St Josephs plants maple reunite of the I School Kindergarten showed her rents how welt she could do he opposite her school open house Thursday evening by Susan This coming Sunday the grade Twos will be having first communion at St Joseph Church The ceremony begins at 2 clock When the portable was put in we all felt bad that we had to cut down a young Maple tree So we relieved our conscience by planting another young maple This one will be cared for really well so it can grow old and tall The Kindergarten class has been studying turtles and insects for spring The class has set up two greenhouses one with paper flowers trees made by the students and another with carrot and bean seeds to moke a eta garden Seeds that were planted a few weeks ago by the students of the Grade One and Two class full of foliage The grade Twos are preparing for their first communion on Sunday May The stud have made colorful stuffed paper tissue birds SI Joseph School tree team included Dave with the shovel ind Roach holding some turf Steven or kins on watering detail Paul I with Hose supporting the pupils the ceremony iSpeyside by Tim Pollen and Teggart Last Wcdnebdiy open house at the was successful Over too parents showed up to watch their children Involved in school activities such as math language and social science There were alio extra activities going on in the gym in eluding disco dancing gymnastics handball and Some of the grade five and six students presented a play in the library entitled of the Blue ended last week with the Bruins capturing champion ship by eliminating the three straight GEORGETOWN SECRETARIAL SERVICE SPECIALIZING IN COMPLETE a CONFIDENTIAL EXECUTIVE SECRETARIAL SERVICE Centralizing Your Off ice Administration Mooting Telephone Liaison Other Administrative Duties EXCELLENT TYPING SERVICES PROFESSIONALS IN PHOTOCOPYING SERVICE FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL MRS TANAS 8771485 GEORGETOWN MICROWAVE FRIDAY MAY AT GOODLETS gF hrtxoiiiJb GOODLETS 86 Main St S Georgetown 8772551 in their Studies class The Grade Threes of Mrs Graham class are helping the Grade Twos by making scrolls for their first communion on May The Snoopy group gained the most paints or good behavior in Miss Crms Class and won last week In Art Silhouette profiles were made by the fives and sixes of Mr s class In Health a section of smoking is being taken with the damage it can cause to the heart and lungs Track and field is being prepared for in gym classes The unit Astronomy is being ended in science in the grade seven and eight class by Kim Arnold Robert Little school would like to thank all the parents friends that came to open house Mrs class was sad to see Ricky Johnson move to Mrs on class was also sad to see Danny Mcintosh move to Glen Williams Members of the choir are practicing very hard for the Festival Mrs Block class Is learning new songs and games on the farm and farm animals The winners of the science fair are Laura Leslie Brcnda and David Vacek The Ac Free Press Wednesday May2 1979 9 Leukemia Kenny Norton was on hand a school open house Thursday ivi Morse Code Cars in collision A twocar collision on Main Street resulted in in property dim age Saturday afternoon Ifalton Regional estimate damage on the car driven by Sindra of Hamilton loot SI The mishap tool place a few yards north of Elizabeth Damage to the other vehicle driven by Peter Leader is about says police Its Spring PLANTING TIME AGAIN Come Now and Select Your EVERGREENS TREES SHRUBS ROSES SEEDS FERTILIZER PATIO STONES SIDEWALK SLABS VISIT BIRCHWAY FARMS NURSERY GARDEN CENTRE 70AYSAWEEK Phone 8774915 miles north of Georgetown at nun SERVICES Lets Talk Flying Night ON THURSDAY MAY 10 at Come out and learn with no tions whatsoever how to obtain your private pilot licence costs medical etc Question and answer period with free coffee and donuts after Tele phono for Further Informs lion GUELPH AIR SERVICE R 2 Follow the Airport Signs by Monlka George Terry Lynn and Shelley Wong The interhousc teams have chosen their racing for the Grand Prix The first car to reach the finish line will be the winner In order to move car you must gain points by having correct punctuation spelling capitalization etc in your notes bach week iht teachers will check row for these points Our school newspaper staff has collected its for printing and the paper v ill be avail within the next two rhe school track team has been meeting every after school A track meet wis held yesterday at the high school Our own school will be involved in a track meet on Tuesday May 317 to Summerfest Hills Arts Council will again have the assistance of the town work force in their June this year to be held at Aclon high 15 TheHalton finals will lake place on June We are just beginning our new interhouse soft ball schedule Mr Boy colt and Mr Roche have decided to play class against class instead of color house against color house The grade sixes will play other the trade sevens against each other and the grade eights will play each other School have also begun Today extend i leukemia patients tomorrow we may be able to cure them The future depends on research The Canadian Cancer Society is the prime source of funds for cancer research in Canada Support the Society annual cam paign in April It up to you DENNIS K CHONG MD of Oakville Announces a Second Office in MEDICAL HYPNOSIS at E Phong 8440864 of Ray Kennedy Construction READY MIX CONCRETE SAND GRAVEL CRUSHED STONE SATURDAY DELIVERY 17 SIDEROAD ERIN ONT NOB 1T0 FUR STORAGE NOW IS THE TIME for protecting your precious fur m our scientifically- controlled fur vaults Not only does your Fur receive prime beauty treatments but Is also protected against Ire theft and damage Deferred Payment Plans Available Frit Parking On Premises Guelph Fashion Furs Ltd Handcrafted Furriers Sinte If you can provide new jobs for OntaridsYouth Ontario will help pay their salaries If you operate a business or farm and create new jobs between and October 21 you may apply to the Ontario Youth Employment Program for a grant of an hour up to a maximum of 5000 a week towards the wages of each eligible youth you hire for those jobs If yi tempt sonnet tin tion inbuilt jour ipphcuion soon as II cations piixtsstd is in date for should ill fund I Eligible Employers art thcis who hue Hen in or farminj for it ir prior to April 197 J Jt ichOni lot it which lpphcition i n Eligible Employees must it 1st but not years old on April THy must and to in Ontario They must not lit related to the defined in the Ontario Youth Employ mint Act Program Duration Fin effect or 2- weeks from April October 1 An employer is not required to for full period Terms at Employment To he for funding a position treated must he in idditmn to refill ind employment normally provided program period It must provide minimum of hours supervised employment per week font lust six weeks Grants Employers may qualify for or of employment it each eliRihle business Tor if you wished to ike use the m sunt JV you could hire lOyoune people for It wtckscach or for wttksiach or It for lOwctkstach Approved tmplucn will receive SI in hour up to a maximum of S0 a week 40 hours for hired under Province of Ontario H of Employees lure in employee under lie mi you must written from List ye proiim approved new ohs for young people the province It you think you would eligible for fundinp under the program wt invite you to For information on the Ontario Youth Employ merit Program and forms please contact Ministry of Intergovernmental Affairs liranch Queens I ark Toronto M7A 2RH Telephone I free In Metro Toronto In Northern Ontario Are Code call Toronto collect I le ist call between m p m Monday to Friday Note If you participated in previous OYEP program an form and booklet In en mailed