Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 16, 1979, p. 1

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Court date for Juno Doris Jones charged with two counts of first degree murder is sched uled to appear before provincial court at Oak vllle Tuesday The comes at the end of liie 30day remand period she rec for examination at the psychiatric hospital at St Thomas She may return there for further testing Regional Police Sergeant Keith Robertson said he was not sure Tuesday if all the tests were completed Mrs Jones 37 is charged in connection with the deaths her son Brian 10 and Mary Jones her mother in law Two people died early Good Friday morn Ing in the Jones far mho use south of Acton Police efforts to locate the husband David William Junes have so far failed Police say he is not a suspect in the case Mr Jones was at work in dur ing the blaze ELECT OTTO JEUNEK One of these men will represent riding at Ottawa following the May election Left to right are Liberal candidate and Region wont pay water line damage bent trunk illciigrrs Ft open in A Church St family lias been without water for more than five weeks through what they is an injustice on the pari the Region of George and rton must rely on a garden hose slrung from neighbor s outside water tap for any cleaning water Irs Nor ton must be from other neighbors in The problem started about five weeks ago the couple say when he re gion works crews were doing maintenance work on Brock St water mains According to Mrs Norton their tine which runs off the Agnes St line and over private pro to their home on Church St was damaged by the works crew Mrs Norton says the worker at the lime admitted Hay caused the damage In meantime be cause the line was jarred Mrs Norton told the Act on Press more leaks sprung along the line leading over property damage to the prop erty owner garage the groui he- charge lie regi fuses to lake any re sponsibility in thi dim and claim all must incurred by Hills mayor Pclc Iimcrov is tunatedat he treatment the Nurtons hive re ceived from the region lie himself has been busy wet parage trying to build began to sink and the region crumble Because of this them to pay the dam damage the water was if an easement shut iff across the Ml pro Rather than wait for periy can be found on re- region repair the somewhere thi line Mr Norton took two in is limbic for weeks i work and costs If it he said logo ahead and dig unfortunately the r a new line from Church Ions ore respi into his house Because All that was needed the house is many years here was a little bit of old one seems to know public the why this wasn done in part of the region first place Mrs Nor Ion says However now that work is major fumed had to i and way did lie Those guys seem to forget s ly me Far Mr Pomeroy be located but he 1 Mr meroy how ever feels the damage to the pipes laid in lfus is due mainly to Id and not dam the region Never lie says they sliiuld hive to fix replace manager if public works denies the region did any dam claiming work were feet from Ihe lie also denies admitted doing the and says the age pipes is res ponsible Mr Mi however said he is sympathetic with Ihe He ex plained to tl i- Press lie put If out on limb and old Mr Nor it if any proof of an Instead casement or similar between the dinner owners and the former town of Acton cairn to he would do everything be e see that the in is reimbursed One Hundred and Fourth YearNo ACTON ONTARIO WEDNESDAY MAY 16 1979 Once weekly garbage pickup There will be only one garbage pick up per week this summer instead of the previous two if Hal ton Hills council accepts a recommendation of ihe general committee made Monday night The practice has been to have twice weekly pick up from June until October and once weekly through the winter There will be a special pickup once a month in addition to the once a week service In a report from town engineer Bob Austin he pointed out the second day pickup In thesummer usually yields less than half the first day He pointed out some tracks travel to the landfill site half empty so as not to leave a partially loaded truck overnight Austin warned the pre sent landfill site would be closed soon so part loads cannot be economically hauled to Oakvllle He pointed out the special pick up once a month Is to help get rid of the items residents have been tak ing to the dump them selves With the closing of the site this will be impos The remainder of the report on the commercial garbage pick up which could change the pick up points from the back of stores to the front will be discussed a later meet ing Transit study for disabled Barbara Stephens supervisor for Helping Hands urged Halton Hills general committee Monday night to study the possibility of a transit system for the disabled along the lines of Dial A Bus service She said the need is selfevident with appro people In the area who would fall in the category of users She said the provincial government will sub the capital and operating costs to a maximum of per capita or per cent of the deficit whichever is the lesser Mrs Stephens pointed out the community at large may contribute to the municipal portion of the cost and explained many organizations In eluding the Red Cross Cancer Society Halton Health Unit Contact Centre Friends in Deed Acton Community Centre the and the have volun leered to serve council in an advisory capacity She claimed there is a possibility the business community would pick up the municipalities share of the per cent for a one year trial period She emphasized the Intention is to use the provincial subsidy combined with resources within the com unity to try to cut out the need for municipal funding In reply to a question from Councillor Marilyn Scrjeantson Mrs Stephens said the cost of a van with a hoist and space for six wheelchairs is around new John Project Planner for the Ministry of Transportation and Communications said a fare of at least 50 cents would have to be charged and said the service can be operated by concerned citizens profit He pointed out is determined by the municipality He warned the operation is very expensive estimating it at two to three times the cast of conventional transit system Cabinet denies lent two Cents J I 3 corridor review School walked off with top in the Duel of I In teimellljstUilncsli Duet members Murks 1 i re from left to right Heath Norton 1 Michelle Mclean 1 or aeon Earth movers Trees start fire be lor Poorly placed trees caused a power blackout according to Acton Hydro Doug Mason At the Hydro com mission monthly meet ing last Thursday Mr Mason said trees had been planted under hydro wires at the sewage treatment plant When wind blew the branches he said the trees touched the over head wires The friction caused sparks which blew a fuse in the sub station Further along the line a fire started from the blown fuse Churchill was in darkness for some time he said s miin streets ire I beginning During a regional pub lic works eommittee tour Wednesday May public works staff said Acton main thorough fore Highway Mam SI 1 will be torn up as part of joint project with Hills Thieves get stereo Three slercos were sltlcii week during i at Hilton Hills and Appliances on Queen St Police far have no suspects however the in continues Value the sound equip ment Is put at The look phee some 1 ly and before 114 a in One youth is and another si light in eonneetiun with damage telephone box near the Station Hotel early Sunday morning Glass in the ide if the booth was kicked in and the receiver ripped from the will damages Police are also 1 into the Iheft of a I too lawn mower from the fn the Acton Rental store on Mam Street North Tuesday An lfl year old town youth was arrested after a slop sign was damaged the tune of The man was Inter released i promise appear Ontario Premier William Davis filled the cars of the Interested Cilizcns Group ICG with his final words after last Wed meeting Cabinet turned down hid by ihe ICG for a re view of Bradley WOkV corn dors route or even the section that is to run through Halton Hills The ICG wilt pursue tile matter through the with tests of the Ontario Municipal Boards lo hear questions concerning On Hydro Before taking ICC request for in inde pendent study of the pro posed route through Hills to cabinet Premier Dans the ICC that his next words be taken is final Cabinet earlier tins year backed up the decision which set the mile section of the through que sing The ICG wrangled a meeting with Davis in i final bid to secure a review ICG opposition the line started about five years ago top request by the ICG is for i Ontario Hydro study of the north south corridor just like Ihe one earned out on the east west line by Commission Meanwhile Julian Burling Ion has had to be satis ficd with his private members bill proposing control of Ontario Hydro becoming a plank in the provincial I iberal Parly platform Torv opposition blocked first reading of the bill in the legislature bill is entitled An Act respecting the Public lability of Ontario Hydro would have made minister of energy responsible for policy the utility The only element of government exercises over Ontario is rcaelivc control through orders in sind The MPP went say hat when he presented his bill e lo ihe Porter on the long r plans Hydro the principle the bill was accepted The Ontario I Hi of lure endorsed the Burlington bill Local ICG executives as i result of cabinet decision contend the line through Hills is Mm through because it suits plans for the export f electricity the United Stated Old town hall saved from the wreckers hammer Acton historic old Town Hall has been saved from the wrecker hammer Monday evening Halton Hills General Committee recommended the slated for demolition of the historical building go towards its restoration A handful of Acton residents attended the meeting to give their support to George Elliott chairman of the Town Hall Restoration Committee This committee was established by council to Investigate and coordinate fund raising activities for restoration of the hall The report to Hal ton Hills by this committee pointed out the implicit understanding was that council would favor the restoration if it presented no added financial burden to the mun icipallly At Monday meeting Elliott out lined how with the council has already learned they would have to spend for tearing down the structure monies could be raised for the complete re storation Costs of the restoration have been set at If the municipal council backed the project the group would receive so Community Recreation Centre grant and a grant from the Ontario Heritage Foundation Of the remaining 125000 Wintario will pay one third Citizens and local groups would be called upon for 334 with the town paying the remainder The chairman pointed out in a mall In pledge card distributed at Christmas time some 9 was raised In just a few short weeks Other people he said in dicated they would give money if the com mittee got a firm commitment from coun cil Dr ELUottcontendcdtf the building were to be torn down the site would have one large bare wall the fire hail and a post age stamp size parking tot By directing the money into the restoration council would see a return on their money by having a town centre Possible uses of the hall once It was re stored would range from a community re creation centre to office space for services such as legal aid and a dropin centre for senior citizens Elliott told the general committee he had visited a restored town hall in Paisley which was still used for municipal offices The Chamber of Commerce has in dlcated a willingness to manage the fac ulty The hall could be rented out to various organizations In Halton Hills to help offset the maintenance coats Elliott noted and run In much the same manner as the band hall with a hall manager Restoration of the town hall deemed by town engineer Alan Zeegen as a fine example of the type of architecture com in Southern Ontario during the late would provide a suitable place for rehearsals by a Little Theatre Group or a Choral Society Elliott pointed out at present Georgetown has such groups With a place to practise Acton might soon have such organizations Councillor Pat Patterson Elliott that although he would like to help out the committee the rural people cannot afford 40 He suggested council give the building to the committee and save the money Councillor Ed Wood of Acton pointed out to Mr Patterson the town hall would bene fit rural people He emphasized this fact by noting a letter received by council the previous endorsing the restoration from an Acton resident and In the audience was a man from Acton Councillor Roy Booth wanted Elliott to give council a firm commitment from the Chamber of Commerce for main tenance of the building well as to pay for any deficit said not year in advance Another hall in own would be an asset and not considered com petition Councillor Wood assured Mr Miller there are 37 parking spots in the area of the town hall for the firefighters There has always been a parking problem he said but noted it was on the main street not on the side streets Anyone patronizing the town ball would have to learn they could not park right at the door like they try to downtown Acton councillor Ross Knee el was up set about the different treatment Acton was receiving compared with a similar re quest in Georgetown on Saturday We approved something for George town and not one person asked these questions he began I just do not dertand the change In attitude when it is out there It docsn t make sense Mr Kncchtel contended The Ward One councillor told the mem of general committee the parking was irrelevant because the type of parking involved for the town hall would mainly be evening when there Is no pro blem He noted Saturday group did not have 10 000 to show council they could raise money as did the Acton group On Saturday hesaid of a deficit He wondered why they were so hesitant to give the town hall committee the money Mayor Pete stressed the of backing the group so they could get the grant money they were ap plying for Councillor Patterson again said the country people are not going to pay the money to go towards the town hall We suggested giving them the budding Elliott painted out Ward One does not have The Acton Town Hall has been laved Fund raising activities wilt start almost immediate following Hills General Committee decision to give he staled tor its to the restoration a municipally run hall in the town and everything in the ward is run in not receiving town money He noted Acton taxpayers are paying for halls the Chamber money It would have to be he replied His concern Mr Booth said was not so much the capital costs but the on going costs He docs not wont to see rates having to be raised to help pay for the building and have a large delegation go to council irate over the increase Once Or Elliott assured the councillor the groups would set their own rates Mr Booth said he was willing to support the committee Mr Booth admitted however be was very concerned about parking also He did not want to take parking spaces away from the firefighters or downtown merchants Elliott said the post office was less half a block away and had near em parking lot and there was a nearby church parking lot Local historian councillor John Ml Donald told Elliott he liked his ment about the use of he and said he felt the building was a unique piece of architecture Councillor Russ Miller said his main concern also was the parking not so much for anyone but for the firemen Mr Miller said the thought of deficit also him He did not want to see the same people back next year wanting more money Elliott assured him it would not happen We made commitment there would be no financial burden on the community he said Mr MIllerpointcdoutActonhasthebest legion in Southern Ontario He also noted the band hall and other dance halls around town would be affected by one more hall Dr Elliott pointed out for local groups the legion was too big and all other halls In eluding the band hall which he runs with out a deficit he stressed are booked one in Georgetown as well as Stewart town and to a lesser extent Acton deserves a community meeting place as offered in Georgetown and the smaller centres in the town Elliott commented In a closing plea to the general com mittee Councillor Wood asked that council not think of what building is today or what it was yesterday but what it could be tomorrow when restored the heart of my ward the focal point of the once town of All monies to be raised by the town hall committee have to be in by June 1QB0 the general committee agreed If at this time the money has not been raised the 40 placed in the 1080 capital budget would be used for the demolition of the building Councillor Wood agreed with this stip ulation He told committee if the money was not raised it meant the people of Act on really did not wont the hall restored and he personally would make the motion for the demolition General voted unanimously to designate the 40 for rcsioraiion in the 1980 budget Council also lake the necessary steps to designate the hall as a community recreation centre and to the restonlion to re apply to the Ontario Heritage foundation for grant Council will also direct staff to reapply for a grant Both grants had previously been turned down because there was no municipal support of the pro ject Following the meeting Elliott lold the Acton Free Press he was extremely the support given to his com mittee by the general The re commendations will now be passed through council next Tuesday Once full council approval is the chairman said he and his ejoup will proceed with the fund raising

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