Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 19, 1979, p. 1

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It N ACTON ONTARIO WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 1979 Tc itStx Pax TucU Bright sunny weather for record breaking Fall Fair Over people took advantage of the near perfect weather on the weekend and attended the Acton Fall Pair Fair board secretary treasurer John explained it will be some time before the final attendance figures are known due to weekend passes and children wand in and out It could soar as high as It didn look too promising Friday morning as mother nature dumped what the weatherman as the tail end of Tropical Storm Frederick on Acton However by mid afternoon the sun broke out and quickly dried up the wet soggy park All events were well entered and well watched Fair board president Brent Mar shall said the Brampton Fair was on the same weekend and having a heavy horse pull at the same time Friday evening However Mr Marshall said most of the horses came to Acton leaving the easterly sister with only one entry The owners of this team eventually packed it in and came over to Acton Close to 200 people jammed into the arena for the Friday evening enter tainment and the crowning of Miss Acton Fall Fair 1979 There were chairs on the floor of the arena and the bleachers were packed Everyone stayed until the end when Miss Acton 1978 Victoria izky transferred her crown and red robe to Cathy Attendance was definitely up Friday evening the president told this news paper Saturday was also a tremendous sue cess Mr Marshall said with entries in most all shows Cattlemen who show their animals in fairs across Ontario com mented on the high quality of the event and described the Acton fair as second to none Some babies were entered in the Lad Board- BabyShow sets twins on hand to give that category some real competition The fiddlers contest saw 31 entries Some fiddlers compared the show to the international fiddlers contest in Shel Mr Marshall said The parade went well as usual he said with floats bands horses and children On Sunday Mr Marshall said the pet show with Jesse as master of ceremonies was a complete success The Smihn Johnny Show went over very well he noted and the firefighters waterball contest being a thrill to many who had never it before Entries were from Hillsburgh Kilbride Milton Georgetown and Acton Horse show entries were way up this year with entries in Mr Marshall said the fair board was very pleased with the midway this year and have already booked them for next year He explained next year they will be able to request specific rides and games The new location of the afforded them more rides he said The beer tent ran very smoothly this year the president said He contributes part of this success to the presence of two policemen they hired The fall fair dance Saturday evening was filled to capacity The ladies section was extremely good Mr They did a super job he said Some people put their hearts and souls into the weekend the president com mented However not everyone who is on the fair board commits themselves to the limit they should Brian Evans first vice president and Keith Aitkens second vice president deserve a lot of the credit One anonymous donor he said donated a large sum of money to be used for prize money in one class which did not have enough The town of Halton Hills Acton Hydro Commission the firefighters and the St John Ambulance people all deserve a chunk of the appreciation he said ice and the Acton Sabres hockey team both did excellent jobs on security he not ed Mr Marshall said he felt most people were happy with the fair They complain about the prize 2 50 but where else can they go for that money and see and do as much as there is at the fair He is concerned with reports of someone charging money for parking in the Knox Presbyterian church and Robert Little school parking lots Some people accused the fair board of setting up the tolls but Mr Marshall explained the fair board did not know about it until after the fair was over Both areas are public property he pointed out and are for public parking free of charge Knox church officials say they had nothing to do with the profiteers Mr Marshall is extremely pleased with this year fair and said team work on the part of the fair board accounts for at least part of its success Already they are plan for next year s weekend and are pro mising an even bigger and better show at the edition of Pall Fair could reach as as lor t three day event The fair record crowds on the weekend both Saturday d Sunday Official are already working on plans lor a bigger and better event Still short of 5000 goal A Cathy McCralh centre was crowned Miss Acton Fall Fair Friday evening during the r show KlmOUaway led and tecond runnerup Joanlta Andrews will assist Cathy throughout the She was crown ed by last winner Victoria Donat oris arc si II badly needed by the Ac Ion Clergy Group of Acton Operal on fel if they arc be able sponsor the two Velnamese refugee famll that the r goal Funds com rig n as fast as hoped from the seven churches involved So far S3 the for Boat People bank account at the Toronto Domin on Bank However dies The governn requ res a sponsor ng group to show bank balance of per am ily as proof of support until the family an lis feet Aclon les always known for the may donate funds to my church or the Acton for Boat People account at on Bank on Mill Street Churches are currently a rang ng for donation boxes to collect packaged and canned food items to be placed each Cloth ng may be taken to newly opened Army Thrift Shop located the formerly occupied by Watson Music All items specially given for boat people should be marked lhat way requests Salva ion Army off Lome Pritchelt is the real problem at Ihe moment as storage space for items of furn Pastor Brian Renn of the Pentecostal Church soys he hopes the fund hi is shortly enable applications to be made and processed Group One a private group sponsor one refugee have made several weeks ago and are wailing J Family without water since last Thursday An Acton family hat been without water since tut Thursday following freak accid ent where bulldozer clearing debris from Untamedoat Domini on broke through cellar Pit phoned The Free Press lo say she Wed every oris to restored her efforts had been futile got children hen and it is darned to do without water the said No Mens interested Jetting a booked up TteRodlenliveitlzMainStN ins home fcabjnrfttesltaof the hotel Region officials couM not be reached for before the to Councillor predicts North will suffer The Georgetown dump will close in days and unless there Is mediate region action lis councillor Miller are going to ve Ihe nearest de- road and just dump heir garbage He told last c works committLe lhat no one go ng to drive to Oak v Ik or Burl land f We are going lo I a of and no place to lake it Mr Miller was asking the committee lo con extend Ihe life of the tc until a solution can bi found to area gar I age and said hi looking for I or It sail going lo wind up on the side- roads He d Ihc problem was not reslr to Georgetown because a lot of people from lion Iht dump so they will be in same it on of having garbage and nowhere to take Admitting garbage dis s the responsibility of Iht region mem of the committee admitted the concerns of Mr Miller were legt imate Wh lo Mr Miller had hoped lo continue using Ihe current dump site he was told it is private property and will revert back to the owners on Oct the day last Elementary teachers get 6 per cent hike Details of the wage between s Board of Educa I on and elementary teachers reveil cent in salaries on lop of the last settle ment Boll let be known during urs day board meeting in Burlington thai the agrccn has been rat The of settlement was reached nearly Iwo months ago Elementary Teachers Association wanted to keep details of the agreement secret until teachers had a chance to exam ne and rat Ihe deal after school began Tl agreement represents a depart regard the wage grid The grid coordinates tiers of yean of experience with the teacher s level In he past a flat percentage has applied across the The new agreement has a grid split Into three sect A h percentage of salary goes to the teachers with the most according to a board press release On previous settle ments trustees com on the effect of one increase ed through the grid The rich got richer and the poor only less poorer a gap was widening bet ween Ihe least and most exper instructors The wage settlement was the only issue In this round of contra act talks The previous full agree ment between clem en school teachers and the board was for two years and It left wages to be renegotiated In the second year Continued on Page landfill goes on top of the dump he was trying to keep from blowing my top because he had found a Georgetown area resident who is willing and able to act as an Interim refuse collector However the man had been vetoed by the Min of Ihe Environment The Committee eventually decided to refer the discussion of an ntenm program to the Solid Waste Management Committee It meets Sept Tl dec sion followed a debate Mr Miller said he had spent hours agonizing about a solution The only thing 1 can come up th is a two- part motion asking the solid waste management committee keep the Georgetown site open a few months longer and hat Hills and Mil ton get some type of waste transfer station Burlington Councillor Joan Allingham said she was surprised the prob lem had taken so long to come to light and added There must be some thing we can do She said the whole reason for choosing Site was because it would be central can we use this Mr Miller said il was a Continued on Page Saturday Fall Fair parade it always a special feature and crowds lined the parade route along Mill to Prospect Park watch he procession which In clnded lively bones and riders such at tone floats bands and marchers

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