Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 3, 1979, p. 6

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The Acton Free Press Wednesday Oct 3 1979 Ospringe Scottish visitors at Frasers by Mr and Mrs Cameron are enjoying a visit from Cameron nephew James of Stirling Scotland and his friend Alan Winter James Is a law student in the University in Dundee and Alan is a policeman in Falkirk and they are taking in as much sight seeing as they can in their three week vacation here Mr and Mrs Edward of Naper villc Illinois and Mr and Mrs George Howard or Elgin visited with Mr and Mrs award St ember 19 marked the first meeting of Osp 4 Clubs fall project Ediblei Thirteen members have joined this club led by Mrs Jean Jackson Mrs Eden Mills Debbie Clark and Mrs Donna Sandy The girls brushed up on metric measurements while making at the home of Mrs Jackson Susan Milne hosted the second meeting and Jennie Flinders read the minutes The Mighty is the name chosen for the club Healthy Peanut Bread and Energy Squares were made Officers elected arc president- Susan Milne vice president Karen Pankratz treasurer- Elaine Graham and reporter Karen McKinnon Mrs Janice of London daughter Magan and mother Mrs Hope of Kitchener visited last Wednesday at the home of Mr and Mrs George and fam ily Mrs and Mrs Zylawy roomed together at the Univer sity of Western Ontario London in 1972 and had not seen each other since so while reminisced over by gone da s Magan was entertained by the hostess son Corn Done The season for eating scrumptious hot buttered com Is longer now owing to the various varieties which ripen at different times but those few fros ty nights have just about finished it for this year Those people ho signed the petition want the RCA and the Ministry of Trans portation to rectify the blowing condition on Highway at the Guelph dam will be pleased to know that work has been done at the site We hope that when winter arrives we will find the situation much improved The 1st Ospringe Brownies arc meeting this season In the school gym on Thursdays from to 15 m with Brown Owl Mrs Doris and Tawny Owls Helen and Susan Berner mother Mrs Margaret Barn stable is assisting with this large group of Brownies Mrs Judy Patterson is captain of the newly for med Guides with Betty Coleman and Haycock assisting There are teen Guides and they meet from to p also in the school m on Thursdays Churchill Harold Griffin celebrates Mills Fall was a Saturday village event attracting crowds to the Community Centre Here Kan Newman or chisels away hobbygrand scale wood carving Craft show is popular event by Mrs J Turner A group of Churchill friends gathered at the home of Harold Griffin Monday evening Oct I to help him celebrate his 85th birthday The evening was spent exchanging good wishes and reminiscences Mrs Clifford Storey had decorated a special birthday cake and after the traditional blowing out of candles all en joyed cake and ice cream Harold thanked his friends for making the occasion a special one He is having some difficulty getting about these days and apprec iates visitors lo the house Archie Kerr celebrated his birthday on Sunday along with grandson Donald Anderson at a special family dinner at the Anderson home Mrs Anderson and Mrs D Kentner were also guests Mr and Mrs Wallace and Janice attended the Anniversary of Speedside United Church on Sunday and were guests for dinner at the home of Rev and Mrs Bob Hyde and family Mrs Hyde is he former Carol Congratulations Mr and Mrs David who were married Saturday Sept at Churchill Rev A officiated The bride formerly Vera Is the daughter of Ana to and Maria line fcnn The couple will res in Guelph Congratulations also to ally and Dons Ella who are the proud parents of a new baby boy bom last Sept The October meeting of the Churchill CCW is to be next Wednesday Oct at pm at the borne of Mrs Clifford Storcv Acton Next Sunday October is world Communion Sunday The Sacrament will be celebrated at Churchill Dublin North 4H learn more stitches bv There were 15 mem at the last meeting of the Dublin North The girls started lo learn two more stitches The stitches they did were Barge and the scotch stilch Both take no time at all and are very easy to learn This time none of the mem had any trouble vv them Theyonly have two more stitches lo go The members who are going lo do a second project have started working on them Then ire about nine members working on a second one Achievement Day is on November All of th numbers work should be in by November by Mrs Miss Lois Gordon from Sour Is Manitoba has been a recent guest at the home Mr and Mrs red attended the wedding of Mr and Mrs Jim Spark In and wire also visitors the home of Mr and Mrs Jack in bus Mrs Mary MacDonald took prizes for her beautiful work in the handicraft line with crochet knitting and liquid em broidery at the Acton and Fall Fairs Mr and Mrs Hugh Mac were winners also at Acton Helen with her fruits and veg and with his prize poultry Congratulations to these folks Many thanks go to those who arranged Saturday a Craft Show and Demonstrations The community hall was a beautiful show place with all the lovely different crafts and the rat ions were very interesting Home made preserves pickles and fresh produce from the garden were also sold Lunch was available throughout the day The September meet Limehouse 300 at supper from Mrs A Benton Congratulations to and Teddy Brown on the arrival of their id little daughter Mary Ann on Sept Also congratulations to Bill Brooks and Leah Mure hi so who were married on Saturday in St Church Acton About enjoyed hot turkey dinners with all the trimmings and home made pic at Presbyterian Church anniversary supper on Wednesday last Mr Ralph Cunning ham and son Alan spent last week at the Inter nationa plowing match near Chatham where Alan took pari winning money in two classes Mrs Garnet Case was hostess for a baby show for Shirley and her baby daughter on Tuesday evening last week Mrs Joe Brooks hostess for a bridal shower for Leah Mur- now Mrs Wm Brooks on September 16 Tag Day Lome Scots Army Cad et Corps will hold tag days In Georgetown and Acton October and ing of the Presbyterian Women was hosted by Mrs William Mac The president opened with a Changes The Fall Rally will be October at Knox Presbyterian Church in Waterloo Plans are being discussed for a Retreat at Crieff Hills in 1980 This group is not in favor of having a workshop in the North and South instead of a 1980 Spring Rally The ladies are catering to a Christening luncheon on Sunday and the Rochester Senior ens next Thursday The Sunday School and congregation will hold their Christmas luncheon on December The roll call with something Tor the bazaar which is to be on Saturday November Pennies for the Fellowship of the Least Coin were received and dedicated by Mrs T Barden The scripture was read by Mrs Peggy van and there fadings by Mrs asby Mrs Gilbertson and Mrs A lunch was served by the hostess and her granddaughter Kathy van remarks were extended by Mrs Anna Wilson The guest speaker at the Presbyterian Church on Sunday was Roger King He was the del from Rock wood Presbyterian Church to the Congress 79 a week end gathering in July of over Presbyterians across Canada held at the Guelph University It was a delight to listen In this fine young man tell of his joyful experience From taking part in this huge gathering Mr and Mrs Jack Chamberlain spent the weekend at Katrine Thanksgiving weekend coming up so soon some kind friends called on Sunday and took us for a drive to the Forks of the Credit and the Hockley Vallev and what a gorgeous picture Our Maker has painted for us this timcof the year it is truly a good thing to give thanks Mills United Church celebrated its Annivcrsiry with services on Sunday Guest speaker was Rev minister St Andrew Church in ind if ad Special music was provided by the Men Choir and wis much enjoyed Mr and Mrs Ernie and Mr and Mrs Norman Sinclair were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs LI wood Snow NEW IN THE AREA OLD IN THE BUSINESS W JONES EXCAVATOR You choose the look you want at a price to suit your budget FOR Ml Of CANADAS BWIDM6 NEEDS ttOMETOMI mm GLEN MILL

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