Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 20, 1979, p. 4

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4 Acton Free Press Wednesday Juno 20 1979 Don McDonald Publisher Founded in Inland Co tod at Swaat Ontario Subscription copies each Canada Acton la of Inland Co group of which The Whitby Pickering Tho Brampton Guardian The Post Etoblcoka Guano The Georgetown and Sun The Milton Canadian Champion The NewmarketAurora Era Beaver This Week Weekand Tribune on the condition that In the event of typos portion of the advertiaing space occupied by Item allowance for turn will not bo charoed for but balance of the paid for at applicable rate In tho event of a typographical goods or at a wrong price or aonocea may not AdvortalnBh merely an of let andmaybawlmdrawnatanyuma Member of The Audit Bureau of Crcutatkm Tho Canadian Communty and Tho Ontario Weekly on Second class EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Editor Hartley Colei New Editor Helen Murray Eric Sports Editor ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT Advancing Bill Cook n BUSINESSACCOUNTING OFFICE Office Manager an G I loyjoctjuo Co A ton CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT Manager TELEPHONE Business end Editorial Office Weve lost a real gentle man The death of Councillor Saturday after several months of illness is a loss to Ac ton his friends who must have numbered in the thousands and constituents who trusted this truly man to represent them at the municipal council table If what you have heard about politicians from small towns is uncomplimentary then this man the last mayor of the former town of Acton is going to be hard to fit into the mold Articulate and soft spoken he could have chosen to live and make a career in a city but he preferred to make his home Acton where he gave stinlmgly of time and effort to further the work of his com munity his church the Royal Canadian Legion and any other organization he thought wor thwhtle Tuelve years ago he told this writer he had opportunities to go into aircraft work after the war he three and a half years in the but made the decision to stay the tanning business at Beardmore because not did he prefer small tov life but also because it gave him more time with his family Overseas with the air force he dreamed of the day he could return to work at and build his home The quiet home life he dreamed of came but with it also came active participation in civic organizations the Legion where he served as president and St Albans Church He stayed out of politics until Then because he had a beef about road conditions in front of his Churchill Road residence he was encouraged by incumbent mayor John Goy to run for Acton council He ran headed the polls and was named road committee chairman In March when the incumbent mayor resigned Duby was the choice of councillors to fill the vacancy He remained mayor of Acton until the town was amalgamated with Georgetown and Esquesing into Halton Hills He was urged to run for mayor of the new municipality because of his extensive experience both in Acton and with organizations such as the Ontario Municipal Association and the Ontario Regional Development Council He had the unusual distinction of being elected head of both municipal associations within the span of one week He said then his years in local municipal work had been a most satisfying experience He felt his background as a working man and mayor gave him a broader outlook on everyone problems And it did We could go on for columns about Duby contributions to Acton through his involvement with politics but those of us who knew him as a man also admired his human qualities He could pull out his guitar and sing a western ballad with the best of them He enjoyed a good time a drink or two with his comperes He was a licenced lay reader at St s No doubt many of his high political aspirations stemmed from the Gospels One of the proud moments in his life came when son Laurie was ordained a priest the Anglican Com mumon He knew the problems of senior citizens He was their champion round the council chambers He had many qualities which we admired Duby left us a legacy in the library erected in centennial year when he made it his pet project He did it in the face of some determined opposition His style was never vindictive and opponents soon saw the realization of his dream Les may be gone but he will stay with us in so many ways Perhaps in some further recognition we could name Acton Centennial Library the Centennial Library as another testimonial to a man we were always proud to have represent us in the councils of the town and province To his wife and family we offer condolences knowing in their loss they will always treasure the time hewasallotedhere Closed door meeting Representatives of Acton Hydro Commission met with their Georgetown counterparts representatives of Ontario Hydro and the Province to discuss a merger of the two commissions into one which would include all Halton Hills The Free Press attempted to cover the meeting but it was de to hold it that is the press was barred According to Wilf McEachern chairman of the Acton Hydro Commission the meeting was held in camera on the suggestion of members of the Georgetown commission We don tlikeit The future of the Acton Hydro Commission is at stake and representatives decided the public had no place there through the press It makes the press sus picious when negotiations are carried on behind closed doors What have elected officials got to discuss that doesn concern the public The meeting was arranged be cause the Province wants to set up four hydro commissions instead of the present five and include the rural areas which were formerly serviced by Ontario Hydro A restructuring committee set up to study the proposal had voted to keep both Acton and Georgetown hydro commissions and service rural areas with two rather than one Halton Hills commission The new system means Acton users would pay another per cent for hydro power Georgetown consumers would get a 3 per cent boost while rural residents who pay considerably more for power than their urban counter parts would get a reduction of percent Coming on the heels of earlier power increases for residents of Acton and Georgetown surely the public through the press should be privy to the information and discussion We never like state ments which are issued after the fact If there s good reason for not going ahead with the merger lets hear them now not afterwards Photos Etstone Last robin out of the nest is a rottn egg Measure for measure Statistical odds and ends by Eric Is tone The longest oneway drive one can take in Halton Hills is on Highway 7 from Crewsons Corners on for an unofficial miles through past down Silver Creek hill on by Glen Williams into Georgetown and on again as far as the stoplights at Nerval s Slreet is the shortest at feet The highway miles and change fall far short of measuring up lo iho longest designated street in the world Toronto Yonge Street starts at harbor and goes on and on for 178 3 miles to he Manitoba border according to the latest edition of Guinness Book of World Records s longest street says Hal ton Hills engineer Robert Austin Is Delrex Boulevard It measures miles Acton longest stretch of pavement is Main St It is l miles long Remember February was cold And so was March Alicia Scott who for 12 years recorded accurate weather data at Silverwood not far from Park Lincoln Mercury Formerly Park Toyota says there was about a week subzero weather in March Toronto on February broke a six year record for coldness The mercury dipped to minus 6 degrees Fahrenheit But that mild stuff according to Mrs Scott figures from years ago Once in January 1963 and again in 76 Mrs Scott recorded barely readable mer levels on minus degrees All measurements on Fahrenheit And for four days in a row in February temperature never nudged above Ihe zero line on Mrs Scott s Mrs Scott also recorded trees still bearing summer foliage blanketed with inches of branch bending snow on October 10 years ago At Ihe top of the thermometer Mrs Scott s records show a high of for September 3 1973 According to Guinness the highest temperature in the in the shade recorded in 4 That was years ago in Libya Returning to the lower end of the scale world book awards the deepest degree of cold to Antarctica where on August 19G0 some warmblooded soul read the thermometer at minus Gulag back to pavement The widest street on earth Is the six lane Monumental Axis in Brasilia the capita of Brazil which yards wide could contain a couple The widest street la Halton Hills is Georgetown at feet in Aeloms Acton which measures feel from side side Georgetown Alley St is the narrowest in Hills by two feet Acton Ran SI IB feet is next line Al its most constrictive Tracy Si in Toronto is that city narrowest at 1j feet Depending on which source you go by it pretty well a toss up for the title of he sleekest on the globe Rome St John Lane measures 19 Inches while at Port Isaac In Cornwall England there Dolphin St known locally as Squeeze- Belly Alley measuring all of and sixteenth Inches Acton may be outdistanced one way or another in quantification according the rest of the world but five high school students are in the running with a sure en Iry into Ihe vaunted volume of global extremes Ray Mueller Richard Stanley Gwyneth Gibb Barb and Nancy Pat performed the Kiss of Life art respiration for a whopping hours in March That a dozen hours long a British Columbian two years ago The marathon puff and puff was performed on a There was one dentist to every 170 people in County during according to provincial That was the ratio in Ontario Halion came fifth in the running for most doctors specialists and specialists per person If Clinic closes Acton will still have the four doctors In the Acton Medical Group There is no going the feel tht top of he globe highest rock Mount In is he a highway to lip of Tip Top Hills feel There are however roads Churchill near Acton which 1 feci above sea level information again Mr is as far up as one can go in Hills while keeping one m ground I feel below Cuurehill and is feet lower than Acton Nurval is he in Hills Tin narrowest in is Day seven fool inch singlestorey slip From surveyors charts and maps the lot in Aelon was a fat fooler which got swallowed up years ago by he adjoining Conslrucllon on Main Street North Georgel wn slimmest lot appears o be on Slreet near the post office It wide The mark for least existing frontage in Acton appears be held by two abutting on St Alban Drive They each arc feel in breadth In he field of chanty Aclon and esp ecially its high school students appear to stand head shoulders above many other centres tor example he annual dance has drawn many dollars into he Cysdc Fibrosis research fund under the arm f Ihe Kinsmen Club The hon involved schools in the Guclph Kitchener- Waterloo Burlington and Hamilton areas in 1977 and 197B In both years Acton dancers raised the most per capita based on division of the final amount by the sell s according to Kinsen Cystic fibrosis committee chairman Richard In first dancers participated long enough to raise 600 That same year Georgetown high school also com raise In 200 was raised by dancers The dollar figures represent the amount of money collected according to Mr The amounts were certainly Ihe highest Continued on Page mm This month Safety Canada in its June house organ contained an article on tool sheds Flying toolsheds a safety hazard the headline announced No doubt you heard of The Flying Nun and flying saucepans but flying tool sheds It true I can vouch for it The article mentions these sheds can be found In most lumber and department stores are made of aluminum or other metal wllh sliding doors and can measure anywhere from six feet square to as much as 10 by 12 feel But cautions Safety Canada right off the ground and send them ballooning into the air onto their side back or roof A really strong gust can send through a fence of Into a nearby house Once they get started it Is not un common for them lo end up several hundred feet away My scarred veteran of years of vicious wind gusts has a twisted long since de parted from the sides despite numerous screws and pegs that were Invented to hold on in the event of a hurricane It still looks neat standing there on the lawn with its green and white panelling glistening in the spring sun But that tool shed nearly cost me a case of pneumonia one winter night It all started when the weatherman announced a blizzard was due to ride in on the coat talk of a lovely winter day We battened flown the batches and went to bed confident we could ride It with no problems by Hartley Coles The wind howled most of the night rattling the windows shaking the found at Ion but we were snug in our beds About 3 a m a crash reverb a led through the house like a cymbal from the Rank organ What the devil was that said a startled and sleepy spouse I was the reply A bound took me out of bed to look through the bedroom window upon a scene of catastrophe one storey below The wind had lifted my cute tool shed clean off Its steel floor deposited it in my neighbor yard and left all the yard equip ment and assorted exposed to the elements Good grief I said to now sleeping Continued on Pago Back j issues 10 years ago Taken from the Issue of Ihe Free Press of Wednesday June I Again honored by Ihe town where she laught so many years Miss M Bennett was given three completely spontaneous standing ovations Wednesday at ihe open addition She was led to the stage by a former pupil Vic Another former pupil Murray Smilh her with roses Both have been school board members until this spring Father Morgan dedicated the building Guest speaker was former area superintendent McNeill mentioning the services of sec relary Bill Middlelon and Colin the school caretaker A two hour blasting debate continued at Esquesing council Residents are con need their cement pools are cracking and quarry officials are equally convinced they are not to blame A middle school program has been recommended for Best all round graduates at Osprmgc school were Steve Libs and Debbie Swaek rays were taken in Acton this 20 years ago Taken from the Issue of lnc I- rec Press of Thursday June IS 1959 one of Ihe slimmest majorities of his six election campaigns Stanley Hall was elected as s provincial member of parliament He defeated Owen Mullin Liberal and Jack Henry Over phoned the Free Press at for latest results given out by Mrs Clarence Etognvaldson Don Ryder and Henry The North high school district board has been dissolved and three sep arate boards will be set up Acton Milton and The comer stone of he Robert Little school under demolition was uncovered after being buried for Copies of the Acton Free Press Toronto Daily Mail Toronto Globe and Toronto Empire and old coins were inside School board William Middlelon caretaker Doug Price and board chairman Cliff Bradley the items for Ihe Free Press A large crowd attended the Friendly Circle Bridal Bazaar Mrs Tony Ironside and Mrs Mac Symon were conveners Vying for the title of Popularity Queen arc Mackc Trudy Scott Lorraine Richardson and Gloria Latimer 50 years ago Taken from the Issue of the Free Press Of Thursday June The Junior Daughters of he Empire and the Girl Guides have undertaken to provide supper for the 300 athletes who will be here for the July 1 Celebrations The school board received only two ap plications for the high school pnncipalship and only one had the necessary qualifications A letter will be written to Mr M Ward of Hagersville offering him a salary of per annum About applications were received for the two vacancies on the public school staff Offers were to be made to Miss M A Odbert and Miss Kate Col man at SI per annum Among those promoted at the high school are Velma Blair Brown Fredrick William Harrop Stuart Gordon Leslie Audrey McComb William Near Bessie Rawlings Isabel Switzer Esther Taylor Bill Williams Ernest Isabel Bruce Carney Byrne Bert Oral Chalmers Gordon Cooper Barbara Guthrie Issabel Lantz Lillian Perry Jack Skilling Kathleen Molozzie The young people are using he tennis courts very freely these nights and the with their illumination make very attractive appearance 100 years ago Taken from the Issue of Ihe Free Press June On Friday evening the hotel at Silver Creek kept by Mr Ferryman was completely destroyed by fire The builtjlng was insured for but the total loss will be about Mr H Harding a boarder lost nearly in cash On Tuesday afternoon a tramp whose lips and face were partially eaten away wllh a cancer passed through town Those who saw him say his appearance was disgusting and anyone charitably disposed would not bestow heir alms on him Again rah for The English champion Elliott was easily beaten by 11 lengths over the Tyne championship course In England has now conquered all who dare row against him in England and he Is still a wholehearted Canadian News or Ihe victory was received at Montreal by telegraph Rev R- Hobbs left Acton Monday for England where he intends remain about two months He went by train to New York and leaves that port Saturday About SO members of the church congregated at the station to wish him Godspeed

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