire Theold building had been vacant for years It must have been erected about 100 years ago It was for many years one of the taverns doing business on the Seventh Line from to Incendiarism or Ihe carelessness of tramps is suspected Maple Leaf Economy store M prop silk stockings 25 cents ladies silk bloomers 69 cents ladles broad cloth long sleeved dresses reg 79 men overalls double seat and knees 1 men shop caps 10 cents men shirts and drawers cents men linen collars 25 cents It will indeed be a source of general satisfaction If the plan of perpetual care could be adopted for cemetery The cor styles ore now changing almost as rapidly as the fcmlnhcadgcar 100 years ago Taken from the Issue of the Free of Thursday On Tuesday lost Constable Forbes arrested Jas McConnell on the charge of stealing money from the collection plate of the CM church in this village He pleaded guilty to the charge and was sent to Milton gaol for days at hard labor The amount stolen was only a trifle but we hope it will be a warning to himself as well as to others We ore sorry to learn that a number of young men and boys have again com menced the practice of boot riding on Sundays on s Pond Last Sunday this was noticed particularly and many of our God fearing citizens are disgusted Large numbers of female tramps have been in Acton this week Here it is the first of May and no one has yet themselve In gelling up a celebration

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