Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 27, 1979, p. 4

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The Acton Free Press Wednesday Juno27 Don McDonald Publisher Pub by Inland Publish Co L m Ontario Telephone I5I9 Subscr thai The Free Prou one of the Inland Publ Co L led group of suburban news papers which The AJonWhlbyPlcJter News Advorlser The Guardian The Garotte Gemgetown Indepcndoni Tho M Canadian Champ on The New Trie Aurora Da Beaver Oahawa This Weekend and Tho Tribune on the on the advert sing space allowance for paid for at the appl coble by t Do charged foi In he event n of col amor I together roasom of a good not bo sold merely an EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Ed tor Coles Editor Murray a Photographer Erie Sporia Editor ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT Advertising ana gar II Cook Cla milled Advertising n BUSINESS ACCOUNTING OFFICE Office Manager Fran on I Carolyn Art on CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT Manager TELEPHONE Business and Editorial Office Know your swim area The importance of knowing the area in which you are swimming was demonstrated again by the tragic death of an young man Tim Taylor 21 in the River at a Ever ton pool Swimming areas should be chosen carefully Before wading swimming or diving in places find out the depth of the water and whether there are hidden rocks strong currents or sudden dropoff Above all observe and obey all warning signs The Canada Safety Council notes an increase of per cent in deaths attributed to swimming accidents in the latesl available national drowning statistics The Council urges all swimmers to keep this fact in mind and heed basic safety rules Learning to swim is the first practical step towards water safety Enquire about swimming courses in the neighborhood good swimmers know their limitations and don take risks Swimmers and non swimmers alike should never be alone in the water Swim with a partner preferably one skilled in life saving swimmers should confine bathing to shallow safe waters Even a good swimmer should swim reasonably close to shore If the water is cool wade in slowly then splash water onto your body gradually Swimming in the dark is dangeious you can see or be seen You can swim after a light snack but swimming after a full meal may cause exhaustion and nausea Keep a constant eye on children even in a wading pool because kids love the water and frequently become reckless Set a good example by always being safety conscious near a body of water no matter how small Canada no melting pot Canada as Author Arnold Edmborough once remarked has never been a melting pot it is more like a tossed salad I Ins July 1 we see there s more than a little truth in the jest The vast majority of the 20 million plus people who live in Canada were born here roughly per cent of the population are native born But nearly all of us are hyphenated Canadian with an roots elsewhere with the exception of the indigenous people of Canada the North American Indian has inhabited this con for over 15 years The largest single ethnic group die the Canadian descendants of the British roughly per cent of the total population But the largest cohesive cultural group are Canadians of Trench origin and the oldest are Canadian Indians While most Canadians are of European extraction German Ukrainian Italian Dutch Scandinavian and Polish in that order there are now many people of Asian descent living in Canada We know all this because as a nation we have statistics The Great Jean Talon who led the first census i n Canada in 1666 was able to report the population of New France was 3 That was the first general census conducted anywhere in the world in more than 1 years since the fall of the Roman Empire While this country was still a colony of trance censuses were conducted about ever years and they were detailed they listed age sex marital status occupation crops livestock buildings churches grist nulls firearms and swords In modern times counting noses has become a well established commercial iquc and there are few details that somebody somewhere doesn know about us People in the Prairies di ink the most instant coffee own more bicycles per capita and use more deodorant than the rest of us while in the they favour Volkswagens moie than any area of the country use moie perfumed soap and have more children per adult Newfoundland in fact has the highest birthrate Canada Quebec the lowest And in On tano they use more cosmetics than anywhere else in Canada Henceforth we are a united people the llntisli proclaimed on July 1867 day after Confederation and united we are still But not in a melting pot Canada is frequently described as a mosaic in which small widely different pieces each contribute to the pattern and flavour of the whole or i it mi lit Ml dm in I hum Ml tllll Si 111 11 IS mid 1 in mil ill Kin ross mil tin 11 if Hi II fl 111 HUH It till Mils lilt llii in in mil mi mi ffloUg t know there was a June did you Well according to an article on Back to Acton diys in last weeks tree Press there is and the mistake slipped through Someone once that here were over 10 ways to make an error in the ind since I been in this business for longer than I care to tell I think I been responsible or assisted with the entire Since several people pointed out that June does nol exist would like readers lo note hat neither does February And I in to writi that one on one occasion when the midnight oil was beginning to glow low I usually console myself with the mixim that he person who does nothing makes no mistakes hut the person who is mikes his fair share Or something that was a farewell for Rev wing it St Albans The congregation turned out in large numbers to bid farewell to their rector who has been in for sixyeirs Mr received a call to the Anglican priesthood later in life after i successful business career It was ironic perhaps that he should relire in Acton where lie was raised and went to school he good wishes of the parishioners and all those of ood will go with him in his retirement Broadcaster Jack Carpenter phoned to say he struck it lucky for his Dominion Day Music Hall show this Sunday on on the radio by arranging an interview with Gov Pauline and letting her select music Hie program starts at this Sunday afternoon and the Governor tomes on it i0 m It should be worth listening and station has a strong signal in despite in article in this newspaper which stated the call was Another decimal in the wrong place Ever wonder how for national anthem the hymn some us hum wt sure of the words was originally written for picnic on the Plains of on St Jean June in WHO Hit was a visit In Louise the Princess Royal in I were written as a line poem by Sir Routiner and the music In in adventurer named More in versions of the English lyrics have been popul at times English lyrics now use wtre written in by Robert to celebrate Quebec Weir Ivncs not adopted until July 1 1927 and were again slightly in when different proposils i Commission declared the official anthem of Canada Notwithstanding Roger inwordsforNHl hockey these art officii words Our home and native land True patriot love sons command With glowing hearts we see thee rise The True North strong and free Prom far and wide guard for thee Cod keep our land glorious and free we stand on guard for thee Canada we stand on euird for thee by Hartley Coles Like lo hear about ongoing saga of the Drive rood which several of us In that neck of the woods would like to forget about Or else have construction company start over They installed a catch basin in front of our place an act which neighbors said showed I was currying favor but stopped pnvlng half wiy across our property line Yep Ihcy ran out of money Hob Austin the town engineer says it will take an in jeclionof12 the own scoffers to take curb and pavement as far as they promised they would in a letter when they first ripped up Ihe street last year Mayor Ptter came up and had a look and a consultation with us Re urged the work but they said the end was the end Neighbors objected how come they got nearly half million to spend on for Main St South when they can finish a road hey tore up year ago Bob Austin said they ran out of govern merit assistance for lhat extra 100 feet which probably makes the most sense if there is any sense to municipal politics The works committee of came around to have a look at it on their roads tour last week but our reporter said they didn t even get out of their mini bus so she doesn think it made any impression One neighbor said he sure would like to leave a lasting impression on the roads chairman the toe of his boot However guess if we get our road tarred and chipped we be farther ahead than t were 10 years ago when it was just tarred but farther behind two years ago whtn it had a thick coat of asphalt and we had no dust on our celery shoulda stood in my bed on my birthday Had a other day Nobody remembered it except me my wife and the North Life Assurance Company I because I dead My wife for roughly the same reason And tin insurance company likewise They don have to off thai thousand dollars at high interest rates that innual premium my mother made mi out when I was 1C We ill reacted dlfferenUy The insurance tompany me i birthday signed b a guy I never heard of He about Ihe eighth agent who has wished me a happy over the past four decades I probably outlived the seven M wife at i loss lo buy gift for the man who has vcrything bought me a stapler try good am coming home wilh masses of essays lo mark none of them stapled together As a consequence I am con stonily Retting pages of one student essay mixed in with pages of another students with disiombobulating results t or example on page A of Joes he finds written Well said An excellent parallel And on page of Lindas essay might find Right to the point Joe It is embarrassing confusing and stupid Now IhcircssaysvMllbeallin one piece though It s quite possible they will find a piece of fingerskin stapled lo the essay I not much good complicated machinery Not to be outdone on my birthday I myself a prcsenla couple of fair belts of i well known arthritis reliever comes in a brown paper big and thanks to a government is a leader in the in rale cousins and anyone else who would look at them or put up with them Tins I so bad It not far out or weird lo take your mob for a camping visiting trip At the time it seemed a great idea Even my old was lukewarmly interested My daughter was excited The boys were die Ah yes A sweep down and around old Ontario Through Algonquin Park camping amid the bears and deer and hooligans Visit my niece at who has a kid the right age five Dig out old recluse Don at Renfrew and catch some trout in his pond Ihe Ottawa River at Portage I- and a visit to their great grandmother horns silting on an island high above the Thecard wis innocuous The stapler didn t do muth harm either except for the two staples put into my thumb while trying it out little thumbsucking not at all an un pleasint ictivily cured thai It was my own present that did the damage Carried by a flood of birthday send mentality and mill I decided to take my daughter grandsons and wife on a trip this summer I felt i warm flood of kinship or something and made up my mind that I was going lo visit my show off my clever and beautiful daughter to aunts and things who haven t seen her since she was in diapers and proudly parade my grandboys to great aunts second Drop in on their great uncle Ivan at his beautiful rustic retreat on Calumet Island Then to Green Lake on the Quebec side where I spenl my happiest childhood sum Down along the river to Ottawa and cousins galore Maybe drop in on Joe Clark and give htm i Up or two Then to Perth where I grew up Show the boys the swimming place where won prizes the park where I kissed girls the sandpit where I liad my first smoke the old Presbyterian manse where I learned to swear i from listening to my father ear against the pipe as he cursed the furnace Then a swing down to the St Lawrence see mother sister and then the long swing home camping and cooking out and to like the weekly newspapers convention in Toronto the Stratford and any or points of interest alone Ihe way Now I didn t say ail these things But they ire starting to build up What began as a crm a oneweek swing through the Ottawa Valley has turned into a ihreewick Grand lour My first thought was scrounging on re latives with the odd night in motel rooms A modest rip Then I began to realize thai two motel rooms would be at fifty bucks a night And also that fivt of us cant tome crashing in on some poor aunt who has spare bedroom I m too old for on ihe old camp ground with an insomniac wife and two kids who would be pulling out Ihe tent pegs as fast as I drove them And things lhat go bump in the night So the answer seems be a camper one of those great ugly things that pollute the high ways and drue drivers crazy That going lo bo a couple or hundred bucks a week plus grub and gas and every thing hot goes with It It going to cost me more than a trip lo Europe in bed on my birthday Blocking lot sale deprives Rockwood Deir Sir recent action of the Township Council in blocking the sale of a building lol in the Police Village of was the least a regrettable move on their port Rockwood Trustees were ting in the best interests of the ratepayers and residents of in attempting avoid i possible lax increase by selling village lot Such a sale would only have brought additional cash to the Village would also hove resulted in additional tax returns on a long term basis As a resident of Village of and one who has no direct or indirect interest other than seeing he best thing done for the community of I feel the action of the Township Council was re prehensible It is to be hoped that when the next municipal election is held that the village residents will remember French Ontario Back issues 10 years ago from the Issue 1rie Press Wednesday July lHjj For Ihe first time Aclon has two Ontario scholars Susan and Kathrvn Sin A portrailof Acton future park was presented to and recreation by chairman Brendan Ahernt His arie drawing showed extensive parkland bo denng Lake Several St homes ore conspicuously missing from the Ideal pro jection It is ihe long ringe hope to parkland bordering Iht park This mij hi a JO year commented Peter Mirks I may never see said Mr Some of the missim ball diamonds in lit ire at schools and the future swimming pooanother drum- is also hopefully located it i school Walk ways in the plan all alone banks of the school treek through future subdivision to Top student of the year and Let received trophies the closing party held for grade students held for the first tune in he I Bennett school in he new auditorium 20 years ago lokn from llu I rti Press June the w hen grade eight students were lined by the Home and School issoei The toast the Queen was proposed by Gary Charles 1 andsborough said Grate Carol Evans and Heard presented larje painting for the It school ind Jenniftr Taylor and Joe prestnted an lo the school Mrs Itobtrl Johnson representing tin I Ladies presented i gift Joan Cook who received the highest marks in grade eight Mary Beth Susan Heard and Helen Benton sang Jim Miller played the Andrew Knox played the bagpipes Beth Parsons sane a solo Beth Pirson and Brian Smith were students who had mide the most progress Linda Parker introduced sptaker Murray MiBndt Mrs Doug headed ihe committee planning Ihe banquet J2nd parh hold for Mrs J and others who at tended wtrt Mrs Mabel Mrs John Mowat and Mrs It Johnson Michael Wolfe was the only boy in Hit annual dance revue of pupils of Miss Lois Allen 50 years ago Taken issue of th tree Press June Interest in big celebrations grows There arc over for the Julv field day are looking forward seeing our lady slir Mirgirel in action against runners Many of provinces athlete will be here Then is no lack of prizes to be awarded in parade on Monday morning Ti is i wonderful array of stiver cups in window There will be i community church vice in park on evening Mr and Mrs Perryman Jr who were in Acton in 18 celebrated their wedding anniversary Mr L Wright received word this week that he has successfully passed he exam of he Institute of Lift Underwnttrs of Canada Among the graduates at Guelph Collegiate wire Phyllis Tykr Jtssie Young Roberta Miehic Dorothy Council accepted Ihe tender of from the Acton fill fair board for old drill shed provided it remain in park 100 years ago Taken from the Issue of thr t Press June2 1879 Dominion Day ntxt Tuesday Enter in the Temperance Hall ad mission cents Albert Moore has disposed of his share of the free Press lo his brother HP Moore on obtaining a has compltted their report on six locations and the committee is of the opinion the most suitable property is that of Mr Hansom Adams adjoining Mr Nicklin s field o south of he pond Mr Adams has agreed to sell properly an acre A number of ratepayers expressed their disapproval of that property They say Mr Adams property is so near the public road thai timid persons and ladies would nol care gu past after dark and that the land is loo wet where water washes down from coble hill Base ball has revived in Acton Last Saturday a team went In ram as a to play the Town Line Blazers and came home victorious A quoit club was organized last Monday evening No less than three new ly married couples attended worship the Melhodist church

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