Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 4, 1979, p. 4

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The Acton Free Press Wednesday July Acton Don McDonald Publisher Founded in Published every by flushing Co at Acton Ontario Telephone Subscriptions Single copies each 10 par year Canada In bH than Canada The Acton Free Press one ot the inland Publishing Co group of suburban which include The Whitby Pickering Advertiser The Brampton Guardian The Poat Etobkttke The Georgetown Independent The Milton Canadian Champion The Mbsnsaugs The Aurora Era Beaver Oshewa Thia Week Oshawa This Weekend and The Tribune la on the condition that In the event of typographical error that portion of the advertising space occupied by the ham together with or signature wM not be charged for but the of the advertisement be paid or at the applicable rate In the event of a typographical error goods or services a wrong price goods services may not be sold Advertising merely offer total and may be withdrawn at any time Second Registration Number EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Editor- Hartley Cole Editor Helen Eric Sports Editor ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT Advertising Manager Cook Claaamed BUSINESSACCOUNTING OFFICE Office Manager Fran Gibson ThornM Shirley J Deque Carolyn CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT Manager Marvlm TELEPHONE Business and Editorial Office Community spirit is still strong Some people would be fed up with the rotten weather that plagued Back to Acton Days last weekend soaking participants and cancelling events which organizers had been planning for months But the optimists who planned three days of festivities to coincide with Canadas birthday were bursting with pride after it was all over Terry Grubbe the effervescent chairpairson of the annual festivi ties was ecstatic over the co operation and involvement of the community They could have stayed home out of the rain but hundreds came out in spite of the soggy weather and everything possible went ahead as planned she said Sure theyre going to have an other Back to Acton Days next year she says and if residents turn out as well as they did this year streets could well be over flowing if fine weather graces festivities Thats the kind of spirit that makes a community and as she says in a letter to this newspaper theres still plenty of community spirit in Acton Were still not so big we cant get people out to en joy themselves at home instead of driving miles through heavy traffic to a quiet retreat in the hills That kind of spirit was also pre valent for birthday celebrations at and as our correspondents attest to in their columns Glen Williams also had a fine day in spite of the weather SodldRockwood Canada will always be a strong country as long as we preserve that spirit Moderation the answer is produced but one receives more than needed from a normal diet There is no need to pass the summer months secluded indoors avoiding such recreational act ivities as tennis golf or swimm- ing but it is wiser and safer to All too often people overexpose small doses at themselves because the shade of ffl of tan an umbrella or the cool breeze on developed Envious of those with bodies bronzed by the sun and anxious to acquire a tan of your own Watch out for sunburn One can burn as badly on hazy days as in brilliant sunshine warns the Canada Safety Council An erection set Steel frames started poking into the sky near the CNR tracks recently as the skeleton of the new 650000 square feet Holly Industries took shape The plant will process sulphur will be one in height with an adjacent tower fli9 7XT sssi an overcast day eliminate the uncomfortable heat we associate with sunburn But the ultraviolet light of the sun reflects off sand and water reaching under beach umbrellas and penetrates grey clouds There are virtually no medical benefits to be gained from exp osure to the sun Some Vitamin Letters The company picnic A good choice of suntan lotion will help prevent sunburn The most useful are those which contain a sunscreening ingredient But no lotion will pro tect against sunstroke that is likely to result from prolonged exposure to high temperature and sun Moderation is the answer They colled us from the postures To come and share the gains There beneath the Norway Maples We forgot our aches and pains We were at this Royal welcome From the captain and the crew Who have taken over duties That the old hands used to do I saw the captain sigh as he coat his eye Though he seemed to understand Then Peter gave the Company Blessing As he scanned the beaten faces But every hand was feeling grand Though there were vacant places Among our crowd was Uncle Bob Whose jokes are always new To darling daughter Sweet reporter heard him ell a few what others say Emotional teacher issue Roger Worth Director Public Affairs Canadian of Independent Business By Roger Worth taining the present level of employment To fire or not to fire That the emotion- The reason for the reduced enrolment of ally charged question facing boards of course is Canadas low birth rate and education across the country as student cutbacks In immigration As a result enrolment dwindles there are fewer children to be educated The Issue in a word money The teachers defend their position by Many elected education officials argue contending that smaller classes would that savings from declining enrol grade the quality of by allowing ment In elementary and secondary schools instructors to spend more time with indl should be passed on to the public In the vidual students Naturally such a change form of lower taxes would require more teachers Canada teachers and many Parent But the education officials who control Teacher Associations on the other hand point out that teacher salaries oppose this position favoring are responsible for about per cent of a reduction In class sizes and an Increased education spending By limiting the emphasis on special education thus main- number of teachers they can least hold the line on tax increases In addition they also point to a study that indicates smaller classes have little effect on the quality of The battle between diametrically opp osed factions In the high stakes game is being waged from Halifax to Vancouver with emotions running high as layoffs con tinue In Toronto for example 3000 people turned out for a board of education session that overturned an effort to lay off several hundred Instructors In other areas of Canada the radio hot lines hum as wellorganized teachers take the offensive in attempting to achieve tax payer support for their position Fallout from the situation has caused turmoil among those considering teaching as a profession Enrolment in teacher training courses has been chopped drama tlcally and more than 25 per of last years teachers college graduates still havent found Jobs Meanwhile fights over the closing of schools continues with some secondary units dropping course options to trim bud gets There is no simple solution to the prob lem Education has become a gut issue In Canada and its not about to go Most teachers have basic liking of young people Each man and woman has a way of marking off the years With some Its birthdays With farmers its getting the crops in With fishermen Its hauling out the old tub for the winter after the last catch With golfers it getting in one final round before the snow flies And so on With teachers its struggling through to the end of June without going around the bend Ive Just made it for the nineteenth time and at time of writing still have most of my marbles though I can t say the same for some of my colleagues They get- queerer and queerer every year But It is only with the silliest and most sentimental that the end of the school year brings tears a feeling of loss a pang of sorrow Most of us walk out at the end of June and never really care whether we ever the old sausage factory At approximately the same many mothers are giving a great sigh of nation looking fearfully at the summer ahead when theyll have to cope with their twenty four hours a day most teachers are giving a mighty sigh of relief because they don t have to cope with those same kids at all for two entire months Its not that teachers dislike kids Per haps a few do but they usually wind up In the locney bin or slashing their wrists In the bathtub On the contrary most teachers have a basic liking of people and show them often more tolerance and under standing than the kids own parents do Theyll bend over backwards to listen to problems suggest solutions and try to motivate the youngsters a But there comes a point a sort of stick ing point where even the most benevolent of teachers runs across a kid who would drive his own mother screaming up the wall And often does One of my younger colleagues is still nursing a cracked rib incurred after breaking up a fight In the cafeteria and chasing one of the boys involved half a mile to the local park in the line of duty He docs not love and cherish that kid Almost every year when teacher is in daily contact with approximately 180 teen ager with their sexual repressions their hangups their broken homes their depressions there are three or four kids he or she can barely tolerate These few bad apples are what moke teaching a very arduous profession They are a daily source of irritation with their bad language bad habits and bad man ners But every job has its unpleasant aspects and if you cant cope with a few rotten kids you should get job where you have a rotten boss or rotten customers or rotten pay End of term comes and even the little turkeys in Grade 9 who bedevilled you with their giggling or their yapping or their giddiness all year become lovable because you know theyre gone for two months And you get a nice tie from one shy little girl and a nice card thrust through your letterslot by another who has walked eight blocks to do it and a muttered Havea goodsummerslr from the worst spalpeen in the class and It all makes some kind of And at commencement night you suddenly discover that those lumpy girls in and work beets In jeans and sneak ers are really beautiful young women with bosoms and golden arms and flashing eyes That those lazy Surly unkempt louts you tried to pound some English into for ten months are elegant witty young men with a shirt and lie on who have twice the ease and poise and knowledge you had yourself at that age And then theres the ego thing A guy lurches up to you in a bar and eight that Youra bess teacher ever had 1 go down town in July to get a paper or buy some milk get borne three hours later Old lady sore as a boil Where In the world have you been Respond Ah all the kids are home from and they want to tell me about themselves their problems their love life Its a tough life but it has its points We read recently of high schools In the big cities where teaching has become something like running the gauntlet of physical and verbal violence This occurs not only in Innercity schools with their masses of poor kids from broken homes and immigrant kid3 disjointed by a ferent culture and language but also from suburban middleclass schools whose students are overprivileged also come from broken homes have too much money and are extremely materialistic like their parents They look on teachers as something like an orange to be sucked dry and thrown away like the peel Not for me I couldnt hack mat Id quit Im no dedicated martyr I dont want a punchup with three druggies forty years younger I dont want my tires slashed or my female staff assaulted I am basically a peaceable coward Our school is not like that and I guess thats why Ive hung in here so long When I started 1 had offers to teach journalism at a community college to do public rela tions work to teach at a university But I began to grow too fond of the teenagers and backed away from these offers Im not sorry Im no Mr Chips Im not a great teacher Bat I do enjoy teenagers with their curiosity their sensitivity seose of humour their developing selves even their Gashes of anger and always their honesty I was gazing at the fountain while drinking up the toasts Then on the green I thought I seen A group friendly ghosts So I hurried to the table for A shot of Rye Then 1 gave toast to every ghost As raised my glass up high Then came the time for parting From those grounds hold so dear But promised Captain Peter We d all be there next year up hold a grand tradition With the company and Its friends To share the Load along the road Until the journey ends Community spirit still flourishes To the Editor The Organizing Committee of the Back to Acton Days would like to thank every person who helped make the past end such a success In spite of the rainfilled days many people still joined in the Calilhumpion Parade visited all the booths and parti in the planned activities Come Rain or Shine the com unity spirit in Acton continues to flourish Back To Acton Days weekend Sincerely Terry Pot Pourri O ye Gods grant us that Is good whether we pray for it or not but keep evil from us even though we pray for it Plato Some people speak from ex perience while others from ex perience dont speak The reason television com mercials are louder than the program is so that we can hear them the bathroom and the kitchen The dictionary is the only place where success comes before work Back issues 10 years ago Taken from Issue of the Free Press Wednesday July 16 1969 Aerial photographer Ed Longs photo graph on front page gives some idea of what Acton would look like if the three astronauts who for the moon flew over The curvature the earth Is visible in the photograph Many burned the midnight oil watching the first man on the moon on TV Charles Kelly Browne years young headed Saturday local Orange parade Quick thinking by Lloyd Burt prevented a very serious fire at his farm He was able to drive a tractor which caught fire out from the barn and into an open field can mean jail far students Judge Alan warned in court A request that all religious instruction be eliminated from schools has been presented to the board of education Kent Joe Kcntner Jim Hurley and John Scojne have been attending hockey school Stephanie Merrln and Peter Pnvli are attending band camp 20 years ago Taken from the issue of fee Press of Thursday July Seven happy Scouts received the Queen Scout badges Assistant district com missioner Murray made the presentations This is on outstandingly high number of scouts to receive the awards one time their scoutmaster Hartley Coles pointed out The boys are Rick Currle Ban- Brian K Gardner Pete Newton Bob and Lawrence Others taking part In the program in a woodland tearing on property owned by Manse were Brian Sproston Paul MtGenchic John and John Coy district Ron Smith group committeeman Tom Watson A large crowd gathered to pay their last respects to Mary Ellen Nellie Anderson who had devoted most of her life to Chris work Prouse took over as president of the Rotary club from Ted Hansen High tribute was paid to Ralph Matthews name will be the first to appear on the Tyler trophy for a pupil who contributed to the school He saved the life a grade girl Principal Smith made the presentation was called to the bar of Ontario Douglas received his PhD 50 years ago Taken from the Issue of the Free Press Thursday July The three big days of celebration of Acton on Saturday Sunday and Monday are over The first event of Acton Amateur Athletic Club was a splendid success and the gather of Old Boys and Girls of the old home town was one of the best that has ever been arranged Nothing happened to mar the plans but rain forced the street dance to move indoors There was not a citizen who was not proud of the home town band in their new uniforms when they first played during the Garden Party In the park Acton Lodge IOOF held their annual Decoration Day service Sunday and there was a huge community church service in the park The gathering of the Callthumplan parade in the park was Indeed a sight to behold The parade was as usual headed by J as Johnson of with his team of oxen There was a gay gathering in the park on Monday for the athletic events The Royal Grenadiers Band from Toronto played Club president Beardmore introduced the many winners First Acton girl was a tie Miss M and Miss Chalmers and first Acton boy was R Hal The athletes band and officials were entertained at Beverly House the home of Mr and Mrs T Whilcthe street donee was moved into thelownHallduetorain between two and three hundred danced outside till about two 100 years ago Taken from or the Free Press of Mr Henry Clark arrived home from the Black Hills Dakotah Territory Saturday having completed his term of five years service in the American army Mr Clark says he had some narrow escapes from be ing scalped by the Indians Some of the junior boys of our village are endeavoring to organize a lacrosse club Mr W Storey is having his Eureka Glove Spring Works factory filled up with new machinery The company is making extensive shipments to all of Canada Quite a number of broken boards remain unrepaired in the sidewalks A large number of our male citizens both young and old bathe daily In Acton there was no Dominion Day celebration and the town was exceedingly quiet

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