Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 25, 1979, p. 1

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One Hundred and Fifth YearNo ACTON ONTARIO WEDNESDAY JULY TwentyTwo PagesTwenty Cento MS principal Gary Dawkins dies suddenly on Monday McKewie Smith principal Gary Is deadaltbeageofW Mr died suddenly at home on Elmore Drive Monday morning He a life long resident of Acton having at tended Robert Little and Acton High School He was active in school sports being captain or cocaptain of the high school football team for three years He was a member of Acton a only undefeated football team He was also active on the students council Mr earned his from Sir Wilfred and attended Lakes hare Teachers College and held a permanent Standard Four Teaching Certificate and a perm anent Principal Certificate Starting out his teaching career at Speyslde school be served as a teacher for three years and principal for ten M Z Bennett school where he beaded the staff until McKenxleSmilh was opened two years ago He was the youngest man tobenimedprindpal In Hal ton a years old Mr Dawklna has been a member of the North Area Principals Advisory Committee and was active in the Halton Principals Association He served on the executive for four years He was president as well as chairman of the Profes sional Development Committee and the Econ Polky Committee Mr Dawkins served as principals re presentative on the staff board committee and the Halton Elementary Teachers Association Council A member of the Rotary Club Mr served in almost every capacity Including for two years He Is also a past member of the Legion executive and the Knox Church Board of Management Mr has been Involved in the Progres dive Conservative party since 1060 In be sought and won the PC nomination for the new riding of Halton Burlington He was edged out In the provincial election by Liberal J Reed Mr Dawkins Is survived by his wife Hlgglns sons Mark and Michael at home his parents Edgar and Helen and brothers Don and Fred all of Acton Funeral service will be held at Knox Pres byterian Church tomorrow Thursday Inter meat at Cemetery A Masonic mem service wilt be held tonight at the funeral home Gary Dawkins principal of McKenileSmlth Middle School died Monday morning at his Elmore Drive home He was years old Disston reps meet with town council Halton Hills council doing everything it can to find new industry to loc ate in the plant when it closes In Sept ember Acting mayor George Maltby said that council is committed to finding new industry to locate in also hopes he said that R Hoe and Co the firm h purchased part of the Disston line from owners Can- ad an will choose to loc ate permanently in the area Mr ex plained R- Hoe and Co plans to continue some of the woodworking pro ducts for some time Mr Maltby met last week with re presentatives of Sandvik Canadian Julian Reed member of provincial parliament OttoJelinek member of parliament Paul Nielsen of the Halton Hills Industrial Board and four other councillors A meeting Is being ar ranged by Mr for mid August at which time the Union Executive and the Hoe and Co will meet with council The council is most anxious to do whatever it can to assist in the re- establishment of a viable industrial base and where necessary the re positioning of the af workers he con eluded Hoe and Co have been around for over years starting their but incss in 1805 during Thomas Jefferson sec ond term of ad ministration They are the oldest business con tinuously operated In the United States At that time ft Hoc manufactured the first production presses in America Most of the news during the try formative years was printed on equip ment of Hoe design the country grew so did the company Hoe presses got better and so did their line of flaws DEPRESSED A recession says a wit is when your neighbor is out of work A depression is when you are out of work Sewers cost blush 1m a hag tine far arswad Rat extend their gardens latere and Jin have can- verted a lata a mass af greenery where they sit and aad flowers oat over their Photo by Helen Murray There SI million worth of sanitary sewers water and road works underway in town this summer Construction of has a Joint contract from Halton Region and Hills Halton above average in crimesolving rate police have a higher than average rata of solving criminal cases Acting Chief James Harding told Police Commission this week when for the first time they ned a meeting In Acton He said average rate of dealing cases during May and June was per cent and predicted that rate would improve He said there are certain type cases where the rate Is much higher such as assault where 88 per cent are cleared but admitted theft was below the national average He attributed the higher than average rate to hard working officers on the street and the support of the public Statistics for May showed a 90 per cent clearance of shoplifting cases per cent for fraud and 100 per cent for drug cases According to the report break and enter of commercial estab lishments with an It pa- cent rate are the most difficult to solve In June the same pattern was followed with one homicide listed as unsolved but Harding said it has been solved now but the person who would have been charged committed suicide According to the statis tics adult females do more shoplifting than adult males but juvenile males do more shop lifting than females In the last two months 39 adult females and 33 adult males were charged with shoplifting but 46 juvenile males and juvenile females were charged with the same offence Several workmen and pieces of heavy equip ment are engaged In a project on Mill SL be tween the dam and Flour Mill The street has been closed off to through traffic According to region spokesman Doug Inouye has permission to close the street for two weeks The installation of new sanitary sewers on Mill St is absorbing much of the cost because of the water problems Mr indicated Regions port ion of the cost covers the sewers and The town is mainly con cerned with curbs and gutters Is also engaged in some sewer work on Main St from Church to south of Kingham Rd There is also a project at Agnes St Brewers ponder appeal The Canadian Union of United Brewery Flour Cereal Soft Drink and Distillery Workers is adopting a wait and see stance regarding last week decision against It by the Ontario Labour Relations Board The OLRB did not up hold the complaint by the union against Superior Glove Works Ltd If the board decided In the unions favor about a dozen workers would have been reinstated They were laid off by the company in February We re leaving the appeal open union re gional director BUI Rannachan said Monday night Meanwhile Canadian Brewers last week filed a complaint which has the aim for getting It auto matic certification as the bargaining agent Superior Glove em ploys about 80 people Zapl More power in town lines LDC morals block Hydro line Halton a Land Division Committee broke new ground in order to shaft two Ontario Hydro corridor severance bids last weak members put a new wrinkle in toe normally used planning criteria and also followed not unanlrnouaty the course charted by what one member moral obligation Ontario Hydro ran Into en a of application tl passed without much fuss I Into the moral question that a usually been fuss Previous bids were pending amendments to the Official Those amendments however have been tied up in complex battles Involving Halton and Supreme Court of Ontario The which took most of the committees attention was from Johanna and Dunk R Acton concerning their land on Lot Concession member Das Morrow of Hornby stated to Its terms that of c a tease arrangement with Ontario Hydro to a pwchese agreement And he and chairman Brian Hatcher saw nothing wrong with that Its been done before Sheldon member from foal we moral money In opposition to the hydra corridor Mrs Sheldon fellow members the town offices Hills and a group of citizens also opposed to the hydro corridor the Interested Cititens Group ICG are waiting for a court decision in which they challenge the Ontario Municipal Board OMB and indirectly Ontario Hydro Mrs Sheldon Introduced a motion to deny based on moral grounds It succeeded She argued that If the LDC approved the severance committee members would be giving Ontario Hydro tacit approval for its tine The Duenk property is within a sane which comes under the Jurisdiction of the Niagara That means Hills plans do not apply there The NEC according to Ontario Hydro represen tative Dan issued the provincial utility a development permit- Mrs Sheldon motion ranges on local and council which nave no on the property noted LDC fellow Another Lloyd from Milton looked tome courts to decide If the the eastwest line only halt the wires are op and someone said of course it hearsay they Ontario Hydro need the line KG iota Gam attended the to bring members up to date on town region and citizen group opposition We lose sight of what these are about The property has already been expropriated All we are doing te accommodating the small land owner who wants to sell said Morrow His was the solo vote In favor of Mrs Sheldon Mr Chisholm and Joe Willmott voted against the severance ap plication On the next Ontario Hydro application Hills raised no objection but the again sank the public utility this time on planning grounds Ontario Hydro wants to shift a house it owns on IS Sideroad on the 5th Concession The house new location would be out from Under the wires of the same proposed power line member Morrow jibed be committee Will not support this immoral thing though council local and region planners do not oppose the moving of the house Morrow spearheaded the argument against the moving of the house which Ontario Hydro it not viable under the line it going to be a nuisance said the member from Hornby Hydro representative told the committee mat approvals come for the line construction will start Immediately and there would be no time to Why should we let you come back and create a potential problem Ail you re doing is trying to save a few dollars and that in significant compared to the cost of the whole project said Morrow He moved denial of the application Let not do it it create jamming against the line Mrs Sheldon seconded the motion The Halton Hdls section of the hydro corridor is about miles long and part of it within the town is on ground governed by the NEC The town and ICG appealed an OMB decision which permitted Ontario Hydro inside Hills borders for a judicial review by Ontario Supreme Court Most of the Ontario Hydro corridor is constructed from Bruce nuclear generating station on Lake Huron to Betwood a few miles north of the Enn Township line From BeJwood lines take the power west to Kitchener and east to near Orangevllle The ICG opposes 109roue long corridor because there has been no study done for the provincial government Ideally the ICG would have a royal commissi study the northsooth line Just as the Solandt studied the eastwest line the In on which Mr said has only half the wire strung Acton power lines are about 16 volts richer thanks to a near flawless conversion to heavier equipment Acton Hydro crew men worked with linemen and station men from Ontario Hydro on upgrading the number of volts coming into town to from 600 The change means a steadier flow of voltage said Acton HydroElectric Commission chairman The switch to higher voltage is part of an Ontario Hydro plan that has already gone into effect east of town and more recently in Fergus and Final steps on theconverslon will take place this week when work on the Queen St transformer station is finished Most of the weekend work concentrated on the station in front of The Acton Free Press office on Willow St N A temporary mobile unit transformer will be used to help with the change over on Queen St The conversion work Friday however was marked by a brief power cut Warren Grove housing probably was out of power for the longest time according to Acton Hydro Superintend ent Doug Mason The traffic lights were also knocked out and power was cut to the arena The try at the conversion was made starting Friday because as Mr Mason said so many people are away while some industries such as and are on holidays The conversion to the higher voltage means Acton Hydro will be able to supply backup power in case of an interruption in the line from Fergus according to Mr McEachern If there is a breakdown on power de livery from the northwest equal voltage can be drawn from the east That is a lactic Acton Hydro has been unable to perform for about five since the east went up to the higher voltage Now that both areas are equal the change can again take place Ontario Hydro had several crews of linemen stringing wire from into the W How St station and on along River St There was one threeman crew working in the station Work continued from Friday through the weekend Inside this week Jennifer interviews a self starting missionary to India Page Christian Reformed Churches t waiting to help the Vietnamese boat people They re doing something about it now Page Contaminated sludge from sewage plants Including Acton Is being dumped on farm fields and some officials are worried about Its effect Hills clinic offers both social and legal advice Page 10 There a sound of music in Ballmafad and area as Winifred Smith reports Page7 lag new wire The restacetaeat Is part of a project to Increase the See snar Page a

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