Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 29, 1979, p. 4

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flu i3 Don McDonald Publisher Founded In L7J Til pi Acton one of I he I fond Co L tod group lubuitun news papers Tho News The Brampton Guardian Tho Bur ng on Post Etotucoke The Georgetown Independent l Economist and Sun Tho lion Canadian Champion The News a Era Beaver This Week This Weekend flndTlwSioutlvltoTr Advertising is on that event the space occupied by erroneous lorn with reasonable allowance for w ir not be ged or but tho balance advertisement be paid tor at cabin rale In event a error advertising goods or nerve a wrong price good or services may not bo sold Advertising is merely an offer to sort me EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Editor Hartley Cotes Editor Helen Murray RepoftBTiPhotograprter Sports Editor Room ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT Advertising Manager Cook CUtsiftad Arthur BUSINESSACCOUNTING OFFICE Of f ice Manager Fran Gibson ShtteyJocpuo CarohynA err CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT Manager McA TELEPHONE 1519 Business and Editorial Office Make it a park Ontario Municipal Board biters are going to need the wis of Solomon to sort out the Leishman Park ease they heard last week In a nutshell the case is this The Town of Halton Hills would like to use the unused park on Mill St for housing and its extra assessment trading it to a developer for land near The town thinks the parcel is an unneeded frill an empty space fulfilling no function Approximately families in the neighborhood of the parks want the town to keep the land and develop it into a passive park They feel the town was deeded the land for a park and a park it should stay Twice before the people have won their case before the OMB This time the town is suggesting the neighborhood has enough park land The municipality counts land along a Bovis drainage ditch as a linear park The people of the neighborhood just laugh at the suggestion that the Bovis land could be a park But they also know Leishman Park is not a park either using the common meaning of the word It is just an empty foot lot It has never been developed The municipality looking at the school grounds in the area thinks there is plenty of room for recrea tion in the Park neigh And there is But school grounds are not parks Leishman land was dedicated to the town as a park If OMB representatives have their thinking caps on straight they settle the matter once and for all It makes sense to trade the land for more adjacent to Fairy Lake as the Town desires but a real park is needed in that section of town It should be developed and kept as a pork There s room for houses in other parts of Acton Going to school a big step For the child facing school for the first time it can be a great adventure albeit a little frightening It s a whole new environment peopled by strangers Most children look forward to that first day with excitement It s a great step No longer will he or she be just a kid They 11 be going to School There are new disciplines to be learned new people to meet a whole new and strange society to face What your child learns during the first few weeks of school will In many ways affect the rest of his life His world is expanding and requires a new set of rules to cope with it Perhaps you ve already walked by the school with him several times That s a good idea You are sharing this experience You may even have planned to take him to school the first few days and meet him afterward But remember you will not always be able to do that Hell have to find his own way one of these days Work out the safest route to the school and accompany your child along that route to make sure he knows it Its thing to bring up pedestrian safety practices during these walks obey traffic lights cross at crosswalks or corners look all ways before crossing stay away from parked cars and dont run or play on the street And by all means remember that children learn from example If you disregard the rules of the road so will they So watch theirs your step and Garage sales have been numerous In the Acton this with both buyers and sellers benefitting Free Press recently scanned the area This is what Ihey found Allan sale a doll and discussed the hedge shears he has for sale to Marie John Cavlovlc takes a look set tanks at a Boner Avenue Sale while young imy seems a Utile bored Amy got all she wanted at the she ready to go home Editorial notes I Nothing like old pictures to kindle the imagination and A picture of the Dominion Hotel on this page last week which the editor speculated was taken in either the 1920 s or was lent by the former Sinclair sisters Theres a baby in a buggy in front of the main door of the hotel Occupant It was Franc Chew now Mrs Jean Marcoux of Tidy Avenue Acton The picture was taken in the and the hotel was called the Dominion Inn then according to the sign Mrs informs Typographical errors are often embarrassing for news paper people especially the one that cropped up in a head line last week The headline read Lending her car for the volunteerA story about Beth Newell who said she would be willing to listen to people about volunteering Obviously the headline should have read Lending her ear for the volunteer Hope Miss Newell hasnt had to lend her car out too much this week Keep your eye open for the Hills recreation departments fall brochure which will be distributed on Wednesday September 5 It will feature the fall activities of many community groups Hills as well as listing contacts for organizations and programs available in town It will be mailed to Acton urban and rural residents Milton a town which is tin dergoing a rapid phosis with so much new mg construction is planning a mini Caravan called the Festival of Countries Saturday September 15 A la Toronto caravan passports are being issued worth 50 lltons participating are Ar Chinese Canadian Dutch English German GreekCypnot Irish Italian Japanese Latvian and Scot tish all reflecting the racial orgin of many of Miltons cit lzens Its an imaginative pro gram and we wish our neigh success in this new ven Last week s note about letter writers who do not sign their real names and want letters published drew one angry re tort from a writer whose letter appears this week Th writer said she did not understand the papers policy and certainly wasnt afraid to sign her name providing she could use a pen name Letter writers must sign their real names and pre use them for pub If theres a good reason a pseudonym can be used In this ease there was good reason and the letter is signed Anti Union The lady had the courage of her con victions Most residents will welcome the news police will be cracking down on speeders at least until they get caught Few drivers haven t been guilty of it at one time or another How ever most motorists observe the speed limits when they are in built up areas except for a few who often terrorize the elderly and frighten people with children If we aim to crack down on their speeding we are going to have to help police by coming forward with licence numbers car and driver descriptions times and dates and appearing at court at conviction time So the balls in our court now Then it is up to the police Fourth Estate I For much of Monday morning two Ilalton Regional Police sergeants and I engaged in personal contact and inter action a view to securing a meaningful relationship To protect the innocent 1 II keep the ser geants names private They were after all only following the wishes of Acting Chief of Police James Harding and his new General Order 12 The securing of a meaningful relation ship is what the acting chief had his men doing however I was Just going about my normal business of nosing out as much Information about weekly crimes and ic accidents I know I was being engaged in personal contact and inter action On a meaningful relationship with police In General Order 12 eight pages Acting Chief Harding spells out what he wants to be the relationship between his officers and newsmen I selecting from the general order what I believe is the principle behind the acting chiefs action keeping the public informed The public will best be served by the provision of accurate and responsible reporting of events which may be of inter est to them when the agencies responsible for providing and publishing that in form a do so in on environment of mutual trust and understanding of each others roles The key la any relationship with the press hinges on the definition of what is news and Acting Chief Hording recognizes this in another paragraph when he hopes mutual trust and under standing will reduce the conflict between what people in the news business and police news is The practice of the new news policy places the definition of what amounts to news into the hands of the man who wears the blue uniform What changed The week before General Order came out and other news people could go to the local police headquarters and get a copy of the week crime sheets Included on the sheets was everything in the criminal code ranging from mischief break and enters to auto theft assaults plus liquor and dope of fences Any more serious crimes murder and arson for instance were subjects of separate press releases Also reporters could talk to investigating scenes These talks often filled in details and led to future stones All in all much of society crimes tragedies follies and what s called human interest were reflected In ihese pages The advantage to the reporter of getting the crime sheets was that one could lake time to examine them Take time and then follow up with other stories Under General Order 12 a sergeant or an has to read the reporter the news Of course the officer has other duties besides informing the press The officer will ask Are you interested In liquor violations And probably not Just reading Ihe one or two We do get the break ins and auto thefts And we will likely get what police call major crimes However it amounts to the police telling the newsman his Job And that Is not right turning lo Acting Chief Harding principle as I selected it The public will best be served by the provision of accurate and responsible reporting of events which may be of interest to them far I determined the police decide what is of interest lo the public If because of General Order the public will get responsible reporting does Continued on Back issues 10 years ago Taken from Ihe issued The Acton Press of Wednesday Close to fans watched professional wrestling in the Community Centre day when there were four action packed bouts Playground leaders arc relaxing after tending 160 children for six weeks Leaders were supervisor Don Price swim in Louise senior leader Jo Mane Dolores Jordan Susan Mary Ann Frculer Susan Mary Frances Cathy Dunn Sharon Tim Coles Jeff Cooper Larry David Lee and Anne newly elected reeve says Nassagaweya would prefer to stay a unit with Acton in regional government Allan was named lo fill Ihe vacancy on council Dr T B Moore appeared before planning board with plans for a new medical centre Two apartment buildings on Church St on the old Beverley House property were ap proved A proposed commercial develop ment of five stores was also approved for Main and Church Display night was held following the Vacation Bible School at the United church About children attended 20 years ago from the Issue of The Aclon Press of Thursday Prominent businessman bar Cooper passed away He came to Acton in to lake over the drug store purchased from A Brown School board chairman Bradley by Mayor W Cook laid the cornerstone at the 12 room Robert school addition Construction continues at a rapid pace courses will be added Acton high school Martin Marks 20 has received his com pilot license in an attempt to relieve parking pro blems on Mill St a one side parking ban is proposed by council A good percentage of resident- have received Salk polio The Highway overpass over Highway was opened to traffic this week Installation of the heating unit at he town hall is being completed 50 years ago Taken from the Issue or The Acton Press of Thursday August 2D The annual garden party of St Alban Church was held on the beautiful grounds of Beverley House the home of Mr and Mrs Bear dm are The delight of wandering through the gardens was a pleasure in it self A very pretty wedding was solemnized when and Arlington White were married The happy couple left on a trip lo Wetland the bride wearing a tan and sand ensemble with hat to match Mr and Mrs John Mellon and Miss Minnie Mellon received a surprise when heir brother James arrived from Call They have not seen him for years They had not heard from him and feared he had been lost in he earthquake of Mr DH Lindsay has been making some good wins this year with his trotting horse Baron Talkies will soon be coming to Acton according to Mr Gregory manager of the Wonderland Theatre His announcement was greeted with cheers from the audience 100 years ago Taken from issue of The Acton Press of Thursday August IS Delegates from all sections of the country attended the Temperance Convention in Milton on Monday The Scott Act which would put us on the road to Prohibition was discussed at length Late in the afternoon each speaker was limited to five minutes In the evening a mass meeting was held when the Hal was exceedingly well filled Excellent addresses were given on the Scott Act On Thursday night it was discovered that B Haslet t Was in flames The alarm as at once sounded and citizens hurried to he scene of the conflagration but the fire had gained such headway before being discovered and everything in the construction of the building was of such a dry nature that it was at once evident to all that no effort could save it The contents of neighboring houses were removed and blankets rugs etc placed on the roofs and with a free use of water to keep them wet the consuming fiend was kepi off The fire must have been started by some diabolical person The furniture and household goods of the neigh were considerable damaged by their hasty removal Thieves were also busy as a watch and other valuables arc missing understand Mr intends to replace the building with a brick one His loss will be about insurance in Waterloo Mutual

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