The Free Press Oct 3 1979 WHO DOES IT FOR SALE FOR SALE AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALES BO WANTED TO RENT ANTENNAS Genps Antenna Service formerly Richardsons Antenna Service An inn no Installation Repair Service Romo Service Antennas Removed Don Soil Your Tower ALL GUARANTEED 219MainSircei Milton Calling all RED CROSS Blood Donors Visit your local clinic today a TV APPLIANCES MAYTAG GIBSON WOODS SONY PANASONIC ELECTnOHOME CRAIG ANTENNAE SPECIALISTS BOOKKEEPING Val Whiio Pel Mitchell CAR RADIOS GEORGETOWN CUSTOM CAR SOUND SALES SERVICE INSTALLATION lidi ti CARPENTRY J Cormier Finished custom hull kitchen and vanities ft novations Fat free estimate call Rock CHIROPAACTIC Richard Tellord Mill St E Acton of Elgin Monday through Friday AH Day For Appointment OR TDM THOMPSON concrete contractors CONCRETE CONTRACTORS CONCRETE CONTRACTOR FLOORS WALKS DRIVEWAYS PATIOS POOL DECKS SLABS FREE CONCRETE PRODUCTS ACTON PRECAST CONCRETE LIMITED Sop tic Tanks Well Tires Sidewalk Polio Slabs Other oner am Products Plastic Sewot Pipe 1529 CUSTOM COMBINING CUSTOM COMBINING GRAIN CORN very reasonably damglf DEPENDABLE SERVICE J SINCE DENTAL R A Acton Professional Building Acion For Appoint men is 1900 doll DEADSTOCK REMOVAL Dead or Dim bind Animals Removed Old Healthy a lb FERGUS or BAYNE S FARM SERVICE Dead or disabled animals removed Phono 80G1 Lie and 74 SERVICE HILLS Industrial Commercial Residential ACTON KARLS ELECTRIC Service 24 hours Call 8532589 Maintenance Installation re pairs Residential EXCAVATING BAR J ENTERPRISE FUNERAL DIRECTORS voemtKeiu Mill St Aclon FURNITURE STRIPPING NO DIP FURNITURE STRIP Ave Unit Gootgaiown Sals THOMPSON FUELS GULF AGENT LLOYD WORK FOR YOU PHONE YOUNG ST ACTON ONT SUPPLYING Petroleum Products for Farm and Home Heating Sales Service Furnace Insurance Available Emergency Service Fuel Oil Plan GENERAL CONTRACTORS TAPING JOINT FILLING HOME IMPROVEMENTS MORSE HOME IMPROVEMENTS Plastering Panelling BILL TIM MORSE FREE ESTIMATES Rock wood I INSURANCE IS INSURANCE UP TO DATE GENERAL and INSURANCE Allot Hours Call MM Doll Harold WRIGHT Wilbur Strooi Acion Ontario Phone Appro sot and Insurance Serving Aclon and Vicinity For Over Years Centre Imfe south Acton Design Soddmg Landscaping Pruning CleanUp FREE ESTIMATES Vents Masonry Construction FIREPLACES BRICK BLOCK STONE For Celt OPTOMETRISTS OPTOMETRIST leCoikSltcatE Phone Arthur A Johnson Milton 214 Mam St DR ROBERT SCHUMACHER Optometrist Mam Si Acton Tela phone For Appoinlmon 2211 PAINTING and DECORATING RAY PAINTINGS GENERAL REPAIRS Industrial Commercial Residential Paint ng and Repair Work Call PIANO TUNING PIANO TUNING PIANO REPAIRS Used pianos bought and sold John Van PLUMBING HEATING PLUMBING REPAIRS A SPECIALTY II wo In It wo ill BARLOW PLUMBING AND HEATING GAS FITTER Waller Prop Church Si RENTAL SERVICE Trenchers by the day week or month McDuffe Equipment Used Equipment Sales Service Martin Si Milton BROCHURES PUBLICATIONS BUSINESS FORMS WEDDING STATIONERY A Design and Service Can ACTON FREE PRESS 59 Willow St N Acton WESTERN GENERAL CONTRACTORS roofing an FREE ESTIMATES Call days collect WE NOW ACCEPT HAEFNER SIDING ROOFING Aluminum vinyl tiding soffit fascia doling aluminum doors and SECURITY SECURITY SERVICE Residential Industrial patrols Security guards SECRETARIAL GEORGETOWN ECRETARIAL SPECIALIZING IN COMPLETE CONFIDENTIAL Secretarial Scrviri Pro less Typing Service Pholocopy no Service FDR INFORMATION CALL MRS TANAS GEORGETOWN TRANSMISSION REPAIRS 387 St East Wo service all types of cats trucks Froo hour towing Some day service In moat 18 Thompson Road WEREGEAREDUP JUST FOR YOUR SERVICE Parlsienne Brougham excel conditioning power windows Ideal family for ins than Si certified Horry on this one Lie Call Georgetown Chrysler fl77St08 RAM Charger Clack Willi chrome wheels and running boards ex shape This one wont last Lie KNU4U Call Georgetown Chrysler SPIRIT standard re radio and BRAND No includes freight Hal cylinder ear defrost en more ITS NEW Clements Motors Milton a plow fully equipped for 32m Suburban passenger con fori with lols of room to spore economical A cylinder engine ideal family recreational vehicle Priced to go Lie LSW190 Call Chrysler Von air con dlllonno till steering captain seals rear auxiliary healing mileage Lie Call Georgetown Chrysler 3a191 COMET door cylinder with matching Interior In showroom condition Lie KKE227 Call Bat Motors Lid 77 DODGE Aspen door cylinder power steering on brakes mint Lie Call Ross Ballcnllne al Achilles Motors Aclon 853 Or DODGE one ton stake racks very low mileage truck for business Work or play a price you can afford Lie A MM Call Georgetown Chrysler 36195 DARK blue cloth Interior bar roof power steering brakes win In Showroom or best offer days OO10 after DODGE Club Cab pickup Will 300 878 RECREATION VEHICLES ARCTIC CAT Slock now for iloaK CREDIT RIVER BOATS sacrifice 35728 storage Space for rent for trucks mobile homes Boats snowmobile etc on well maintained farm Hwy area 8450 BOATS MOTORS CREDIT RIVER 877 DOW 70 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES HALF INTEREST machines Building includes rented 2 bedroom apartment and rental retail premises on ground floor Substantial In building Asking FINANCE UPHOLSTERING WAYNES UPHOLSTERY Mill St Acion voting Id ng Restyling inching FREE ESTIMATES Pick up and Del very ACTON WATER CONDITIONERS When you want the best water softening phono for I ho bast Ask Beryl Carter Financial Ccqwrabon WHAT TYPE OF MORTGAGE IS BEST FOR YOU Hi Rat Inter m Convention Construct on Combo Financing arranged on res industrial firm collages MORTGAGES PURCHASED AT LOWEST DISCOUNT CHI Houst or 1 AUCTION SALE Saturday October 6th 12 Noon Fun Line Lota Model Farm Machinery For Mrs Jim Ingle Located mile east of No Highway 21 1 north of No 5 Highway Palermo miles south of Milton Consisting of Tractors P Combine Trucks Full line of form machinery Some hay straw Ford will cab equipped oat duals to fit tractor Cas tractor only FamwU tracltx with hydraulic couplings No self propelled combine bought now last year equipped with It groin hood cab many extras which is old but bought at time This Is an unit John No row com plan tor yours Ford 542 baler bough now lost year H P motor new Ford It flail mower run John Hood drill good ft bale tubular balo grain P T driven wheel elevator 5 botton trip boom plow Ford I ton with slop side box 4 a soling as is 1970 Ford F step selling OS is Kuornoland3 3 P Now Idea ft hay conditioner old New Idea 7 It 3 auger snow Bush Hog ft wing wheel disc Ikonow 3PH and leveflor section allied harrows draw bar gallon P T O wheel sprayer with plastic tank of boom and 3PH scraper blado 2 Horst wagons gravity ton wagon and gravity box flat bod wagons with rocks ft and 15 ft Ford boom grain auger Bate pull type ft sloe truck platform 180 amp Lincoln welder Small whool air compressor Drill press and motor Single boat trailer Bench visa Impact wench gasoline pump Teflglo 3 P broadcaster 100 gallon fuel tank farm tools etc Is an excellent oltonng late model arm equip in good condition Please nola starting time 12 noon lor are not a lot of smalt Horns will bo held under cover In case bod weather Own or or not lor any accidents Auctioneer Jim McCartney Watordown AUCTION SALE Sat Octobers AM For Mrs Brownee plus additions Location Romovod from her homo to be sold in Milton at the Fairgrounds in the Agricultural Hall on Robert Street Consisting ol Furniture glass china collec tables color TV etc Note This sale contains a lot of good collectable items Owner is moving id no longer able to look after merchandise Terms Cash or cheques with proper I Preview From 9 a m day of sale Owner Hallboard of Auctioneer not responsible or accidents Lunch wagon on grounds for Annie is at wed ding Auctioneer Chris A Schouten 8782576 you have accomodaOofi for rent between now and please Phone after pm FOR RENT BEDROOM bachelor a part men 1 bedroom house alter call building for rent Line 8542058 COMMERCIAL space for rent on second lloor of 37 Mm St Acton Good Parking or 878 COUNTRY living bedroom bungalow extra largo lot plus small sheds spotlessly of Erin S0 a month ILK Hail or rent contact Harold or Lorry after 5 r bedrooms large sunny bright kitchen largo living room per month includes an utilities Adults no pels 1165 OUTSIDE Storage space for renl for trucks mobile homes boais snowmobiles etc on well maintained arm Nerval area 36084 SINGLE lor table Ms wl shore com Georgetown young business got Call oiler bedroom TOWNHOUSE for Utilities negotiable Coll after 1613 82 APARTMENTS FOR RENT bedroom apartment Including stove fridge and utilities No pets To view apply Apt 74 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE ACTON ESTATE AUCTIONS St Rockwood THURS OCTOBER A AT AL WARREN AUCTIONEER 4272 Wo are lops in sales TENDERS 72 TENDERS WATER SOFTENERS ill TV SALES SERVICE FIRST LINE TV Phone For Store and At Icr Hours Service Zenith Et iota Dealer Antenna lr Repair MODERN TV Service and Repairs To All TV Models Towor Antenna end pepairs Jmt da if A COMPLETE PRINTING SERVICE TO MEET YOUR BUSINESS NEEDS Inland Publishing Co Limited St Acton Ontario SOFT WATER THE WAY IT SHOULD BE FREE INSTALLATION and Setvlco LOWEST MONTHLY Rental COMPLETE LINE of Treatment Equipment for Homes SELF SERVICE Salt Pickup or Delivery TENDER FOR SHERI0AN HILLS PUBLIC SCHOOL Oakville Ontario Sealed tenders on a stipulated sum basis plainly marked Tender for the Sheridan Hifls Public School and addressed to The Halton Board of Education co Mr B T Lindley Superintendent of Business and Finance will be received until 3O0pm local time Wednesday October 24 at The Halton Board of Education Guelph Line Burlington Tenders for Mechanical and Electrical Subcontractors are to be deposited wllh the Toronto Bid Depository by 3 m local time Monday October 22 General Contractors may obtain Drawings and Specifications by prior arrangement after 00 p on October 1 1979 from the Architect Dunlop Farrow 128 Road East Oakville Ontario on deposit of a 00 certified cheque payable The Halfon Board of Education The cheque Is refundable upon return of the Documents in good condition Drawings and Specifications will be available for inspection at the Hamilton Construction Association and the Toronto Construction Association Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted Bill Herd S Lavender Chairman Director WEED PEST CONTROL CaN BILL GOVERNMENT LICENSED WINDOW CLEANING WINDOW CLEANING FRAMES CAULKED RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL Hwy- No 7 338 Guelph St GEORGETOWN 8771186 THE PLACE TO SAVE AUCTION SALE of HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS APPLIANCES FURNITURE DISHES POTS PANS TOOLS GARDEN EQUIPMENT ETC FOR MRS SUTTON LOCATIONGlh Con of Eiamosa Go of Guelph on Con of Twp Turn North on Con look Tor auction Con and Fergus Orangnvillo I across from lo Ranch SAT OCTOBER APPLIANCES Matching Roy Clear Fridge Roy 30 with Double Sanyo Spin I Gl pc Room Table Et loaves also Matching Dining Room Chairs Pre Back Aim Chan Wood Kitchen Maichng Wood Hide A Bod End Table Easy Roclrnor Largo Wardrobe Odd Tables Arm Chair and ho Wood Rock Chan Wall Shelves Cuckoo Clock Old Trunk 3pc Bedroom Suite Double Bod Comploio Drawers Vanity wuli Cane Da bio Bed Old of Mirror Old Chest of Drawers Bed Fool Stool Couch much morn GLASS ITEMS DISHES MISC ETC Bowl Candy Dish Plotes Covered Dish Some Planers Evorydiy fowl Ornaments Glosses Pitchers Pols Pans Crocks Sot Eloc Iron Toaster Clocks AMFM Radios Hooters Lamps Minora Some Linens Numerous Plants Flower Bulb Clothes Rack Wicker Cloihes Wash Fan Old Trunk Chemical To lot Sealers TOOLS ETC Tller Gl Lawnmasier Mower Hedge Trimmer 14fi Ladder I wood Slop Ladders Alum Stop Ladder Wheelbarrow Bucksaw Shovels Sows Fork Hoes Meat Saw Sops Pick Hammets Hatchets Scyiho Damps drivers Wrenches Grinder Brace Bus Jacks Small Vise Square Nun Good Tools Nails Garbage Cans Drawkmfo Snow Solder lion Old Metal We Wire Pails and MIKE KELLY GUELPH 2179 LAMB MORE AUCTIONS NEXT PAGE