Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 5, 1979, p. 4

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The Acton Free Press Wednesday Sept Don McDonald Publisher Founded fn 1 of tint Inland rig Co L group of suburban news icludc The Aibk Wh Illy Now Ttio I ill Economist and Sun The lion Canadian Champion tin a lie Cooler This Weed Th tSlouIfvlloTrbunc a accepted on lion in iho went typographical enor thai pon on of I ha space occupied by the erroneous item for win no I bo charged for the balance the will bo rata In event of cat goods or a wrong of services may not bo sold is an maybe at Second la si mo Registration Number EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Editor jrlkiy Coles Editor Helen Murray Ebiooe Ednor Robin Inscoe ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT Advertising Manager Cook Classified Advertising BUSINESSACCOUNTING OFFICE Office Man gar ft Thorn hill Shirley Caroryn CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT Manager Marvin TELEPHONE 853 2010 Business and Editorial Office Redraw the map Halton Region planners are all wet with their insistence that regional council turn down Halton Hills attempts to have an indus trial park close to Highway at Highway 25 and Sideroad When regional government was being debated and boundary lines drawn it was decided Halton Hills needed a border on to attract industry Now developments which owns the 383 acre parcel wants to bring industry there planners are objecting to any fur urbanization of agricultural land The parcel located directly across from an industrial park in Milton on the other side of 5 Side road Obviously the Region and Milton would like all the industry near to locate in Milton They to have the support of the Ministry of Housing which has suggested a Halton Hills Indust rial Park there is premature until the new official plan sets the amount and location of all in dustrial land in the town Few people want to use farmland for industry but that should apply to Milton as well as Halton Hills If industry is allowed on one side of 5 Sideroad then surely whats good for one side of the road is beneficial to the other It would be an embarrassment to redraw the map of Halton but that might be the only way out for the planners They could give Hills all the land and assessment on this side of Milton can have everything on the other side That should stop the squabbling over industry Sooner the better This indeed has been the sum mer of our discontent with the central business district of Acton Road construction and the burnt out shell of the Dominion Hotel alongside another gutted brick house More eye sores on the othei side of the street are turning prospective shoppers off Although changes have been made in the downtown to create a better image it is as architect Lloyd says time for major surgery There has been enough band aid therapy It is especially urgent in view of the fact the town is opposing further shopping areas in East Acton because it would contribute to the decay of the downtown core Let face it The downtown core needs that major operation Mr Sankey spoke of to the Bus mess Improvement Area I here are plans for major improvements in the central district but shoppers want some evidence that things are going to happen The sooner plans are implemented the better Developers of an east end plaza have no better ammunition than inaction downtown The longer they hold off reconstruction and improvement the more the need for a plaza becomes apparent One day construction will finish roads will be back to normal fire hulks will be torn down and hope fully replaced by newer more modern buildings But how long can the patient shopper waif The longer developers wait the more often shoppers will go other places to shop and sometimes it is difficult to break shopping habits In the interests of both retailers and shoppers the sooner work starts on more downtown im provements the better it will be for both What others sa Swedes cant spank it land of eternal iiiKriment Hum In just passed i new luiiril I llii swedes have never to thrust government into il lik liul litest set a re- kind It is In Sweden for a I his own child Spanking is child abuse mind you I run of spanking s in In sell protection Canada immidnkl pi let a tto1a of on Swedish immigrant In take effect ml It veirs hence ttc don I need people who been raised in homes where he flat of the hand to tlx seal of pants is against he law Personally we don 1 believe in mistreating children more the Swedes do but show us a kid who never needed his life and we II show a freak who should be in a sideshow exhibit Nor do we believe in frequency of corporal punish flic child who is spanked too often when other forms of would produce results becomes inured these mild helpings of pain have to see the youngster who could learn something from a paddling administered by a loving but firm parent Advance limes Fourth Estate Sometimes you can beat city hall I- rlc 1 stone It family without a lawyer gain exactly what wants from govern ment at any level and it s especially heartening when the gain is made at the regional committee level More and more applicants Itcgion Land Division Committee appear in the shadow of a lawyer who argues for them Some lawyers win Some lose the name of Ihe game especially today when land for severances is be coming scarcer members demonstrated are open to needs of the farming community when granted all the Adolf family wanted in spile of urgings a regional planning reports to be more niggardly concerning the size of the The live in Acton I he daughter Trudy Lcmski successfully argued the need for the five acre separation I lo learn of rcsignalion of long time member Des Morrow of Horn from the Land Division Committee Mr Morrowseigleeyeandsenseol hum anc logic often worked to the benefit of the sm ill private land owner He would I think have sided with colleague and for mer Burlington mayor George Harrington who said the region planning office was overstepping the line on the app lication What kind of nonsense is this snorted Harrington concerning he report s claim lhat the application meets the needs of the Region plan if the applicant establishes that both he and the son In law are full time employees for the farm Harrington indicated there is no such condition in official plan Guess the bureaucrats try to get their even when the battle s properly won on some senior members of of Education staff Education Director Lavender read aloud a letter from in parent who asked ihe board to protect his son from some high school initiation shennanigins The letter was hand delivered prior to Ihe last board meeting And whether or it was marked ilc and personal is of no matter By reading it aloud discussing it using the parent s name Ihe board ha nude Ihe boy target for abuse II is just like slamming be barn door shut after he cows have escaped Supenntendenl John com The less said about it the better is The board did nol have to hear he I TtO OH TUB AU pie in public It could have deal with it litre s in interesting recommend a I ion come our way from the Porter Com mission on Power Planning The reeommtndilion is from commission Report on he Need for Bulk Power r in Southwestern Ontario concerns Hills residents recommendation Thai because we forsee serious social as well as environmental and economic problems with Ihe possible construction of a second line from Bruce route crosses the prime of Ontario all other alter natives even if there arc apparent economic penalties should be explored fully before further is given such a proposal Porter Commission member William Stevenson me the commission wauled to simply advise the government we had strong recommendations from farm people it a second line should The first line of the Bruce nuclear generating station is the one Ontario Hydro is t to push through Hills with Interested Citizens Group lighting for an Independent study on the cihbre of the Solandt Commission study of the east west line that passes by Milton Mention of as J possible solution lo the direction of Ihe second line out of the Bruce is interesting indeed A line I- w here would join line of equal voltage is exactly what the ICG John Schneider IIR2 Acton offered as long ago is 1975 when Ihe Environmental Hearing Board was wading through evidence Mm fc KM By Hartley Coles I ivs thought a wolf howl was the If whistles from Mill St on Saturday until 1 who toils in the ick shop told me he was on one during Ins holidays I decided he would pitch a tent in the wilderness for a couple of wuks to rest up gel away from crazy editors mil reporters and generally buoy Minis up tor mother crack it the com room Im helps issinihlc Ihis paper most mil is never taciturn about dls I nut hall especially the Toronto never hear much trim him his personal life So it i inn is i If during his wife give hail i I innocently Hick no he said She went to I don I rs said puzzled Never been on a how is the reph It s inn he siid with i Hundreds 10 out lo in outdoor am in Park in Ihcir Dive explained Park explain what it is all and the crowd goes procession down the liLhu At predetermined point all lights are extinguished the highway is closed and participants quietly emerge from their chicles Then one of the naturalists at the head of Ihe tine lets a howl out of him a throaty eerie sound that echoes across Ihe valley Then there silence He howls again A pause Then another howl from high on the wooded ridge silhouetted by the moon the howl of a timber wolf sends a shudder down the backs of ihe assembly The wolf howls Other wolves join in Soon there a full chorus An unusual and eeno experience says Dave The howls arc not mournful Some times they ore with the high pitched of pups Apparently In the wolves tight structure the family gathers at this time of year on grassy meadows where the pups their nocturnal hunting skills According to the of Ontario Naturalists the enormous popularity of wolf howls in Algonquin is one indication lhat wolves arc beginning to enjoy a re spite from the notoriety they had since one tried to get the Three Pigs and Little Red Riding Hood However the naturalists recognize that some people will never feel safe as long as there a wolf around Some people blame the decline of the deer population In Algonquin on the wolves the naturalists say wolves only feed on the younger and older deer thereby helping to maintain a healthy herd They maintain the decline Is due to natural changes in the winter food supply not the wolves In any event for Dave Dodds a wolf howl in Algonquin was a highlight of his vacation He recommend it for everyone It is just for wolves and wolf lovers he says with a wide grin I m all for heading for Algonquin and trying a few howls on my own but my wife says I have lo add to my insurance before she II let me embark on an expedition like that And also fatten the bank account The editorial department of The Free Press and this writer have received enquiries and telephone calls asking about a new industry on Eastern avenue next to the railway tracks Some people are dis turbed Since the plant Is grinding other minerals they think it could add to air pollution in that neighborhood Others have said they would have objected if they had known what the plant proposed to manufacture One caller said had never been anything in The Free Press to tell the people of Acton about plant To set the record straight there was a story with a large four column head in Ihe May issue of the Free Press naming the products manufactured by Ihe new in dustry and describing the building The new chemical processing plant is called Holly Industries a sub sidiary of Chemicals Ltd of According to the company general manager Holly Industries will grind materials mainly sulphur from the western provinces Sulphur is a by product of he petroleum industry It is sold agriculture rubber and match industries It is not an intensive labor industry so only a few employees will be hired The manager assured The Free Press reporter that the company had taken all precautions necessary to ensure there the former a major concern with residents of the area They must of course also follow the guidelines of the Ministry of the Environment which can be tough at times However some residents are still concerned that they could be afflicted with the smell of sulphur which isn exactly Chanel No when it li belching from a plant In ancient times they believed it presaged a visit from the Devil plant is still under construction and residents want assurances they won have foul air and dust emanating from the plant It is hard to know what to say about com plaints until there is something to com plain ibout We have to rely on assurances from company officers and municipal and government departments that the plant will be an asset to the community In the event it proves otherwise residents can complain to the proper authorities I know you re going to say it is loo late lo lock Ihe door after the horse has left the barn but there arc avenues now lhat did not exist before to keep companies within rigid air pollution guidelines Perhaps if residents had been more aware of proposal and location of the company before it started build then there would be no doubts now about Ihe company ability control odors and dust Officials of the company if they are interested in being good corporate citizens could well supply ihe assurances Meanwhile residents who are sill concerned should get in touch with their local councillors and ask them to supply any answers Ihey feel are lacking Back issues 10 years ago Taken from the Issue of The Free Press Wednesday Septembers 1969 Mr and Mrs K Lindsay of celebrated Ihcir wedding anniversary Close to concerned parents staged an orderly protest demonstration outside school protesting the closing or kindergarten class A group of resident j approached township council protesting in creased activity at the Ross Lake airstrip Acton assessor William passed away suddenly Three overhead crosswalk signs were in stalled town on the first day of school to provide safe locations for students and adults as welt Individual lime tabling is an innovation at Ihe high school this week A busload of students leaves town each day for out of town courses New teachers are Earl A Sansom Mrs Oil and Miss A successful model competition was held park Sunday A einnali Ohio man placed first 20 years ago Taken from Issue of The ton Free Thursday September J About 90 students are expected at ihe high school Staff includes A Hansen Miss Barber Miss Bovaird PL Campbell O Mrs J Galloway Mrs Mrs Heed Mrs Rogers C and Mrs DA Smith Mr It is in charge of maintenance and Mrs MA Blow is secretary About are expected M Bennett On staff arc Smith Miss Fosbury Mrs Alger Miss Miss Mrs Benton Mrs Bonner Mrs Allen A Capper Mrs Turner Dubois Colin is caretaker and Banks music supervisor It ichors at Robert Little school are McKenzie Miss Side Mrs Gamble Mrs Reed Miss Moore Mrs Miss Dredge Mrs White Mrs Mrs William Ken ned Black K Martin Copeland Mrs Because of the new ad dilion caretaker Doug Price will be joined by his wife About Acton Minor Sports ball players cheered the Toronto Maple Leafs ball team loronto Sunday Bruce Andrews outran a field of nine in the one mile nee at EKhibition 50 years ago Taken from the Iskuc of The Press Septembers Bear dm ore tug of war team brought home two championships from Ihe Exhib ition agun Ihis year They have won in the Industrial class for the third year The ire leam reserves and officials A J Scriven Garfield Ritchie John Lambert Fred and A Mollozzie A large number from Acton followed the team lo the on Saturday After a most successful pastorate of seven years I F J has been transferred to Hamilton with a club bag and purse from Ihe congregation by Mrs Jas and Mr Neil Gibbons read an address Mr Frank Holmes and Mr Blow are installing new verandahs at their homes on Bower Ave Labor Day sports were held at Park at Mills wllh a dance at night Women Institute This is truly expansion year at fall fair The foundations of Ihe new rink are now ready for the Steel workers 100 years ago Taken from the of The Acton Free Press or Thursday September All the misfortunes possible befall a nation at once except plague are com against unhappy England Her trade is departing from her as well as her in South Africa She has to send away enormous sums of gold each day for pro visions for home consumption exactly when she can least afford it Her manufacturers arc going as well as her trade and her crops are almost completely ruined by rains Hop picking has commenced and there are many empty desks at school as a result Mr Austin had a pea pulling bee on Saturday night last About six acres of peas were pulled by moonlight Clothesline thieves arc abroad in our midst The best thing that could be done with these miscreants would be to Ihem with the clothesline itself the form of a necktie its ends hanging over the limb of a tree The woman who paints her face offers an inmistakable insult to nature and also to the lips of man

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