The Acton Free Press Wednesday July with Jennifer Visitors to have been known to turn around at the gates thinking theyd made a mistake and been misdirected to a park instead of one of the most picturesque tanneries In the country Gardens rockeries trees a wildlife lake and minigame park make the Beardmore grounds one of the most beautiful spots in Acton thanks to For years before Mr was in charge the grounds were the territory of Bruce A plaque to his memory stands near the front gate citing him as a worthy member of the men of trees It was he who planted the huge maples gracing the gardens However the rockeries fountain streams lake and flower beds are the children of Erwln designer a tor Polish farmer to gardener came to Canada from England his After the Second World War he had found himself in England and stayed to become a farmer and market gardener for 13 years After emigrating to Canada It didnt take long before he was hired as gardener President Peter Dunham Is enthusiastic In his praise of Mr work He shows an old before aerial photo of the plant A factory dump graces the spot where now a large lake houses wild life Trees there were aplenty but only grassy slopes where now there are flowers and fountains The area surrounding the main office building grows grass profusely because of abundant springs Mr Dunham cites the reason the tannery was built on the original site as the abundance of fresh natural water and wood Unfortunately these springs are hazardous to the trees many of which have died waterlogged despite tile draining New ones have been planted but the gardener shakes his head in sorrow as he recalls those that didnt However a charming stream banked with rough paving stone leading from a waterfall in the rockery to a fish pond and lighted fountain helps make the moat of the water problem The fish pond la actually the site of a quicksand of watery earth and Mr tells of the difficulty workmen had with construction The colorful European rockery is situated on a bank where formerly little would grow IT forms a beautiful background to an unusual view from of laid every atone of that rockery by hand comments the president and it certainly does look well loved Peacocks and ducks Biggest attraction In the Beardmore gardens are the peacocks all five of them no Im wrong theres a new baby bringing the total to six Peacock population is rather lopsided consisting of four males and a very tired female even the chick The peacocks were introduced about eight years ago on former president Norm Bralda a suggestion They share the fenced lake area with ducks geese It was discovered that the plant dump previously occupying the site of the lake was actually filling in the reservoir where obtained water years ago wben Acton was still a village Mr Dunham is delighted the lake was dug out to return the area to Its original look An overgrown island reached from shore by a bridge provides shelter for nesting ducks and Canada geese A windmill gift of a creative em ployee adds charm The gardens are not all decorative however An Immaculate vegetable garden blends with bushes and asparagus fern providing color foliage and good eating Greenhouses ensure plants have an early protected start in the spring Filter become Peter Dunham is delighted with the good en vironment the gardens provide for employees and he appreciates the beauty transposed on the mess of the old plant Not only Is the lake a welcome face of a former dump but the wooded bank and flower beda surrounding the main building are built on pile of gravelin left over from the days of coal fired furnaces Birds are attracted by the hundreds nesting singing chattering during board meetings Mr Dunham chuckles about a nest of young Blue Jays Interrupting meetings Hes also proud of the bird sanctuaries filter beds south of the plant off Highway IS are becoming He has sighted mourning doves finches blackbirds and all the usual common birds plus a kingfisher and a pair of blue herons If all those birds survive it can be too bad a situation he comments referring to frequent public complaint about the smell of the filter beds Fidler gardener quiet and is an artist In bis own right A man who just loves seeing beautiful things grow Mr Dunham is Justifiably proud of gardens saying t provides the best dividends for a small Investment Marooned on the Island Beardmore gardener sets the spinning Doon of DUitoa Canada Limited Acton will be closing September Z9 pulling people out of work Lines produced in Acton be made at Montreal plant Board chairman wont see Campbell in church J no other dgarene i quite like Medallion Board of Education chairman Bill Herd wont be whistling et me to the church on time to explain his actions to Miltop minister Ken Campbell Sunday He told trustees he won t be on the platform of Miltons Emmanuel Baptist Church In spite of Campbell invitation asking Herd to explain why the minister should mind something other than the chairmans business I wouldnt reserve any time on a Sunday night to see that hap pen Herd said Thur sday at Burlington The chairman was telling trustees how he will answer two letters from Campbell one of which reported sparked Herd to say Rev Campbell should mind his own bloody bust In the second letter Campbell whose con cerns found much vocal sympathy from Oakville trustee Elsie Hi son asks why the concerns which prompted the first letter are NOT my blessed business as a father and a laxpaying resident for years In Ha Hon Trustee Hllson told Herd in the meeting that Campbell is right Its It is his business Its everybodys business She also wanted Herd to apologize to Campbell The Milton minister who heads Hnlton stated the only honorable course for you Herd to take is to resign at once from your position if the chairman failed to make the statement he is reported to have made in public to Campbells face The ministers first letter concerns reactions to suspensions to four OakvilleTrafalgar High School students because they published 200 copies of a paper depicting the schools teachers in various acts of sexual perversion The paper was out m late June It was titled Trafalgar spelled back wards According to Campbell the growing anarchy in our public schools can be blamed on the leaders the provinces teacher federations not the stu dents or their parents Specifically the blame rests with the federations who hired Dr LaPierre to articulate their apparent total anti parent Campbell directs the way to putting Hal ton back on course When the school board insists on the responsible of the public school tens of thousands of parents civil servant arrogance will have their confidence in and enthusiasim for the pub lic school system re stored The letter is four in length Once focus of Camp bells remedies though he only identifies the man by title is Board of Ed ucation Director Em Lavender The director at boad meetings sits beside chairman Herd Campbell calls for the director of education to no longer sit in the place of power at Board meetings at the chair mans right hand brooding over the trustees like a hen over her chicks THE ACTON FREE PRESS Author as Second Ct an Mali Portal Restoration Boards double standard showing Renaissance The wrong people are being punished for distrl butlng a pornographic newspaper at High School according to the Renais sance Committee Rev Ken Campbell School principal Nell Tumbult suspended four students for their part in the effort The suspen sions wll be served at the beginning of the next school year The students should founder of the organ- be reinstated and the Ization said in a recent administrators whove press release that the ridiculed parents of Education was ded by the same sort of showing a double star In the recommended by suspending books and sex for distributing films In pornographic materials schools should be forcing them to pended at once read similar material In Campbell declared their English classes Campbell added that He blamed the sit ne was by the on the antl- silence of the Canadian parent self serving civil authors who have formed servants of the Board the Freedom of the double standard Committee over this Campbells statements censorship were prompted by an These are the Incldent at tarians who have Trafalgar High School ridiculed the Huron where several students Board of Education for collaborated on a publi banning a Governor- cation called General awardwinning Art It contained book containing a vividly several Illustrations of detailed description of school staff performing bodily functions and majority of parents find engaging in various offensive of sexual activity in the public schools home but rather Campbell blamed the home is extension of the publication not on the school students but on the leaders of the Ontario teachers federations who administration which endorse the totalitarian purports to serve parent parent philosophy flllMedlv fltrlculatcd their which is often- the that the school Is not the extension of the Summer Time Special Summer Dresses ANDSPECIALLYSEIECTED OF SUMMER WEAR ToddlersTeens DOWNTOWN ACTON FOR ALL YOUR GARDENING AND LANDSCAPING NEEDS Wa Opan from I un Evary Day Sunday NOW UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT ft 243 Mean North Acton See Us For COMPLETE AUTO PARTS ACCESSORIES CIL PAINTS fta CornpiHe MACHINE SHOP NEW STORE HOURS Monday July JO MondayFriday 8 to 630 Saturday 8 to 853341011 LAKEVIEW CENTRE CBjiolidRocring Installers On Staff RICHMOND CORONET VENTURE CALLAWAY ARMSTRONG and G A F Lakeview Centre LAWN GARDEN AT OVER 100 FIRESTONE STORES IN CANADA 100 FT EXTENSION CORD ll Cooking with REASONS TO BUY FIRESTONE Tire tone Stores MOORE PARK PLAZA GEORGETOWN 8775119 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 20 OFF ALL WEDDING RINGS FREE INSURANCE ON ALL DIAMOND RINGS FOR ONE YEAR E Homo Gifts Cards 46 MILL STREET EAST ACTON 8E31730 DIOO ANNOUNCES added enjoyment we me noun FULLY LICENCED UNDER THE LLBO Cover Charge This Charge OPEN DAILY 730pm1anl Dress Code Will Be 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