Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 3, 1979, p. 1

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Supreme Court cops out The Supreme Court of Ontario has declined issue a decision on the appeal made by the Town of Hills and the Interested Citizens Croup ICG after the Ontario Municipal Board directed the town to Include a toning allowing the building of the long battled Hydro The Town and ICG mutt pay costs Although a Toronto newspaper Mated Hills lost decision to Hydro in a copywrited story Thursday trans cripts of the courts decision handed down by three judges indicates no decision was made The Town of Hills has been holding up the Hydro corridor backed by the seven year old Interested Citizens Group because their zoning bylaws didnt permit such a corridor by the directed the town to write an amend ment to the allowing Hydro to continue The town took that to the Supreme Court Justice Donald Steele John Holland and Robert Montgomery a statement saying they were seriously concerned that the Court war being asked to exercise its discretion and make a decision in a matter from which no practical effect would flew but which decision would have far reaching ef fects on other persons not before the Court The statement concluded with I would refuse to exercise the discretion of the Court and would dismiss the application with costs Mayor Pete told this news paper be hadnt then seen a copy of the decision but be believed Judgment wasnt passed at all Were back where wo were before be commented adding that looked as tf the town would have to abide by the decision of the province and process the amendments as directed said he couldnt comment until the council saw the court decision but felt the town would be forced to comply with the Ontario Municipal Board and change the zoning ICG spokesman John Minns said the nondecision which took three months simply means the Court refused to get involved He noted the Town and the ICG took the only avenues open to them to challenge the decision He said the chances of success were remote or if the applicants ad taken the route outlined by the Court as well as tremendous cost Minns said be noted the decision didnt say the ICG and the Town was wrong Some people feel deep down inside the Court did not know what to do with and left it for someone else to decide Minns said The Cabinet cant in tervene Mr Davis wont intervene and now the Supreme Court wont in tervene Wbo can be asks Some of the land owners along the route are bi ter and determined the buck wont be passed again Minns said the ICG may appeal the decision but they would try first to see William the new Hydro chairman is reputed to be more approachable and openminded than his predecessor One Hundred and Year No 14 ACTON ONTARIO WEDNESDAY OCTOBER Twenty four Pages Twenty Cmis ICG will continue to fight Hydro Residents along the route of the proposed Brace to MUtea hydro cor ridor through Halloa Hills voted Monday night to continue their fight for an answer to their concerns about the hydro corridor Consensus of a meeting was that residents rett the courts had done a disservice by trying to delay justice and they will try one more appeal to the courts for answers The people want to see If the courts will make a decision ICG spokesman John Minns said The problem Is not going away although their opportunity to fight in some quarters has been taken away be said Money for the appeal la in ICG and Hills funds tabbed for the fight Meanwhile he said the ICG and the town will pursue a meeting with Hugh the Hydro chair man and offer some solutions for he present stalemate Site F doomed By Jim Robinson Site Is finished That was be consensus of Regional Councillors Miller and Bill Johnson and Mayor Don Gordon following a Friday meeting of the Solid Waste Management Committee which gave tacit approval for studies to begin on making Site A the National Sewer Pipe lands In Burlington a regional landfill site Mr Johnson and Mr Gordon said the foreseen legal battles and the possible quick approval of Site A all but doom the Milton Site landfill silo from reaching fruition If you ask me Mr Gordon said I say that we wont have Site The hearing on Site has now been put off until November and were going to have a long hearing after that In the meantime If all runs tlckctyboo I think we could have Site A approved next year I mean 1980 Hills Councillor Miller during the meeting on SiteA put it directly It seems that now Site Is down the drain he said Mr Johnson said he feels there will be swift ap proval of Site A because it is beside the current the National Sewer Pipe shale pit will be logically safe Mr Gordon said another reason why he expects Site A to move much quicker than Site We have fornMuoSigotagtonS During the hearing on Site I learned more at effects of the dump goes to regional council thenearirthanleverdiddurlngthediscusstons today for approval This is expected to go through any dealing tosoonlike swiftly Mr Gordon said hesald National Sewer Pipe executive vicepresident Bud told the meeting his firm is prepared to of fer acres of the si te for landfill Estimates by the company see the site being able to accommodate three million tons of garbage This would be enough to handle dump problems forl0tol4years There Is some suspicion on the part of councillors why National Sewer Pipe once opposed to using their land for fill has now changed its mind Mr Johnson said he feels it could be the revenue to be gained from the region They say they can handle about 3 million tons of garbage and the rate we pay is Just about a ton So you look at some simple arithmetic and you see National Sewer Pipe stands to make about million Mr told this newspaper he could not place any figure on what the firm would make on tip- page fees as this is just a conceptual plan now and nothing has been worked out He did say the firm is quite interested in resource recovery Mr Gordon said he expects National recovery because the region is committed We dont Want Just another dump and if they have mind then they had better forget it he said A home subdivision a seven acre site across in two separate sub- the road between Acton divisions on both sides of Curling Club and the Churchill Road Acton subdivision approved too hastily last week by Halton Hills planning board con tended Councillor Roy Booth Booth argued procedures of referring approved last week Booth pointed out the plan needed n Plan and zoning amendment and con tended the land is zoned rural He admitted the the proposal to the plan- concept sounded good for a report was not and said he had nothing Acton Optimist Erik Peterson brings down the starting flag at the Optimists Soap Box Derby Sat urday Racers Robbie hidden from view and John Sullivan watch intently a the safely blocks to come down followed and contended it set a precedent Planning board recommended both par- eels one seven acre site on the vacant land bet ween existing houses on Churchill Road and the high school and the other against but was definitely opposed to the method used Turning to the Planner Booth asked Do you feel this is the proper recommendation for this proposal Planner Mario Venditti replied We dont feel the deviation from the nor mal is acceptable Councillor Muss Miller agreed the process should not have been sidestePped Councillor Ed Woods said the area was pre planned for other development when was built the services are in and as are parks schools and roads He claimed it is simply a matter of infilling on a small area of a total of He said the well- documented report showed sewage capacity and abundance of water Councillor Walter who was absent from the planning board said at Council he would have opposed it He con tended it council Is going to ignore the planning department they might as well not have them Councillor Harry Levy who was alone in op position at planning board said reports from staff are necessary to make an Informed decision Councillor Pat Pat tenon argued it was ply a matter of infilling and urged council to get something going in this town Councillor George Maltby claimed the piece of land has been studied two or three times and said the homes would be an asset to that corner of town Mayor Pete said the planner would tell them a decision on allocation of sewage has lobe made He urged the planning department to bring back a report that council can live with He put a lime limit of Oct 16 Tor a planning report Council agreed to refer the proposal for a report with the time limit on It a Family must take shots At least six Acton people are undergoing the rabies series of Injections after coming In contact with a rabid dog toe dogs owners and their young son two vet erinarian students and Acton vet Ron Trenton are receiving the serum as a preventative mea sure the vet says Trenton is undergoing the rabies boosters while the others are enduring the entire series of shots In the stomach Dr Trenton said be animal was brought into Us Halton Hills Vet erinary Clinic September It was hospitalized and testa done to determine the exact cause of the twitching As tne day progressed be said its face began to twitch but the dog remained friend ly and calm By early the next morning the dog was in a great deal of pun twist ing its body under the pressure It howling peculiarly and hyper sensitive to noise Dr had diagnosed ts as meningitis which can be rabies diagnosis because caused by rabies How the animal was only ever he never expected a three weeks overdue for Disston staff get reprieve Employees at Canada in Acton have re ceived a five week reprieve from the unemployment line The handsaw plant was scheduled to close down operations September but as the deadline company officials decided to extend the closure date November Goran Soman of parent company Sandvik Canada told The Acton Free Press the de lay was announced to give the manpower com mittee more time to find jobs for the some 113 hour ly workers a 17 off ce staff plants In Acton and in Vancouver are be ing closed and transferred to Quebec with no em ployee transfer offered An American firm R Hoe was in be process of purchasing a portion of the Acton plant which would provide employment for some men These plans however nave since fallen through Hand saws and metal cutting tools equipment are being moved from Acton to Montreal According to former employees all but about people have found work elsewhere since the closing announcement was made in July These are the only one apparently left at the plant its annual rabies booster The dogs owner and Dr Trenton decided to put the animal out of its misery that same morn ing The body was sent to the Veterinary Services Lab at the University of to find the exact cause or the animals be haviour A lew days lat er after no sign of rabies had been discovered the university sent the bead to the Animal Disease Research Institute In Ot tawa There they dis covered rabies In the investigation of the dogs activities led Trenton to an area where he discovered several dead rata Although the rodents are not known carriers of the disease he has sent a carcass to Ot tawa for further ex amination Trenton said this case which is his first in the three years be had been practicing in Acton is not typical of rabies He explained the more years an animal gets a booster shot the more of an immunity it builds up However In this instance Attempting- to get a child to avoid a large pile of fallen leaven Is like getting him to are lined with the brightly colored leaves a reminder that winter is just round the avoid a large mud puddle Both tasks are Impossible Morgan Vaughan Is no ex- corner Tired of raxing Its a lot easier than hovel Ifng snow ceptlon as he enjoys a romp into a pile of allcolored leaves The roads in the area Photo by JEAN VAUGHAN Council backtracks ask report Jj cause resignations Extreme pressure and the continual budget cuts could have led to the sud den resignations of the Hills recreation director and coordinator Anne Pickering says mayor Pete The mayor told this newspaper there will be a noticeable difference in the level of recreation service in Hills at least until the new year because of the re signations Mr Gray and Miss Pickering both an nounced their re signations lost month to be effective In a few weeks Mr ex plained that because of the resignations Acton Jennifer Linton must work be tween the two com munities leaving service gaps in both areas Advertisements have been placed In local newspapers for a dir ector Mr said he expects the person they hire will be a long term benefit to the mun icipality I expect there to be a better form of com between council the recreation department and the pub lic the mayor said He explained a new director may not be hired until the new year as council wants to take heir time in chosing the right per son Mr said the budget cuts and the lack of cooperation between the department and the council could have brought troubles to a head There have also been resignations in Acton and Georgetown arenas Mr said An arena worker in Acton has left to pursue a job in Bramp ton and two workers in Georgetown have gone their separate ways the dog was months old and had received only one shot In its life As a result there was little or no immunity to the disease The rabies germ can only be transmitted through the saliva of an infected animal with bites the major source of spreading An animal can have the virus for up to six months before It affects the brain and makes it con tagious He explained if a dog is bit in the back of the leg it could take months for the germ to travel through the nerves to the brain However it is a proven fact that for five days before the first symptoms start to show the animal can be spreading the disease Not all animals foam at the month which most people feel is a sure sign of rabies The local af flicted dog never did show any of the usual signs Once a person feels they have been con taminated by a rabid an imal they should consult their local physician wbo will decide whether or not the patient should undergo the shots In tne case of the two students Trenton said both had cuts on their hands and must have rabies serum shots directly into the palms two shots on the hips and one in the stomach for days Although Trenton has not treated any more Infected animals he war ned pet owners to vac cinate their pets re gularly and warned par ents to tell their children to stay away from stray animals or those who ap pear too friendly Pets should be kept at home and not encouraged to roam the streets he said Pet owners with animals at the vets the same time as the infected animal need not fear theiranlmals health Trenton explained that each dog or cat is kept in Its own kennel The Kennels are disinfected between usage Exam- hung tables are also dis infected between pat receives a needle from Haltoa Regional Health Unit none McDonald during an ImmaaUatkm Clink held at Aetna Community Services Centre last Wednesday The clink has been planned as a one afternoon every two month project where area residents can get polio Cholera typhoid and stents shoUamoogotherthlngs The next dink Is planned for November between I 30 and 3 Anyone Interested receiving their needle can book through he Centre at Child hit on Cobblehill A threeyear old Acton child was taken to Guelph General hospital follow ing an accident Saturday afternoon on Cobblehill According to police threeTear old Bartram Irwin of John St darted out from behind a parked vehicle into the path of a 1971 driven by Lois Coles of Acton The car Is owned by Lloyd McEnery No one waa injured In a collision on Church Street Monday evening Donna Gordon Main Street was driving her 1971 on Church street and then turned north when it was In coll with a car driven by Poplar Ave resident Brian Campbell police say Both cars received in damages

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