8 Free Press Wednesday Oct 3 1979 John Simpson admires school McKcnzieSmilh mid- Mr Simpson is on the Acton High notes John Simpson Is the new principal McKemie Smith Middle School replacing Ini Gary Daw kins In Jul Ron Chatten new principal die school students are extremely fortunate have the school and teachers they have says that school new prin cipal John Simpson Mr Simpson ap pointed to the post In August following the sud den death of Gary Daw kins in July Mr Simpson has the highest regard for hi new staff and credits vice principal Carl for the smooth transition from his last school Acton The new school head started his leaching car in Cambridge in 1963 after graduating from Wilfred and I he Hamilton Teachers College After a succession of schools in the Burlington circa he finally made his way to North Ho I ton and Pine view school last year Me has been a since provincial men teac hers federation on the professional develop ment In spare lime however he enjoys stamp collecting and is a member of the Stamp Club He also finds time for his family which consists of his wife and three young children sc hool he said has one of the best reputations for getting the community involved in the school and the school Involved in the community he said something which he does not plan to change He is impressed with the stud responsible at he said The resident is very pleased lo be a part of the middle school system and is looking forward lo meeting members of the com munity It look years but lion Challen has finally mode it to Acton As principal of twinned schools of Rob ert Little and Mr replaces the late Allen who died suddenly last Dec ember the sec half of the school year vice principal look over the dut of acting principal Mr Chatten began Ins before moving on to North York Centennial middle school in George town wan first intro duction to North Halton transferred to where he spent three years In Mr Chat ten opened the town school where he has until his arrival in Acton and Since his days in north began he has been a principal Robert Little and side schools have brought him back in contact with the primary grade child ren something he says by Rhonda Barrett Honor St Joseph s is having a second school mass on the theme of Thanks giving The mass is morning Although ir school now tills the church there will be room for any parents or friends who want to participate Mr started taking over afternoons In Miss class on Monday Now Mr can In being a full lime principal for the school Mrs Munkncsi class opened up their new sand centre on Monday and Ihey will be participating in sand activities The kindergartens are also focusing on Thanks giving by making paper turkeys and appreciating tiods gifts Mrs Robertsons class is working on a fall Ihcmc they re also studying Thanksgiving Mrs Graham class has two tiny named and The class is listening to stories about giant dinosaurs Miss twos and threes went Mounts- berg last Thursday They are now studying a theme Spiders and insects Jill and Victoria are the class representatives to the student council or the 4 Miss sixes sevens got their afternoon teacher last and were sorry to sec Mr leave Mr fours SAFETY lh NEAT Don wait until spring to put your house in order advises the Industrial Accident Prevention Association Many serious accident health ha lards can be traced to poor housekeep ing Materials or scraps left scattered about and liquid cleaners or power tools withLn reach of children all invite tragedy Take a clou look at your housekeeping says the he missed in the older schools I real enjoying them he Mr explains he is also pleased with the parent volunteer role n the school The com ty is important to a school He hopes the staff and students with a great deal of help from the public will be able to do a history of the school and have it on permanent display in the Robert Lit tie foyer He noted it is one way of gelling the town more involved in the school Mr Chatten is stationed n in Alton he visits at least twice week He explained Mr is in charge of the day to day activities while he him self is more involved in tht general direction of the school Mr Chatten lives on the I me and is active in the Georgetown Optimist club and the Georgetown board In his spare time he enjoys travel and fives are doing In sects in Environmental studies For they are doing fire prevention posters Mr Morns seven and tight class is doing a theme called Patterns on a Map in Geography The school represent from theseven and eight class arc John Honor Swecicy James and Lisa Krilzic Ron is the new principal Robert Utile school and school replacing Mho died last December Vice Principal I tig filled in until June FOR THANKSGIVING DAY OCT House It Offers A Special Menu Roast Cornish Hen Trout Lapland Prime Rib Jus Baked Country Ham Open 12 Noon Onwards Please make your reservations early Phone 8270987 PS Wo will not bo on Halve 2495 BRONTE ROAD of No 25 Some people have all the luck The grade environ mental science class spent all last week canoeing hiking Eight in Derby Although there I a great number of cars entered the Optimists Club of Acton reel they had a successful soap box derby on Agnes Street Saturday Eight cars were en tered in competition with Robbie taking top place In the Stock Class John Sullivan finishing second and Terry Leitch placing third Sullivan also picked up top prize in the Junior Stock Class Sherri Gardner was the winner of the Modified Class outdoing Kuenlg who earned second and third place two different cars Kuenig was also awarded the prize for the best car of the day Organizer Walter Barlow informed this paper that SI John Ambulance was on the scene for the event but were only needed when a young spectator fell off her bike Silence held One minute of silence was observed by mem of the Board of education Thursday evening in memory of J M teacher Mrs Sandy climbing and camping out in the fresh fall air Building a fire with a given amount of mat ches hiking then canoeing a certain distance and sleeping out under the stars was all part of the course and necessary in order for students to receive marks The environ mental science class will not return to the great outdoors until the end of October Acton High is pleased to welcome two grade students from Quebec France is staying with the family and Nicole is with Arriving at the beginning of September the girls spoke very little English now a month later they are communicating with other students very easily The only differ France and Nicole find with our school compared with theirs is our teachers ore a little strict than in Quebec The Outers Ciub will leave on their first tamp out on Thursday This Thanksgiv ng trip is open to ail interested Outers So all Outers have a good time and we will see you next Tuesday back at school left and Daniel Martin peed down the ramo a heir way lineal Soap Bo Derby Sat Sa Ma 8 9 Sunday Octotoa7Matlnaa2p DAVE WHITING The Town of Halton Hills needs more light industry At Georgotown torn Acton Tax ratio Ideally the ratio ahould bo Acton is appro but la around BO20 On October 9th VOTE DAVE WHITING FACTORY WAREHOUSE OUTLET SHOWROOM HOURS TOTHURS M j GEORGETOWN 336QUELPHST Phono 877 1186 G Green and WIDE WOOD I PATIO DOORS PONDEHOSAPINE SAFETY TEMPEHED INSULGLAZED Door 5 REPLACE ALUMINUM PATIO DOOR FITS THE Aluminum Storm Windows 2 TRACK STORMS with screen 60 Combined Inches 61 J Combined Inches 32 100 ComWn Inches 34 BUY WISE SPECIAL ALUMINUM STORM DOORS Prohung In Frame a Included AS LOW AS FACTORY WINDOW UNITS VAAOUSI1XU 12 PRICE mutisms INTERIOR DOORS Ribbon Mahogany 12 95 VINYL SUDER WINDOWS Many Sizes or for THE PLA CE TO SA VEff USE IOT QUANTITIES CI HANDY Introducing the allnew compact tractors Not your ordinary gardenvariety of tractors these new compact tractors from can handle a variety ol obs around farmyards large and small acreages and construction sites These handy compact models include big tractor features such as to horsepower engines 2 or drive Up to 12speed transmission 540 rpm rear Category I 3point hitch Adjustable wheels PLUS there is a full line of implements to match your compact Special introductory savings are available now Stop in and see these handy dandy compact at your Ferguson dealer MF Maaav Farguaon THE HEART OF 78 The Andy Barrie Show Personfoperson radio The new show lhal you golden age of radio Be Andy guest together with Ihe k of people you ays wonted to meet people a cause with a problem i joke an idea And then sit back and let Andy with Ihe The Andy Borne Show rod wrth a sparkle Spark ng controversy or spark wit its concerned csome votous fearless and full of surprises Tune in Andy gonna THE PEOPLE LISTEN TO