Bilingualism important Chretien tells students Home buyers sellers learn legal details Acton Frae Press Wednesday April 25 1979 The importance of bilingual ism was em at the high school Thursday when Honorable Jean Chretien federal Mm Isler of Finance visited Mr Chretien spoke to the cafeteria full of stud ents in both English and I on the request of teacher Keith Black The Minister joked his Eng lish was as poor as the students French Mr Chretien told the audience some years ago he could only speak French but was mot ivated to learn a second language when he mar ried a bilingual woman In order lo stay at least equal with her the politician said he learned English It was when she decided to learn Spanish also he laughed I hat lie decided he win at home and became a poll can Being a bilingual try Mr Chretien said makes it unique in that the country has two se parate cultures which have been able to get along peacefully for so many years To speak the French language should not be dividing us but uniting us he said cm While travelling inter nationally Mr Chretien said he meets leaders of countries who are en vious of Canada While dealing with the Minister of Trade of Algeria the cabinet minister said he was told Algeria wanted learn about North Am technology but being a French nation needed their own lang The country ruled out the United States to do business with and turned towards Canada where they could learn proper technology and still deal in French To have access to another language is ways an asset Mr Chretien said The problem of unity has always been around the speak pointed out Mr Chretien blames tin OPEC nations for the economic troubles of not only Canada but many tries around the world Since there been a revolution in the billions of dollars also Miss Upton persisted in her questioning and asked him about op position leader Joe Clark plan to deduct When house buying it just listing a property helpful lo write in the They also are able lo contract exactly what arrange financing for the you a Hal ton Hills buyer However the Community Legal Clinic seller should keep in learned last week mind that whatever the The Wednesday price about six per cent evening seminar on will be handed to Ihe Buying and Selling A agent as his fee said the Home is one of a series lawyer offered free by the clinic Most agents employ an Georgetown lawyer exclusive multiple listing William Kort outlined service that is the home what home buyers and is advertised within the sellers may wish to take company lhat means a account when en wider market hinting bat there is more their oil Instead the fed money around now than government has before stepped in and said There is a El billion and Quebec bailed tourist deficit Mr them out when they were Chretien said In some poor provinces now Alb- areas in Florida there in its wcallh must arc so many do same thing The stores sport signs saying some holds true with the We speak English Mr Chretien is a country of said Central Canada freedom the Minister of helped them financially finance stressed There when they needed now are no restrictions he it is their lurn to turn the noted Anyone can go tables anywhere or any thing not be stopped Hit Opposition Mr Chretien said wants A strong federal the provinces to have government is needed to mure power which he maintain a strong claims would destroy the try Mr Chretien says If strong federal ties which for a strong federal keep system going government he said Sure we have had pro- Alberta would able to blcms over past five overcharge easterners years Mr Chretien ad outrageous prices for nutted we are go to from their income tax Mr Chretlan accused Mr Clark of trying raise the national deficit To Implement the plan as Mr Clark outlines it would be bringing in less money to Ottawa he noted Miss Upton wondered why the government could not just lower the interest rales on gages surmising this move would be a shot in the arm of construction esses Mr Chretien explained Canada for economic purposes must stay one percentage ahead of the United States in order to attract the foreign dollar He pointed out in the past seven weeks the Can ad Ian dollar has risen from ceil Is United States to per cent People are buying the Canadian dollar now he said Canada must seek al to oil as an energy source Mr Chretien said while wering a question by teacher Ken Ellis The government he said is concerned about the safety of nuclear power He docs not believe solar energy is Ihe answer in Canada because of the many winter months and lack of sun Canada Is sud denly becoming very im porta to the country Mr Chretien old the dents In while on a Chretien admitted he visit to Iran the minister could not tell her the said he was convinced of exact figure us there firm s importance were two ways of and c Wider ana only Six possibly an early sale Obituary Norman Cornwell After a lengthy illness Norman Cornwell a founding member of the Halton Off Road Riders Association and consult ant and service manager for Maico Canada died attended seminar In Acton If someone decides to a sign on the lawn he sell it sup to the buyer to said A person with much write Into the contract lime may a private what he wants Mr Kort sale Indicated Lawyers fees In One couple wanted to connection with property learn Ihe insand outs of sales are negotiable Mr m beating capital gains lax Kort said Sellers often firms including Con with home It is call lawyers to price a linental Cfln possible for each of a transaction Energy of Canada and couple lo have a principle Condominiums are still union Carbide before S they the field to Each home though apartments which the motorcycle must be in a different people own rather than mechanic He owned his name rent Usually one owns Toronto Mr Kort advised what is inside while the moving George- sellers to have their outside of the building town about five years property appraised This owned in common Mr is one useful way of Kort informed the determining the price audience there may be one may reasonably ask high increases in com An appraisal usually expenses for con- costs between and dominiums which may but it could mean the make the difference in difference of In the the budget The lower price said the lawyer purchase price is attraction The next legal clinic Advertising for private at w sales is usually limited to Hills librarian Betsy he grew up Deep River and grad uated from Queen Unl with a B Sc in mechanical engineering He worked for a number He helped coach his son Jonathan in his motor cycle racing career HOLLAND SHOP ACTONS FIRST Delicatessen SPECIALIZING IN STORE SLICED COLD CUTS A LOW PRICES I HAVING A PARTY COLD CUTS AND MEAT TRA I We carry a wide variety of I cheeses from Europe such as from Holland plus all kinds of home made cookies fresh daily plus breads Gifts WEHAVEA BEAUTIFUL SELECTION OF GIFT IDEA S INCL UDING 71 Mill St E Acton 85341950 HALTON HILLS Ing to have them for the next five years There are always problems in every country he stated On a recent visit to world bank Mr Chretien said he wis complaining to Ministers of Finance in other countries about his problems He was laughed at he said Others wished they had as few problems as he Cathy Upton high school student asked Mr Chretien what the national debt was After hedging HILLS uring it out He guessed It would be around lion The Interest he said would probably be Frank Philbrook proud to be Liberal The next Liberal Fed era government must the oil producing a strong mandate to of the world country alive raised the price of oil cording to greatly quadrupling Member of Parliament prices in some places nk Being an industrial country Canada was speaking to a group of greatly affected by this high school move and was forced to dents Thursday morning absorb this problem special visit Mr Chretien federal finance said is the only country minister Jean Cretien to keep its people work M during these crisis national government was years Infect he said needed to meet the more Can were working this year than last We have managed not to go into a recession such as the United Slates did for months In the past ten years Mr Chretien claimed Can has managed to create million Jobs There are however many more people on the work force now than then be admitted In addition to ab sorbing students coming into the work force the i has also ab sorbed the great influx of women out working now Statlslics show per cent or adult women are working now as com pared to per cent ten years ago The effects of Ihe post w ir boom are also just levtlhng off he claimed which will also help future work forces Canada has always been a country to allow immigrants in to make their home here These people too must have employment In some countries such as Germ any immigrants are wel come as long as the economy secure How ever if there is a job shortage Mr Chretien said they send their migrants back home Mr Chretien asked the audience to compare life styles now with years ago People have more he said Then is a new phenomena to travel to Florida but at the same lime rent has to be paid as well as other bills and to bring equity back home There fire five main is sues in he present fed he told or announcement about job situation at an All meeting In Sheridan College Oak He said students the first being school and college national unity Economic students are very con development and im about this matter proving security and Some people Phil quality of Canadian life brook said feel there is were also the issues as no difference in the two well as the national de- major parties in govern ficit and ihe guar men today He says of energy sup- there Is and there are plies reasonsforit Philbrook hinted he lo be a Liberal he em make a phasized when leaders of the coun try told him they do not sell oil to Canada but to Shell Gulf Exxon etc who in sell it to Can We must get back to the country to country dealings he said and eliminate national companies Mr also had a few kind words for Hal ton Member of Pari lament Frank Philbrook Liberal who introduced him The cabinet min told the audience they had a fine re presentative in Ottawa through Mr and urged them to vote for him May TOWN OF HALTON HILLS RECREATION PARKS PRESENTS COACHING CLINICS 1 CoachLevel Soccsr April 28 29 1979 5pm Holy Cross School Georgetown 10 CoachLevel 1 Softball 9a 5pm Holy Cross School Georgetown 15 person Coach Level Theory all Sports Sunday April 29 May May hours total Acton Library Acton S10 These clinics are jo ntly sponsored by Recreation Department Softball Ontario The Ontario Soccer Association and the Ministry National Coaching Development Program Register at either Recreation Office Gar don A Icott Arena or the Town Office Mill Street Acton between 8 30 a m or call 8531540 8775185 60 ooooooooooooooooooo jlfltil o Upholstery Fabric Sale Do it yourselforwell do it 2P6FF All Fabrics Supplies hundreds of new rolls in stock Plus everything in supplies for the doityourselfer THE FABRIC BIN Ave Milton 8789094 -P- 8 2 o MONDAY TUESDAY Taking Booking Now For DISCO LESSONS Club Available for PARTY BOOKINGS i o o o 72 MILL STREET GEORGETOWN ample parking antranca at rat ProporAn o o OOOQOOCTOOOOOOOOOOOO announces PUBLIC TENNIS The Town of Halton Hills will be operating the two court locations at Joseph Gibbons and Emmerson Parks Most of playing time at these two locations is now public with no fee requited except for Ladles Mornings see other ad on this page for information The courts open for play from 7 a p m daily The lights will be operating by May 1st Your co operation in assisting with the care and upkeep of your courts Is requested by observing the following All players must wear a soft solod shoe tennisrunning shoe preferred There a hour playing limit and players shall vacate the courts on the hour and half hour 3 The courts shall be used for tennis only When players are waiting the courts shall be used for doubles play In addition to those courts the Town of Hills has two more court locations Gordon Alcott Tennis Club beside Alcott Arena and Acton Tennis Club beside Acton Arena and of the playing time at these courts is devoted to public play Those wishing more Hon concerning these Club activities and mombersh arc asked to contact Mrs Joan Morris 853 Acton Tennis Club or Mrs Carole MacLeod 877 Gordon Alcott Tenn Club Town of Hotton Hills 1979 Public Tennis Hours 700nm AM AM Ad Adl AM All GAM GA4 GAM JG2 EP12 121 EPI2I JGI2 AMI AC aid Alt GAI4 JGI2 EPI2I EPI2 noon AMI Ad AM AM Ad JGI2 EPI2 EPI2 EP2 GAIZ Gt GAII GAI2 AM Ad Ad AM Alt GAM JG12 EPI2 EPI2I EPI2 EPI2 All Ad AM Ad AM 11 JG12I JGI2I EPI2I EPI2I EPI2 EP12 GAM GAI1I GAM Emmoreon Park GA Of don A Acton I Number of court TOWN OF HALTON HILLS RECREATION DEPARTMENT LADIES TENNIS MORNINGS Every Monday to Friday 912 noon Starting the week of May 14 one hour session week Joseph Gibbons courts Park courts REGISTRATION Saturday May Gordon Alcott Arena p m for the summer l hour sessionweek Sign up yourself with a partner in4sor8s PLUS The Recreation Department will be offering PUBLIC TENNIS LESSONS interested persons are asked to call and leave their with the Recreation Department