Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 13, 1979, p. 4

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The Acton Free Press Wednesday June 13 Don McDonald Publisher Founded In every by Inland Co Ontario L7J Telephone Canada nail The Acton Froo of I he inland Co led group of paper which Tin Pickering Tho Brampton Guardian Tho Buifingion Tho Georgetown Independent Economist and Sun Tho Mlion Canadian Champion The New Tho Newmarket Aurora Em lie Beaver Week This Weekend and The Stoutfwllo Tribune Adverting on I on thai port on occupied by or paid to at cab rotu In event of a tjoodi or cos may to sell Ass tvertstnolsmeri Commun EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Editor Hart by Coles Newt Editor Helen ReporterfPhotographert Enc Sports Edftor Rob I ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT Manager Dill Cook Claailflod Mar I BUSINESSACCOUNTING OFFICE Office Manager Thornh I leyjocquo Carolyn A ton CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT Manager TELEPHONE 2010 Business and Editorial Office Need more acton on downtown At a meeting of the Business Improvement Area as winter was heaving its last gasps architect Lloyd Sankey told members there had better be some action on development of Acton downtown soon or developer Jerry Sprack man would make full use of the lack to press his case for a plaza at the corner of Churchill Road and Highway Hills planning board flatly turned down Mr Sprack man s request for a zoning change to allow construction of a square foot plaza at that location he would appeal the decision to the Ontario Municipal Board Now it has happened Mr Sprackman has filed an appeal of the decision with the OMB in an attempt to reverse council s decision Although the town s planning board has said the proposed plaza is premature and would destroy Acton s down town Mr Sprackman believes he has plenty of popular support for his plaza and architect Sankey concedes this could pull a lot of weight with the OMB Sankey told BIA members then they were lucky to have another kick at the cat and they had better get busy and do something about downtown development He elled his own scheme for the downtown using the two ends at the railway tracks on Mill and the area by the Dominion Hotel or as anchors He warned the BIA cosmetic surgery was not enough It vas time to use the scalpel with telling effect to in form the public the is serious about dow development A unique sight It would be difficult to go past the new region headquarters on Bronte Road just north of the Queen Elizabeth Highway without giving it a second glance It stands out a vivid green Motorists not expecting such vivid colors may even give it a third or fourth look before passing on to more mundane things and colors It a neck craner It has been called the Green Monster the Jolly Green Giant and the Incredible Hulk by politicians at the official opening Friday June But no one has yet coined the proper word to fit this intrusion into a rural area one of Halton s beauty spots It is not ugly It is probably functional It is not beautiful It is The public demand for better shopping variety by means of another food store and better parking facilities as expressed at a public meeting has to be an downtown Sankey said rather than at the outskirts of the community in a strip plaza as the developer proposes There has been some action downtown Two food stores merged into one where parking facilities were best but it created an empty store so far still vacant The BIA also has transformed the area in front of the small block of stores at the corner of Church and Main Sts into an attractive set ting helping to uplift the down town There have been other improve ments made by businessmen to their own premises but there is still an obvious lack of new development which would satisfy shoppers who want variety and better facilities Mr Sankey s interest in Acton downtown is not motivated by self interest but in preserving one of the few downtowns remaining in this area He believes strip plazas would destroy the downtown and take the commercial heart out of Acton However his pleas and those of participating merchants will likely fall on deaf ears at the OMB appeal if there is no indication of further drastic development of Acton s downtown Public support will also increase for the developer so long as there is no sign of such development forth coming If ever there was a time Acton needed new development in its downtown it is nowand the sooner the better camping experience is the sias tadpoles is Hit ir honor of the event laking pari in 1 a for pohwoLs r known in many pupils an lliwogs and Rubber by Authority TIil is res mm pro til ho if a summer sponsored by the Pupils will have an opportunity to visit lour tin facilities participate in pond studies hiking vival techniques bird studies tonoeing swimming sailing and stream studies ihis Tin rcsoune program is a da program education and recreational 11 is glared towards a better under it appreciation of the em iron mini ind management gram is- open to children to 1 Pupils will be grouped v different It is not impressive but it is the first permanent home for Region discounting the old county days when the capital of Halton was in Milton Since it cost 2 6 million to build and taxpayers from the north as well as south of to its construction it should be an oddity a place for all tax payers to visit Municipalities in Halton should charter special buses to visit the headquarters to give taxpayers a look and perhaps take a side visit to Bronte Provincial Park as a bonus No matter what adjectives are used to describe it the new Halton headquarters is certainly a unique sight POLLIWOGS proved fascinating for yearold Andrea Shannon left and Elliott nine both grade five pupils at Robert Little School in Acton The school class made a trip to Wildlife Centre Friday to learn about the life of a tadpole Pupils had the opportunity to catch them for closer examination at the pond TADPOLE TRAPPING with the help of a flour sifter netted 10yearold Andrea Shannon of Acton several good catches during a recent visit to Mountsberc Wildlife Centre LFltodltq li0uW Just about everybody thinks they know how to run a newspaper It is one of the hazards of the business so naturally we are gratified here The Free Press when someone tosses a bouquet in our direction instead of the inevitable brickbats It hap pened twice this week from old who have forsaken greener pastures for less appealing parts of Ontario there was a note from Mrs Sid Toronto renewing her subscription and trying straighten out one of hose mix that sometimes occur in the mail process Mrs Eisen says she would not wish lo miss a single issue of your paper Good news Lots better than the fella who recently told me he never read it bee there were no Acton stories In it I began to wonder what the staff and myself did all week and it is only letters like Mrs Fiscn that keep us humming our job Then a letter arrived from Mrs Howard Coles No saying she still enjoyed the Free Press each week although she recognizes fewer names as time goes by by Hartley Coles She lives In St Marys Your publication docs an excellent job of mirroring a rapidly changing area she says noting she particularly enjoyed George Elliott and this scribbler the old own hall Those Empire Day concerts and High School At Homes were a highlight of our school year she remembers Thank you Mrs Coles and if you ever want a Idler of reference to the governor General or the Queen this staff will gladly supply As they say anyone who mokes a profit is seldom honored in his own grounds Since object of column is to keep readers informed of someof the back room stuff in newspaper business as well as to keep the editor amused after penning destructive editorials we should also bear the happy tiding with readers thai the Can Community Newspapers Us saw fil throw some million in this direction with an award in iheir annual newspapers ition decided it before they changed their mind or find out they added the marks up wronj The award is a tribute to everyone who makes tins possible every roll Is so long no one could up with an entire list out of Iheir head There are so many people town paper each then s possible way of everyone So to ml there and keep reading One of our keen eyed reporters arrived in the office last week a colorful story mil likely never find its way Into the He says St Jt has a new line i shirts out which they sell to students Prodis go towards school activities However he colorful part of is he T shirts arc orange He fell perhaps they were practicing to enter the of July pirade a fancy story indeed But then in these ecumenical times Ihe kids from St Jot arc maybe ahead of times says the T shirts teen Students Want job The Association of Student councils and the National Union of Students is developing a program assist Canadian over IB of age lo spend a working holiday in Britain Participants ill be working in various jobs in and service establish minis said association spokesperson Claudia All job- arc of a temporary or part time nature The exact position location will be determined at an Interview in London shortly after arrival Jobs pay between and British pounds per week depend ing on the nature of he work the prox to London Positions are available in am as locations throughout in eluding Pi Birmingham Liver pool Edinburgh Glasgow and York dation while working is provided at charge of about pounds per week Application for the SWAP program may be picked up campus placement centres CUTS 44 SI George Street Toronto Sheridan College president Jack Porter addressed graduating students last and told i story about a Cape Breton res ident who had logolothehospltalfor brain surgery The surgeons cut open his head took out the brain and while they studied it their patient got up and walked out Efforts to find him failed They finally found him years later Mr Porter said working in the a dm mistral ion offices at Sheridan College Nothing like a joke on yourself to est a rapport with an audience is there Back issues 10 years ago Taken from Ihe Issue of the Free Press or Wednesday Jim Slaven and Susan were chosen top athletes at the high school Mr and Mrs Elton Cole celebrated their wedding anniversary Dr rankOakeswospartof thefourman team a rabies clinic for dogs and cats in the Community Centre Graduates Fred M A Dr Braida Gail Beverly Bruce Theresa Marzu Last appearance for Ihe public school board will be at the official opening of ihe I Bennett school tonight They are Orval Chapman Vic last chair man Cyril Bishop Murray Smith Charles Heard and secretary treasurer Bill Mid carnival was again a huge success The pirade was not as long but the carnival was larger with more booths After 15 years as primary teacher at Robert Little Grace Reed retires this sear When Kathleen Alger retires this week she will leave principal Elmer Smith lone survivor of the original slaff at M Bennett School years ago Taken from the of the Jtwell Acton council recognized service of Cliff rd e Pri r her re rerre- of a public schools Miss Isabel honored Thursday program r Watson and i- presented her a rocks- re j set of a portrait Scrool a- A j read There was a large a Deccrat on guest preacher The made first pubic appearance parade Mill Si was I parade and there c lr the commit all present The wea as la at the cairn in tturld War I veterans Boer tt ar World 1 Wilfred Coles raised and lowered the flag The future of the Scottish Dance Club was discussed at the annual the home of president Robert Buckner 50 years ago Taken from the Ihr Junel3 1939 An aeroplane made use of the park as a landing field for a few hours on Tuesday afternoon A few citizens availed them selves of the opportunity to go for a flight and enjoyed the thrills of a trip in the air The plane was a two passenger machine Mr Moore of uatedfrom the Universit of Toronto with a Bachelor of Commerce degree On Sunday afternoon Citizens Band plajed a concert al Park Eden Mills It was such a success it is possible band will play there second week The lime business at Dolly is assuming quite an air of increased activity There are now three kilns going and It is possible a fourth mav be put in operation cemetery with its of perpetual care is beginning to present a very attractive appearance It has assumed quite a metropolitan air with its new and improved system A number of Ihe Acton lad True Blues attended the church parade at Glen Williams The brick work of the new building of Glove Works is now well advanced years ago Taken from he Issue of the Free Press of Thursday June 1HI9 Everybody has heard ere the result of the elections held on Thursday last And now there is great joy in the heart of the Grits while the Tory evinces his feeling by saying he docs not want to hear any more about the election The govern ment has been sustained In Hal Ion the Conservative Mr has returned to his farm labors and Robertson with a majority of will attend lo in crests in the local parliament Acton returned the Conservative candidate with a majority of 10 votes although always before Riving a majority for the Reform parly We announce with pleasure the marriage of one of swains Mr Ferryman to one of Acton a fairest belles Miss Christie The ceremony was performed yesterday morning at the bride home and the happy couple Icfl on the 10 train on Iheir wedding tour The bride was Ihe recipient of many useful handsome and costly presents Including one lo help things run smoothly a set of Mrs Pott Smoothing Irons

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