Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 16, 1979, p. 4

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The Free Press Wednesday Don McDonald Publisher Founded In 1B75 Publ every Wednesday by In and thing Co L Onlarm L7J Telephone 5191 Subscr per in Canada 30 in all countries all thai The Free a of Inland Publishing Co Limited group of suburban news papers which include The Whitby Pickering News Advertiser The Brampton The Post Etobcoko The Georgetown Independent The lion Canadian Champion The M ssusaugo News The Newmarket Aurora Era This Week Oshawa Thi- and The Tribune accepted on ie advert sing space signature nol cupiod by god for but balance of the advertisement wilt bo event a error goods or may not bo sold merely an EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Hartley Coles Mews Editor Report Photograph a Er Elstono Sports Editor Rod ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT BUSINESSACCOUNTING OFFICE Manager Fran G Rhona Thornh II Carolyn Anon CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT M ry McArthur TELEPHONE 2010 Business and Editorial Office Otto Jelinek choice of candidates newspaper is endorsing Otto Jelinek as the candidate who can effectively represent the rid ing of in Ottawa over the next four years Mr Jelinek an experienced parliamentarian with a reputa tion for standing up for what he believes in is the Progressive Conservative candidate He hopes to unseat Dr Frank Philbrook the Liberal incumbent Close observers suggest Mr Jelinek is well ahead in the rate now to unseat the incumbent though there is some concern because the riding has been split up with Georgetown being shoved into a new riding of Brampton Georgetown and Erin into Wei lington Halton now consists of The Town of Oakville Town of Milton and Hills with the excep of Georgetown and the area around there from Erin Township to Sideroad the vertical bound running up the Sixth Line Mr Jelinek is a firm believer in PC leader Joe Clarks policies of bringing the country back to again He believes Prime Minister and the Liber are turning the direction of this country from a free enter prise incentiveoriented system into a welfare socialist state He is concerned that the word incent ive has disappeared from the political vocabulary of the Trudeau government Mr Jelinek believes because of the work he has done areas of sport and small business he could very well be a cabinet minister if the country elects a PC govern He however does not say if but when the PCs form the next government Mr Clark policies especially that of deducting property taxes and mortgage interest is going to assist the burdened young lies struggling with huge gages and stimulate home building an industry which has a high unemployment rate It is a policy young voters can preciate and one despite the criticism which will do much to make homes more accessible to young families Since we endorse Mr and his party this is in no way a condemnation of the other can in this election We believe it is time for a change and Mr and the Progressive Conservative party are the right individual and party for this time A pox on all three We have enough problems in this old globe without the three leaders of Canada major political parties maintaining they are in accord about the of marijuana Yet this is precisely what they did in the not so great debate Sunday night for an audience of Can in the millions Why the question was even asked as being of major in a political campaign isnt hard to guess but to think all three vowing they are not en drug use flatly stated they wanted marijuana use criminalized was a lesson in poll tical opportunism As if we don t have enough pro blems now they would encourage rather than deflate its use by the decriminalization Ob viously they haven really given it much thought or they don t care as long as they are elected A pox on all of them To show there is another side to the issue we have reprinted an interview with Malcolm Mugger idge the well known British writer and speaker on these pages His experience with drugs in the Middle East relate some of the problems we could experience when drug use is common especially among the young Commenting briefly Eldon Comfort who asked candidates in this election what stance they would take to narrow the gap between the rich and poor got two replies from Doug Black of the and Karen Selick of the Libertarian Party Mr Black said the third world poverty gap cannot be closed as long as the industrialized nations import raw materials and send back finished products because Third World countries develop no industry and developed nations lose such ind ustries as textiles to the low wage nations He says industrialized nations must encourage local cap ital in the third world to develop local industry rather than using our capital to continue to detract resources for shipment to the western world Karen Selick replied that the Libertarian Party is opposed to any form of government run for eign aid programs feeling it should be voluntary Her partys policy calls for eventual elimination of all tariffs and trade barriers so it would open up Canadian markets to Third world countries She also says free trade would benefit Canadian con by allowing a wider var icty of goods into the country and reducing cost of imports Mr Comfort Acton appreciated their replies to his concerns but wondered why other candidates didnt bother to reply to his letter which also appeared in the Free Press Another election Poll at Stone Road Mall Guelph last Thursday and Friday among shoppers say the Conservatives ring up 35 per cent of the vote Liberals 1 per cent per cent and 7 per cent were undecided The other par ties Independent Marxist Len inist and Communist chalked up per cent 6 per cent and 3 per cent respectively Pollsters noted 54 per cent of those who res ponded were from Guelph while per cent lived in Wellington riding and the remainder from Halton and other ridings such as Waterloo Monday night Halton Hills council finally decided the old Acton town hall was worth saving when they approved using the money slated for demolition to renovate the building It was a victory for those Actonians who want to preserve a very unique page from our past and a blow to those iconclasts who would des troy and rebuild everything smacking of tradition and age PC candidate Otto might be a trifle embarrassed by the recent promulgation from the Soviet Union that all persons born in Soviet controlled countries are automatically classed as Soviet citizens The new law apparently affects about three million Canadians including him I Muggeridge says decriminalization of marijuana really legalizing it well known British writer and speaker wis the jour in residence at the University Ontario this year and his views on Hie issues of drug legalization fantasy and have become well known In view of the si itcniLnl in the federal election campaign by all three major party leaders about marijuana we thought Mr Muggcridgc views should be belter known and published hollow is an interview with him bv JJunnld he editor I have read that you stopped drinking smoking in recent cars Had you been much of user before Ihcn I have used them to an extent I gave them up about 15 years ago and I must say I felt nothing bul pleasure in having did you stop The actual reason was that if were holding forth against drugs someone would inevitably say well but alcohol and tobacco are also drugs do you indulge in Ihuse I therefore felt I wanted to be able to I so I stopped I offer drinks to people if drink 1 don think it is wicked of course it is in excess it not a puritanical gesture on my pari you can really argue with young people about a thing like marijuana if you are yourself taking drugs of a comparable nature How did you come lo this position about My feelings about it are so strong for a particular reason When I was in my soon after I was married I taught for a time Cairo University and lived in the Middle Last It extraordinary think that at that lime you have been able find anybody European Egyptian anyone else who would for a moment have thought there was anything good lo be said about hashish addiction were surrounded by evidences the including of course the students it the university who were occasionally stupefied with hashish and were utterly of learning or thinking or talking So I was absolutely dumbfounded when years later eminent people- doctors nurses researchers actually said that it do any harm And I noticed that in all the discussions of this in the United N lions or the World Health Organization that people in countries where there really is an addiction problem such as Pakistan Egypt and North countries are invariably opposed to the legal of hashish What do you think about the decriminalization or legalization of marijuana Whenever people are going to do some thing really crooked they invent a word for it decriminalize If you say legalize it givlrif the show away But you decriminalize It sounds very respectable you dun I want to make people criminals so you decriminalize them The most hardened advocates of legalization then appear be really humane people But of course decriminalizing and legalizing come lo the same thing in the end But I find it incomprehensible that you should have people humane good people who will ictu illy siv it il I do my harm Did you have students in Cairo whom saw on hashish Undoubtedly They were zombies in tin t led lo their drugs It was Middle List where it a common practice And for al ill levels of and economic prosperity there are times when lliev dun to be iwareof life the drug ides i way out They find its pleisuil and when life seems over whelming or maybe tin re bored turn to it again And they observe other people taking them The kids are drugs because they observe others doing Malcolm How would you compare young people now years laler as you an working with Ihem once again an a teacher Ho you great difference In matters of drug- and the way they re living Well I do because I think they assume that the promiscuous way life in dulgence in marijuana is jusl pari of the ordinary routine of existence Do vou this is the case with alcohol also Yes I have never run russ a drunk student in talking with students it s assumed that drinking and promiscuity or at any rate love affairs ire quite accepted tears ago all this was done I suppose but Well When I wis at University which was in 1920 tu it simply didn arise There would be students who were deb luched and who would seek prostitutes hut prom as it s known lodiv was unknown had no apologetic then None at all In fact quite the contrary One the things that kept one from tin bridled license was the feeling that to make approaches of that kind to someone is in the circle f tour would he must had taste to for which it you happened to d it yuu would be full of apologies Where is as I it vou ire full of apologies if you iron I promiscuous if I make some ges lure tin kind you would hive to Hut re looking luck on a tune life Do think people who are now could come to these positions you come to Or is voulli naturally a time of excess The last llnng m the world I wish to seem to be is sorl of holier than thou ph iras person saying do this or don t d tint But they are prod of the mures of Ihis society I irked in the media a great deal The mcdii ire corrupting the young in particular in the sense that ridicule any of moral lulnvior the medn ire on side of devil sounds like a rather excessive tiling but Ihey are Ihe side the forces lint are corrupting this They delight in ridiculing the family chastity fidelity all these They re held up is being boring very good of Sun I I ih she says that in real lore wonderful and t exciting than cood d 11 g more boring and u an and tenth rate Ilia I I I f unfortunately und The media triffic in ind in their world virtue and goodness and love are boring ind things and all the of life and life lies in evil That is view is being presented in one or mother to the young people today Hut do think that withholding oneself from drugs and sex con be an uptight sort of thing Up i half century and even less people were withholding from drugs and promiscuous sex Were we a collection of nuts and crazed people We didn I have the sort of suicide rate you hive hen today I ve said that if the promiscuous wiyofhfe produced glorious fulfilled kids then I would hive to I don I like it and I don ipprove of it hut I in dismiss it But it It produces miserv 1 You sav you don lo appear dogmatic or insisting people live certain wuvs But if you were to prescribe rcmidy for who are bored and on drugs what would you have them differently I d tell them that in this world you can inly come my true sense of direction in life if are in contact with what is real thin pursuing fintasics and that you happen to live in a world that exploits font ill iround you fintasics which ire calling every direction If you wish find reality I d tell them you can only find it in christian terms Reprinted with permission from the rnalof the Addiction Research Foundation of Ontario Back issues 10 years ago Taken from the issue of Tin Press of Wednesday May I9C Acton first Land Ranger troop in sever years wis invested with new Hangers He lien Nanej Ginger and Mary Ann Mrs Ginger is troop captain of 50 has been so far or the building of the new curling club Actons two represent dives Diane Timbers Susan Mills Joined Patrols for wonderful weekend in North music festivii is although South II illun Festival will be discontinued population is Milton s 14 was raised the Men s nudum Jick Holmes and Chris rallied off figures Only man present il the wisOrwollJohnson who replied a I Lee represented Acton it the in Citizenship in Ollaw i 20 years ago 1 from Ihe Issue of the I- of One hundred paintings by II illon residents were on displav a the Agricultural Mall m Milton were George Bow man Mrs Waller Dubois Mrs Colleen Mrs Alex Miss Bella and Mrs J from Ibis One of George Bow turn paintings wis chosen for I- ive Counties art show iter Safely was termed a success when motor vehicles and 151 bicycles were checked The of Commerci sponsored the cheeks which were m ide officers Acton Merchints Inter five pin bowline fur the fourth scasi ire champions On Ihe winning teams arc I Deforest I it Morten Johnson Williams Williams Deforest Ivan Vie i Don I iwson Morton Two new high school leathers have been lured Oscar and Clarence Returning the sluff are principal Hansen Miss J Barber Miss Mrs Mrs A Mrs 1 Rogers Mrs i A Heed Mrs A J I impbell ind 50 years agd from the issue of The tree Press of May 16 IJiJ is the feehne of the school bo ird that is desirable to have male principil for in continuation school At the request of Ihe board the molion is omitted from Free Press Miss Nephew ind Miss were I be offered rcengigemenl it sihries they enjoy Ihcsalcof BI ick in to Mr Robert Johnston Ruck notes the passing of the prupcrtv from the family of the Blacks for tile lime his been owned occupied Mr Black or his forcbearers ever sinei it wis surveyed from primeval over NX years Mr Guwdy of 1 is mure than busy these divs superv ising the istme Company s both Milton and Morgan wis repairing some Henderson Mill on Main when he was seized with an apoplectic stroke and died He was born it Corners ago He worked in parlsof tin province drilling for gas oil ind water A native resident of Thomis died Wednesday was the lost diy of for dogs must be kept tied up until 15lh The lawns and will hive better chance grow 100 years ago Taken from the issue of The I- ree May A few bags of good seed potatoes w til Ih taken as pay for subscriptions alibis office Mr A and caught string of fish 14 of which were over a foot in length Tins is looked on as something good for three hours fishing The Acton Brass Bind played around streets on Monday evening several of our The bind is welcomed all over town Members of the bond presented leader Mr Hill wilh a plated silver cornet ft is in scribed and cost Our merchants are uttering loud com plaints clouds of dust that whirl into shops have very seen water used to ease this A nuisance has been complained in the fact that cows horses pigs and other animals are allowed the run In our streets Mr red Storey has relumed home from Nassau New Providence restored in health

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