B4 The Acton Free Press Wednesday Aug 1979 I Stbastian Over years ago tha founder of Company got his first job Sebastian taught school tohalp pay for tilt fathers farm But thajob thatstartad him on to ratail business came behind the counter of a little grocery tore In Sctanton Pa Sebastian ad business In Naw York and want on to be a travelling tinware salesman After five years he hadaavad enough money to go Into business for himself As salesmen had picked up valuable knowedge about the five end dime business With John as partner and an SB investment a store wis opened In Memphis Tenn In March 837 Only two months later they opened another store in Detroit In 1999 Mr traded his interest in the Memphis store to his partner in return for full ownership of the Detrot After an eight year partnarsh p with Charles J Wilson his brother inlaw Krasge expanded his operation and by had opened stores That year marked the brth of the SS Companyand ncorporated Delaware Hows upon rows ot hairpins scarves and handkerchiefs A huge Sale sign CUSHION COVERS Oft written in red Ink Stacks of note paper recks of shirts end piles of fountain pans A spotless glass counter f Had with mouth watering pastries cookies pits A little boy eagerly waiting for his pie scoop Ice cream cone his mother tor her five cent cup of coffee Store managers bus ly checking the products end sett ng up window displays And behind every counter a friendly smiling face For SO years in Canada has had heartfelt responsibility to its customers to provide everyday needs ate raasonsble price Valuepriced and good service are qualities Kresge cont to honour Our staff Is customer conscious People were the key to our beg nnmg as they are to our growth People who look after their departments as carefully as they do their own homes bos always been end will ways be a friendly store to adopt the theme you for shop ping et It is known as the program and it is basis of Kresge We offer personal service to the cut Kresge variety store includes household ties beauty aids Jewelry bedding accessories plants luggage wearing epparef records and more all in pleasant surround ings endeared for by helpful staff You can also have a delicious meal without leaving the store stores have standup bers and our larger stores have cafeterias with a wide range of appetising foods stores with pastry and delicatessen counters pro vide en excellent variety of desserts breed cheese and cold cuts And wfian we say we give you good valuator your money we mean it Our buyers are wtedgoable end experi enced to they on top of the retail market The retail business It constantly changing end changes with it The improvements are technological the ad vancement la in merchandising and mar keting But the basic are the seme today as they were when we started What bolls down to Is satisfaction always Our responsibility continues after the sale be cause we want the customer to coma beck And we know complete customer satisfac tion will accomplish that It started in Kitchener The tcheno was Cud then lemon The now K Street West local on was ready lor bus On May 2nd I rsl Canad an store opened Over people employed departments I 10 cent merchant so and talk of stores be opened every major Canada In yPccordopennt day we advert Come and see now or yourself the TURKISH TOWELS- ladies F yeas a ft to aetvee That really to shout 5jy OUR STRENGTH IS PEOPLE Have you ever wondered what makes a huge corporal on I mart answer mpio Itspeope People are the power everyih that happens mart Everyone the Pies dent starts nine stockroom sweeping Hoots and learn the bus ness from scratch Tranng based on tog Through eve step of the program the dance from top notch experts From the stockroom the nco moves onto the sales Hoar and adua ly lakes on var ord nat ng and respons bi Be the manager of a store mandatory before anyone teaches an vo level At po nt they a extreme y knowledgeable about every phase I bus ness because they have done 1 You may ask why should anybody care We a I know that n a a go porai on you must work lor before the a chance of on VVRONGl At marl promol on based on It doosn matte how long you have worked for the company you re good we care Taent rewarded with rap d advancement Harry Cunn Presdentof alon ntheUnted States from 1959 to 1970rose through the management prog am to become trie most and word leader metal and h management team a d the groundwork lor the move the new and bus of d scount dopa Ths sour secret When our employees succeed thenKmart a Our strength people That s the ch makes us a fold Not interested was CarlHehns reaction to a job opening at The store manager kept ng that when I complete my educat on I should join the company Butldidni want to Iwashaulngdshes store kitchen and I hated it I there to earn some money for Twenty our years later the same man is Saesand Gene Manager for mart Mr sees marl as a people or company Intact ho says one the reasons ho jcned the company was because a very helpful and concerned store manager rjidn know what retail was all about and he took several hours n to me In of the stores across the country there a so many people who are completely dedicated teach others I owes lot to these employees because they cared enough to take the true to help Mr is Successful graduate of mad a ng program tne stores up valuable knowledge along the way Before being promoted to his present Hon he has been a Management Train ng Buyer and visional Merchandise Manager People are the key to our growth and ifte f goal of our stall s the customer easier and more MM EDDIE S philosophy Iss Whan people like the jobs theyrehappy Ittheyre happy they at customers And who should know better than the man who has opened every marl store in Canada We ere fortunate to have en in loyal tat on and this the reason for our success You could say Mr Proulx started 42 years ago was to shovel snow from a store roof Like everyone else I worked in the stockroom Then I became Ass Manager Manager and later trctManager In Manager for man openings Those were end challenging times Ana except for one year as a buyer I been involved wthK mart ever since For the last 12 years Mr hes bean the rector mart stores respons b I ties are to see that the stores ere product end established principles ere followed I em a vary happy person be- I enjoy my work I like to believe that somewhere along the I ne I have contributed a little to the success of the people I have essoc etad with Cheerful Interesting and Hardworking Here are just a few of our long term employees who have contributed to the success of mart DA LUCK attribute her years mart to luck It has been a lot of hard work But it has also been very grat tying I remember my rat deym the Brentford store I had to wash d I was go to leave manager asked me to be in charge of the lunch counter Fromthenon I loved it M Luck hes managed food departments in Toronto Peter borough London Montreal When a new store opens she assists w th the I have helped open food departments and that is where I havega tha most experience Now as Assoc ate Food Buyer partofhar responsibility is to keep up w trends Naturally our food areas have grown in sue but the biggest change has been in the type of food served Convenience foods domi nate the menu There is something for aver one You can grab a snack at a lunch counter or have a full course meel one of our large cafeterias For Ide Luck working etK mert is like be ng pert large fern it 1 ke having a baby looking after him and caring for his future It s wonderful M AH once Said When I used to think of 1979 it seemed I ke the end of the world Mrs Youmans is ret ring end of month afterSOyears of service Remembering herf rtt day as a sales clerk in Kresge sheadmlts I was scared to death of operating the cash register Luck ly I didnt have Coca Cola was ng e spec aland all I had to do was take off the bottle tops and put nastraw After gradual from busi ness course in Shaw Collage Mrs Youmans was g in the offce However the manager asked her to keep working in the store on Saturdays K mart always be a part her life I have worked with good people end I really enoyadlt For the last 30 years Mrs has been secretary to many I s VicePres dents In the new Cerlton Street oft ce was opened The comer dent was photo graphed at off the year Itwasa gorgeous bu Id end it has been my home tor 30 years anywhere else And that sour good fortune People I Mary Youmans the backbone the company When a challenge resolved Ifeelalerrfc tense of eve m In her 35 years at and now as Advert Co net or Anna Barren has conquered many challenges Trevor Testier Auto mobile Accessories Buyer began his career n a Montreal store years ago He has managed many store and is proud ng managed four marts What can I say There a no I Ike it ma Lome after years of For the last seven years ha has been Buyer of Home Entertainment Major and Small ances Everyone mho organization has some thing to offer In my 32 year I learned great deal from the people I have worked with says RayCaider Buyer for Kmart Food Department In his search for good values Guy Trepan Buyer of Lad et Apparel Europe and the Orient I been wrih the company s nee I loved every minute Of it James Keenan has managed stoles across Canada lnhl31yeartwththe company Mr ha worked in New Westminster Hat Alia Windsor and Whitby Ont he s proud to be part of an aggress learn He has been Buyer of Health end Beauty Aids Candy and Jewelry for the lest of 33 years with company