FEATURE HOME OF THE WEEK Custom Built Ranch Bungalow Area Only 83 900 Beautiful home on acre overlooking rolling countryside Convenrent circular drive car garage walk out from master bedroom and dining room to cedar decks bright country size kitchen full unspoiled kitchen and more Call Clarke 877 1 Music Festival time it s a caution Cradling their precious tree Paul and David Ruse of A don plant trees for Canada at Conservation Area Saturday Local Acton Georgetown and cubs and scouts planted a wo trees combining the exercise with an overnight hike despite the cold drizzle Scouts plant Trees for Canada by Mark Howe In spile of an overcast cold Saturday morning car loads of Acton Cubs and Scouts left the Scout Hall for the Conservation on the eighth 1 We joined groups from Georgetown and Glen Williams plant a variety of trees for the annual Trees I- or Canada Campaign Every boy planted an average of 50 trees each and will collect from their sponsors during the next weeks Nine members of the Acton Scout troop put on backpacks to begin their annual St Georges hike Th overnight hike is held in preparation for the district Explorer hike which is held in May The Scouts walked from the planting site to a waterfall on the Black West of lunch made a rope bridge across the raging torrent which I hey crossed with their packs About 3D they resumed their hike along Bruce Trail to the Fourth Line where they spent the night Sunday morning dawned cold but a least the sun was shining After breakfast and a Scouts Own service they continued their hike along the rad trail to the end point at the Blue Springs Scout Reserve on the Sixth line Don McDonald picked the hikers up and re turned them to thi scout hall where they received a hiking crest The weary hikers were Don McDonald Ted Moyse Tim Height Jim McVeigh Tim Kevin Andrew Ferguson and Brian Sleek ley They were com pan icd by Scout John Sharpies and Mark Flections for new pat rul leaders and assistants will take place on Thursdiy All Scouts should attend the meeting Please be sure return Explorer s Hike forms at the meeting My old lady is back in the music festival business after an absence of some years and it just like old times around here hectic We quarrel frequently about great Issues such as who put out the garbage last week or whose turn It is to do the dishes When these tiffs become heated I am requently told in a typical wifely digression when she is logically cornered that I know almost nothing about music It has nothing to do with the argument but 1 hear You even find middle on the piano In tones of contempt I cheerfully admit that fact and the further fact that 1 don I give a diddle which fans the flames This always nan her which is the object But when a music festival looms and looms Is the word I suddenly discover that You have a good ear and a great rhythm and tempo and I realize with an Inward groan hat I rn In for hours of listening to minuets and gavottes and sonatinas and making judgments based on my good car and great sense of etc It all began about years ago Both our kids were taking piano lessons and doing well One evening I was sitting idly read my paper and wagging my foot in time to sonatina my son was preparing for a music festival My fool got going so fast I even read the printed word for the vibration I thought this kid Chopin or That s a mite quick for a grade six piece I made my wife sit down and listen Shi checked the tempo in the book lit was playing about double speed She brought it to the attention of his music teacher who was little shocked and embarrassed to realize thai old tin car was right Happy ending We got the kid slowed to half speed and he won first prize That was the end of any peicc for me around festival time Ever since 1 hud to 1 stcn to dozens of kids play all their fes tival pieces and come up with some enlightening comment about things of which I have absolutely no knowledge like pace lone rhythm tempo forte crescendo and the like I don even know what the words mean In self defence vc concocted a number of comment about as useful as the things teachers write on report cards Things like perhaps he second movement is a bit subdued or Yes that holding together nicely or don I you think he andante allegro is a bit turgid When you don know an andante from an allegro If one were crawl out of your soup it seems to do the trick That worked pretty well when the old girl had twenty odd students And was churning out prizewinners by he dozen at every festival She thai I was listening and would go right ahead and have the kid play the piece way she knew It should be played But his time around she docsn have the same old confidence because she been away from it so long She makes me actually listen Instead of Just appearing to When I question the speed of a piece she plays it at four different speeds and forces me to make a Judgment They all sound he same me Should 1 suggest that the minuet seems a trifle fast she makes me get up In hi living room pretend I am a French gallant in tight pants Ihe court of Louis Fourteenth and a minuet Its hard to get Into the mood when I m in my bedroom slippers painting pants and old sport shirt Have you ever tried prancing around to strains of a on a Saturday morning when you know your neighbours can sec in the windows and are wondering what on earth Smiley got Into at this hour of day Bum bum bum your way through a sonatina at the same time trying clap your hands to establish the time and read the headlines about the coming election s nervewracking deteriorated too as il always has at festival time Instead of going to sparkling parties where all the guests are full of repartee among other things we sit In the living room with her pounding the piano and me waving my Toot It snot enough to keep mind alive Oh we do take a sashay into high life occasionally On Easter weekend we really lived It up We went to see Great- Grandad who is recovering from an operation and came home he next day to help Kim who arrived with Batman and Robin as they call themselves figure out her income ax Naturally she dldn have half he information And three asserted that he was no longer Robin but he Incredible Hulk whatever that is But The Festival is right up there like a bill board with all its ting anxiety lousy adjudicator if you lose teachers on the verge of a coronary and mothers tearing hair in clumps year I hope old lady takes up karate or skydiving or something sane and sensible and safe Music festivals are murder BLOOD BANK The blood you give Canadian Red Cross blood donor clinics means that Red Cross Blood Transfusion vice can supply blood components to By separating whole blood into its hospitals can give the only the part of blood they need