Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 3, 1979, p. 4

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The Acton Press Wednesday Oct 3 Don McDonald Publisher In f by Publishing Co Limited Willow St col Acton Smgto each a all mother than Canada Tim Ac on Fico P a one Inland Co td group The Aja The Brampton Gufitun The Pom Tho Georgetown Independent Sun The Milton Canadian Champion The kefAurora Eta Beaver Th Week Weekend and T accepted on ine condition thai the event of typographical boot that portion of the advertising occupied by the enormous Item together with reasonable allowance or signature not ged for but the balance of he wit be paid for at the applicable rate In the event a typographical advertising good or at a wrong price good or may not be merely an offer Second clan mail Regain ion Number DEPARTMENT Editor Hartley Coles New Helen Murray EncBttom Sport Editor ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT Manager B Cook Cammed BUSINESSACCOUNTING OFFICE Office Fran Gibson Rhone TbomhJl Jocqus CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT Manager TELEPHONE Business and Editorial Office Get out and vote Both candidates for the vacant Acton seat on Hills council are alarmed at the lack of election interest on the part of residents Some voters think that it matter who gets the seat there not much they can do anyway It s a poor conception This community needs strong representation on Hills council The winning candidate is going to have his or her work cut out for them in the hurly burly of mun icipal politics He or she will have large shoes to fill The late Duby had many years of exper ience on councils both as the mayor of Acton and as a coun cillor He readily admitted that working on Hills council was the most challenging job he had encountered in his career Voters not only have a duty to exercise their franchise next Tuesday night they also must try and pick the candidate most suited for the job Both Mrs Grubbe and Dave Whiting have no previous municipal experience so they need support in their bid for a seat on Hills council If they can muster a good percent age of voters then it surely is a signal that voters are content with everything the way it is Although neither candidate has had previous political experience they have chalked it up in other areas which require expertise It is tip to the voter to decide which of them will represent Acton best at the council table where George town and represent atives outnumber those from Acton counting the mayor as neutral There has been some muttering about there being no need for an election that an appointment was all that was necessary However there was no one wishing to take that appointment for such a long term without a vote of the elec torate Council has decided there should be a vote and Acton residents can express their choice by choosing a new councillor by ballot on October If residents stay home then they simply allow someone else to choose their representative for them Good news from planning board Hills Planning Board supplied good news for readers last week by approving 50 single family homes for the Churchill Road North area of Acton The development covers acres and conceivably could once again gen erate development within Acton Dont be surprised if we don hear the old song once again but there being no room the sewage plant for the extra homes but it is time as one business man said recently for council to get their eyes out of the ground Unless Acton wants to become this weak sister in Halton Hills there has to be more development so the community has some clout at Hills council have been looking with more than a touch of envy as Georgetown gets a new plaza which includes a large super market three cinemas and a motel to name a few amenities They get distrubed when they see no comparable development in Acton There was some con solation from the same planning board meeting last week when a plan for a new supermarket on the former Force Electric property and additional retail development beside Canadian Tire Mill St were proposed There are those who would pre to see Acton a small sleepy town However the geographical location and political situation makes this ideal unrealistic If no further well planned developments are allowed in Ac ton then the community will lose what voice it has at the council table and simply have to abide by decisions from elected councillors who neither understand or preciate the problems here There are signs that future growth of Georgetown will take some giant strides especially if the McLaughlin development is allowed to proceed It could mean a shake up at Hills council with Georgetown adding to their number of representatives If Acton does not have parallel growth then surely this comm unity would be the losers Most residents would surely like to see planned orderly develop ment of homes so the business climate permits amenities which this community has not the pop ulation to support now Planning board s approval of 50 new homes for Churchill north is the first step in that direction Court settles nothing The Divisional Court of The Supreme Court of Ontario further confused an already complicated issue when it refused to exercise the discretion of the Court and missed the application by Hills and the Interested Citizens Group appealing a decision by the Ontario Municipal board for amendments to the Official Plan which would allow Ontario Hydro to cross Hills with a 500 k Hydro corridor The Town and the ICG appealed the decision because it was felt the OMB had no jurisdiction over Ontario Hydro which operates under The Power Corporation Act rather than The Planning Act The Justices maintained that Ontario Hydro does operate under the Planning Act a statement which townships such as East Garafraxa will certainly find con fusing because Ontario Hydro has consistently refused to honor their plan and zoning bylaws It took three months for the court to hear the appeal and it t hard to agree with the assessment of ICG spokesman John Minns that the group should appeal the decision because it isnt a decision It might have been different if the ICG had lost a decision but since they have not it stands to reason there will be consideratly more delay in Ontario Hydros plans to march across Halton Hills with nuclear power from its Bruce plant The case has dragged on for over five years under a succession of seven ministers of energy and now another chairman of Hydro Both the Town of Hills and the Interested Citizens Group has appealed to Queen s Park for an independent study although an eastwest study by Solandt took less than two years and settled the matter of an east west corridor after considerable op position Farmers and land owners along the route of the proposed Bruce to Milton corridor feel they should be accorded the same rights as were given to their counterparts on the corridor from Pickering to They have also pub- Canada riding on coattails of US Boy the world is in some mess today isn it With two world wars in this lury and the oceans of blood shod in thorn not to mention the limited wars in Korea and Viet Nam you d think mankind would come to its senses sit back and say Hey chops Enough is enough Let sit back gardens and have a few centuries of peace and friendship Let relax a little try to make sure everybody has at least two squares a day stop bur up irreplaceable energy and make love not war Not a chance All over this planet people are starving shooting burning blowing up raping mutilating and demonstrat ing oil in the name of some nonexistent ideal such as freedom or nationalism or language or religion or color And nobody is making a nickel out of it all except the purveyors of weapons All over the world in vast areas of Asia Africa and South America particularly there arc probably times more refugees orphans and just plain starving people than there were at the beginning of this century of enlightenment World War I with Us millions of dead produced a bare decade and a half of peace It also he beginning of the end of the fairly fair and benevolent British Empire allowed the beginning of the mas sive international communism and by its punitive peace terms laid the foundations for World War That one produced as little or less It vaulted Russia and the S into the great confrontation that has been going on ever since It wrote finis to the British Empire and reduced that sturdy people to a drained impoverished thirdclass power It split Europe down the middle between two philosophies communism and capital ism It launched on the world the final weapon by which mankind could write kaput to his own species Has it smartened anybody up Not Today we have Iranians beating on Kurds Chinese glaring at Russians blacks and hardline unions and a reces sion on the horizon Abroad it has lost a great deal of credibility and seems to be Cambodians hammering Laotians blacks fighting blacks all over Africa Jews and Palestinians toeing off dictatorships in South America India in turmoil in Central America Irishmen blow up each other with giddy abandon old Uncle Tom and all We don seem to learn much do we The United Nations a noble idea con with a touch of the greatness man can aspire to is a joke albeit an expensive one merely a political sounding board for every new pipsqueak nation that wants some publicity along with plenty of foreign aid The which emerged from WW as a great powerful and wealthy nation has been terribly weakened chiefly by its external affairs policies or lack of them and the meddling in foreign affairs of the notorious CIA It had its shining moments The Mar shall Plan to put devastated Europe back on its feet Kennedy s showdown with over the Cuban missiles in stalment an attempt to make a better deal for blacks in their own country But these were flawed by other events and attitudes the backing of right wing dictators around the world the loss of face inKoreaplhetreatmcntofCuba themed in the affairs of other nations the fairly indiscriminate supplying of arms to anybody who could pay for them and finally the abortive badly burnedfingers mess of Viet Nam At home right now the Slates has a rather panicky President growing in flation and unemployment belligerent American imperialism is coming home to roost and there are a lot of vultures among the roosters Cuba an outspoken enemy Mexico silting on a huge oil de posit is cool considering past grievances The Philippines are gone Japan and Ger many the losers in W W are the winners in the economic war The U S dollar is no longer the international mone tary standard But let not forget the tremendous power that lies in that great halfstunned the US of America The giant may be slumbering having nightmares twitching in his sleep But he far from dead There is still a great latent vitality In the States With strong leadership and a renewed sense of purpose the Yanks can make a tremendous comeback as they have proven more than once For our they better Despite what our ubiquitous nationalists blather Canada is riding on the coat tails of the S and you better believe it If they suffer we suffer If they bleed we hemorrhage Let not give it away our gas and oil and water and hydro power Let trade shrewdly like a Yankee But let not get mean and stingy and narrow cither Lets be neighborly For the simple fact is that if Canadians get all upright and righteous and miserly refusing to share they could walk in and take over this country and help them selves And nobody nobody in the world would lift a finger to stop them End of sermon Letters welcome stated they would abide by the decision of an independent tribunal Their request has been consistently refused and they have countered by digging heels in and putting their backs up to stop the Hydro steam roller Reed says Govt energy policy admission of defeat The release of the government s latest policy paper on provincial energy simply proves two things said Julian Reed Burlington MP and Liberal energy critic First that the Davis government fully expects a rapid increase in domestic oil prices and that it has almost no specific proposals to deal with It when it comes Continuing his Reed said The paper Is a lot of nice words with no clear meaning It shows efforts to keep domestic oil prices have not been successful in Ottawa An increase which could be as much as per barrel by next summer even if Ottawa agrees with Mr Davis that prices must be kept below world levels would mean severe economic hardship for Ontario manufacturing sector rapidly Increasing the consumer prices and the potential loss of thou sands of jobs Therefore todays Monday an nouncement is only an effort by the government to prepare for the worst while at the same time trying to make it look like some real initiative has been taken to soften the blow There almost no sub stance to their plans and their policy is even con tradictory First of all the Energy Minister him self admitted today that the socalled billion commitment to renewable energy act unity depends on what commitment the private sector cares to make Back Issues 10 years ago Taken from Hie Issue of the Fret Press October 1 Deputy reeve Tom Hill and councillor Russell Miller expressed opinions that covering garbage with land fill would be much better than burning it as Esquesing council wrestled with the problem of cur tailing excess amounts of smoke rising from the township dump it be a good suggestion to make Fairy Lake a sanctuary for wildlife so pot shooting at the geese can be strictly dealt with and the lake could be a real haven for water fowl and other forms of aquatic life girls team went all the w ay to the league finals before losing to A safely shield be won each month by one the public schools Donor G Alec Johnson presented the new shield to Acton Safely Officer Roy Wood Belly took first place In the third annual roller marathon in the community centre and split the prize with the six others left in the endurance contest after hours Lorry Ron Bob Turkosi Bob Jackson and Robert Veidenheimer 20 years ago Taken mm the Issue of the Free of Thursday October 1 Acton veteran who joined the battalion annual reunion were Cook J A J Buchanan M E Barr J Locker Snow and Clifford A five room school is in the offing to serve area Nearly sharpshooters took part in the Men turkey shoot Saturday at the Flynn farm About 00 have already begun a healthful year at the school being re sumed as a Ladies Auxiliary project and over members of the Water Club travel to Guelph each week for swimming lessons Evcrv Friday there will be a dance Judo archery exercise and floor hockey are popular The Tall activities of the Scottish Dance Club go underway with a Family Night in The program was arranged by Jack Bob Foyers and Jim Donnelly Liz Force Pete Lawson McDonald rank Manscak and Bruce Andrews brought to their school at the Cen tral Western Ontario Field day 50 years ago Taken from ihe issue of the Free Press of Thursday Octobers 1 Mrs Burnley and Mrs M C Over- holt representatives of Lakeside chapter of the requested permission of council to Instal a new stage curiam and side cur tains on the town hall stage This society was granted permission to hold an opening dance right after the installation of the curtains The dedication service in Knox Church Sunday night was a memorable one Two lives were dedicated to service in church work Mr John enters the ministry and Miss Nellie Anderson left this week to take a training course In Toronto prior to going on Ihe foreign mission fields Members of the Commission which re gulates the Peel Halton Home for the Aged met at the Home finding that of the In mates from Peel and from are eligible for the Old Age Pension A small sum will be paid to each Inmate eligible for personal use and the balance goes to the county for maintenance Kenney Bros shoe store was broken into for the fifth time since they have been in business and a number of pairs of shoes were stolen A suspicious character who was chased away from the Dominion Hotel by Mm Mellon suspected A quilting bee was held by the Ladies Aid of the United Church yesterday 100 years ago Taken from the issue or the Free Press of Thursday October 1 The fall show was held in Theshowof stock and implements was very good The attendance was very good but they grew impatient before the judges had completed Among the exhibitors Mr GW Moore Acton took prizes in Hack Horse in harness and Saddle Horse Messrs A and Mere foremost in the Leicester and Lincoln classes of sheep John Shaw took first prize for Farmer Wreath and second for honey Mr C Swackhamer won several prizes for grain The Free Press re ceived first prizes for fine and poster printing His expected the show will be held in Acton next year and we feel confident our people will do their best to make it a complete success We have arrived at the delicate period of civilization when we must all dress a la mode and is difficult to tell a duchess from a girl whose father earns six or eight dollars a week they dress so much alike Dress is fast becoming a passion In the female breast and Paris fashions must be followed every other respect she loses her head underneath a costly bonnet

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