Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 15, 1979, p. 4

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The Acton Free Press Wednesday Aug flrtss Don McDonald Publisher Founded in Ac on one In and Publishing Co of ban newt The eke News Advertiser Tho Tho no on coke Gale town Independent a Ecoriomrai and Sun TheMillon Canadian Champion The Tl kci Eta This Week eke and Tin SlouHv is accepted on the condition that in event of typographic or that portion of tho advert sing occupied by the err together reasonable allowance for will not bo charged tor but the balance of advertisement will be paid for at the cable tale In the event of a typographical error goods or services at a wrong price goods or services not bo sold Advertising merely an offer to sell Second mad Number EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Editor Hartley Coles Editor- Helen Murray RaportaWPhatographer Sporta Editor- Room Inscoo ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT Advertising Cook McAithur NESS ACCOUNTING OFFICE Office Manager Ca CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT Manager thu TELEPHONE 853 2010 Business and Editorial Office I Keep drunks off road Mixing drink and driving is a dangerous game Statistics prove it Police forces publicize it Yet thousands of intoxicated motorists still pretend they are capable of weaving their way safely home Thousands never make it Between 1973 and 1976 39 per cent of the drivers killed in ac and 42 per cent of the truck and van drivers had been drinking more than the legal limit In half of the 5 killed in car accidents were in legal terms impaired In a concerted effort to fight the statistics the borough of introduced a one year ex penmental crackdown against drinking drivers October Of 75 drivers stopped in the first six months were charged with alcohol related offences and while alcohol related traffic accidents increased over the previous year s level everywhere else in Metro Toronto they dec lined in Etobicoke from 343 to 293 When the Metro police inst ltuted Christmas spot checks last December charged 56 of the 3 978 drivers they stopped in the first weekend with impaired driving Now the Ontario Government has taken up the cause The Transportation Ministry with the help of municipal and provincial police will stop drivers this month between 9pm and 3am at 15 disclosed sites and ask them to take a breath test Solicitor General Roy stresses that since this is a survey to gather statistics on the average driver drinking drivers who submit voluntarily to the tests will not be charged if they reveal alcohol limits above the legal limit They will however be asked not to continue driving if they refuse to comply then they will be charged As surveys go it will edly have some value But the next and most important step is to substitute for the survey a series of spot checks which will operate throughout the year to ensure those found with high alcohol levels are charged with the offences It is not enough to measure the problem Ontario with the co operation of police forces across the province should mount a determined fight to stop drunken drivers in their trucks Or better still to deter drunks from driving Leamington Post Were having a picnic Who gains from imports Miller blasts illegal sludge We buy Made in Korea shirts shoes and radios because they are cheap so much cheaper than Canadian made products We are importing more and more of our clothing shoes and electric apph from Third World couitnes like South Korea Taiwan and Hong Kong The jobs of Canadian workers are being threatened by these imports and their unions are demanding government action to curb imports and protect jobs Some have suggested that Canada and other industrialized countries should phase out their textile electronic assembly and other labor intensive industries and let the underdeveloped Third World countries produce the things we need They argue that this will provide badly needed jobs for the millions of un employed in these countries and allow them to industrialize and develop But who would really benefit from such a shift in the inter national division of labor While the expansion of clothing and electronic industries in Third World countries may boost GNP and economic growth figures there is little evidence that this would benefit the workers or the majority of the people in these countries Labor intensive industries are attracted to Third World coun The only storage lagooi tries because wages are low South Korean clothing workers for example receive about cents an hour The governments of many of these countries have outlawed unions and banned strikes in an effort to keep wages low Canadian consumers do not benefit much either Imports from Third World countries usually have much higher mark than Canadian made goods and the savings from the low pro- costs based on cheap Mr Miller was object labor are not passed on to the con to proposal that The only beneficiaries are the multinational compaies and a given the money to en privileged few in the Third World large the sludge pond so countries The people of the Third World would be much better of if their development plans were based on producing the things they need not producing just for ex port Editorials The United Church of Canada sludge serving Hills is illegal and has been for the past five according to Hills Councillor Russell Miller In addition Miller warned of dire conse quences on the behalf of people living in the Hal ton Hills area if the Re gion goes ahead and gives so the sludge lagoon tan be expanded His remarks wwere made al Ihe public works committee iceting in lit Wed it will serve five instead of four months before coming to capacity He also assailed an Ontario Ministry of En report on the lagoon as totally in error Mr Miller was able lo get regional staff member to admit that no one from the rtgion had visited the sludge site That lagoon was never licensed and it still even vi ran us has been ping sludge in it for the past five years Mr Miller said It right up beside a barn nol sitting in the middle of acres I know thai farm well 11 has overflowed once already breaking the dam If go ahead and let htm expand can tell you lhat a lot of people ore going to be upset about it and I mean a lot of people he said The Ministry of Environment report said The statement regard sludge running off onto adjacent properties in the Georgetown area is incorrect Assuming Ihe most recent incident is the one on or about June the discharge at the lagoon site was minor and re mained in the immediate proximity of the lagoon location There is no evidence these incidents could affect adjacent proper lies The facility in lion is located centrally with 1 a 200acrc farm Due to the need on the part of he region to find locations to store sludge as part of sludge haulage contract Alex Holmes Farms had been suggested but Mr viranus said he would need a five- month city in order to comply thus the wo for con traction of a larger holding area Public works com mil chairman Hon Planche suggested the committee journey Alex Holmes Farms to view the site first hand On the Leavell Opinions Television has opened many doors mostly on refrigerators When people are against profits Ihey re business when they re against business they re against employment when re against employment it not surprising lhat a large number them are unemployed Richard J Ncedham Hitandrun on Rabbit Dear between the evening of Thursday August 1979 and noon Saturday August 11 1979 somebody put a large dent in the passenger door of my orange Volkswagen Rabbit This happened either in the parking lot be hind In and Out store or and was a Inlandrun The damige was reported to police but there is little thai they can do I can only hope that the offending driver will read this letter and have a feeling of guilt Tor a long time to follow Sincerely yours Schumacher 22 Main St S Acton Ms The fate of the youth drop in centre at the Mug in the hinges on the outcome of a dance being I eld tonight at 7 Helen Friedman of the Child rcn Aid who operates the centre ex plained that due to lack of response Ihe last dance planned was cancelled when not enough people turned out for the event Miss Friedman explained lhat should the youlh of show some us i asm tonight the centre could con on into the fall and winter The centre has been operating every Wed nesday evening throughout summer for youths to year olds With the Acton Fall Fair approach ing September 14 15 and 15 many people in the Acton area are busy pre paring entries for the various hall ex hi bits Everything from preserves to baked goods and sewing and knitting projects are being made Don forget the Free Press photo graphic contest The rules are simple- see ihe ad this week paper All photos will bt returned but please no Donations of food clothing and anything else ore des paralely needed by Operation Lifeline Acton groupone Any little bit will help Sec story In today paper Only a few more weeks until school starts much to the chagrin of of children and relief of mothers One sign of the end of the sum mer is the recreation department an nuol playground finale tonight A par kicks off the event at winds Its way down to the arena where a penny carnival will be held Ail are welcome By Hartley Coles Weekly newspaper editors and all editor fir lhat matter all deluged with what some wit has labelled junk mail each da bo met lines it reaches epidemic during close- dime ours and editors give it short shift into Ihe wistepaper basket others plod II routli it for some local angle which in ght elude them if they t careful I from the school And through that avalanche of paper one tut cites glimpses of another world For instance over last week learned that small contractors in Ontario being exposed to histoplasmosis caused by bat droppings Thty are exposed when they remodel old houses where bats have been known lo frequent Cases have also been known construction from ex to ground disturbances under roosting sites of wild birds The risk of con Ir disease arc lessened by using dust control methods such as wetting down soiled surfaces and the use of respiratory protection from toxic dusts Bet you t know that did you Or wanted to either But how about the decline of he bullfrog The Ontario Museum sends a release which notes that unless we saving weedchoked ponds and back waters Ihe familiar bull frog is threatened extinction It has been apparent for several years thai bullfrog populations in the Kawarlha Lakes district were declining the release notes It reveals recent work has shown his amphibian life is fraught with hazards and threatened by our control of water levels and land use To make matters worse Ihe frogs are not reproducing like should In early spring ihe frogs leave their mud burrows and head for a local swamp probably their own birthplace If it Is still there and unchanged the males establish well de fined territories where they produce their atonal symphony of crooks Female frogs attracted by music ft enter the mating and later produce large egg masses in the Kawarthas last year some thing went wrong Two ROM biologists heard the bullfrog in June and July but they searched jn vain for mating pairs and fertilized egg masses This summer they are trying lo find out why the female frogs missed Iheir dales with the males It is hoped to glean enough Information to eventually make it possible for the bull frogs to maintain their numbers despite many environmental pressures Bet you didn know that did you That information was all in one press release I know now why bullfrogs moved out of the south arm of Fairy Lake when it was dredged However since 1 don t harbor the same attraction for their croaking as Ihe female of Ihe frog species 1 ve never really missed them But I also now know why Kermit the Frog took over as MC of the It is too hazardous just being a plain old bullfrog these days So those press releases arc useful newspapersand readers So keep em coming fellas Sometimes during the summer months publishing a newspaper can be a tough business too when there little hap pening and Ihe weather is hot enough to kill most of your ambition A friend of mine who came here from Britain maintained our colleagues had the same problem each summer and invariably would bring up the subject of dog excretion on sidewalks and the parks to amuse readers He says they always got the expected reaction com disgust from the non dog owners and revulsion from dog owners newspaper editors had the gall to bring it up provided news for weeks such as some dally newspapers are providing now with Iheir poop scoop items And letters can remember my own experiences on Britain shores while at Kenllworth Royal Agricultural Fair a decade ago to for the esteem in which the English public holds their dogs Thirty tongue- hanging friendly hounds aided by three riders in hunting pinks gave a demon stration of hunting at that show Pooches and steeds charged up the greensward chasing an imaginary fox with much gusto one rider tipping a hunting horn to his lips and letting a ringing blast fly The bugle call brought one old hound midway up the common to apply the brakes He skidded to a stop solemnly lifted his nose for a long sniff Then concernedly trotted over to ihe steeplechase water jump and lapped up the water indifferent lo everything else The crowd roared the old dog wagged his tail In salute That was the signal for the other hounds to leave the chase and line the trough outstretched pink tongues The riders were furious the crowd con vulsed especially when that old dog com pleted digestion process on the lovely English common keepan eye to the ground on at least some oc casions when walking in park or common could save a messy cleanup job Back issues 10 years ago Taken ram Issue of The Acton Free Press August 1W9 Responding to a radio call he received at Acton Constable Roy Wood caught up with an escapee from Merest Training School He brought him back to Acton where he was turned over to officials of the school Parks superintendent Harold told the Free Press this week that he re luctantly took down two of the life savers the Board of Parks Management had In stalled around Fairy Lake The reason Vandalism which made the floating life rings useless if an emergency did occur Sixteen yearold Karen of i Acton was chosen Fiddle Queen at the Canadian National Open Old Time Fid dlers Contest at Shelbume last weekend Karen is the daughter of Mr and Mrs James 0 Rourke At a meeting held Monday night council paid tribute to the late reeve of the township William and went on to elect deputy reeve Anne Arthur reeve Tor the remaining term Many charges were laid last Friday evening when nine police officers showed up at an outdoor drinking party About young people a few of them girls were at party in the neighborhood of Small wood Acres One of them was discharging a shot gun years ago Taken from the Issue the Acton Free Press of Thursday August 13 1059 Harry Fogarty middleaged bus from Auckland New Zealand leaves Canada tomorrow with many plea sant memories following a brief business trip to Acton when he visited Ihe Disston Division of the It Porter Company here A gallery of 22 spectators 1 and re presentative from the Ontario Water Re sources Commission during a special council meeting Monday evening heard two officials confirm the odor being of in Acton was caused by the operation of the tannery However no pro mise was given of when this odor might be controlled A 15yearold youlh Paul Minn owes his life lo the prompt action of George Bar beau or Acton when he pulled the youth from choppy waters of Lake on Thursday August However attempts to save Paul twin brother Peter failed Light new homes and a garage and vice station permits issued by township made a total con struct ion value of during June and July A new eight room consolidated school will be built near in township next year It was officially an nounced this week Cost of the project has been estimated 50 years ago Taken from the issue of the Acton Free Press or Thursday August IS On Friday afternoon of last week the choir of Si Paul United church and their friends picnicked at the beautiful summer cottage of Mr and Mrs B Clements at Rattlesnake Point The Beardmore and Co Ltd lugof war learn holders of the Industrial and Championship are putting in full training preparatory to Ihe contest at the Canadian National Exhibition again this year Trainer has a fine team again this year and believes they can hold the honors Those who Still remained abed at on Monday morning got the earthquake thrill that seemed to be deprived those who were atworkorhadariscn The was in deed quite sufficient for this section of the country where Iremors arc not usual 100 years ago Taken from the Issue of The Acton Free Press of Thursday August 1879 On Sunday morning between two and three clock some person or persons broke into Mr J C Hills tinshop on Mill St through the front door They first removed the shutter from the door and then broke one of the panes which allowed them to lock the door Alter entering they pro ceeded to ransack 111 but found their disappointment that IE was empty Mr Hill having removed the contents Sat night Freeman lias sold his 100 acres farm near Milton to Mr George Dunoon of Islington Mr Dunoon an extensive cattle dealer He does not take possession until about the middle of September The price paid for the farm is somewhere about On Saturday last Master Speight succeeded in catching a speckled trout in theActoncreek which weighed two and measured 14 inches In length and nine in circumference

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